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♡ JoU Couple ♡ :: Jo Jung Suk ♥ IU [Official Thread]


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Guest violet9004

@akinahana89i think no matter what he filming almost everyday with IU and she became a part of his life whether he like it or not. and when this is all end i think he going to have a hard time adjusting not meeting with her.. even i as JJS/IU fan the idea that i'm not going to see them in the weekend break my heart and its going to feel weird.. just imagine JJS/IU feel :(( the issue is not whether they are item or not but they already used to meet each other and having an excessive skinship :))

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naebdukki101 said: Layali said: @naebdukki101  shall I ?? chinchaaa ?how encouraging shall I be?    something like "Not dating IU would be big mistake too" ??what if he dismisses me as a twitter troll and blocks me? I need more people joining in tweeting similar encouragements...then will make JJS  believe the universe in conspiring for him and IU to be together.Its night-time in SK right now...shall we wait for Friday morning and tweet in unision ??

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@iu93jjang Thank you soo much...I can never appreciate or thank you enough for the wonderful insights you have been sharing with us from other netizens here and on the main thread.I have never fangirled over a singer  ever before let alone a female one but IU..she's out of this world..tooo sweet and cute for this world...

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Guest violet9004

Layali said: @iu93jjang Thank you soo much...I can never appreciate or thank you enough for the wonderful insights you have been sharing with us from other netizens here and on the main thread.I have never fangirled over a singer  ever before let alone a female one but IU..she's out of this world..tooo sweet and cute for this world...

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Layali said: naebdukki101 said: Layali said: @naebdukki101  shall I ?? chinchaaa ?how encouraging shall I be?    something like "Not dating IU would be big mistake too" ??what if he dismisses me as a twitter troll and blocks me? I need more people joining in tweeting similar encouragements...then will make JJS  believe the universe in conspiring for him and IU to be together.Its night-time in SK right now...shall we wait for Friday morning and tweet in unision ??

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The attraction of minds gives respect.The attraction of souls gives friendship.The attraction of bodies gives passion.The sum of three of attractions gives love.Your eyes, I see them in the hot flame of fire, your eyes, worried, tease .... God, how beautiful you are .......Happiness and Love to you!There is love is love.It is your destiny to love each other and nothing else!
Jou Couple Fighting!!! :x :)>- :)

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Guest violet9004

just watching some old video of YTBLSS and i don't know how many of you watching the video after official press conference and they sit down and take question from reporter.. IU start talking about how good JJS skin and JJS look at her a whole time and the smile he have is priceless i mean the cheek almost burst out and when he turn to talk IU look at him and ask him if its ok for her to continue talking some more.. the look at her face and his face is so cute and he just cannot help to smile with IU because guess what she continue to talk about his skin :)) from the beginning they have a awesome chemistry and really comfortable with each other.. :x

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Guys, I actually don't think it's a good idea to suddenly bombard JJS with tweets about him and IU. We want to respect the guy and his privacy, not overwhelm him with wild requests or over zealous suggestions. He's a mature man, not a young boy, and if he and IU really do like each other and want to be in a relationship, I am sure they will be because they can work it out somehow.

The most I would suggest is just subtly reminding him, on occasion and not everyone at once, of his chemistry with IU in YTBLSS, mention how perfect they look together, and how happy they appear while in each other's presence.

They know themselves and each other more than we do, so I'm sure they'll go about it the right and appropriate way for them. Rather than the excessive tweeting, which he'll have to take the time to read despite his busy schedule (or not read at all because of his busy schedule), let's just support them in a mature manner.

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akinahana89 said: Guys, I actually don't think it's a good idea to suddenly bombard JJS with tweets about him and IU. We want to respect the guy and his privacy, not overwhelm him with wild requests or over zealous suggestions. He's a mature man, not a young boy, and if he and IU really do like each other and want to be in a relationship, I am sure they will be because they can work it out somehow.

The most I would suggest is just subtly reminding him, on occasion and not everyone at once, of his chemistry with IU in YTBLSS, mention how perfect they look together, and how happy they appear while in each other's presence.

They know themselves and each other more than we do, so I'm sure they'll go about it the right and appropriate way for them. Rather than the excessive tweeting, which he'll have to take the time to read despite his busy schedule (or not read at all because of his busy schedule), let's just support them in a mature manner.

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Layali said: naebdukki101 said: Layali said: @naebdukki101  shall I ?? chinchaaa ?how encouraging shall I be?    something like "Not dating IU would be big mistake too" ??what if he dismisses me as a twitter troll and blocks me? I need more people joining in tweeting similar encouragements...then will make JJS  believe the universe in conspiring for him and IU to be together.Its night-time in SK right now...shall we wait for Friday morning and tweet in unision ??

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samsooky said: Quickly dropping by to leave this, hot off the presses...@Layali, it's credible news...anyway, as you know, the Google translate and even others (http://www.systransoft.com/free-online-translation) are as, always, rather cryptic, but the gist, we get! Sad, tearful, heartbroken over the truth surrounding MR and CH's death, but their feelings for each other are reaffirmed (they cannot be separated)...from what I gathered and interpreted from the translations, IU and JJS so perfectly and emotionally acted the scene (no surprises there), the staff gave them a round of applause. :)  [Probably a scene we'll see in Ep46 if the news came out today.]
Thank you @Olga2010Ans, as always, for giving us the breaking news first and a heads up to look for the articles! What an amazing team we have here. 

CR: Nate

'최고다이순신' 아이유-조정석, 폭풍포옹 "촬영 내내 눈물"

    [*]관심지수 0[*]댓글00  

    글씨 확대글씨 축소

    티브이데일리 포토
    [티브이데일리 윤효정 기자] '최고다이순신' 아이유 조정석이 폭풍포옹을 나눴다.

    9일 KBS2 주말드라마 '최고다 이순신(극본 정유경 연출 윤성식)'은 슬픈 이별을 맞게 된 아이유와 조정석이 애절한 포옹을 나누는 사진을 공개했다.

    지난주 신준호(조정석 분)는 최연아(김윤서 분)로부터 송미령(이미숙 분)이 순신의 부친인 이창훈(정동환 분)의 죽음과 관련되어 있다는 사실을 알게 된 후 큰 고뇌에 빠졌다. 이순신(아이유 분)과 헤어지지 않으면 매스컴에 이 사실을 폭로하겠다는 최연아의 협박에 신준호는 결국 순신을 지키기 위해 순신과 마지막 데이트를 즐긴 후 가슴 아픈 이별을 통보했고 시청자들의 안타까움을 샀다.

    공개된 사진 속, 눈시울을 붉힌 채 서로를 향한 마음을 감추지 못하고 포옹하고 있는 신준호와 이순신의 모습은 헤어져야 하지만 헤어질 수 없는 두 사람의 심경을 전하며 안타까움을 배가시킨다.

    촬영현장에서 애절한 포옹을 나눴던 아이유와 조정석이 촬영 내내 눈물을 흘렸다는 후문이다. 순신과 준호의 감정에 완벽히 동화된 두 배우의 열연에 현장에 있던 스태프들의 박수갈채가 이어졌다고. 촬영이 끝난 후에도 아이유와 조정석은 서로의 옷매무새를 챙겨주는 등 상대 배우를 챙기는 훈훈한 모습을 보여주기도 했다.

    한편 이순신이 신준호가 이별을 통보한 이유를 알게 된 건 아닌지 궁금증이 증폭되고 있다. 또한 신준호가 이순신과 헤어짐으로써 연아의 폭로를 막았지만 박기자의 집요한 추적이 미령의 목을 조이고 있다. 송미령이 이순신에게 이 사실을 털어놓을지 극 전반에 긴장감이 고조되고 있다.

    [티브이데일리 윤효정 기자 news@tvdaily.co.kr/사진제공=에이스토리]
    Same news elsewhere..http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1376001638553239002

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felt this is more appropriate to post here:

jjsweeter0211 said:

"Lee Soon-sin is the Best" IU and Jo Jeong-seok hug

Source | 2013/08/08 | 

IU and Jo Jeong-seok from the KBS weekend drama "Lee Soon-sin is the Best" shared an affectionate hug.

A recent picture of them shows they are unable to hide their feelings for each other and hugging each other as tightly as possible. However, their fate says they have to part.

Apparently, IU and Jo Jeong-seok were in tears almost the whole time during this scene. They took care of each other before and after the scene was over as well.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean )

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