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[Drama 2013] Princess Aurora 오로라 공주

Guest YunRa1430270238

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Guest guccigal

Haven't watched this drama since episode 50.
Seems like this drama is going to be SS and RR already and writer is making MM a crazy psycho.
If it's just SS and RR in the end, then why not end the story soon by having RR marry SSsince SS' parents love RR.  What's the point of the drama then? Might as well kill offthe 3 witches, MM, SG and his family.  
Since this drama has no story at all already.  
Tsktsk, the beginning was so promising.

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I'm sorry...I don't usually like when production company takes over a show, but I think they need to in order to salvage this show....you can tell from the writer's story that she has mental problems....though this is not as bad a Crazy Love still it's pretty bad.

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As poorly and inconsistent the characters development is, I definitely do not think we should drag the writer's sad personal life into this.   A lot of us like myself tend to get too involved into the characters at times.  Whenever that happens, we need to remind ourselves that Princess Aurora  is only a show.

Well said to Guccigal, the plot is dragging.  We should just end the series with RR and SH getting married. the three sisters and MM together with a girl handpicked by the sisters.  Everyone lives happily ever after.  The end.

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derekmcg..I can see why this drama has gotten crazy.  It's true the fruit (drama) does fall to far from the tree (writer).  I had such high hope for this drama and slowly with each eps, my position has changed. I truly wanted the relationship to work for MM & RR because they fit...but I am now cheering for SS.  The lack of backbone with MM makes it difficult to support his character.  I agree, it is only a drama but it sure is easy to get caught up in it.

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My only comment on the writer's personal life is: What was she thinking with that dress?  Ugh!

The drama can't end now because the Evil Sisters still think that RR is evil.  K-dramas never end until the Evil Ones learn their lesson or come to the light. Personally, I'd like for Sister #1 to really get her comeuppance.  However, so far in this drama, we haven't seen this writer write anything really bad like evil schemes and such so I'm not really holding my breath on being satisfied.  Most likely, the writer will just "kill" off whatever characters she runs out of plot for.

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LOL anyone else think the MM sisters are about to get their just rewards for screwing around with MM? So now the eldest sister realizes MM got dumped and it's all their fault! I'm glad this show is crazy, because Crazy Love is horrible....I mean I think it's worse than Glass Mask....and that is saying something that is bad. Those latter two shows should never have been written.

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So MM deleted RR's photo. This is the 2nd time he does that. I am quite disappointed with MM. He has no perserverance, no strategy and weak. After watching episode 78, I feel RR is better off with SS who provides her with perfect condition for a happy family environment. But this show is about RR and MM, so I think MM will make a come back and tries to win her over or will it be the other way round ?

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Episode 78 Brief Recap:


Opens with MM and the guys at the karaoke room.  One of the guys is doing a seductive dance when the Director suddenly sees the guy as Sister #1, dressed in what may be a black nightgown and dancing seductively at him.

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At MM’s home and sisters are wondering where MM is when Director piggybacks a drunk MM home.  Director tells sisters that MM seems to be over RR and even confided that big news is going to break about her.  He tells Sister #1 that they should all go to a club together.  Sister #1 tells Director to sleep over.  He declines.  Again says that they should all go clubbing together.  Flirting happening here that Sister #2 and #3 catch on to.


SH’s parents having breakfast and another marital spat.


Inside makeup trailer, Director enters because he hasn’t had breakfast.  They feed him instant noodles.  RR enters.  Director asks RR if she hasn’t received any offers for once Artaire (whatever it’s called) finishes (only 3 weeks left).  RR tells Director that SH refused an offer that came in because RR needs to rest.


SH’s home.  RR mom is making white kimchi.  SH’s mom tells RR’s mom to go home early.


Shooting a hospital scene.  PJY asks RR how things are going with MM.  RR tells her it’s none of her business.  PJY says it’s annoying because he keeps dropping by the set.


SH’s mom is at SG’s clinic and is being examined by SG.  She is constipated and trying to lose weight.  Nothing serious.


3 Sisters eating at Versailles complaining about MM.  They think the “big news” that MM told Director about is the announcement of MM’s and RR’s wedding.


SH’s mom tells SH’s dad to also go see SG.  They leave to go have dinner with RR and SH at Versailles.  Crap!  RR and SH also head over to Versailles.  RR just knows that they’re going to a French restaurant.  RR and SH arrive at Versailles.  She doesn’t notice where she’s at until she gets out of the car.  She tells SH she’s been here before but doesn’t confide that it’s MM’s sister’s restaurant.  Stupid girl.  Even when SH comments on how the wait staff know her, she doesn’t say anything.  Stupid, stupid girl.


SH’s parents arrive and Sister #1’s head is so far up SH’s mom’s richard simmons.  While she’s bent over with her head up SH’s mom’s richard simmons, SH’s dad is checking out Sister #1’s richard simmons.  richard simmons (SH’s dad).  Sister #1 apparently just opened the door for them since she doesn’t see RR in the private room.  SH’s mom is happy-surprised to learn that RR has been to Versailles before.


Sister #1 comes in to serve and she then sees RR.  RR greets her.  No one notices anything, except maybe SH.  RR then says, “I’m hungry.  Can I order anything I want, Mother?”  Sister #1 is thinking “mother?”  Then SH’s dad tells her to order everything she wants until she’s full then to take the food home.  RR asks Sister #1, “you’ll pack it to go, right?”  Sister #1 agrees.  She sees them acting like a happy family and wonders what’s going on.  Ok, so maybe RR isn’t that stupid.  But then we see RR with a dead face.  What’s with that?  Move on, already.  You know why MM is named MM?  Bc he’s a mama’s boy.


RR continues to earn SH’s parents’ approval by talking about the importance of having a stay-at-home mom growing up.  The parents are clapping at her when Sister #1 walks in to serve wine.  Dad says that RR’s words are correct in front of Sister #1’s face.  SH’s mom says she really wants to meet RR’s mom.  While Sister #1 is pouring wine, SH’s mom introduces SH as her son.  Then the dad introduces RR as Namo (as in, you recognize her, correct?).  Then SH’s mom says, they look good together, don’t they?  The dad proposes a toast of “let’s see each other often.”  Sister has no idea what’s going on.  I think she thinks that RR is playing both SH and MM.


Going home in the car, RR tells SH who Sister #1 is.


At home, SH’s dad tells his mom to get the two to hurry and marry.  SH’s dad points out that RR is rising quickly and that at lunch, one of the chaebol presidents commented on how he liked RR and wanted her as a daughter-in-law.  In the meantime, SH gets a call from a secretary or something asking for a meeting between RR and a chaebol’s second son.  SH tells the guy off and says that RR doesn’t meet with random guys like that, even if it’s the first son.  SH tells RR that he gets lots of calls like that for her.  RR agrees that she has no interest in meeting anyone.  Before she goes in for the night, RR tells SH not to discard her even if she acts like a brat.


Driving home, SH notices that RR left her phone in the car.  He goes to deliver the phone and rings the doorbell.  Squeee!!! Can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode.  This should be interesting.  Now RR’s mom will get on the SH ship too.  She’s already met his mom and really likes her and she’s also met SH and knows that he was raised well.



Other weirdly edited scenes:

SG and DJ on a date and they buy Couple pants—the kind of pants that grandmas wear at home.  Mom is horrified.


RR’s mom feeding the dog what looks like bulgogi.  Seriously.  Has this family not heard that you should only feed dogs dog food?  His poo is going to be seriously nasty.


Only 1 scene of MM moping at home.  Get in line with your sisters’ plans and just meet some other girl already!  Leave RR alone.  In fact, leave the show!

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Though I enjoy this show even though it reminds me a lot of looney tunes for some weird and rather not talk about way! LOL J/K ultimately everything resolves around RR/MM. Right now MM needs to put on his big boy pants because his sisters are what is hindering his development. Though I see MM as a boy who is simply lost...SS I got a funny sense about him...he's too dag blasted perfect...I mean Godlike perfect which is fishy...but again...this show is more like a looney tunes than anything.

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