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Yoo Yeon Seok 유연석 (Upcoming Drama 2021 : Hospital Playlist S2)


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kumiko_a said: Ok. I'm at work at the moment and therefore cannot post a monstrous reaction and proper thanks to the translating team to that article just yet. But I will tonight. My feelings, however can be summed up to this: The production team was smoking crack towards the end of the drama. What kind of "realistic bullcrap" are they spouting, really? Especially when in real life, the chances of you ending up with your first love equates to your chances of getting struck by lightning. Not to mention Chilbong renting out his apartment to someone he once harboured unrequited feelings for when throughout the drama they've established that first love is a sore subject to men? OMG WHAT IS AIR WHAT IS LIFE WHAT IS THE CHEMICAL FORMULA FOR WATER stop bullshitting me pls kthx Time is a great healer, yes, except they didn't give Chilbongie flipping time to move on! Ping ping worst wedding photo of the century! - end mini rant - Edit: and I can't believe I forgot to mention this when it's my biggest gripe next to the photoshopped YYS in that goddamn photo... THE HUSBAND IS FLIPPING TRASH. TRASH IS A FAMOUS NEUROSURGEON. WHY CANT HE BLOODY AFFORD AN APARTMENT OF HIS OWN AT FULL PRICE WHY WHY WHY And even if Chilbong is renting out the apartment to them, it gives him absolutely no right to walk around the place like it's his own! And sleep in the room where the couple that I've buried and incinerated do the deed! P.S. Reading this interview has solidified my belief that the intended husband has always been Chilbongie, until the sight of money made them vomit trash and talk nonsense.

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Yen said: I'm sorry but this is going to be a picture heavy post. I managed to find Yeon Seok's me2day account actorys0411. Since me2day will close by June 2014, I saved everything I could salvage on my phone. I didn't bothered saving those without his face on it. :)) I'm not posting those of which I've seen him posted on Twitter but some of these pics you may seen before.


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fairycutter said: Hi all. I want to talk about our fans club name once and for all.

We agreed on the Global name which is YeoNiverse. style with 'Y' and 'N' in uppercase.
The subbing team is call YeoNiversal Subbers.
and individual member has 3 names, as of now, are Yeonnis, YeoNiverse Citizen (i vote for this by the way. great for girls, boys, young and old), and YeoNiversers. I hope we can sort this into one name for all.
also, like subbing team, when there is new team arise and as of there is currently other teams on other projects, we also give those team, the first word which is YeoNiversal _________ the second word and so on, will be decided by the members of said team according to their wish and the type of their projects.

With clear sort out, it will made our name easily recognize and promote, also bear the unity of each and every one of us. I hope to hear your respond, suggestion and thought. Thank you very much.

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Guest chappykoo

i thought people said the ending makes sense and its so obvious..but why there are people questioning about that and they have to explain it over and over and over again?i mean people are satisfied with 1997..no further explaination..because that is obvious,no divided audience..but in 1994 ppl are divided bcs its vague..they failed to draw the line like in 1997..

i think its really T in the endgame..knowing they delayed 1994 for JW..i think they are interested with the amount of people rooting for CB and see this as a chance to break the record..big fat sigh..

and they clearly didnt think of CB as contender..look the CD only have those broke couple face on it..cb is second lead that they never predict to hit big..the funny thing is the rating is so low in the first 2ep because its really boring but then when CB appeared the rating rise high in the 3rd ep :)) and go down again in ep 17-18 when CB gone and rises again on the ep CB come back to screen :))

i've never seen such a powerful second lead that even the writer or PD can not handle..and oh look the second lead has a huge support from people that it freezes myeongdong even tho its not promoted by the so called famous drama and its a humble event too, without huge stage or red carpet or securities here and there and without press conference :)) and it is an actor who was never get a role that is favored by audience..heck people even hate him because of his prev villainous acting.. and this second lead hit it even big with the international fans even the step sisters acknowledhe international fans favored CB more (bitterly lol) this is the happy ending CB get..in real life YYS has a healthy body,successful career,perfect personalities,loving parents and family,true best friends (kingkong ppl,kwangsoo,joongki,gu people,that drama people,his uni friends),and also fans and do i see reporters favored him too? :))

edit:when i think about it again,i loled at how hard they tried to make ppl love T but failed and make Cb fans even angrier :)) lets see how far they make no sense..

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Guest GiangT

alayna said: Thank you @ftbluepm @lunagal @tiffanyndo for the translations.. I can't imagine how you translated that article because I can't even finish reading it without getting angry.. you gals get my highest respect  ^:)^Wow, never thought that this was the same PD that I highly praised last year during Reply 1997.. what happened to him? money get into his head? I think that he just should keep quiet.. I remember this quote "if you have nothing good to say, better don't say anything at all". 

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Guest adniRose

alert; anger level : almost explode!
we've been tired for all the husband-mystery-BS-thingy throughout this drama, (yeah it's our fault guys for being too smart and outwit the writer in analyzing everything =.=)  but instead of giving us some clean cut about CB's happiness in the end, they ask us just to imagine it..?? crap crap craappp..!!!and if there's a possibility that CB is hiding his pain when he's stuck in that house-warming party and has to watch that vid..? the possibility he's hurting is there since we know how CB always try to hide his pain with that poker face.. we seen he's been doing that all the time before.. so that's why i need to see he is indeed happy and get over everything perfectly... i just need some closure/proof to know he's 100% fine throughout the night.. if only they show us he's return home after that reunion, just like how they show SCP-YJ, HT, and that two person..i prefer some scene about CB's wife and his happy married life with Jung YooMi or Suzy or Hyorin or Amanda Seyfried in 2013 rather than the annoying daldal scene.. ok, CB and JYM is freakin adorable, but the daldal thing is annoying..
and about CB sleeping in master bedroom, since that house used to be his, so it can be possible if he just casually goes in to sleep when he's dead sleepy..but you know what, they could make CB going in to that room for a sec, but comes out again after realized it's his mistake... so he ask for a permission to take a nap in SeokSeok's room...he's the owner of the house but is he that rude by just invading his-so-called-first-love master bedroom..?? CB, the polite guy ever doing that..??nojWx.gif

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candid59 said:

I also had this misconception that the "Who is the husband?" mystery took on another meaning that by showing us Chilbongie's journey, we really WERE getting to know who the husband was. Man, I really gave this show too much credit LOL

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@yen : sorry for ask, me2day will closed? why?
@zannloo : aahh.. me too! I hope someday we, yeoniverse, can take photo like that :)
@bong2 : may I have the link movie re-counted too? that one already have english sub? you can pm me for the link :)
and thanks @ftbluepm @lunagal @tiffanyndo for everything to yeoniverse!  >:D<
actually, I didn't want to talk about that drama again.. hahahaha

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Wow thanks for the interview translations everyone. I really appreciate it. After reading these two interviews it only confirmed all my suspicions. That CB fans were only taken along the ride til the end for ratings. They used variety show tactics to keep the audience's attention until the end. They were monitoring audience's responses and reactions after every episode. Obviously CB ended up much bigger in popularity than they ever expected. 
They definitely changed their original intentions during the story. Episodes 1-11 could have been anyone's game. But like luluponyazn said they started changing character motivations after episode 15. I would say at episode 14, the minute they changed CB's mom from absentee parent to neglectful hateful parent I knew something was up. A parent who left a thoughtful message on her beeper like that, could not be a neglectful hateful mom. I never understood why they mentioned CB's loneliness in episode 20. He has always been lonely from the beginning. The show should have established relationships with him and NJ's family around the time T and NJ started dating. If he had become their surrogate son then it would have been easier to believe the present time line. CB's mom should have stayed a neglectful parent in the beginning. I hate how they changed his feelings in order to justify the first love rule. 
Regardless if a person ever gives you a round about answer like the PD this means that they don't want to admit they are at fault. Although I have put this behind me, I can't help but be angered when I think about what happened to CB. I could have written a better story and keep NJ, T and everyone else the same people we met. 
Obviously T and NJ had taken some great hits to their pride and dignity over the years. If BG can glare at his mentor rudely. If he is not making enough money to take care of his family which I will never understand. At least CB's wife doesn't associate with them which makes sense. You go girl! Also Mom and Dad were suprised that they all were meeting too. So this means that they don't do this that often. I am sure they all have their own friends especially our Rich Owner Kim which will never make me not laugh.

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Delurking to say thank you very much for your hard work translating the PD's interview. 
I can't even finish reading it without feeling the need to flip tables. what a load of BS.  I got wind of CB not being the one so I skipped watching ep 21. PMS-ing doesn't help either. So either I was feeling the need to rage or bawling my eyes out. 
I'm not good at articulating my thoughts so I'm busy awesome-ing, LOL-ing and nodding in agreement to everybody's posts. Thanks for being my source of comfort. ::Group hug::

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mario_kam said: Wow thanks for the interview translations everyone. I really appreciate it. After reading these two interviews it only confirmed all my suspicions. That CB fans were only taken along the ride til the end for ratings. They used variety show tactics to keep the audience's attention until the end. They were monitoring audience's responses and reactions after every episode. Obviously CB ended up much bigger in popularity than they ever expected. T

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sorry for cutting your post.

if they monitored viewers' reaction, my conclusion is that CB's fans are the source of rating, but they are not as vocal as others so the production team takes advantage of us. 

Exactly they knew if they stopped the mystery early people may stop watching. When they shipped CB off to Japan ratings dropped. I don't think many people were watching for the romance. There is nothing going on anyway. No real conflicts so CB= source of conflicts, catalyst aka plot device.

Shin PD did say this would be his last of the answer me series. I doubt they would want to do one again this year. After angering so many viewers. They would just loose a lot of their audience from the beginning.

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On the bright side this means that YYS has a lot of star power. If people were convinced he could have been the husband until the very end means he was extremely convincing. You go YYS! Show them all! You can become our husband instead.

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