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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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revolu said: I dunno if this was brought up, but the last episode of running man, jihyo and jong kook have the lid underneath them when they were doing the ice pepero. Why would sukjin have it there? Was to intentionally break the ice so it wouldn't have to go so close?

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To the creator of the tag, you're awesome, whoever you are! :)

She always gives her best... and the 'picture' situation, same thing applies I guess. At least if we can't appreciate her effort, try to understand the situation from her point of view... try to put ourselves in her shoes, and accept that not one person in this world is so perfect they are immune from making mistakes. Not saying that we just accept it if she makes mistakes, but what I mean is still loving her despite of it.

What is done, is done. Forgive and forget.

I always love to see the 3rd gif. Jk was smiling happily beside jh and when he realize the camera focusing them, he cut out his smile and try to hold it lol.

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Guest ericakakay

That's why I Love this group and forum  :x :x
I read a lot positive comment and meet positive people
We love our Ace and Support her whatever happens 
Have a Good Vibes Everyone

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@goupana I think it sounds like Jihyo voice but I'm not too sureeeee! But still excited :D HAhhaaa. Btw I'm sorry if I'm late on the game here about Jihyo? But what really happen after the picture of MC came up? I thought that Jihyo and KG cleared that up! Are the netizens bashing her??? If they are I don't think she should receive this kind of backlaash, -.- BTW, I just love everyone in RM, and I'm sad this happened. 

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Hiiiiiii I just found this thread! I AM A SPARTACE SHIPPER TOOOO! In the recent RM ep 228, spartace had their first ICE PEPERO!!! For once I thought they are gonna ship this couple. But it broke too quickly :( KJK seems worried about the Monday couple image. IM WAITING FOR THE DAY KJK TO GET MARRIED HEHEHEH :D

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its really sad that people are unjustly bashing JH when it was not her fault if she can't have a relationship with KG.  they have been repeating it over and over before that it is just a love line and nothing else.  i felt like they got angry of the realisation that it is really just a love line concept of the show after the camp of KG had their press release.  because what they have said on that statement really proves the reality that MC is just for the show and will never happen.  unfortunately they cannot accept that and i feel like they see JH as an easier target to put the blame on esp that they know the SA shipper's existence.  It could also mean that they are getting angry because they are now made aware of MC relationship and the possibility of a real SA relationship.
what i am hoping now is for running man to step up and protect KG and most of all JH, because she is the one being put on the malicious end of the bashers.  i feel like cutting her screen time will not help her in this situation.  for me it feels like, admitting that JH has done wrong.  I think that treating this as just a normal small controversy will be the way to put pout the fire.  if they act normally as they just do, but just not overdoing the MC line to the point that it looks trying hard.  They don't show MC moments the whole minutes of the show anyway so small moments can just show and let the fans accept the reality that MC is just a love line.  And I'm hoping that they show the close family relationship of the whole cast, as i know for sure that they really are.
i pray for JH that she will remain tough through all these ordeals.  And i hope that JK oppa will be there silently behind her giving her a push to stay strong.  
let's just look at this as one small storm that will be over soon.  And lets stay strong whilst waiting for the moment that we are hoping for our SA couple....
kudos to all of us guys who are staying positive and not hateful... for being open minded to everything that is happening and could possibly happen... let's keep the atmosphere here in he thread always warm for our SA, RM and for each and every shipper.... fighting!   :x :x :x

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maplekist said: what i am hoping now is for running man to step up and protect KG and most of all JH, because she is the one being put on the malicious end of the bashers.  i feel like cutting her screen time will not help her in this situation.  for me it feels like, admitting that JH has done wrong.  I think that treating this as just a normal small controversy will be the way to put pout the fire.  if they act normally as they just do, but just not overdoing the MC line to the point that it looks trying hard.  They don't show MC moments the whole minutes of the show anyway so small moments can just show and let the fans accept the reality that MC is just a love line.  And I'm hoping that they show the close family relationship of the whole cast, as i know for sure that they really are.

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Just don't get it why she's the only one who needs to swallow all the blames while in fact the issue involves two parties..Is it some sort of double standards..
Like, "When a man gives his opinion, he's the man..When woman gives hers, she's a b****.."
Sorry, not sorry..!!
However...People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.” 

By:  Kent M. KeithThe Silent Revolution: Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council
Happy shipping everyone  :D:D

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wow!!! i haven't been here for awhile now...its getting alot of shipper and i hope evryone has a good intention to ship SA than to be a vindictive spies. This forum is with mature and intelligent people so just to honest.ANYWAY, Jh needs our support after that delimma she went thru

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