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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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GuiGui Facebook on Fri, May 9 at 8.22pm (KST: 9.22pm)Caption :  今日體驗...原來老花眼是這樣!哈哈哈哈...健檢中心的午餐,很優秀。   Translation :  Today's body check-up ... so this is how being long-sighted (presbyopia) feels like!  Hahahaha ... Lunch served at the Health Centre was excellent.  10320265_10154168094065038_277179754000810176238_10154168094165038_8025169552319

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Remember those 10 house rules that TaecGui made? I wish now that Guigui had revised the last one about farting under the sheet.  She could have changed it to this one.  

credit: as tagged
Tsk.tsk. It's because our baby girl Guigui is too innocent and she didn't have naughty ahjummas and noonas to advice her about opportune goodnight kisses.

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Remember those 10 house rules that TaecGui made? I wish now that Guigui had revised the last one about farting under the sheet.  She could have changed it to this one.  

credit: as tagged

Tsk.tsk. It's because our baby girl Guigui is too innocent and she didn't have naughty ahjummas and noonas to advice her about opportune goodnight kisses.

Extremely good idea and hubby got no choice but to strictly follow :))

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Because there's a moratorium on girls. :)

He can't hang out with the usual kpop girls without Guigui around so he's spending time with kids and ahjussis. But you're right, @bouquet78. It gives him bonus points as a father/husband material if he shows that he plays well with kids.

But first, let us see him change a dirty diaper...  

Hmm...reminds me of the earlier photo shooting with a baby..what campaign or event was that again? Something "angel...." and he carried the baby well...guess, will he do this change diaper job better than wifey?.. ;):))

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bouquet78 said:


Remember those 10 house rules that TaecGui made? I wish now that Guigui had revised the last one about farting under the sheet.  She could have changed it to this one.  

credit: as tagged
Tsk.tsk. It's because our baby girl Guigui is too innocent and she didn't have naughty ahjummas and noonas to advice her about opportune goodnight kisses.
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To @gil_noona -- my last post before I go off to work. :)
Here’s one for the connect-the-dots. You know, I hesitated at first to post this because once we discuss what our couple is doing, and TY happens to read our posts -- YOU people insist he lurks around here and I don’t :) -- then we risk the possibility that THEY’LL change their ways to hide from us.  Oh well… 
This is what they're doing: Instead of following each other's morning messages, like they did before TY went to LA, they’re now alternating Good nights.
Taecyeon’s OKCat TwitterModay, May 5 at 11:11PM Taiwan time or Tuesday May 6 at 12:11AM KST OKCAT NIGHT♡
Guigui’s FBTuesday, May 6 at 11:30AM Taiwan or 12:30AM KSTCaption translated: Just had one bite...10275926_10154157456335038_3000934754883

Wednesday, May 7 at 12:12AM Taiwan or 1:12AM KSTCaption translated: Good night, let's meet in our dreams smiling.10253911_10154157488035038_6721936066646

Taecyeon’s OKCat TwitterWednesday, May 7 at 11:54PM Taiwan or Thursday, May 8 at 12:54AM KSTCaption: RAINY OKCAT NIGHT♥BnC16D1CQAATkW0.jpg

Guigui’s FBThursday, May 8 at 11:22PM Taiwan or Friday, May 9 at 12:22AM KSTTranslation :  Going for a general health body check-up tomorrow, very nervous ... (before that happens) already feeling not wanting to do it!  Good night ee818c.png
Note: There’s a crescent moon similar to the crescent moon from yesterday OKCat’s poster. And the three-eyed alien. 

Why the timing? Why around midnight?  They could’ve sent each other these good night messages at a more decent hour…like 10ish at night. Well... if you’ve ever been in one of those long-distance love affairs, you’ll understand the mushy message. It’s as corny as what Guigui said in her May 7 tweet. “Good night, so let’s meet in our dreams smiling.”  
It basically means: even though they’re apart from each other, they’re literally each other’s LAST and FIRST thoughts of the day. 

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Guest cryjingle

To @gil_noona -- my last post before I go off to work. :)
Here’s one for the connect-the-dots. You know, I hesitated at first to post this because once we discuss what our couple is doing, and TY happens to read our posts -- YOU people insist he lurks around here and I don’t :) -- then we risk the possibility that THEY’LL change their ways to hide from us.  Oh well… 
This is what they're doing: Instead of following each other's morning messages, like they did before TY went to LA, they’re now alternating Good nights.
Taecyeon’s OKCat TwitterModay, May 5 at 11:11PM Taiwan time or Tuesday May 6 at 12:11AM KST OKCAT NIGHT♡
Guigui’s FBTuesday, May 6 at 11:30AM Taiwan or 12:30AM KSTCaption translated: Just had one bite...
Wednesday, May 7 at 12:12AM Taiwan or 1:12AM KSTCaption translated: Good night, let's meet in our dreams smiling.

Taecyeon’s OKCat TwitterWednesday, May 7 at 11:54PM Taiwan or Thursday, May 8 at 12:54AM KSTCaption: RAINY OKCAT NIGHT♥

Guigui’s FBThursday, May 8 at 11:22PM Taiwan or Friday, May 9 at 12:22AM KSTTranslation :  Going for a general health body check-up tomorrow, very nervous ... (before that happens) already feeling not wanting to do it!  Good night ee818c.png

Note: There’s a crescent moon similar to the crescent moon from yesterday OKCat’s poster. And the three-eyed alien. 

Why the timing? Why around midnight?  They could’ve sent each other these good night messages at a more decent hour…like 10ish at night. Well... if you’ve ever been in one of those long-distance love affairs, you’ll understand the mushy message. It’s as corny as what Guigui said in her May 7 tweet. “Good night, so let’s meet in our dreams smiling.”  
It basically means: even though they’re apart from each other, they’re literally each other’s LAST and FIRST thoughts of the day. 
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No, you didn't burst any bubbles at all, @cryjingle. You only created more. :)

How many gifts do you think she receives in a week?One? Two? Then, why single out this gift?

You see, I understand that she likes this alien toy a long time before she met Taecyeon. But if she IS a girl in love with TY (do YOU think she's in love with Taecyeon? Or do you think she's fooling around? Hmmm. There's always that possibility...) then naturally her perception of this alien will now be linked with TY. She can't help it. After all, SHE -- not TY -- insisted on linking the two together. She was the one who started this alien couple image, not TY. Starting with the pajama set, then the couple shoe thingamajig, then her word-play, as pointed out by the baidu or was it weibo people.  Even her choice of picture to go with TY's birthday greetings perpetuated this alien meme.

As Gertrude Stein says, a rose is a rose is a rose. In lieu of a rose, the toy alien works just as well. :)

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Guest LezaP

love teac and gui gui. very lucky guy. she's beautiful and easy on the eyes. most guys can confirm this. she's that girl next door type. there are girls that have a look that only specific guys like but gui gui has a look that appeals to most men out there. so watch out teac hold on tightly to this girl. i know he's had other girlfriends to include (rumored Jessica and although she is "cute and attractive" she does have a different type of beauty that specific guys like). gui gui is the type of girl that possess a lot of the physical qualities men look for in girl. i'm sure she is just as beautiful on the inside too which make her even more attractive and appealing to all men. i can see that the 2pm guys are a envious just by the way they look and stare at her and yes that includes Nickhun too despite having a girlfriend like Tiffany who is pretty but like i said her beauty doesn't appeal to everyone just specific to some guys and Nickhun is one of those types. Taec's lucky to have won the heart of this girl. he must have some insecurities because i know gui gui is appealing and she acts and models with alot of very good looking men in Taiwan. Wonder if he'd marry her for real. Wonder if gui gui would say "yes". let's hope she does.... wish them both a lot of happiness... and i hope that have a lot of beautiful children. btw... i know quite a number of people with international marriages and most of them work out beautifully despite their huge culture and language barriers. Most of them have been married 10, 15 and longest is 20 years and still going strong. Wow! Nice! their kids are gorgeous by the way. kinda makes me envious.

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packmule3 said: No, you didn't burst any bubbles at all, @cryjingle. You only created more. :) How many gifts do you think she receives in a week?One? Two? Then, why single out this gift? You see, I understand that she likes this alien toy a long time before she met Taecyeon. But if she IS a girl in love with TY (do YOU think she's in love with Taecyeon? Or do you think she's fooling around? Hmmm. There's always that possibility...) then naturally her perception of this alien will now be linked with TY. She can't help it. After all, SHE -- not TY -- insisted on linking the two together. She was the one who started this alien couple image, not TY. Starting with the pajama set, then the couple shoe thingamajig, then her word-play, as pointed out by the baidu or was it weibo people.  Even her choice of picture to go with TY's birthday greetings perpetuated this alien meme. As Gertrude Stein says, a rose is a rose is a rose. In lieu of a rose, the toy alien works just as well. :)

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Guest LezaP

packmule3 said:





Sorry spam, off-topic.


I found this from YongShin's topic, and I found really interesting because it's quite true.  


Taecsica ended over 2 year ago ( 2012) , before when he join WGMG. I hear it's funny when many people say that the idols participate WGMG to hide something, such as their relationship or their gender.  with in case of Taecyeon, the start does not intend to participate WGMG but after broke up with Jess, he actually agreed to participate.

I'm currently reading back page 1 from our topic, and now in 110 pages :) ( left 1000 pages ) I just know that TaecGui in strong relationship, we know that :) I'll be lurkers until I completed the page when we reached 2000. Will try  :"D <3 ~  

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