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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Guest bluemoonlight



Any Translator??? (Seems like the below series which Gui Gui play as a supporting roles will be release into Korea)

[TV리포트=이수아 기자] 2PM 택연의 가상신부 오영결이 출연한 중국드라마가 안방에 상륙한다.

3일 중화TV는 "오는 15일부터 인기 중국드라마 '여상육정(원제 女相: 陆贞传奇)'을 방송한다"라고 밝혔다.

'여상육정'은 중국 역사 유일의 여성 재상(宰相) 이야기다. '중국판 대장금'으로 불리는 작품이다. '소오강호', '궁쇄주렴', '미인심계' 등을 끊임없이 히트시키며 현재 중국 드라마계 최고의 작가이자 제작자로 자리매김한 위정(于正) 사단의 최신작이다.

위진남북조의 북제(北齐)를 이끌었던 여재상 ‘육정(陆贞)’의 일대기를 통해 모진 역경과 수많은 고난을 이겨내는 지혜와 리더십을 그린다. 이 드라마는 평균시청률 2%, 최고 시청률 4%를 기록했다. 동시간대 시청률 1위를 차지하며 2013년 최고의 인기드라마로 군림했다.

주인공 '육정'은 중국스타 '자오리잉(赵丽颖)'이 맡았다. 부모를 여의고 계모의 모함을 피해 궁녀가 되지만 지혜롭고 착한 심성으로 어려움을 극복해가는 캐릭터로 분한다.

중국의 국민요정 '탕이신(唐艺昕)', 대만의 아이돌 출신 '우잉지에(吴映洁 오영결)'도 출연한다. '탕이신'은 주인공 '육정'의 좋은 친구였으나 질투심에 점차 라이벌로 변해가는 극중 '육정'의 라이벌 ‘침벽’ 역할로 인상 깊은 연기를 펼쳤다.

'육정’과 서로를 의지하는 단짝친구 ‘하단낭’ 역을 맡은 대만 아이돌 출신 배우 '우잉지에'는 아름답고 활발한 캐릭터로 등장한다. '우잉지에'는 현재 '우리 결혼했어요 세계판'에서 2PM의 멤버 택연과 가상부부로 호흡을 맞추고 있다.

'여상육정'은 15일 첫 방송을 시작으로 매주 월요일부터 금요일까지 밤 11시에 2회씩 연속 방송한다.

=여상육정 포스터(중화TV)-오영결(TV리포트DB) 

이수아 기자 2sooah@tvreport.co.kr

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Guest ineedlove

angelangie said: ok girls.....enough of this Taec not promoting and everything.....or that Gui Gui promote too much....did you guys seen the way Gui Gui actually got bashed??? no right? and how people are saying and the trails of it are endless...
Taec in his way is caught up with his comeback...and honestly there are 1 or 2 interview on his participation in GWGM there are articles about it....there are talk about it.....and there are hints about it....he didnt elaborate on it as he didnt want to be accuse of riding on this international program....also when ShiChuan had an earthquake a couple of month back during the first few initial episode airing he share his thoughts and everything and convey his feeling about the earthquake victim too....think about this...Gui Gui was in China filming then....his virtual wife is there....he may be conveying his msg to the victims of the earthquake but it was also his way of showing that he care....and he is worried....just that he is way more subtle about it.....
can you guys imagine how harsh is the netizens in Korea? No cause first of all we dont live in Korea or in Taiwan...first 2pm was caught up with the news of Jay Park and then it was with Nickhun....they were on hiatus for almost 2 years....imagine 2 years with not much of a project but they preserve as a group and stand they still did despite all the harsh realities on the world....do you guys know how harsh is the Korean Netizens or society? if two artist caught and said maybe of possible dating they stated it as 'SCANDAL' yes you seen it right they said it as 'SCANDAL' not some breaking news or what.....it a 'SCANDAL'...........
then his duet with guigui won no#1 in Taiwan iTunes, he broke his silence and thanks Taiwan for loving his new song and also Gui Gui...he included Gui Gui on it.....he put him and Gui Gui as a partner not only for him but for two of them.....think again girls....he not only had to protect Gui Gui or himself but also his bandmates and at the same times JYP that had work together with them to put them back on track...we are all sitting right here throwing out hates and opinions about how he didnt actually promote but did we see the works he throw to make this program works too? 
then people will turns why Gui Gui a girl can care less what people thought and still do what she felt right? Gui Gui is not foreign about it...she grow up in a split family, she learn the harsh reality of life from when she was just a mere kid...going out and setting herself up...doing what she does best 'SMILE' 
her recent bashing make me admire her...and also respect her despite hating the people who are inconsiderate enough to drag her into all these just to make news...everyone saying how much Gui Gui did and what she sacrifice for the show itself and everything but at the same times she had the bashing too on how she sucking it up....but did we all actually see when she cried in private? she is an expressive girl, and when a smile comes easy so does tears....but those tears are a private tears of despair and frustration something that she will not show to the public because the same as Taec she didnt want to worry another person or people who care for her......
Taec an introvert he maybe but he is someone who is very observant to a degree and he can judge and he knew how to prepare stuff for the people that he care about so he take the other route out....who are we know to know what transpire in between them.......
so ....lets stop be so judgmental of their actions....we are not some insiders who know what actually transpire or what the hell is going on...lets us all be the HAPPY shippers shall we? this same issues was brought up in Baidu.com for those who understand Mandarin you guys can go over there and check it out :) so everyone lets cheers and enjoy the 2 episode of what left of uri couple...

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Guest Midge Razak

*back flips into forum*

Guuuuuuuuuys! I finished! I FINALLY finished *tears of happiness*

The MV I worked so hard on! So please enjoy TaecGui's story :)

I couldn't help but end it the way I did. They are the crazy couple after all haha

Making this MV actually made me really sad because I don't want them to end WAAAAAAAAAAH *cries in corner*


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AiMeiNeko said: *back flips into forum*
Guuuuuuuuuys! I finished! I FINALLY finished *tears of happiness*
The MV I worked so hard on! So please enjoy TaecGui's story :)

I couldn't help but end it the way I did. They are the crazy couple after all haha

Making this MV actually made me really sad because I don't want them to end WAAAAAAAAAAH *cries in corner*

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Guest AiMeiNeko

@Mikoshine and @latebloomerahjumma

Thankyou! It totally messed with my feels though, SO MANY FEELS!! haha
I apologize about the subs and quality as I only had the youtube episodes at the time but I'm downloading the HQ raw eps now for future projects.

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AiMeiNeko said: @Mikoshine and @latebloomerahjumma

Thankyou! It totally messed with my feels though, SO MANY FEELS!! haha
I apologize about the subs and quality as I only had the youtube episodes at the time but I'm downloading the HQ raw eps now for future projects.

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Guest tangmo92

gingermianbao said: 陆贞传奇 (The Legend of Lu Zhen) was okay... It starts out well and interesting, but starts to get draggy towards the middle. It's slightly over 50 episodes long!!! Sometimes you will want to roll your eyes at how stupid the female protagonist is even though she is suppose to be damn bright with palace politics. Frankly, I only managed to finish the series because  of 
#1 Guigui#2 The suave male protagonist (LOL) 
Guigui plays the role of the sidekick cum little sister of the female protagonist. Guigui's character is called Dan Niang, who BUBBLY, loves to EAT, doesnt crave for power or ranking, she just wants to stay status quo as a palace maid and help out within her own abilities. She gives comedic relief to the show along with a eunuch friend, both usually appear in friendly banter to give contrast to the tension of the main plot. There will be scenes when Guigui actually outsmarts their enemies, but she doesnt appear in every episode, so warning to that! 
Anyways... this is cute. It's as if amongst a crowd of ladies, the gentleman only has eyes for that one particular girl. And when their eyes meet, itt's suddenly just the both of them in the shot. Imagine all the other girls in the image disappearing. 

Credits to Gooland from Tumblr.

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Guest AiMeiNeko

@angelangie Thankyou ^^ *huuugs*

@bouquet78 buhahahahaha that was basically my reaction making it as well hahaha and I kept forgetting what I was doing and just ended up watching the whole episode.

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Guest robotbunny

Hi again everyone! Okay so today it's not going to be about any analysis or micro action observation. Hahaha. Today is going to be about opinions regarding the way Oppa and Guigui is promoting GWGM.
Well, straight to the point, 2PM has been through a couple of scandals. These scandals may seem normal to us but they are actually looked at with a very different light in Korea. These things are not taken lightly. There are also super fans dubbed "Sasaeng Fans" in Korea. With these in mind, it is only natural for Oppa to be extra cautious. Every single thing the celebrities do, they will put their fans, members, and family into mind. And if they don't, it just means that they are ready to let things go and face any obstacles that will come their way. This is what Oppa doesn't want. We know that 2PM is a team, a tight knitted group of great friends who sing and perform together. They are one single unit. And if any scandal comes up (for example the one Khun was in sadly), the whole unit will be pulled into the scandal as well. Oppa is being careful. And the reason why he doesn't promote GWGM like Guigui does is because he is being safe. People ask "Why is Oppa promoting his dramas and the kisses, but not about him and Guigui?"
The thing about dramas is that there is no outpouring of emotions. There is, but it's entirely out from a script. They act it out. They promote it to gain more fans, to make more earnings. This is the truth. And the difference between a drama and GWGM is that GWGM is full of real emotions. Yes, they are given a script/missions, but other than that, it's completely up to the characters to do what they want. Emotions are invested in GWGM. And this is why it carries so much more risk. It's easy to promote a drama because fans know that it's just a drama. It's too risky to promote GWGM because fans know and Oppa knows as well that there's emotions between him and Guigui.  And if he promotes it, Sasaeng fans will go insane. It will not only put him at risk, it also puts 2PM at risk, JYP at risk, his loved ones at risk, and most importantly, Guigui. One very very very extremely sad thing that happened to Oppa before, I think it was during 2009, he received a very scary (and icky) fan letter. It was this letter written with the girl's monthly blood (if you know what I mean). What else can be more traumatizing? 
It's very easy to complain and wonder if Oppa doesn't feel the same way and doesn't invest as much time in promoting GWGM as Guigui. He would if he could. He would if he doesn't have obstacles. 
Guigui, on the other hand, is a fighter. We know that amidst all the fans that love her, she has haters as well. But no matter what, she still promotes GWGM like it's part of her life. Part of the reason for her being so brave is because she's going solo. She has no team members. And because she's strong, her motto is "Come what may" and she'll fight and go through it, and she knows she'll survive. This is why she constantly posts the pictures from her personal gallery and replies and teases her fans' comments on her Weibo. She's a big tease LOL.
Both of them have their own personal obstacles. And usually we would complain why this and why that. But they are celebrities, and they live a completely different life than we do... even if we're all human beings.
I hope I don't offend anyone with this post. It's just something I felt that needed to be lifted off my shoulders, in hopes that people understand Oppa better. (:

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AiMeiNeko said: *back flips into forum*
Guuuuuuuuuys! I finished! I FINALLY finished *tears of happiness*
The MV I worked so hard on! So please enjoy TaecGui's story :)

I couldn't help but end it the way I did. They are the crazy couple after all haha

Making this MV actually made me really sad because I don't want them to end WAAAAAAAAAAH *cries in corner*

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Guest AiMeiNeko

miz-em said: AiMeiNeko said: *back flips into forum*
Guuuuuuuuuys! I finished! I FINALLY finished *tears of happiness*
The MV I worked so hard on! So please enjoy TaecGui's story :)

I couldn't help but end it the way I did. They are the crazy couple after all haha

Making this MV actually made me really sad because I don't want them to end WAAAAAAAAAAH *cries in corner*

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Guest nalikahibar

@robotbunny ya ya.. i think i remembered read about that sasaeng fans who sent her idol a monthly blood letter.. but i had no idea that he's taec??!

whoa.. it's so scary.


it must be hard to be an idol in korea..

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Guest nalikahibar

just find the article!

 8. 2pm’s Taecyeon

…sent one of her used monthly menstrual pads to Taecyeon with the message “Ok Taecyeon, you can’t live without me.” After much outrage by 2pm’s fans and the public, the “fan” later wrote on her blog, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry to make the fans and Taecyeon worry. I didn’t know it will get this much attention. I’m not a sasaeng fan, just obsessed.”

oh my God.. she just called it "obsessed"??

michoso???! *guigui mode*


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Guest bluemoonlight

Absolutely love this pic! :x So cute & romantic as high school lovers!Kudos to the fan who made this!
Watched both "Dream High" & "PiLi MIT" and liked them a lot...but this "Dream High MIT" drama would be perfect...OMG...totally dreaming right now 8->ggtaec.jpg
cr: baidu

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Guest vietnamlovetaecgui

I see this photo from a Hottest (her bias is Taec) ...OMGphoto.php?fbid=170575306448649&set=a.106

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