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[ Aigoo Lyrics ] Chinese Translation Requests

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by the Chinese Lyrics Team @ AL

Aigoo Lyrics




Yes, Aigoo Lyrics is having translations too =D.


*** Chinese Translations will be done by members of the Aigoo Lyrics Chinese Translation Team. If you are not a member of the ALT, please refrain from posting translated lyrics here. (If you are interested in being a part of the ALT, PM me.)

*** Please be courteous: be patient, and thank the translator when your request has been fulfilled.


*** Please use proper credits. (See below.)


an_chyi (an_chyi @ Aigoo Lyrics)

KISSY* (teena0389 @ Aigoo Lyrics)

IM TOKKI (IM TOKKI @ Aigoo Lyrics)

Crazy.and.Deranged (Crystal @ Aigoo Lyrics)

xingjing (xingjing @ Aigoo Lyrics)

Faded Aura (♡♥Ranie♥♡ @ Aigoo Lyrics)

sachiko_x (sachiko @ Aigoo Lyrics)

... you?


183 Club ~ Magical Smile

JJ Lin ~ I'm Not The One You Want

JJ Lin ~ Only Told You

KangTa & Vanness ~ One Day

Vic Zhou ~ Familiar Softness

Zhang Li Yin ~ Timeless (featuring Xiah Junsu)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Guest babietinhyeu

can i request to have this song translated?? thanks in advance

JJ Lin-I'm Not the One You Want

Zen ma neng wang

shi jian duo chang

ni kuai le ma

xiang dai ti ni hui da

ni zhi dao ma

zou le hao yuan

wo cai neng qu mian dui

zhe fen qian qua

chen mo shang bei

ni yao de bu shi wo

xin sui de shi qu lun kuo

ceng jing qei ni de gan dong

zhi shi qing xu de bo dong

neng gei de bu shi wo

fang ren ni chen ni zi you

yan shi bu liao wo de ben zhuo

jiu lian shuo hua dou hui chan dou

wo bei wei wang zai ni wei wang de jiao luo

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Guest KISSY*

^ i'll translate it for you. :)

JJ Lin - I'm Not The One You Want Translation

How is it possible to forget the long time is

Are you happy? I want to answer for you

Do you know? I walked so far

I finally am able to face

This unforgettable, silent sadness

I'm not the one you want

Broken heart lost its shape

The feeling I had for you

Was only mood's pulse

I'm not the one who can give you

The ultimate freedom

I can't hide my clumsiness

Even when I speak my voice trembles

I am forgotten in your forgotten corner

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Guest stepbun

Hi, could someone translate this lyrics for me please :)

Vic Zhou - 熟悉的温柔

我总是一个人走 心里却充满空洞

有太多藉口 来弥补寂寞


爱曾经擦身而过 喜欢在记忆里停留

习惯搜寻你的 只要你就足够


你熟悉的温柔 从不曾离开我

在我眼里 看到什么 全部都是你的笑容

我终于明白 你一定会是我幸福的执着


爱曾经擦身而过 喜欢在记忆里停留

习惯搜寻你的 只要你的就够


你熟悉的温柔 从没有离开我

在我眼里 看到什么 全部都是你的笑容

我终于知道 你一定就是我幸福的执着


感觉不曾变过 时间不再转动


你熟悉的温柔 从不曾离开我

在你心底 看到拥有


再多的语言 也很难去表达这一份承诺

我不会放手 我要勇敢地爱着你

Thanks in advance :lol:

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Guest SilentDream

Can I have the translations to these songs please? Thank so much in advance!


呼吸 你走過的壓抑味道

微笑 如何用眼淚讓情緒退燒


躲在暗牆角 不停的喵

寂寞叫啊叫 飄啊飄 咆哮

風箏 像斷了線的飛翔羽毛

幸福 只在飛過的時候偷偷地瞧


 淡淡的幸福隱約的笑 所謂愛的好

 不過是個脆弱的 氣泡*

#我 找不到 你形容的那種驕傲

 愛 找不到 世界變得又冷又吵

 你 找不到當我們擁抱那種心跳

 找不到 那些美好#





我笑了笑 反正你看不到

我要的幸福 遺落在你懷抱

*當愛失了焦 那些最初的美好

 早被你擱在一角 街上擁擠人潮


 記憶停不了 穿過讀你的心跳

 穿過想你的味道 我只想不被打擾*

假裝多好 我只要 只想要 再擁有一秒

去相信你的擁抱 一直會讓我依靠

繼續等待 還心甘情願的不想逃


假裝多好 我只要 只想要 再擁有一秒

去相信你的擁抱 一直會讓我依靠

繼續等待 心甘情願不想逃

假裝多好 依然是 依然是 曖昧的tone調

一個人無理取鬧 兩人世界的煎熬

我被自己 困在自己設下的圈套

像是駝鳥 相信時間是唯一解藥

視而不見 傻到了無可救藥

其實早明瞭 你的愛已隨風飄

想要找 再也找不到

假裝多好 我只要 只想要 再擁有一秒

去相信你的擁抱 還心甘情願的不想逃

假裝多好 依然是 依然是 曖昧的tone調

一個人無理取鬧 兩人世界的煎熬

我被自己 困在自己設下的圈套

假裝自己 已解開冰冷的手銬

天下無雙 張靚穎











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Guest haneul_norae

can i have the translation to this song by 183 club?

不夠勇敢 Not Brave Enough (插曲/演唱:VJ)










baby now i need you by my side


without you i can't fall in love again

without you i can't

oh baby i can't fall in love again

(i can't never fall in love)

til the end of time in a world so close to me

i'm just so in love with a girl who's in my heart

each and everyday i wanna have you next to me

and i say to the world i'll never let it end




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AWESOME! someone wants me to do more translation! i'm strangely happy~ B):D:w00t:

i'll come back with the translation updates. btw, i translated the lyrics with two different formats. if you have a preference, tell me please! ;)

also, i'd appreciate any kind of feedback, or song recommendations! anyhoo, I hope everyone enjoys my translations, haha~ :)

For stepbun

Vic Zhou - 熟悉的温柔

Vic Zhou - Familiar softness

我总是一个人走 I am always walking by myself

心里却充满空洞 My heart is filled with empty holes

有太多藉口 I use so many excuses

来弥补寂寞 To cover up my loneliness

却无法找回自由 But can't find my freedom

爱曾经擦身而过 Love passed right by us

喜欢在记忆里停 Like is remembered in memory

习惯搜寻你的 It's a habit to look for you

只要你就足够 If I have you, then it is enough

原来我们一直存在那最美的时候 Because we exists in the most beautiful moment

你熟悉的温柔 Your familiar softness

从不曾离开我 Never left me

在我眼里 In my eye

看到什么 What do I see?

全部都是你的笑容 Everything is your smile

我终于明白 I finally understand

你一定会是我幸福的执着 You certainly are the reason for my happiness

这一次我不会放手 This time I won't let go

爱曾经擦身而过 Love passed right by us

喜欢在记忆里停留 Like is remembered in memory

习惯搜寻你的 It's a habit to look for you

只要你就足够 If I have you, then it is enough

原来我们一直存在那最美的时候 Because we exists in the most beautiful moment

你熟悉的温柔 Your familiar softness

从不曾离开我 Never left me

在我眼里 In my eye

看到什么 What do I see?

全部都是你的笑容 Everything is your smile

我终于明白 I finally understand

你一定会是我幸福的执着 You certainly are the reason for my happiness

这一次我不会放手 This time I won't let go

感觉不曾变过 Feelings won't change

时间不再转动 Time won't turn

就为了你和我 This is for you and me

你熟悉的温柔 Your familiar softness

从不曾离开我 Never left me

在你心底 From the bottom of your heart

看到拥有 I saw what's mine

你也一直在等着我 You will always wait for me

再多的语言 No matter how many languages

也很难去表达这一份承诺 It is very difficult to express my promise

我不会放手 I won't drop your hand

我要勇敢地爱着你 I will love you bravely

For SilentDream

找不到 (Can't find it)

呼吸  你走過的壓抑味道

Breathe The constraint smell when you walk by

微笑  如何用眼淚讓情緒退燒

Smile How to use tears to let emotions run low like a fever


I seem to be the stray cat that has been abandoned by its owner

躲在暗牆角  不停的喵

Hiding in a corner Can't stop meowing

寂寞叫啊叫  飄啊飄  咆哮

Lonely scream ah scream Float ah float Roar




Like a broken-stringed flying feather




Only secretly peeks when it's flying by


Let my warm temperature to heal your frozen hand and feet


Light happiness


Indistinct smile


This is good love


No matter if it's a weak air bubble

#我 找不到  你形容的那種驕傲

I can't find the pride that you described

 愛 找不到  世界變得又冷又吵

Love can't find the world becoming colder and noisier

 你 找不到當我們擁抱那種心跳

You can't find the kind of heart jump when we hug

 找不到  那些美好#

Can't find these wonderfulness


假裝 (Pretend)


Breathing an unique smell


Heart is jumping after you became silent


Slowly being forgotten

我笑了笑 反正你看不到

I smiled It's not like you can see it


The happiness I want


Is lost in your hug


When love lost its burn


Those initial happiness


Has already been put tinto a corner by you


Street is filled with crowds

走著 看著 都是催眠符號

Walk See They are sleepwalking signals


Memory won't stop


Went right past by reading your heartbeat


Went right past by missing your smell


I only don't wan't to be disturbed

假裝多好  我只要   只想要  再擁有一秒

Pretend is good I only want Only want Have one more second

去相信你的擁抱  一直會讓我依靠

To believe your hug Always let me depend on it

繼續等待  還心甘情願的不想逃

Continue to wait It doesn't even want to jump


假裝多好  我只要   只想要  再擁有一秒

Pretend is good I only want Only want Have one more second

去相信你的擁抱  一直會讓我依靠

To believe your hug Always let me depend on it

繼續等待  心甘情願不想逃

Continue to wait  It doesn't even want to jump

假裝多好  依然是 依然是 曖昧的tone調

Pretend is good Still is Still is ambiguous's tone


One person creates a scene without a reason


Two people's world suffering

我被自己 困在自己設下的圈套

By myself lost in my own traps


Like an ostrich


believes time is the only medicine


I see but I don't see


I'm so stupid that there's no cure


Actually I already know


Your love has already float by


I want to find


But I can never find it

假裝多好  我只要   只想要  再擁有一秒

Pretend is good I only want Only want Have one more second

去相信你的擁抱  一直會讓我依靠

To believe your hug Always let me depend on it

繼續等待  心甘情願不想逃

Continue to wait  It doesn't even want to jump

假裝多好  依然是 依然是 曖昧的tone調

Pretend is good Still is Still is ambiguous's tone


One person creates a scene without a reason


Two people's world suffering

我被自己  困在自己設下的圈套

By myself Lost in my own traps

假裝自己  已解開冰冷的手銬

Pretending myself Has already unlock this pair of frozen handcuffs

天下無雙 張靚穎

There's no two in this world by Jane Zhang

(*note: this lyric is harder than i thought, i did my best :blush: )


Past the busy place's cheerless sorrow and joy


Closely roam with you


Visits the wild green hills and empty lands


Have your dream to accompany the floating fragrances of the flowers


This life because you I'm crazy


This love, there's no other like it in this world

劍的影子 水的波光

Sword's shadow Water's wave light


Only passing Passing


Ah....If there's still an initimate roam


Withered appearance is hard to forget

For haneul_norae

不夠勇敢 Not Brave Enough (插曲/演唱:VJ)

守在你身边看你每一个笑脸 Staying by your side Seeing your every smily face

笑得那么甜是他给了你誓言 Smile so sweet is the promise he gave you

不敢有埋怨都是我心甘情愿 Don't want to complain, I chose to do so

或许有一天我的爱你能看见 Maybe one day you can see my love

一天一点你渐渐走远 Each day a piece of you slowly leaves me

我却像空气被忽略 And i'm like air that's being neglected

只怪我的爱不够勇敢 I can only blame my love wasn't brave enough

一直沉默的作你的依赖 Always silently becoming your depence

让一切石沉大海 Let everything sink into the ocean like rocks

baby now i need you by my side

过去的一切该怎么放开 Everything in past, how do I let go?

without you i can't fall in love again

without you i can't

oh baby i can't fall in love again

(i can't never fall in love)

til the end of time in a world so close to me

i'm just so in love with a girl who's in my heart

each and everyday i wanna have you next to me

and i say to the world i'll never let it end

明明知道直到有一天 I already knew there is going to be day

发现你不再有笑脸 when I realize you don't have a smily face any more

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Guest hey_liz

Can I have the tranlsation of this please! It's the opening song in the TV drama "It started With A kiss". Thanks in advance!!!

**** EDITED****

Thanks anyway!=) I've already found the translation.. =)

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Guest haneul_norae

thanks kissy...

can i request for another one?

here it is...

魔法 Smile Magical Smile (插曲/演唱:183 Club)

yeah, i know how it feels

when i see u smile










woo baby








see u smile

this feelin' is deep inside of me

i can't live my life without u

when i see u smile

when i see u smile

thanks again... mwuah!!

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI

vivian hsu "mei ren yu" (mermaid) translation please

i don't have the pinyin tho, hope that wont matter.

its her new song off her new album

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  • 2 weeks later...

魔法 Smile Magical Smile (插曲/演唱:183 Club)

yeah, i know how it feels

when i see u smile

轻轻你靠在我胸膛 [You lightly lean onto my chest]

有一种奇特的力量不能抵挡 [There’s a mystical energy that can’t be suppressed]

我开始乱了步伐心还傻傻忘了跳 [i begin to mess up my steps and even my heart forgot to beat]

或许爱就是这样让我甘心被你融化 [Perhaps love is like this, making me willing to be melted by you]

或许爱就是这样让人心甘情愿被你融掉 [Perhaps love is like this, making people completely willing to be melted away]

看着你微笑有一道光芒 [When I look at you smiling, I can see a shining light]

打在我身上像一种魔法 [that hits me like magic]

是你无心布下的爱情圈套 [it’s the love trap that you unintentionally placed]

让我为了你疯狂迷人的微笑 [that made me give in to your entrancing smile] (?)

woo baby

轻轻你开口说了话 [You gently opened your lips to speak]

像阵风吹进了心房微微的发烫 [like the wind that blows through my hair] (?)

我像被施咒的青蛙 [i am like the frog that was cursed,]

无法控制的就爱上她 [without any control, I fell in love with her.]

不敢多做挣扎 [i dare not resist much]

难道这会是场梦吗 [Maybe this was a dream?]

打在我身上 [it hits me]

see u smile

this feelin' is deep inside of me

i can't live my life without u

when i see u smile

when i see u smile

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Guest KISSY*

美人鱼——徐若瑄 Mermaid - Vivian Hsu

曲:周杰伦 词:徐若瑄

Music: Jay Chou Lyrics: Vivian Hsu


I'm a fish that no one takes care of,

背着自由 面无表情

with my back against freedom, face without emotions,

彩色眼睛 受伤的心

rainbow colored eyes,broken heart,


only see you in black and white

我像一条没有人养的鱼 我的悲伤

i'm a fish that no one takes care of, my sadness

你不在意 说过的话 飘过脸颊

you don't care, the words said, float past by your cheeks


i cannot toss everything and start over

舍不得 我为什么说再见

can't let go, why can't i say good bye

能不能 收回我说的每一句话

can i take back every sentence i've said

舍不得 我为什么不忘记

can't let go, why can't i forget


i wanna be a happy mermaid


your comfort always come and go


my loneliness (i don't care for sympathy)

你的电话 忍住不打

your telephone, can't not call


i don't want it to be habit to wait for you to come back

舍不得 我为什么说再见

can't let go, why can't i say good bye

能不能 收回我说的每一句话

can i take back every sentence i've said

舍不得 我为什么不忘记

can't let go, why can't i forget


i wanna be a happy mermaid


swim towards the happy ocean


I'm a fish that no one takes care of,


with my back against freedom


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  • 3 weeks later...

J & Howl: Perhaps Love (Chinese Version)

何時才能開始 再能與你相見// When can I start to see you again?

每一天的等待 反而變成我的無耐// Every day’s waiting has become my impatience

我的回憶 都快沒有畫面// My memories would soon have no cover (?)

只有你的出現 才能擦掉我心中的不安// Only your presence can take away my heart’s troubles

雖然我想很多 有時候// Although I think a lot, sometimes

心情卻變得很沉默// my mood would become very somber

只好甩掉一切 讓你知道我對你的愛// I can only use my everything to let you know of my love

好想對你說 不管距離多遙遠 永遠不會變// I really want to tell you that no matter how far, forever would never change

因為在我心中 你是我最愛// because in my heart, you are my only love

很想趕快告訴你 卻少了勇氣 只能默默守護你// I really want to tell you soon but I’m missing the courage. I can only quietly protect you.

你會覺得我很傻 但這也許可能是 Perhaps Love// You will think I’m silly but this is probably, perhaps love.

現在我的心情 無法向你說明// Right now my feelings, I cannot tell you clearly.

其實只有你能感受到我對你的感情// Actually only you can feel the feelings I have for you.

不必害怕面對你的愛// Don’t be afraid to face your love

因為愛彼此在心中// because love is in both our hearts.

永遠不會分開 你能接受我對你的愛 //Never would we part, you can accept the love I have for you.

好想對你說 不管距離多遙遠 永遠不會變// I really want to tell you that no matter how far, forever would never change

因為在我心中 你是我最愛 // because in my heart, you are my only love

很想趕快告訴你 卻少了勇氣 只能默默守護你// I really want to tell you soon but I’m missing the courage. I can only quietly protect you.

你會覺得我很傻 但這也許可能是 Perhaps Love// You will think I’m silly but this is probably, perhaps love.

甜美的微笑 停留在我腦海// Sweet smiles reside in my mind

幸福的旋律 寫了一首美麗歌曲// Melodies of happiness wrote a beautiful song.

時光雖然不能倒流 我陪你到最後// Although time cannot be turned back, I’ll be with you until the end.

我們的相遇 就好像是一場夢 別讓它睡醒// Our encounter is like a dream. Don’t let it wake

因為在我心中 你是我最愛// because in my heart, you are my only love.

Timeless (feat. Xiah) - Zhang Li Yin

我不願意,聽你說放棄 // I don’t want to hear you say give up

累的心,彷彿失去全部力氣// A tired heart, losing all its strength

多想可以,繼續擁抱你// I really want to continue to hold you

讓愛情,用微笑一路走下去 // Let love, use smiles to keep us going.

Timeless,這不是離別// Timeless, this isn’t parting.

若愛不能倒囘,這一刻會永遠 // If love cannot be turned back, this moment would be forever.

Hold tight, baby

Timeless,珍藏在我心扉// Timeless, treasured in my heart

像一場重感冒讓人疲憊,慢慢的复原// like a really long cold that makes people tired and then slowly heals,

we both agree.

This is timeless love.

沒了呼吸,慢慢我遠去,// Without breathing, I slowly go far away.

但傷心,一直盤旋在那原地 // But sadness has always stayed in that original place.

我用全力呼喊你,誰靜靜在聽// I use all my strength to call for you, who is silently listening?

一顆心,還隱隱作痛在低泣 // One heart, it still hurts so much.

停不了想念的淚滴 // The tears of longing/remembrance that cannot be stopped

還有什麽領悟讓我堅定 // what other realizations can keep me strong?

再無法捉緊,難道一切注定 // I cannot hold on tightly anymore, perhaps this is destiny.

Timeless,這不是離別// Timeless, this isn’t parting.

若愛不能倒囘,這一刻會永遠 // If love cannot be turned back, this moment would be forever.

Hold tight, baby

Timeless,珍藏在我心扉// Timeless, treasured in my heart

像一場重感冒讓人疲憊,慢慢的复原// like a really long cold that makes people tired and then slowly heals,

we both agree.

This is timeless love.

yeah...baby It's timeless..oh baby It's timeless

Timeless,回憶不斷翻飛 // Timeless, memories continually fly

像一場重感冒讓人疲憊,慢慢的复原 // like a really long cold that makes people tired and slowly heals

we both agree.

This is timeless love..

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can I request . Many thanks all of you

Title :One day ( chinese verison)

Singer : Kangta&Vanness


KangTa] 陽光洒滿落地玻璃

溫暖的早晨 迎接我新的開始

不知道從哪里 傳來了動人旋律


[Vanness] 滿心期待某些事情 在某個時候 會出現迎接著我


每一步都會響起 幸福歌唱的聲音

[KangTa] 久違了開始暖陽陽的溫柔


[K&V] 迎面吹來清新的風 帶著我


都無所謂了吧 都該放棄了吧

曾經我還以為 沒有你 日子就不能繼續

原本是生命全部的你 不知哪天開始 漸漸忘記

[Vanness] 一個人行走在街道 不知為什么 有一种熟悉味道

曾一起走的地 不再那么傷人心


[KangTa] 不經意想起那些溫暖的回憶

你的輪廓我總是記得很清 那個時候在腦海里

只充滿 有關于你一切的消息

[ K&V] 都無所謂了吧 都該放棄了吧

曾經我還以為 沒有你 日子就不能繼續

原本是生命全部的你 不知哪天開始

數不完的日子 算不完的禱告

祈求著某一天 你會再 回到了我的身邊

日夜期盼的那些祈禱 不知哪天開始

[KangTa] 不再重要

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May I request for a translation please? I don't have the original lyrics and I have no idea where to find it.

Title : 127 Days

Singer : Kangta & Vanness

Thank you =]

nvm...i found it.

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could someone please translate these tracks for me? would appreciate it a lot~

Jay Chou - November's Chopin

Rainie Yang - Meeting Love Album


Nick Chung - Conquer Myself






David Tao - Ultrasound

-Jin Tian Mei Hui Jia

-Wo Xi Huan

-Ji Mo De Ji Jie

thank you so much!!!!!

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