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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

Guest msmall

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hnin wintnaing said: @Janett, had DH called for an ambulance, he would be tracked and couldn't escape out. He is a prosecutor so he knows how to get out of the crime, not leaving any piece of trace. If you wanna term it as an intentional crime, you may; but to be fair and square, we can't really badge him a bad a** so far as we don't know what has really happened. I am not protecting him but juz wanna wait for the plot to reveal the truth on its own. So far, we don't have any evidence but the secrets yet to be explored. I wonder why Bae Soo Bin takes this type of character in his projects all the time? No wonder, he is so natural acting this awkward and conflicting evil. He is exactly the same person in this drama as he was in 49 days. I hope he would regret all his actions later in this drama like he cried and called for forgiveness in 49 days.

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Guest lettykay

Janett said

Yes it started as an accident but became a crime due to him seeing the wonded girl and left.

Had he called for ambulance it would have been an acccident but now its a hit and run.

She was left in the rain for 3 hours before the help arrived had she got help at once she may probebly have survived. There for it IS an intentional crime.

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@Janett, I know you are upset but one is innocent until proven guilty. If he is intentional or out of fear, we don't know so let's continue this conversation when the time comes. I mean no harm while talking about DH's motive. Juz expressing my opinions. I don't wanna presume too much for not knowing deep inside of what the true problem is or what he thinks while leaving a girl dead in the rain. He may not call the police or ambulance perhaps becuz he is .... (there are so many reasons ... ) We can guess anything. Yet, I don't wanna do that until the story reveals to certain degree of his action to assure his cruel or whatever motive you might say at that time.
For now, I can assure we are on the same boat if channeling ourselves back to YJ and MH. We all want them to b :x :x

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@Janett, btw, I was wondering when the accident happened. Did it happen when DH and YJ were in the car, moving away from the truck in the rain? or was it later when DH was alone? Cuz I am sure he went out to check the incident in the rain but there was no sign of YJ beside him or in the car at that time. That's a mystery!

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@Janett, I know you are upset but one is innocent until proven guilty. If he is intentional or out of fear, we don't know so let's continue this conversation when the time comes. I mean no harm while talking about DH's motive. Juz expressing my opinions. I don't wanna presume too much for not knowing deep inside of what the true problem is or what he thinks while leaving a girl dead in the rain. He may not call the police or ambulance perhaps becuz he is .... (there are so many reasons ... ) We can guess anything. Yet, I don't wanna do that until the story reveals to certain degree of his action to assure his cruel or whatever motive you might say at that time.

For now, I can assure we are on the same boat if channeling ourselves back to YJ and MH. We all want them to b :x :x

whatever his reasoning is

leaving an injured person is never a gray area between right and wrong

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I think SY will definitely make troubles out of YJ too. Thinking how she says YJ doesn't belong to be with them in a bar when MH calls YJ to come along, I think SY will be extremely jealous knowing both men she likes fall in love with YJ. Looking at how MH who even doesn't give a s***t about her feels for YJ, cries for YJ and sacrifices for YJ, SY will posses outrageous explosion that will blow her and DH away from humanity!!!!!!!!!!

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@Janett, btw, I was wondering when the accident happened. Did it happen when DH and YJ were in the car, moving away from the truck in the rain? or was it later when DH was alone? Cuz I am sure he went out to check the incident in the rain but there was no sign of YJ beside him or in the car at that time. That's a mystery!

isnt DH told YJ to stay in the car

then DH goes to check the situation and found the injured girl

YJ goes out of the car to find DH

DH hearing YJ calling his name then hurriedly pulls YJ into the car saying its nothing only that barrel

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Did you and I really watch the same episodes??

Seeing someone hurt and leave... well I see it as being a bad***  big time. We do know what happen at the accident. YJ just thought they hit the barrel but he knows for sure they hit both the barrel and the girl. 

Up to where they where in the accident its just an accident, the intentional crime starts when he sees the girl and leaves.

yea.. seeing the girl bloody and leaves its like indirectly murdered the girl

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Guest disonelady

One thing I totally HATE about Korean drama... No previews after the 6th episode! :( This drama is going to be on my mind until next Wed. good thing I have the ost... LOL... 

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saya2 said: by today episode another chapter in the drama is over I think YJ pain ended today cause there is nothing eles she can hurt about maybe in the later episodes there will be some hardship about her relationship with both guys but I think the writer will focus from now on about MH pain it's his turn now .

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@Ldy Gmerm, when do you feel like DH feels ashamed of having YJ as a girlfriend? If you are mentioning about the restaurant scene, then I believe it is because DH knows MH is coming and worried about YJ perhaps; thus makes her leave early. I am just guessing. I don't know what his real motive then. He might be bad, really really bad but till this point, based upon the drama I have seen, he seems doing fine. :-)

DH dad said to DH

by implying that isnt their son dying is a message for them to break up

isnt he is going to forever hide YJ behind the scene in front of his own friends

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channak said: If he had killed YJ dad why would he show up at the funeral does not make sense .DH is a pitfall, coward, and unable to save the ones he loved without money or power. I believe he will get power and wealth and will start his revenge on k group and MH.

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I don't think YJ made DH's mind when she decided to go prison. He knew exactly what she was doing, and he chose the easy way out. She thought that because he was a prosecutor and she was just a cashier, he had more to loose. He was a coward. The reason why he picked her up, and didn't break up with her is because he is feeling guilty. He is not a monster, I just think that he left his greediness overcome the right thing to do. And since the first mistake, he is just making more mistakes to cover up the first one.

It was an accident, but he saw MH's girlfriend, he knew what he did. I guess he was too nervous and afraid of loosing everything, but this doesn't change anything.

when police came on her

YJ didnt know that they hit a person

she thought its only the barrel

YJ puts her trust in DH to clears things out

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The thing about MH is that he was never really bad to start with. He was an asswipe and was just used to things given to him or people just being there. So when he lost his child and gf, that's when he went all out bad towards YJ. 

However, in this episode we see him slowly starting to revert back to being cold but not evil and caring a bit. He's showing compassion which shows that he is still human and hasn't turned complete evil on us. I don't think he's falling for her yet, but I think his guard is slowly going down with him knowing because he's starting to see her true nature, the one he's been trying to deny all along. He's been trying to pin her as this cold-hearted murderer and refusing to believe that she is actually a good nature person, too good for her own good. 

On top of that, sure I think he meant to bring misery into her life, but it's all happening on it's own without his doing that I think he pities and feels bad for her. He sure as hell didn't mean for her to die either, hence in the end we see him rushing her and telling her not to die. I think his plan was to just bring havok  and misery to her, not to cause her physical harm or death. But he slowly starting to break as her life is falling a part and he has nothing to do with it much anymore. 

As for DH, he's a coward, and I hope he struggle with all this guilt and lies he's been stacking up on. 

Sidenote- I watched their Happy Together episode, and omg, sooo funny. Da Hee didn't get much screen time but she's cute because she's so awkward and seem truthfully sweet and kind natured. Jung Eum was funny and she's used be on variety shows all the time during and a bit after her Sugar days. It was nice to see her interacting with Jaesuk and PMS again. And Soo Bin and Jisung were hilarious because they both were so awkward with eachother despite being the same age and both "soon to be married" at the time and now married men. 

its like some flashback for him to be able to rescue someone else when he didnt have a chance to do so for his gf

wonder what the ex-con friend said..

-need subs-

just do a marathon on the eps :x love it

btw did someone got any inkling of who or what cause the other convict to do bad things to YJ baby..

am trying to back read though

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I think the coat is there because YJ picked it up from the hospital when she visited her father at the hospital, isn't it? Or am I wrong? I think DH has sth to do with YJ's father death.

Yet I think I can understand DH's struggle here. He cannot talk to anyone about his feelings. He cannot even talk to YJ or ignore her when his family asks him to. He is the one who suffers most in this drama. can't shout. can't explode. can't cry. Though YJ is struggling, she can cry out loud at least. No one will say anything but for DH he can't do anything but feels guilty and explode inside. I pity him at this point. In a way, I blame YJ for facing the sentence instead of him. YJ makes everything happen worse in this drama becuz of her wrong way of loving DH.

he can confess and man up ya knoe..

and whats with the blame on YJ?!

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vzmeiin said:

I don't think YJ made DH's mind when she decided to go prison. He knew exactly what she was doing, and he chose the easy way out. She thought that because he was a prosecutor and she was just a cashier, he had more to loose. He was a coward. The reason why he picked her up, and didn't break up with her is because he is feeling guilty. He is not a monster, I just think that he left his greediness overcome the right thing to do. And since the first mistake, he is just making more mistakes to cover up the first one. It was an accident, but he saw MH's girlfriend, he knew what he did. I guess he was too nervous and afraid of loosing everything, but this doesn't change anything.

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