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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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maplekist said: @myloveSA ithink there is a mention in regards of what she/he takes from baidu / instagram. Like in baidu...to remove the caption translated by google and also if she/he will post something put some credits as to where or whomit was taken from. Ive seen a lot from IG to mention really. As we all know most people here are IG users as well and its not good to put posts without giving credits

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Its initially laugahable but then it becme a bit disturbing for me... It feels rude usingvthe word ignorant really... Then airplane girl explained that its a ggle translation so there, i started to just bypass the word kekekeke

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Well, when you guys found it funny, here I was feeling offended...LOL. Well, when he said ignorant, is it us shippers that are ignorant or is he saying that our beloved Spartace is ignorant? But the bell tag is puzzling! Ughhh... turned out they're not that puzzling at all. :P

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Is she(I just assume her as a girl) not read my inbox(maybe she don't know there is inbox for her) or is she ignore my inbox?hhhmmmm...should I just tell her here instead of private msg then?

@spartace_couplelove awak ada baca inbox saya tak?

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Yes, don't worry about the 'ignorant bell' I checked it out. When a post about SA is in Chinese and gets translated, I keep seeing repeatedly the word 'ignorant bell' on Google translate. And seeing how it fits the sentences and the context, I assume that 'ignorant bell' is what 'spartace' is being translated into. 

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I just wish our forum gets less messy than it is right now, of course by getting the current problem solved asap. It makes me dizzy and disappointed, way different with that upbeat fluttery feeling whenever I used to visit here. I wanna help in some way also but seeing even the ppl in the same nationality as him/her can't do so, I think I obviously can't. Sigh…

Anyway, no particular news about our SA lately?

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Seriously its so tiring looking at all this mess. He keep ignoring us who been messaging him asking him to put a credit on every post. We ask it nicely then he should follow it nicely. It disappoint me seeing that he is spartace shipper but he doing such thing. We want to ship happily and nicely. Just follow the Soompi rules and you can be in this forum.

P/S: I'm asking it nicely. Guys, no doubt that he actually can understand us so well.

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Its not that easy. We appreciate how he working on to post something in this forum. And we welcome him as we did to others. Its just that he don't know the right way. But the problem now is, he does not want to listen.

If there's no choice left, then we should just flag his post

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Guest arriejjang

dear @spartace_couplelove meski saya tahu kamu paham english, tapi sepertinya kamu tidak benar2 mau memahami maksud baik teman2 di forum ini yang mengingatkanmu tentang pentingnya memberikan kredit pada pemilik asli dari gambar yang kamu posting di sini. hal ini sudah termasuk pelanggaran hak cipta. dan jangan hanya men-translate dari postingan baidu/instagram kalimat yang kamu sendiri tidak paham artinya, karena kami yang membacanya jadi semakin tidak paham. delusional itu juga ada batasnya, jadi jangan memposting fanfiction di sini karena ini forum diskusi. sorry, bukan berarti kamu tidak boleh membuat posting di sini, tapi ketahuilah aturan2 nya demi kebaikan bersama.

jika kamu paham, silakan memberi respon dengan kata2 yang pantas. tetapi jika kamu hanya memberi tanda 'awesome' atau bahkan 'lol', saya anggap kamu orang yang benar2 "ignorant" dan tidak benar2 ingin menjadi bagian dari forum ini.

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Guest arriejjang

i m sorry..my post above quite long, right?! i just wanna him to understand our good intention. it's not work with english, so i use bahasa. it's not work with pm, so i just wanna him to read it right here. then we can see together how his responses about that post. i don' t want him to leave, i just want him to make his posts properly and understandable.

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Un-crediting may offend the owner, but he's writing incomprehensible caption that bothers me the most. I get it that he wants to share SA love, in fact I love most of his posted pics/gifs (thank you original owner, anywhere!) but it's even better without the confusing caption. What do you do when one of your team-mate continuously making mistakes after being advised again and again? I'm sorry, but I may have to flag you, @spartace_couplelove. Okay...waiting for his next post that I hope will be better..

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