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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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@timsha how about we hope that actually he'll be gone only for a few days, but EH thinks he's gone for good. So that she will go and tells him to stay? LOL
I'm being super delusional here. Can't the writer let us write the drama? Please. :D

agree with @lindab12 this show is up when VP is in it. If he's gone then I bet it'll be down again. The topic here too become more lively after VP gets into the picture. Honestly, VP is the only one who makes me stick up to watch it, cause the others are too boring, and the storyline with SG is too dragging. I just hope SG or YJ won't become Mr. Evil or Ms. Evil like YR. LOL

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@mymilkysu @lindab12 agree things picked up on this thread only when VP with his cold arrogance showed up..... before that I was basically talking and writing to myself .... only a handful would show up occasionally.  I hope to god I dont have to see more of SJ's pudgy face and YJ self satisfied smug from now on ..... writer nim if you are taking out our eye candy, u jolly well make sure everything from now on is going downhill for SG and YJ,  OK??????? X(

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timsha said:

@exupery OK I am hoping I got especially VP telling LK he is leaving for US totally wrong, there was some lines before he said he was leaving  .... did VP hopefully tell LK he is only going to US for a few days and will be back?? or is he going for good i.e. we wont be seeing him again?? 

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Hopefully, you all are right, he is only going away for a few days. I am also hoping that EH will go after him and prevent him from leaving. Still keeping my finger crossed that these will be a step forward for these two. If he leave, my dream is shattered for this show, and may leave silently to mourn the loss as I cannot see anything interesting anymore in this show. Better leave when the going is good and not watch another stupid drama going downhill.

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JT is definitely interested in EH ... he stated his feelings a few episodes back (ep 72 if I am not mistaken) to VP. The problem with him is he is completely A-sexual in his dealings with her..... he just hangs around her like some silent brooding guardian angel .... make a move u blockhead before u lose her to SJ again!!!!

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Guest tweetiaa

OH NO! If it's really true that VP won't appear in here again, I won't watch it anymore, I'll just have to wait til the final episode, just to see who will end up with EH in the end! Hiks.... the only reason I keep watching is because VP :( writer shouldn't brought him into this drama since beginning! ~X(

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So.. i think.. (if i didn't hear it wrong) VP ask LK how lon he should stay in US?

And can anyone tell me what did EH said in tye very first preview? Saying something about VP and LK?

VP tells JT to take a good care of LK and EH while he's gone. And JT asks didn't he want to say something to EH which he answers no. Aarrgghhh. Tell me he's not going to just go away like that. This is frustrating.

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Guest klover26

@mymilkysu in the preview where EH seems to be searching for VP, the voiceover had LK informs EH that VP is going back to America, and EH asks when he will come back

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Guest klover26

im losing hope in EH/VP pairing. With VP accepting the news rather willingly (eventhough he looked gloomy), means that it will be easier for EH to accept him as a stepbrother. yup, this drama lacks so much romance, nobody seems good fitting in with EH. if they write off VP or dont even bring a nice girl for him, then i'll no longer watch this untill the last episode, to see who make it with EH. whoever wins in the end, i hope they're going to make that character more interesting and stronger than VP or else their rating will drop.

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in the preview ... i think EH is talking to LK saying that today VP seems to be in good mood since he even left work together with LK.

and he's definitely not going for a few days.  :((   i'm not too sure of the exact context but either he's stating he'll stay in US as long as it takes or as long as LK wants him to. he told LK that it's enough that he knows and not to tell EH and that he wants to go US.

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Guest fifthtry

exupery said: i like JT but kinda hard to root for someone who's so passive ... till now he has not make a single move to let EH know of his interest in her ... assuming he's interested. lol

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@exupery thanks. Maybe EH will sense something is definitely wrong with VP. And when she finds out that he's leaving to US, she may figured that he'll may not be back too. So, maybe she would just tell him to stay instead?
*crossing fingers*
I still hope they will end up together. Its been weeks that we got more VP than the other guy. And for the last few episodes ended up with a cliffhanger with VP in it. I don't know for sure, but I really do hope this would give a good chance for our OTP. Besides EH also change her hairstyle. Is it to show that she's moved on already? :D

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GOOD LORD PEOPLE...THE VP HASN'T GONE ANYWHERE YET! And more than likely he won't go anywhere, and if he does it will be temporary. In fact the way he snooped into EH background I was thinking that he will probably do the snooping into her father and what really happened. There has to be some catalyst for people on EH side to find out the truth ain't what SG said it was, and the VP is just the man to be that catalyst. Everybody else is so content to believe whatever the hell SG tells them. There isn't any movement on EH's part to ascertain with certainty that her father is or is not a killer. She just gobbled up what she was told and hasn't questioned it. Which is really stupid if you ask me. Her mother told her her father could never do anything like that so why believe someone else over your mother without going back to the mother and saying, "Hey Mr.Cha says dad confessed". 
So again if anyone were to stumbled upon the truth and question it it would be the VP. This is my scenario....SG or YJ runs into the VP and tries to smear her again to him by saying she nothing but a murders daughter. The VP would smugly reply that since HM was not really her father then that is not true. And by the way, her real parents are very rich and powerful so they should watch their mouths and stop spreading rumors about her. Yes SG would go into extreme panic mode, and YJ face would fall to the ground. She would try to keep that info from gma and SJ and try to make sure they get married before he finds out that HM isn't EH dad. lol.  Just my thoughts lol. 
Anyway I don't think they will writing off the VP anytime soon.

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