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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Guest bibidep

New OKCat cartoon set posted on March 5, 2014 at 10:34am Korea time.   The first picture had a red polka dot bow...GuiGui had the yellow one how come OkCat aka Taec created red color...You have another girl GuiGui voice hahaha.   :-t  A lot of stars appeared on the windows and the last picture look like a ghost sneak in to see what is OKCat doing.

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Guest bibidep

Taec new picture from his concert in Osaka, Japan last night.   The fan said:   Taec said he really likes Osaka.  After waking up today, he went out alone, to the main city area of Osaka~.  cr: kana    Again...I don't believe that he went to Osaka alone...unless I see his picture hahaha.   Huh...I wonder why he like Osaka that much...ahhhhh...may be he met somebody there before for the first time after the GWGM ended.

Credit to the owner

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Guest cannakat

I'm posting cat and star combo since stars seems to be everywhere now a days

Caption: Always watching......Goodnight.

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Guest cannakat

angelangie said: Gui Gui updated her Weibo after the press conference
she is so pretty isnt she :)

5th March 2014 - 12.17pm (+8 GST)
Translation: Welcome...I'm Miss Mei Dai

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Guest sophora

angelangie said: @lok2ming & @sophora
hey hey....sorry if my welcome are too late :) been busy with stuff and no i did notice you two coming in and out :) sorry if i didnt extend the welcome to you girls :) hope it not to late :)
glad to see some new faces around all the times :) hope u two will enjoying spazzing with us here :)

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stuff you catch while re-watching...

ep 3:
cr: b8l8

nov 16:



so her standard happy face seems to be 3 eyes. in the house, she used a pink font. in November, she purposely used a green font ~ OkCat green. this was a few days after her troll and OkCat responded by crying.. was she super happy by OkCat's response?
EDIT: check out the cat on the mug and then the cat on her shirt.. hmm, almost like she included him no?

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Guest sophora

Was casually bird-watching (in a totally non-obsessive manner of course ;) ) and came across one of the GG drama head scriptwriter's weibo.  He re-tweeted (re-weiboed?) two of Guigui's posts:
cr 戴日强 (weibo.com)4th March 2014 
My attempt at translation: 
Little sister Mei Dai, life can be without fairy tales, but we should be our own Hans Christian Andersen.  Believe in/Trust big brother Qiang*  I will protect you... :) *the scriptwriter's name.  Rather than Big Brother Qiang, a better translation in our ship's language might be Qiang Oppa :)

5th March 2014  1:40pm China scriptwriter-02_zps22a2e0aa.jpg
Miss Mei Dai. you are mei dai(pun: 'mei dai' as a slang phrase means you are 'beautiful')  "Big brother's mission on Earth is to protect little Mei Dai!"  
( @BiruAngel  , @chinlylin  and anyone who knows Chinese, if you could please kindly check my translation, that would be great.  Thank you :)  )

Seems like he is a fan of the Alien/Earth Girl drama too  :))  Hope he will protect uri Guigui and make the role a good one for her, and take out/reduce scenes that might ruffle a certain someone's feathers...wait, he's a cat...let me rephrase, ruffle someone's fur :)
for those who can read Chinese, info on the scriptwriter and the drama

Edited to add link to weibo account of another head scriptwriter, who is also the author of the book the drama is based on:

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The oppa question:
cr: b8l8

ep 3: Taec murmurs "my hearts starts beating faster whenever she calls me oppa"
question: uh, why?
thoughts: he has flaky fans with shrill voices screaming "OPPA". he has juniors like suzy calling lazily "oppppppa"... and here is GuiGui. it was his insistence that she call him "oppa". she would have preferred to just call him Taec but no, he insisted that she call him oppa. earlier, he was acting like professori rather annoyed with this "child at heart"; but yet, his heart beats faster when she calls him "oppa"
so what was going on? GuiGui said he was part man, part boy. perhaps, the professori in him was taken back by her and not sure how to react, while the boy in him who loves gundam thought she was an awesome cute girl!

http://taecgui.blogspot.com/2013/12/3-stills-taecs-question.html ~ for stills from that scene

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