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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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For me, there were definitely moments when JK showed interest in JH, especially in the very beginning of RM. Not so much in your face, just small moments. And JH definitely showed interest in JK too. I can totally make a looong list for you. I'd rather not spam the forum so if you want, I can send you a pm of my extensive list of Spartace moments. The moments, I think, were more obvious in the earlier episodes because they were just getting to know each other. If Spartace are truly together, then I can understand why they wouldn't be so 'lovey-dovey' on screen now cuz they could do that in their own time.

btw, have you kept up with all the episodes? 

Edited by kolin
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Guest hazy929

I'm a new spartace-shipper so I just want to ask did JK ever say something about jihyo that shows his interest in her, or did any of the other members reveal that he is interested. I have seen many men on runningman show their interest in jihyo, I know that JK is shy but maybe he once or tricefound the courage to voice his feelings.

​With him admitting in Healing Camp that he doesn't have courage when it comes to love matters and with Jihyo being involved in the official love line, I think it's totally understandable we don't get to see any obvious and blatant indication from him even if he's interested in her and pluck up his courage to voice it.

Still there are many moments that make me think he does. When Jang Hyuk came and they were doing carpooling, he seemed a little too engrossed in the topic about how Jihyo hates people visiting her house. Like you can't help but keep mentioning that one person you adore. He blurted she's cute when they were practicing for that mini orchestra. Whenever it comes to choosing between Jihyo's team or the other (guest), he went out of his way to not pick Jihyo. Whenever he teases her he's awaiting her reaction, Etc. But then I watched their ice stick pepero game before I started watching RM religiously from the start, so my view may be clouded and I may be reading too much into something trivial. The most out of ordinary thing he's done that had my jaw dropping was when he knelt down and gift Jihyo Beast's nametag in ep 103. I don't know what's behind that, he's a bit bashful and Jihyo was surprised too.

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​With him admitting in Healing Camp that he doesn't have courage when it comes to love matters and with Jihyo being involved in the official love line, I think it's totally understandable we don't get to see any obvious and blatant indication from him even if he's interested in her and pluck up his courage to voice it.

Still there are many moments that make me think he does. When Jang Hyuk came and they were doing carpooling, he seemed a little too engrossed in the topic about how Jihyo hates people visiting her house. Like you can't help but keep mentioning that one person you adore. He blurted she's cute when they were practicing for that mini orchestra. Whenever it comes to choosing between Jihyo's team or the other (guest), he went out of his way to not pick Jihyo. Whenever he teases her he's awaiting her reaction, Etc. But then I watched their ice stick pepero game before I started watching RM religiously from the start, so my view may be clouded and I may be reading too much into something trivial. The most out of ordinary thing he's done that had my jaw dropping was when he knelt down and gift Jihyo Beast's nametag in ep 103. I don't know what's behind that, he's a bit bashful and Jihyo was surprised too.

@hazy929 I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'm curious as to if you have since caught up with RM completely or if you're still in the process of going through the episodes? I'm just wondering because with the exception of the peppero game in 228, all the other references are from far older episodes.

I myself am making my way through the early episodes, but I started watching RM after the airing of ep 185, and with the exception of new episodes, I'd only watched older episodes (typically ones related to SA) randomly for a duration of time. However, I lucked out as several dozen episodes prior to 185, and the majority of the ones after it, had had a number of significant SA moments. In my opinion, those moments also had a fairly different tone in comparison to a good portion of the SA moments in the early episodes, especially because the cast had grown closer. 

So that's why I'm curious as to if you've already seen those and just value more/can more easily recall the moments in those older episodes or if it's due to not having come across those episodes yet. (Also, bit of a delay, but welcome to the thread!)

Edited by pink007
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For me, there were definitely moments when JK showed interest in JH, especially in the very beginning of RM. Not so much in your face, just small moments. And JH definitely showed interest in JK too. I can totally make a looong list for you. I'd rather not spam the forum so if you want, I can send you a pm of my extensive list of Spartace moments. The moments, I think, were more obvious in the earlier episodes because they were just getting to know each other. If Spartace are truly together, then I can understand why they wouldn't be so 'lovey-dovey' on screen now cuz they could do that in their own time.

btw, have you kept up with all the episodes? 

​no i started watching wunning man randomly, so i have watched many episodes just not in the right order nor them all yet. I would love if you would point out some moments because in the recent episode I haven't seen any noticable, but when i watch the montages on youtube i see soo many moments.

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Guest arriejjang

I'm a new spartace-shipper so I just want to ask did JK ever say something about jihyo that shows his interest in her, or did any of the other members reveal that he is interested. I have seen many men on runningman show their interest in jihyo, I know that JK is shy but maybe he once or tricefound the courage to voice his feelings.

​have you ever watched episode 40? that blurted-out words from JK (which said JH is quite cute) was the momentum for me to realized about spartace existence. i adored M* before, but that magical words could turned my ship-direction completely. and i have no will to turning back anymore. what more you could ask from a shy and conservative man like JK? his words are never cheap.


PS : i have a little prayer...please bring back my comfortable and understandable discussion forum..

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OMG... you guys made me miss all those early episodes! :lol:

I agree that if we were to make a list, it can be a long one... (I think I have read one from @kolin in an earlier page). As for me, I love it when JK chose JH in episode 18. I don't exactly remember why it surprised me (maybe he wasn't that close to her yet) but it made me happy to know that he was interested to choose her as a partner, and it confirmed that he found her attractive because they have to choose base on appearance. Maybe the pick is limited, it was only between JH and Lizzy... but he chose her still. :) Well, he might have come to his senses and strategize better after that, and chose Lizzy later on. Oh well... that's another story.

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lol, you're in luck @mary-ann!

My list starts from ep 1. But I haven't been keeping up with my list making recently, been busy, so I can give you all the SA moments that I could find from the beginning all the way up to ep 200. It's a long list, so please give me some time to compile it. Give me a day or two cuz I have other stuff in my list, so I have to sort it out. I kid you not, my list contains the episode number, the approximate time of when that scene starts, and the description of the moment.

And @WanZ yes I did post a list before, but I can't find it. Lol, It's buried in the pages of the forum. 

So if anyone else is interested in my list, please send me a personal message. I'd be more than happy to share it! I tried to be as thorough as I could possibly be but things will slip past me. So help a fellow shipper out, if you find moments, then please share it with me so I can add it to my list!

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Guest darienme

One of my favorite SA moments is in ep 103 where JK piggybacks JH waiting for their turn to the mission. She puts her chin on his shoulder and he is swaying side to side. I thought it's so sweet. JH is usually touchy feely when she cracks up. But JK's action may be telling that he's enjoying piggyback JH. You just don't gently sway someone side to side when carrying her without having some adoration and tender feelings. :wub:

I enjoy all SA moments but sometimes I feel that fans took the moments out of context. Re-watching episodes with these moments makes me think they were blown a little out of proportion. Nevertheless, they all very entertaining and lovely; always put a smile on my face.

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When I watched episodes for the second time, I focused my attention on members's and guests's actions/reactions and I found something. Maybe it isn't a "SA moment", but for me is interesting. I don't know how to make video or gif, so the only thing I can do is write number of episode and indicate the minute (approximately), one of the episodes was ep.108. Around minute 31:00, when KJK lifts up Gong Hyo Jin, JSJ slaps (as if he's scolding him) KJK'arm and YJS immediately blocks JSJ. It seemed strange, maybe KJK or Gong Hyo Jin were in a relationship at the time, and JSJ thought that was out of place, but if I watch this in a delusional way (even if I try to hold my feet on the ground, I'm not always successful :P), JSJ wanted to "protect" Ji Hyo. 


@merada I enjoyed your tumblr so much not knowing it was yours, that was a lot of work! thank you!

Edited by laubi
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Guest Agentspartace

Hello everyone,

I have posted a few things but I am fairly new here. I'm from Canada but I'm Filipino. I just started watching early this year because of Gong Yoo oppa. I got hooked intantly and decided to watch from the beginning!!!! I have caught up with ALL the episodes (yes from ep 1 to ep 248!!! In the span on a few months!!!). I have even started to rewatch them again from ep 1 (currently on ep 13). Like most, I started as m shipper but took notice of the spartace chemistry early on. Didn't think too much about it up until later episode then I started to think... Hmmmmmmmm something doesnt feel right... Something is fishy with these two! Why are the always touchy? Why are they always beside each other? Why are they always whispering? What are they even talking about? It's like the have their own world! 

Just like that, I fell in love with them! I started to search more infos about them and found out I wasnt alone!!!! Any people share my fascination! I started to look for evidences and read fanfics! Then I found this thread!! I'm so happy!!! All the posts and the hawkeyes!!!! The news and gossips!!! It makes me so happy!! I'm glad I can share this obsession with alot of other people! 

Please dont mind it too much if I repost old posts here, I am still in page 293 and still trying to catch up here!!! 

If you guys have any questions about the pasts episodes let me know. Most episodes (especially spartace eps) are still fresh!!!! 

Thanks everyone!!! You are all awesome!!!! 

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Guest lionelloy_at_live.com.sg_stv

​could you please translate what they are saying in the article? i'm really curious

This article said sjh earn more than kjk in hosting show in China. SJH earns round  800k renminbi and KJK and LGS earn around 600k renminbi 

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​could you please translate what they are saying in the article? i'm really curious

This article said sjh earn more than kjk in hosting show in China. SJH earns round  800k renminbi and KJK and LGS earn around 600k renminbi 

WOW this is awesome news i'm happy for jihyo, and not really surprised since I always considered her a bigger celebity, who in the entertainment world has done more through her frequent acting, modeling and appearances on various reality shows. I like KJK but I just love SJH alot more, since she is the one that get me into Kdrama and made me addicted.

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Guest pewpewpew999_stv



How I spotted these two for the first time. *"I will go down with this ship" song playing in the distance*




did jk's left hand touch her bosom in the 2nd pic?

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Guest izziecrazyaboutkwave

Hey. This has nothing to do with spartace but do u guys know who is tiny oppa? His ig is @jkt1ny. Thanks

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