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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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my internet kind a slow...
@packamule3 said: how to make guigui falling in love with you ( sorry if i'm wrong )
take her to have a romantic breakfast
and sorry if i'm late .....

happy 1900th page..... thanks for my micheoso family that always have a great thought, great coment, great gif,a lot of great FBI, and great to connect dot... always make my day happy..thank you very much... ok let's make this ship more fast...

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Thanks for getting a translation of this article. I just want to make some observations because a couple of you had asked me the same question. 
1. Texting his co-star. We know that TY wasn’t interested in Lee Yeonhee. His body language during his multiple press-con said as much (i.e., blocking his lap, mwahaha, limited hand-body contact, distant seating arrangements, stiff arms, etc.), HER body language confirmed it, AND his friend who appeared as his guest in Human Condition blurted it out too on TV.  Therefore, I don’t care if he texted his co-star. It’s just work-related. :)
2. Many of the things he said here were rehashed from previous interviews. They’re his standard Q&A answers, for instance, his past relationship was vaguely 4 ~ 5 years ago, sister is more perfect than him, his stay in Massachusetts, father married at 27 years old, etc.  Honestly, I had wondered at first if @biruangel mistakenly pulled up an old article because many items sounded familiar. :)
The new detail that interested me was his view on the love triangle of his character in the movie.  Admittedly, I don’t know how accurate the translation is, and whether it’s been translated from Japanese to Korean to English, or more simply, from Korean to English.  But when TY said this:
When you look at it, a girl who feel other man’s attraction seems not the destiny girl for you. Because I think the type who got attracted by other person, is considering that person’s attraction higher than mine.
I think he’s pointing out that if his own girlfriend is attracted to somebody else, then she’s not for him. Why? because the mere fact that she considers somebody ELSE attractive means that he – TY -- is no longer THAT attractive enough to hold on to her interest.  I think this makes sense. 
And it also explains why he keeps an eye on Guigui:  to make sure she doesn’t get attracted to anybody else. mwahahaha. 
3. Dating dedicatedly.  For me, though, the most significant deviation from his normal interview was his answer about his dating style.  No longer was he asked about his IDEAL girl, IDEAL date or IDEAL proposal. Instead, he was asked about his dating style.  Summing it up like a slogan, he readily answered: “Dating dedicatedly.”  
Look: to sum up something THAT concisely, it means he had already given it MUCH thought. He wasn’t rambling because he’s done reflecting about it and he has decided what the best course of action is. 
Moreover, please review the other segments of his interview. Did you notice how chatty he was? He talked about his loneliness, being used to it, having friends around him all the time, blah blah blah. He talked about his studies, Boston and his tight-knit community blah blah blah.  He talked about his acting and colleagues blah blah blah.  He was able to SMALL TALK his way through the interview. 
But his response regarding his dating style  – unless the writer edited much of  TY’s words – was the most sparse. Read it again. If you count the translated words, he really only said 6 words about dating.  “Dating dedicatedly” and “dating is not easy.”   I think he TOO easily deflected the question to talk about his business and OKCat. And if I was interviewing him, I’d know that he clammed up on me. 
Lastly, “dedicatedly” is such an interesting word to use with dating. Dedicated means being devoted to a purpose. It’s synonymous to devoted, committed, single-minded, whole-hearted and SINCERELY.  I really don’t know if it’s just the translator’s quirk or interpretation, but if Taecyeon said that he’s dating dedicatedly, committedly, whole-heartedly, or sincerely, then he could NOT be saying, “I’m dating for excitement” or “I’m dating for sex” [smack his head!] or “I’m dating for 6 months maximum.”
If he’s dating dedicatedly, then he’s dating with the purpose of settling down long-term with a special someone.  Basically, he means he's serious.  And we all know here that he IS already dating dedicatedly.

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mikoshine said: packmule3 said: Voila!  We now have the official list of Pervy ahjummas. These are:
@Bladerunner @Torreydinh @lok2ming @minwooluv78 @burger78 @Gil_noona @mikoshine @Thao_huynh@Bluemoonrising @lmangla @piping_rahardja @korchick @ahjumma_fanAbsent from the list but are members of good standing are:@bluemoonlight @spicystrawberryThese are the people who clicked on my Members-Only post, AND understood the joke well enough to find it humorous. mwahahaha.
Entered as evidence:  The Screenshot 

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Guess what, Pervy Ahjummas?
@PeggyW also joined your club. She just lol'ed the same thing. But I'm not going to screenshot it anymore. 


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@minwooluv78 and @korchick,
Will you please translate this poster again? I think you did a rough translation before, minwooluv, but do you mind telling me what were the highlighted words? As for the caption, is this the one from a song?  Thanks!!!

Nov 7: 9:14am KSTCaption: 좋을텐데 너의 손 꼭 잡고 그냥 이 길을 걸었으면 ~ 앗 이게 아니다냥..성시경님의 노래를 듣다보니..냐옹..옥캣이는 분신술을 배우고 싶다냥! 홍홍! 하나는 일을 하고, 하나는 쉬고..주인님들도 그렇지않냐옹?

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Guest cannakat

Re: http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/27263565/#Comment_27263565

You acted as a person with 7 years in relationship, how about your real dating experience?

1 year was a long time for me.  The last time I was in a relationship was 4~5years ago, even I don’t have anyone right now I don’t feel lonely. I am used to being alone. They said that “Even you are lonely you don’t feel sad” right? Always there are members and staffs with me so I think there is no time for me to feel lonely. When I was in relationship I was a nice guy (laugh). I would want to try being bad guy one time though. (If girlfriend has eyes on other guy then ) I would make the same choice as Woncheol. When you look at it, a girl who feel other man’s attraction seems not the destiny girl for you. Because I think the type who got attracted by other person, is considering that person’s attraction higher than mine.

Sorry, I couldn't resist lol

After getting virtually married he's not that used to being alone I guess
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packmule3 said: @minwooluv78 and @korchick,
Will you please translate this poster again? I think you did a rough translation before, minwooluv, but do you mind telling me what were the highlighted words? As for the caption, is this the one from a song?  Thanks!!!

Nov 7: 9:14am KSTCaption: 좋을텐데 너의 손 꼭 잡고 그냥 이 길을 걸었으면 ~ 앗 이게 아니다냥..성시경님의 노래를 듣다보니..냐옹..옥캣이는 분신술을 배우고 싶다냥! 홍홍! 하나는 일을 하고, 하나는 쉬고..주인님들도 그렇지않냐옹?
Wouldn't it be nice, if I held your hand tightly and walked on this street~ Ah (sound) This is not it nyang..I was listening to Sung Si Kyung's song..Nya ong..OKCat would like to learn the ability to replicate (cloning) nyang! Hong hong (sound) One will be working, another will be resting..Masters, do you feel the same nya ong?

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minwooluv78 said:



said: @minwooluv78 and @korchick,

Will you please translate this poster again? I think you did a rough translation before, minwooluv, but do you mind telling me what were the highlighted words? As for the caption, is this the one from a song?  Thanks!!!

Nov 7: 9:14am KST

Caption: 좋을텐데 너의 손 꼭 잡고 그냥 이 길을 걸었으면 ~ 앗 이게 아니다냥..성시경님의 노래를 듣다보니..냐옹..옥캣이는 분신술을 배우고 싶다냥! 홍홍! 하나는 일을 하고, 하나는 쉬고..주인님들도 그렇지않냐옹?

Nov 7: 814am KSTCaption: Translation...

Wouldn't it be nice, if I held your hand tightly and walked on this street~ Ah (sound) This is not it nyang..I was listening to Sung Si Kyung's song..Nya ong..OKCat would like to learn the ability to replicate (cloning) nyang! Hong hong (sound) One will be working, another will be resting..Masters, do you feel the same nya ong?

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Thanks @minwooluv78 for the translation.
You see I’ve been looking at the checklist @gil_noona found for me earlier, http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/27262910/#Comment_27262910(BTW, were you the original poster of this checklist?)
And I think many of these characteristics don’t actually apply to TY.  I don’t know… Maybe others are better at citing examples. @cannakat? @korchick? @thao_Huynh? 
I'll cross off what I think is Not Applicable (N/A)  but feel free to disagree or agree or whatever. We're just doing this for fun. :)
Level ★ [bigger chance of it being something else]- Lives on their cellphone   YES
- Has three different cellphones (lover/business/regular)  YES

Level ★★ [grounds for suspicion]
- Highly emotional in interviews  YES?
at Japanese interview, disclosed that he wanted to marry.  at One Point Hangul, chose the mushiest lines.
- Often talks about wanting to rest or go on vacation YES
Nov 7BYbksjaCIAA8opu.jpg

April 14BlJc1f7CUAA7d_H.jpg

- Clothing style changes (or begins to pay more attention to style)  N/A- Spotted often with other celebrities  N/A
Level ★★★ [suspicious]- Ideal person suddenly changes  YES?
- Ideal person becomes more detailed (previously: as long as she's pretty, as long as she's nice, as long as he matches me -> now: I like personalities like ***, fashion style like ***, someone with pretty ankles, etc)   YES?
- Spotted making a unique physical gesture repeatedly on TV   N/A- Wears certain accessories for long periods of time (aside from fan gifts)  N/A
Level ★★★★ [warning]- Gets a driver's license  N/A- Spotted out and about late and night/early morning  N/A
Level ★★★★★ [pretty much confirmed]- Buys a car.  YES

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Want to join me and look for his tweets and posts where he showed his cellphones?
HOW TO TELL IF YOUR IDOL IS DATING.Level ★ [bigger chance of it being something else]
- Has three different cellphones (lover/business/regular)  YES

Nov 4 Getting a new cellphoneBYSDC-wCQAAEqZp.jpg

Nov 14 3:39 pm, After Guigui's troll, OKCat is on the phoneBZBCS13CYAAb2cb.jpg

Dec 19  OKCAT's cellphone battery dying when he’s out to go on a dateBb5GaH7IQAA4BCM.jpg

Feb 21, At the airport, showing off his customized OKCat cellphone case.BhA0cJ-CAAA_BZd.jpg

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You know what I find interesting, korchick?  The ever-changing superpowers of OKCat depend on his relationship with Guigui.
Before GG’s troll and before “things” became settled between them, the superpower he wanted most was to be able to clone himself so he could be at two places at one time (in reference of the song) and do two things at one time.  I think he felt that he was losing her (she was in China filming) ...
@minwooluv78, do you remember another poster around this time November when he also said something about being in two places?
Then, after GG’s troll, and when Guigui was sad in January, the superpower he wanted was to be able rescue her. 
January 17BeJy5_FCYAEER3Y.jpg

Last week, the superpower he wanted was to appear “cool” like a movie star in front of Guigui.
April 8Bkr73SZCIAA_bWv.jpg

I wonder what's next for OKCat's superpowers. :)

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