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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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I'm surprised at the change in their interaction since the new PD and the (hopefully) end of MC. I mean, we saw some of their moments with the bravery test and the occasional behind the scenes photo, but they had stopped standing next to each other in the openings, something they did pretty often from 2012-2014, and we saw KJK keeping his distance from SJH in some fanmeets. It's almost strange now getting all these pictures not just from fans on filming days but from friends of KJK and even RM itself. Obviously, RM still cuts spartace moments, but I feel like the staff is showing us more of them than they used to *cough*undertheoldPD*cough*. I'm curious how long this is going to last. WAIL is still a thing even if MC isn't and there's a possibility  that they'll bring MC back after WAIL ends (I don't think they will but I've been wrong before). But all these spartace beside each other moments remind me a lot of the 2013-4 spartace.

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On 4/12/2016 at 6:58 PM, bidovacsb said:

"First of all, the most noticeable thing is the seating arrangement, Ji Hyo, who surely would have been here due to connections with Jong Guk is sitting far away from each other. Normally if a friend is a guest, they would sit next to the said friend or in front of them.


Been thinking of this part. Agree with the writer, the seat arrangement is quite interesting. This add the possibility that Tiny's visit to Korea isn't the first time he met JH, or at least, if they've never met before, he's not completely stranger for JH and they've known each other before he came to Korea. If the only reason she came to the meeting was JK, she would've sat next to or in front of him, the closest person among the others. But still, those photos are big deals for me. JH has acknowledged she went to tanning salon with JK several times. Before it, the salon owner posted pictures of her and JK whenever he came to the lounge with spartace hastags but JH has never been included on the pictures all this time. So, for me, those photos and closeness they showed on and off-screen are baby steps.


LOL, watching those MVs reminds me why I ship this couple! Thank you for all your hardwork!!! My vote goes to #4.

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Guest arriejjang

I think I am too late to vote..pheew... But number 4 is my choice.. Good luck for this final round, guys..!!

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2 minutes ago, arriejjang said:

I think I am too late to vote..pheew... But number 4 is my choice.. Good luck for this final round, guys..!!

Not too late arriejjang!!

I miscalculated the time difference. There's still 3 more hours to go!

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Guest athoughtcloud1
On 13/4/2016 at 3:49 PM, seabear11 said:


I'm really enjoying your analysis on the relationship but could you perharps direct me to the pictures you're talking about.
It's bit confusing with all the picture 1 and 2. Been looking back on the forum and cant seem to find what you're talking about bar the first 2 pictures. xD


@bidovacsb translated a post on Spartace naver about the pics. The original post is this. Since I didn't want to spam the thread since there were lots of pics, I had put it in spoiler while asking @bidovacsb to translate it. Just click on the spoiler button.












These are the comments under the article. Could you please translate if there is anything interesting here.CC1_zpsev1kbujs.png



@bidovacsb I do not know in what capacity Tiny Bro and JK met each other or how they became friends.On further research, found that he is the owner of a popular streetwear store in Koreatown, LA called CNVS. Korean celebs usually visit the store and their autographed items are sold. I think he also helps the korean fans in LA get items that they like of k-celebs and he also helps promote k-pop events. He also had a club that used to be open on the weekends, not sure whether it is still there. Anyway, his store and home seem to be the hang out places for many k-celebs, especially singers, idols and variety stars whenever they visit LA. I do not know whether he helps organise k-pop events generally. I saw it mainly in the case of the Running Brothers concert of JK and Haha. Perhaps, they relied on him since they didn't have a company to promote or help organise their event (not sure though).

@eightsixfour  and  @assyl4 Agree with your thoughts. I am not yet sure whether he has met JH before or not. This was Tiny Oppa's first time in Korea after 10 years, so I don't think he could have met JH while in Korea. However, she had made that trip to NY in feb 2015 to take part in that photoshoot when JK was in the same flight as hers (to attend the Dramafever awards). We know JK went to LA after the event and hung out with Tiny Oppa on his birthday party. I do not know where JH was at that time. If they were together at that point of time, she might have got to meet Tiny Oppa (this is pure speculation). We also do not know whether she met him anytime when she was abroad. Whether he has met her before or not is something we do not know, but it is quite clear that whatever acquaintance she has with him is through JK. I also cannot fathom why she should be there in what seems like Tiny Oppa's farwell party and be seated right next to Tiny Oppa unless she was that close with JK (which goes beyond being just a close girl pal). We know JK takes pics with female fans and other female celebs and there are also plenty of pics of him with female celebs when he is at an event. However, this is the first time I am getting to see a female colleague of his at his private party.

@androkia91 I choose MV no 2.

Edited by athoughtcloud1
Too long a post, so split it into two posts instead.
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Oh so Tiny's basically some sort of liaison with the Korean celebrities to the US then I take it. Was quite hard to find out anything about the guy haha.


This is episode 158, looks like normal viewers would miss this as your focus is on the table but look at these sly guys giving hints to each other on the right.


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Apologies for messing up the time differences!!

So we do have a final result!! It was a close call between the 2nd vid and the 4th vid.

Combining all the votes from here and from our IG users, the the video wins! Congratulations to realcouple_sa from IG for that awesome vid on a song written by JK himself.

Also a big thank you to all those who voted for the 2nd vid from me and thanks again to everybody else who voted!!

About to submit our entry now..


Edit: Link to our entry in the 4th round:


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Guest athoughtcloud1

@linzer03 These days, I am actually feeling a bit more hopeful about the brain test signifying the end to MC loveline. Anyway, in the episodes after that one, there has been a conscious attempt not to pair up the MC couple. For instance, in the last episode, they could have paired off JH and Gary and LKS and Haha for the first mission. Yet, they didn't and gave us Ha-Hyo instead (I miss my HaHyo). Wonder whether they are letting some time pass before putting Gary and JH on the same team. Once WAIL ends and if there is no MC revival for at least 3 months, I would start getting a wee bit hopeful that something SA is afoot. But yeah, always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

I am entering into purely speculative territory here, but thinking back, the Brain scan test seems like a difficult test for JH and Gary to go through to prove the absence of any real feelings for each other just so that JH  can do another loveline variety show. I mean who would want their actual reactions to the pictures of hot celebs to be known to the world? Gary couldn't even look at Seolhyun properly in the face after that episode. The possibility remains that JH was so tired of the loveline that she wanted a test that would make it clear for all that MC loveline was just for the show. However, based on the tense atmosphere among the cast when the test results were announced, I felt that something more important was at stake. If JH dates another guy outside the show (and she has already done it before), while some MC fans may whine that JH betrayed Gary, it wouldn't be as big a shock as someone from the show other than Gary dating her. The second event, of JH dating a guy other than Gary on the show, needs preparation and absolute clarification that Gary and JH do not have feelings for each other. I feel that taking a slightly uncomfortable test like a brain scan test makes sense in such a case since that is the only way to prepare for any future shocking events.

There is one episode that intrigues me, episode number 241. We know Park Ye Jin and JK go a long way back and that she has already come on running man twice before. I am sure she must have got to meet the male members of the RM cast before the shooting of that particular episode started unlike how we are shown in the actual episode where the identity of the female guests is supposed to be a secret for the male members. What I am saying is that Ye Jin and JK must have interacted before the shoot started since they are old friends. Anyway, the opening scene has JH and the girls, Park Ye Jin, Yoo Jin Seo and Shin Se Kyung sitting down  and planning on how to trick the male members. Once they join the male members and Jin Seo is paired up with JK, there is a bit of teasing going on where the members, as usual, declare that JK has chances of finding his life partner with the female guest of the day. However, there are a lot many references than usual in that episode to JK's marriage. Suk Jin wishes aloud for JK to find his life partner from RM. When they bury the time capsules and every member is asked to make a wish they would want to see fulfilled, Jae Suk wishes to see JK married (and JK complains, 'what are you doing?'). Ye Jin, who is an old friend of JK, also makes the wish for him to find a life companion soon and settle down, prompting JK to make the 'why are you saying that?' remark again. When JK is asked to make his wish, he is standing facing JH and his wish is a rather abstract "I wish this would continue like this ". JK is then made to turn around and make the wish in front of Jin Seo. JK then surprises everyone with a romantic proposal. But surprisingly, Jin Seo outright rejects him hoping that 'he would meet a better person". Everyone knows this kind of banter is for variety and the female guest is usually supposed to play along. Jin Seo's  answer in fact surprises the RM cast members and she has to clarify why she said that soon afterwards. Now Jin Seo could have said that coz she was nervous since it was her first time on RM or she already had a BF whom she didn't want to upset or in terms of spartace, she knew JK already had got someone and hence found it awkward to pretend otherwise especially in a situation when the GF was around (major delu here ;) ). The girls must have hung out together for some time at the start of the shoot and since Ye Jin and JH know each other a bit from the times she guested on RM before, they must have chatted about other things as well. Since Ye Jin then had a BF, chances are that some gossip of that sort must also have been exchanged. This episode was broadcast on April 5, 2015. Hence, it must have been shot sometime in March, right after JH and JK were coincidentally spotted on the same flight to NY. These are all just speculations of the airy kind, but from the way almost everybody was talking about JK's marriage in that episode, I was wondering if they knew something which the audience didn't know. ;). What I am wondering is whether there was some serious talk about JK's marriage at that point. At that time, the MC loveline was also on hold since Gary is actively flirting with SSK in the episode and the others are also teasing him about it. So, perhaps, everybody used the female guest as an excuse to say indirectly what they wanted to say about JK's lovelife which was at an interesting point then. :) Ye Jin's case somehow strikes me as especially interesting. We know JK is closely attached to his Family Outing members, whether it be Sooro, Daesung or Ye Jin. Whenever an ex-FO member guests on RM, YJS and KJK seem really excited and when that happens, their conversations in the car are more of a catching up on the other's news and reminiscing rather than the usual small talk with the guests. Hence, for Park Ye Jin who must have caught up with JK after a long time, perhaps the concern with his getting married was actually a reaction to some catching up on his actual situation than just a wish for the sake of it. I haven't often seen Jae Suk seriously making a wish on RM for JK to get married (usually it is a lot of teasing, but this time he is really serious), hence, for him and Ye Jin to both seriously wish the same thing for their ex-FO castmate seems a bit striking.  

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15 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

Is there a subbed version of this video or an english transcript (of at least the part where he talks about JH)?


Got it. Thanks :)


You got that? Wow, I've been looking for the subbed version but unfortunately got nothing. I'm pretty sure the interview was taken on JK's movie promotion in January 2015. So, what did he say about JH?

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7 hours ago, assyl4 said:


You got that? Wow, I've been looking for the subbed version but unfortunately got nothing. I'm pretty sure the interview was taken on JK's movie promotion in January 2015. So, what did he say about JH?


Im not very good in korean but from the words i could make out it sounded like he was talking about how they are like family after the 4-5 years of recording (depending on when the interview came out). He also said something about her being scared of something or just alsways being scared. I know that much at least. sorry i cant be of too much help on the translation.  

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13 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

I do not know in what capacity Tiny Bro and JK met each other or how they became friends.

@athoughtcloud1 I was feeling brave one morning and left a comment on one of Tiny's recent posts, asking how they became friends. Unless my IG neglected to inform me, he hasn't responded yet. I apologized for being nosy, but then again, I could be some loony saesang, so I don't blame him for not responding. Kinda bummed, though...

Edited by aschae
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Guest athoughtcloud1

@assyl4 and @MaK08JK's standard response as usual. :)

Btw does anyone know whether that segment where RM visits Super Junior's dorm has been subbed into english?

@aschae Haha. When was this? On his old insta posts, I see he has responded to many fan comments. But recently, I don't think he responds that much. I would also like to know the story of their friendship. :( Hope he answers one day! 

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2 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

Btw does anyone know whether that segment where RM visits Super Junior's dorm has been subbed into english?


Here's a video with subs: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2q1uuj The cast's segment starts around 0:12:

JSJ: Hello everyone, I'm Ji Suk Jin.  

KJK: Hello everyone, I'm Kim Jong Kook.

[Ji Suk Jin, Song Ji Hyo, Kim Jong Kook who have come to Super Junior M's Guest House]

[A real mission that needs continuous running. Popularity rising in Asia and Worldwide. Hallyu Variety RUNNING MAN]

[Everyone will know them when they are overseas. Running Man members who are of a topic in Hallyu. Running Man recommendation! Day & Night destinations for tour!]

KJK: You all know avenue right? Just right at the side, there's my gym.

JSJ: What gym are you saying? What did you say?

KJK: When we are overseas, seeing stars is a must. Sometimes we might be able to see them.

[K Star road, that is just beside the avenue. Top Korean celebrities will be there. If you are lucky, you might be able to encounter some]


[Running Man Ace, Song Ji Hyo, has infinite stamina and has the will of winning. The appearance of 'free' that has gained many likes from netizens. Nickname of Gold Ji Hyo that wins a lot. The hottest period among the man in Running Man - Song Ji Hyo's recommended destination is?] 

SJH: Going to Hangang River in Day is really awesome. Riding a bicycle is good too. Able to experience Korea in the city, that's why I recommend it. 

[Song Ji Hyo recommends going in the Day - Hangang will definitely be awesome]


JSJ: The place I recommend is Namsan Tower. When you visit there in the night, you will enjoy the scenery, and also, there are locks there. 5 years ago, in the midst of my marriage falling apart, we went up there to have a lock, and things got better.

KJK: Your wife still wants another lock. 

JSJ: Quiet down.

KJK: Wanna lock it on your legs.

JSJ: Quiet down.

KJK: Cause you're always going out in the night. 

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