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[OFFICIAL] ♡♡Monday Couple: ♥♡♡Song Ji Hyo and Kang Gary ♡♥♥

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3 hours ago, chinmf007_37ca said:

what is your IG account ? i will follow you and tell you it is me from soompi:) I will PM you my IG id.

Ya, i know about the latest event or happenings of our Monday Couple:)  Joeson took some awesome photo and video when he was following them that day , and it show that when Ji Hyo was off screen, she was actually holding and hanging on to Gary, she only let go of her hand when MC met up with other cast members:) That action just SJH way to say sc@@@ you WGM!!!

and in addition the pharmacy company had been releasing wonderful photos of them holding up  flowers right? and the flowers is not even a product or chemical items that represent the pharmacy company, so it shows that the owner(s) of the company really know and believe in Gary and Ji Hyo's relationship that they are willing to extend their contract and make Monday Couple their company's representatives (in advertisement) .....  the way how Gary and Ji Hyo were   so confident in their relationship and image that, not even WGM can tarnish their commitment together xD

about SA, they had been jumping up for every opportunity to tarnish Gary and their inconsistency(flip-flopping) towards their own ship show how lame they are, SA start with endorsing Ji Hyo with Bo lin just to humiliate Gary, and when our Monday Couple continue to express their commitment together, they jump back again telling people their ship is "Real", and they do that by invading MC's IG and MC forum...  so SA's action spoke volume about their dark souls...LOL IKR, they are some weird weed they are smoking.




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On 22/02/2016 at 10:31 AM, chinmf007_37ca said:


Thought to keep the Forum alive :)

Had seen joesone's latest IG and photo, Monday couple had been as "some" as ever..

and their filming in Dubai is awesome xD

Your right MC have to continue whatever the circumstances. Gary never give up so we should not. Although the Chen Bolin teasing is getting worst in RM. Poor JiHyo. But she said in a recent interview that she won't date within the same line so it is to cover herself against WGM expectations. After all CBL is an actor so she shot down that loveline before it even started. LOL. WGM shippers can be even crazier than SA ones. Oh I hope he won't visit her on set during her filming of RM, That will be so awkward.


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Been reading opinions of SJH interview etc. in other ahem forum page. I think some fans in their warped mind thinks that Gary need Ji Hyo for the loveline. And they keep saying that this loveline is hurting her and hope it ends. But in an interview that Gary did some time ago, he said he is grateful to Yoo Jae Suk for creating Monday Couple and Peaceful Gary persona for RM as he said his person don't have the right reaction for variety. Both SJH and KG are introverted by nature. Even SJH said so herself. So YJS decided that they can both help each other. Because of MC, when KG and SJH understand their popularity as such,it became their money spinner. If not because of MC, Ji Hyo will have less CF which will translate to less money cos she definitely is not rolling in drama land. She said she is breaking out from her persona which is tomboyish and aggressive on RM to show her softer more feminine side but to be frank, she was too quiet in the beginning and so Ace and Bad Ji Hyo came out most probably after clever editing and some tweaking with the script. You can see when she is just paired with a guest by herself, she clams up, in fact in the recent intern episode, it is the guest Won Hae who broke the awkwardness in the car! Also the opposition fans does not understand that Leessang was already successful before RM albeit in South Korea. RM just gave them a bigger market. I think Gary refuse collaboration with Ji Hyo because she is just not a good singer and he said that his RM persona is not his real person and I believe he does not want his music which is important to him to have association with RM. He knows RM will not be forever but he has to continue Leessang as his career and business and it is his passion too. This does not mean I don't believe KG and SJH are not dating but I think it is like a sseom relationship or even open relationship. It suits their needs now and satisfy their needs in many ways. I just enjoy their cheesy moments and charming flirtations or else it will be a bland show indeed unless RM wants to emphasis Kwang soo and KJK budding loveline. LOL.

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1 hour ago, cissmahs_3690 said:

Been reading opinions of SJH interview etc. in other ahem forum page. I think some fans in their warped mind thinks that Gary need Ji Hyo for the loveline. And they keep saying that this loveline is hurting her and hope it ends. But in an interview that Gary did some time ago, he said he is grateful to Yoo Jae Suk for creating Monday Couple and Peaceful Gary persona for RM as he said his person don't have the right reaction for variety. Both SJH and KG are introverted by nature. Even SJH said so herself. So YJS decided that they can both help each other. Because of MC, when KG and SJH understand their popularity as such,it became their money spinner. If not because of MC, Ji Hyo will have less CF which will translate to less money cos she definitely is not rolling in drama land. She said she is breaking out from her persona which is tomboyish and aggressive on RM to show her softer more feminine side but to be frank, she was too quiet in the beginning and so Ace and Bad Ji Hyo came out most probably after clever editing and some tweaking with the script. You can see when she is just paired with a guest by herself, she clams up, in fact in the recent intern episode, it is the guest Won Hae who broke the awkwardness in the car! Also the opposition fans does not understand that Leessang was already successful before RM albeit in South Korea. RM just gave them a bigger market. I think Gary refuse collaboration with Ji Hyo because she is just not a good singer and he said that his RM persona is not his real person and I believe he does not want his music which is important to him to have association with RM. He knows RM will not be forever but he has to continue Leessang as his career and business and it is his passion too. This does not mean I don't believe KG and SJH are not dating but I think it is like a sseom relationship or even open relationship. It suits their needs now and satisfy their needs in many ways. I just enjoy their cheesy moments and charming flirtations or else it will be a bland show indeed unless RM wants to emphasis Kwang soo and KJK budding loveline. LOL.

You may have your point, hahaha  but i don't think everything is interacting with show persona, mainly because things happen out of random too frequent, about the peaceful Gary persona, i believe it was an improvised title after the filming had been done, mainly because Gary was more serious and focus with his participating of the mission, it was more of his natural personality which later the show entitle it as peaceful Gary ...that means things happen before it was meant to plan that way, since no one know what to expect from Gary initially as this is his first variety show... for Ji hyo's involvement with him, i think it was more of an accidental event where Gary follow his heart and perform gesture which was meant to be friendly, in ep 4..Jae suk said that he was actually planning to pair kjk with ji hyo but before he can further elaborate he was interrupt by the entrance of Rain... Gary's showing interest to Ji Hyo was not apparent but it always left with that kind of small kinder feeling in it..like Gary purposely waiting for Ji Hyo's turn so that they can drink the egg york together fairly , and Gary's smile when he heard Ji hyo laughing in the auction in ep 10??  then moment by moment cast members realise Gary's hidden intention so they play along and said this was a so called "love line"...but for my feeling , it was an act or gesture of opposite attraction between them...basically it was not plan as a typical love drama, like WGM , where they have to script the whole long sentence about what ji hyo expected from a dating with another guy, they clearly over did it and exaggerated  with all those "excuse" of what ji hyo want or don't want, or what she hope for...for me real love doesn't need such explanation, it just happen naturally , the more someone explain to me why such love happen between them , the more convince for me that they are fake... that's why for my argument i mainly based on how MC's reacted and  body language to each other, and from those small moment, i find explanation on conclusion on why they did it...basically i am applying sherlock holmes's method of Deduction which analyse the whole situation backward towards the origin...LOL

based on my analyse, Gary and Ji Hyo's interaction should be start from stranger --- faint interest --- friend ---Good friend---"broke up" --- awkward --- reconcile---friendly again ---good friend ----some friend ------ (now is the stage of various possibility)   ...  It was/ is such a long process along the way that it "may" be impossible to script, why? because PD at that time wont even know how long RM will last, so it will be illogical to script a long process that may not even be used at all...


and about interview, well interview is always "interesting" because people involve tend to say things that they think what people want to hear, but along the line they might say things that what they think actually, it will be a delicate task of capturing things that they really "think" and not thinking on our behalf...LOL  that's why i seldom follow interview, but just to do my own deduction process based on what i witness(on their behaviour and body language)...lol


wow... i don't realise i wrote such long already..LOL anyway i always lost myself in MC discussion, but yeah...now let see what's going on, about wgm, it is just too predictable to make me "feel" for anything..the only unintended drama that let me feel the "love" between 2 main characters is still Terminator: The sarah connor chronicle , John and cameron had such chemistry that will dwarf twilight with ease ...LOL 

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I am sad that Taek PD is leaving and alot of the original RM PD have gone over to China RM (most probably cos of the high pay). But of course we have some weirdoes (you know who you are S cough cough assses) cos they think Taek PD is promoting MC loveline. This person are such lowlifes that even on sbs official RM IG, on Monday couple photos they have to do their dumb rant. Make them sound sad like no lifers actually. Come on folks this is a freaking variety show. Get a grip. The sliding ratings for running man is because not so much they are running out of ideas or lack certain moments or excess of others but the demographics has changed. I believe the young generation prefer to watch online and catch up when they are free and mainly those who watch will be bored housewives and old people and just saying, Running Man won't be their cup of tea. Also I think RM has one of the biggest overseas presence compared to other variety show in Korea. Their international appeal beats Return of Superman or 1n2d anytime but these two shows appeal to the Korean market. I myself don't watch these two shows.I hope a new PD could save the falling ratings. I am afraid it might get can because if the rates keep sliding in Korea than the show might get canned because we know advertising dollars will go to popular shows.So I see the frequency of fan meets overseas reflect that RM members are milking their cash cow for all it is worth. I am sure they are very well paid now. If RM disappears, I will be sad cos I love this show not only for MC but what every member brings into the show. Even they are tight knit but they will do their part to make it entertaining. Maybe that is why SJH has no choice but to path a new market for herself. She is an actress and she has not been getting regular gigs. Thankfully because of RM she still can earn a decent sum of money. But she is no spring chicken so she need to establish herself as an A lister actress in Korea but that is a tough market to break in. China is a whole new world, it is a new and huge market with so many different states, TV stations, the possibility is endless and good paymaster. Many good Hong Kong actresses up and left TVB and HK movie industry to earn fast and big bucks there. Anyway, I hope this is not the year that RM will sink if they get a new  PD that sucks big time.

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Hi fellow MC Shipper... It's a bit late, but i'm gonna hop in and join you guys in this forum. Pardon me for my bad english though, since language barrier always becoming the sole reason for me not to join international forum.

Gonna introduce myself as an avid Running Man fan since 2011, an also an avid Leessang fan since their Hexagonal album. I gotta admit, i'm becoming MC shipper because of Kang Gary at first. When i heard the news he gonna join Variety Show ( RM ), i'm a bit skeptical of how he gonna survive in the harsh Variety world environment. But thanks God i was wrong... He developed a pretty cool persona which is totally different from his Leessang persona and succeed to entertain us, Running Man viewer. Later on,  he unexpectedly developed a love line with Song Ji Hyo which we know as Monday Couple. Their adorable interaction which is so natural and heart fluterring, manage to hook me up to always follow their development as the couple. 

Nowadays their interaction doesn't seem as much as in earlier episode. But i believe there's a good reason for that.

1. They actually dating ( which i believe so ) and try their best to lay low and avoid suspicion from media and their fans. They have a good reason for doing so, since Gary feels that their relationship might ruin the show or their career if it known to the public. Hence they minimize their interaction on screen, and stop pushing Monday Couple moment. 

2. They not actually dating yet but they keep the possibilities open and decide to respect/support each other career for now. 

Gary said in the recent interview that he has tried to get closer to Song Ji Hyo for 5 years, but he thinks that the most appropriate timing and chance is already passed. As a fan of Leessang, i know how romantic Kang Gary could be. Some of their song was based on Kang Gary real life love experience. In "You're The Girl for A Guy Like Me" song, Kang Gary express his pain for his breakup with his long term girlfriend. Worth to be noted though, Gary only had one girlfriend during his career as Leessang duo, which is an admirable feat. It practically proves his loyalty to their relationship

His loyalty and determination is one of many reason of why i believe that he still not give up about his love to Song Ji Hyo ( in contrary with what he said in the interview ). Even if he did confessed to Song Ji Hyo and got rejected, i believe that Song Ji Hyo would be still in his heart and not easily replaced. 

Phew such a long introductory post... I'll post again later ^^

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8 hours ago, cissmahs_3690 said:

@kutumbaba welcome to MC PAGE!!! YAHOO!!!! post as often as you like. i see no problem with ur english, It's quite good. And we need as many MC fans here!


Thanks, this is my first attempt at international forum. I'm usually discuss Running Man or MC moment at my local forum.

In the recent of their interview ( Kang Gary, Song Ji Hyo, Lee Kwang Soo ), reporter from Weibo Night ask Kang Gary about his image. Sweet guy image in RM and charismatic rapper in Leessang Duo. She ask about which image that he likes the most. Kang Gary refuse to answer and let Kwang Soo and Jihyo to answer the question. Jihyo feels that Kang Gary is a naive and pure heart guy, so she feels that she needs to protect his oppa. She ( and the rest of the cast ) also like that image of his the most, they're even willing to specially torturing Gary to see that side of him lol. 


Credit to jelly_jellybean 

Thx for subbing the interview ^^


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  • 7 months later...

Guys! Gary is Leaving RM! Is this the end of Monday couple or a beginning of a REAL Couple?! Gawd! Am sad about this news...him leaving RM, but dang! Gary is such a prolific Rapper and Musician! It's a bittersweet news, sad he'll be leaving but also happy for his career. 


I guess we'll just have to see where these two will go from now on...

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@kira  Yes I was shocked by the news. This is officially the end of MC as we know it. I think besides music, I actually suspected that Gary wanted to leave very early on when I could see his back was in bad shape. He also have not much time between music, concerts and Halyang. He tried to remain but something is giving and RM is getting more physical again such as name tag ripping and there was a punishment episode where Gary was whipped! That must have hurt! Besides I notice that they seem to be editing in more SA moments recently and now I understand why. Hope that he will continue to be successful with his career. Maybe he listened to his mom and leave. His tattoo says mother is always right. His mom wanted him to be in variety but maybe when she watch him hurting during RM maybe she asked him to leave. After all mother is always right.

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