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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

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Guest SexyDolceVita

I just realised Kang TaeJin this loser axxhole with nothing but filthy money is actually the OBSTACLE in Song Ji Hye's paths to happiness, regardless of whether she is with Tae Wook or Hyun Woo.

When Ji Hye just met Hyun Woo, TaeJin had to request for last minute changes to the architectural design plans from Hyun Woo's design firm, causing him to return hastily to Seoul from Jeju and thereby missing the promised meeting with Ji Hye at the beach. Sigh. If they had met successfully, they would be together for sure and Ji Hye would be very firm in her previous decision to break up with Tae Wook and cancel their engagement and the upcoming wedding once and for all. So...TaeJin kinda indirectly caused Ji Hye to lose the chance to acknowledge and act on her inner feelings towards Hyun Woo, therefore causing her to lose that very first chance of true happiness.

Then when Ji Hye, after toiling for Kang family for one year as their high class servant, is able to leave with Tae Wook to head to New York for a more relaxed and carefree life to rebuild her health and work on her marriage with Tae Wook, Kang TaeJin had to be investigated by Arrogant Prosecutor for his dealings with the other corrupted Senator. In order to see if he could help his good for nothing elder brother, Tae Wook had to put off their New York trip and disappoint Ji Hye greatly. Sigh. Even when Ji Hye has chosen Tae Wook and married him, TaeJin still has to indirectly cause her to lose her second precious chance of getting happiness within her marriage and...her life.

So my observation is Kang TaeJin has to be locked up in prison or go to hell, so he can stop messing up Ji Hye's life indirectly with his ill doings!

Kang TaeJin might actually be the real reason behind Ji Hye's sufferings!

You need to leave planet Earth as soon as possible Kang TaeJin!
Take your money and women, and live on the Moon please! ChayBye!

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Guest Queerre7878

A note about OST , it's funny that there always are HW & JH in OST posters of each part ... main female lead and second male lead  8-}

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Omo omo omo

 TW's mum suddenly so friendly with JH that she was so shocked and don't know what to think!


I think after what happened with HJ, TW's mum now maybe is afraid of her because of HJ's power over the FIL. So she now asking JH to have a baby so that can compete with HJ. I think so.....


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Guest SexyDolceVita

Episode 31 (speculated interpretations)

At cold castle's kitchen,
Ji hye is shocked to see HyeJung return to Kang family.
HyeJung asks Ji Hye why is she so shocked to see her there.
Ji Hye asks why is she here?
HyeJung says they shall talk later.
Let's prepare breakfast for the family first.
Be careful of the broken glasses on the floor.

The maids arrive on the scene frantically.
HyeJung angrily asks them why are they so late this morning?
The maid that still stays with Kang family apologises.
The new maid apologies and introduces herself and says that she had worked for Mi Sung Group?
Hyejung says it is good that she came from Mi Sung Group.
But HJ states the ground rules for the new maid, and tells them to give their 110% focus.
She tells them to prepare breakfast now.
She tells the new maid to clean up the mess on the floor.
Ji Hye is still dumbstruck by what she sees in the kitchen.

Before breakfast time, MIL is happy to see Yuri and Yujin...
She hugs them tightly and asks if they have led a good life while they were away...
They say yes they were living a good life!
Ji Hye looks at how happy MIL is towards Yuri and Yujin and she smiles at this sight slightly.
FIL comes out of his room and is happy to see Yuri and Yujin.
He carries Yujin and kisses her cheek.
MIL is happy that the kids are back.
FIL tells MIL to be wary of HyeJung...

Ji Hye helps to lay out the dishes dutifully.
Tae Wook arrives for breakfast.
He is shocked to see HyeJung at the breakfast table.
FIL asks why Tae Wook doesn't want to sit down.
Tae Wook says nothing.
HyeJung greets Tae Wook sincerely, saying they haven't met for a while.
TaeWook says yes, good morning sister in law.
FIL tells Ji Hye to sit down.
Everyone sits down on the table.
HJ serves FIL's fave soup.
She explains about the healthy ingredients used in the soup?
FIL is very pleased.
He tastes a spoonful of the soup and marvels at how tasty it is!
He praises and thanks HJ sincerely? (Actually he seems kinda fake even when he is sincere...businessman..)
HJ smiles happily at FIL.
Everyone is silently processing the abnormally happy behaviours of FIL and HyeJung.
MIL is mad but she keeps quiet first.
Tae Wook and Ji Hye look at each other with uneasy eyes.

In the FIL and MIL's bedroom,
MIL is begging FIL not to promote HyeJung to Vice Chairman.
She tells him to let her just run the household and begs him pathetically.
FIL refuses to listen to her.

HyeJung is preparing to get to work in her bedroom.
She puts on her ear rings.
Ji Hye goes up to HyeJung's room.
HyeJung comes out of her room and sees a puzzled looking JiHye.
HyeJung smiles at JiHye and tells her to sit down.
They have a heart to heart chat.

HyeJung says she knows Ji Hye must be feeling shocked as to why she decided to return to Kang family.
Ji Hye says yes, she wants to know why.
HyeJung says with sadness she is doing it for her children.
She cannot be selfish and leaves Kang family and results in nothing for her two daughters.
Ji Hye says so for the sake of her children?
HyeJung says yes.
JiHye says now HJ is saying a different thing compared to what she told her when HJ visited her at her sister's place.
JiHye says she remembers telling HJ to think about the kids, because the kids would lose everything if she divorces. And now...
HJ says she understands and apologises to JH for saying those words to her at that time.
HJ says she also did a lot of thinking, and totally understood JiHye's perspective.
She also feels that JH's words made sense.
Yes she was angry but over time after doing some deep thinking, now she has made the decision to come back for the sake of her children.
HJ just hopes JH will do her a favour and look at things more from her perspective in the future.
She hopes JH will understand her position and actions.
Ji Hye is speechless to hear this.
HJ gives JH a helpless expression, while JH is still rather confused.
It seems like HJ is asking JH to stand by her side in the future.

Ji Hye and HyeJung come down the stairs from level two.
FIL meets HyeJung at the stairs and asks if she is ready to go to the office with him?
Hyejung dutifully says yes.
MIL is still begging FIL.
FIL turns around and yells at MIL to shut up!
JiHye has a fright by his sudden yelling!
HyeJung looks at MIL with a confused look.
MIL is embarrassed.
FIL tells MIL to manage the household along with JiHye.
FIL leaves with HyeJung in his trail.

After FIL and Hye Jung have left,
MIL is fed up and drinks water from a glass.
JiHye is sitting on the sofa next to her.
MIL is complaining about HyeJung's return to JiHye, who listens intently.
She asks if JiHye has anything on her mind now?
JiHye asks MIL what does she mean?

MIL says what does she mean?
Now HJ is back in Kang family sitting on the Vice Chairman position.
Whose side is Ji Hye on?
HyeJung's side or her side?
Or JH is waiting for someone to hold her hand?
Ji Hye asks MIL if HJ is really becoming Vice Chairman of Sin Young Group?
MIL says yes really!

MIL then says it cannot be like this.
She and JiHye must join hands to stop HJ from taking over Kang family.
They must gang up against HyeJung as MIL and DIL.
They must make a tag team.
What does Ji Hye say about this?

JiHye is somehow confused and responds with her signature "Neh?"
MIL finds her response unsatisfactory and insults her as usual.
She says JiHye is really dumb?
How come JH is still as dumb and slow witted after she came back?
Why is she is still the same old JH.
And she uses the word "KOM" "bear" TWICE in a very agitated way towards JiHye.
She tells JH she feels very frustrated every time she sees her...
JiHye is visibly pissed but takes it all in as she feels humiliated.

MIL then does some thinking.
She tells JiHye to visit Professor Kim again.
JiHye says Professor Kim?
MIL says yes, Professor Kim is Professor Park's mother.
Her friend for a long time.
She will make an appointment for her.
She tells JiHye to get her body ready.
She has a plan for JiHye.
She is all excited and sits beside JiHye while smiling affectionately.
She says she is genius for thinking of such a plan!
JiHye is a little surprised by MIL's sudden affection towards her as she was previously shouting "KOM" at her.
MIL holds JiHye's hand and tells JiHye to bear a son as soon as possible, so they can win against HyeJung.
Because she knows HJ will not be able to bear a son, it's her body's problem...(Urm...the gender is decided by the XY chromosomes in the sperm, you dumb witted, fish lipped, alien faced Dragon Lady!)
Once JiHye bears a male heir for Sin Young Group, HyeJung's power will decrease.
FIL will dote on JiHye more.
Okay? They must work together now!
MIL smiles hypocritically at Ji Hye...
JiHye is trying to process what MIL is telling her, while giving a blank expression.

Han Se Kyung goes into her car and drives.
She makes a U turn and arrives at Hyun Woo's office.
She is shocked to see Hyun Woo being led out in hand cuffs.
She stops in front of Arrogant Prosecutor and tells them they cannot take Hyun Woo.
Arrogant Prosecutor asks who is she, what is this?
Move away!
SK asks to know the reason why Hyun Woo is being led away?
He produces the arrest warrant, which is passed to him by his staff.
He reads out the arrest orders.
SK takes a look at the arrest warrant and is shocked.
The police tells her to move away.
A prosecutor staff nudges SK to the side.
She falls down on the ground.
Hyun Woo is worried about SK who is dumbfounded, slumped on the ground.
HW tries to look at SK as he is being led away in hand cuffs.

The architecture firm's staff help SK to get up.
She looks at Hyun Woo sadly and helplessly.
Before he enters the car, HW looks at SK for the last time, equally helpless too.

Arrogant Prosecutor is leading his team and Hyun Woo to the detainment room.
TaeWook walks in the corridor and bumps into his arrogant senior again.
He nods at his senior.
His senior yells at him to move away.
TW moves away and is shocked to see Hyun Woo in hand cuffs.
Hyun Woo is shocked to see TW too.
TW is puzzled too at this sight.

He returns to his office.
He recalls the scene in Episode 9 where he met Hyun Woo for the first time at the hotel's restaurant, seeing Hyun Woo with TaeJin and Hyun Woo's partner.
He is fed up with his elder brother TaeJin causing trouble for his family again.

At Sin Young Group, FIL holds a board meeting with directors and senior management.
The announcer announces Hong Hye Jung has been promoted as Group Vice Chairman.
Everyone applause.
FIL applauseas proudly too.
HyeJung stands up and bows.
She walks to the podium and gives an inspiring speech.

Arrogant prosecutor is fed up watching the news of HyeJung's promotion on TV in his office.
He says no wonder HyeJung doesn't want to work with him anymore.

TaeJin is relaxing in his hotel suite.
He drinks coffee? tea? but gets his tongue scalded.
He is fed up and on the TV.
He watches news about Sin Young Group, and realises HyeJung has been made Vice Chairman by his father.
He becomes visibly angry and yells at the TV.
He says his father is crazy. HongHyeJung is crazy too.
What the hell is this?
He throws a plate towards the TV in a fit of anger.

Nam Mi Ra is hiding in her room and watches the TV.
She is watching the news of Hong Hye Jung's promotion as group vice chairman.
She cries in a crazy fit and yells at the TV too.
She cannot believe HyeJung is still able to stand up again after the photo scandal!
 Nam Mi Ra becomes emotionally unstable!
She is going to bring Sin Young Group down!

Ji Sun is watching TV at home... she sees the news of HyeJung's promotion.
She is shocked and marvels at HyeJung's sense of survival in Kang family.
She wonders about how JiHye is affected by this news.
She calls JiHye but it becomes a missed call.
JS is frustrated that her baby sister is not picking up the call.

She goes to throw the empty fruit basket given to JH by HJ and is shocked to see her husband pitching a tent in the car park.
She asks him what is he doing?
Chang Soo says he is pitching a tent, what is he doing...
She asks him why?
He says because his parents do not want to return home, so he doesn't want to return home too.
Ji Sun gets into an argument with him about this and tells him off.
She walks off in a fit of anger.

Eun Hee is working late in her office.
She recalls how attentive Seung Soo was towards her at MinJung's wedding.
She then says it is not impossible Seung Soo has changed.
She leaves her office and is surprised to see Pil Ho waiting for her at the entrance by his car.
Pil Ho says he wants to buy her dinner.

They have a romantic dinner at a restaurant.
Pil Ho asks Eun Hee to go to San Francisco with him.
Eun Hee refuses.
Pil Ho asks why.
Eun Hee states her reasons.
Pil Ho declares his love for Eun Hee.
Eun Hee declines his love...

They take a walk at the famous place where it is filled with locks and love vows.
Eun Hee looks at the locks forlornly and talks about love and her past marriage?
Pil Ho listens to her intently.
He tries to get into her heart.
Then as Eun Hee is talking to Pil Ho, he ambush kisses her and doesn't let go.
Eun Hee tries to push him away but fails to do so...
Slowly she gives in.

As she walks home that night, she is scolding herself for being crazy....so crazy...extremely crazy...

Seung Soo walks home and is shocked to see his brother eating ramen outside his tent in the car park.
He asks what is his brother doing?
His brother and him have a heart to heart chat about their parents, Ji Sun, Seung Soo having an affair, marriages...love...blah.
Seung soo is regretting his awful treatment of Eun Hee and he has finally realised how wonderful his wife is actually.

At the hospital, Ji Hye is having a meeting with Professor Kim.
Professor Kim examines Ji Hye's case...
Her period is back on track and her uterus is fine now...but why is JH not pregnant yet? (Urm...because they were living separately for a month plus...? And they just had sex the night before!)
She asks Ji Hye is it because Tae Wook doesn't come home that often?
JH says no...awkwardly.
Doctor asks then...what seems to be the problem...? Why JH has such a pale looking face?
JH says maybe because she doesn't sleep well at night.
Doctor says really?
JH says she usually tries to sleep early as she has to get up early but...at night even after she has set her alarm clock...she would wake up before the alarm clock rings, and sometimes she would constantly check the alarm clock for the time during the night, hence she couldn't get enough sleep eventually.
she asks Ji Hye is she feeling exhausted in Kang family household?
Ji Hye tries to answer...but in the end, gives a politically correct answer of no, she doesn't feel too tired... (OMG)
But professor Kim is very smart, she senses Ji Hye's restraints.
Anyways, the doctor says she understands..
she will prescribe Ji Hye sleeping pills to help her sleep better.
Let's not care about getting pregnant first.
She wants to make her patients healthy first.
Once ji hye sleeps better, her hormones will be balanced, she will have a higher chance of getting pregnant.
But JH can only take the pills when she has real serious difficulties in sleeping well,
and she has to rem she can't get pregnant when taking such pills.
Ji Hye tries to process what the doctor is telling her.
She tells JH to send MIL to her if MIL asks her about her pregnancy.
She will explain to MIL in scientific terms that MIL is the cause of her inability to get pregnant.
JH smiles and looks down...
The doctor encourages JH and consoles her saying everyone will face obstacles in their lives at some point.
For a young married woman like her, it is no doubt MIL and DIL relationships are hard to manage...
But marriage is not an easy thing anyways....she cannot run away from a marriage just because of problems like this.
So she will help JH to overcome such obstacles, using wisdom just like JiHye's name...
JH listens intently and thanks the doctor.
Doctor says nowadays even gynecologists like her have to be therapists, besides helping women to give birth too!
Ah...but that is the nature of her job isn't it? Hahaha...
JH smiles at the doctor's words.

Tae Wook calls Ji Hye during lunch time.
He apologises to her about not being able to return home the second night of JH's return?
Ji Hye says what is going on?
He says some troublesome cases, he can't tell her the details, and it is even more troublesome than the previous time.
He apologises again for not being able to spend time with her.
He asks her where she is.
Ji Hye says she is at the hospital.
Tae Wook is worried, he asks her why is she at the hospital?
Ji Hye says his mother told her to meet Professor Kim to see how she can get pregnant with a son to fight against HyeJung, who is Vice Chairman now.
In short, MIL wants her to bear an heir for Kang family.
MIL wants her to be on her side...
Now she is thinking whose side should she be on, HJ's or MIL's?
Which side will give her the best benefits?
Tae Wook is fed up with his mom.
He tells her not to get involved in this...and just live her own life.
To be frank, JiHye is not the kind of person like his mom and HJ.
She should not stand on either side.
She shouldn't stressed about this.
He doesn't want Ji Hye to stress her health over this sort of thing.
He tells JH to relax her mood and no matter what he will try to return home that night.
JH says so if she is feeling tired while waiting for him, is it okay for her to sleep first?
TW says of course, he wants to go home and hug her, that's all.
So relax her mood, understand?
JH says she understands, she is hanging up.
Tae Wook is being sweet here and very understanding towards Ji Hye.
Ji Hye appreciates his effort in being a caring husband too.

Tae Wook visits Tae Jin in his hotel suite.
Tae Jin is having some flirting time with two models?
Tae Wook intrudes and the two women flee in dismay.
Tae Wook asks Tae Jin is this what he really wants to do now?
Is he a human being at all?
TJ is angry at TW yelling such questions at him.
He punches Tae Wook.
Tae Wook doesn't retaliate.
TJ rants about how his own father and wife booted him out of Sin Young Group...
what face does he have?
He feels very tortured by this...and he feels like dying...
TW tells him to die then...just go ahead and die.
When is he going to wake up?
When he is going to stop being such an idiot!
TJ asks TW what does he mean by that?
Tae Wook asks TJ does he know the Vice President of Min Woo Architecture Firm has been arrested?
Tae Jin sheepishly says he doesn't know.
The President of that firm Kyung Min has ran away after knowing about the arrest warrant?
TJ says ah...so he couldn't reach Kyung Min at all...
Tae Wook says first it is the Vice President of that firm, next the President,
who does TJ think will be the next one?
who does he think will be the next one?

Upon hearing this, TJ suddenly changes his expression to a fearful one.
He is pleading with Tae Wook to help him, calling out TW's name three times...
Tae Wook pushes away TJ's hands, and says does he now know what mess he has created now?
The arrogant prosecutor who is dying to destroy Sin Young Group has now gotten a huge window to do it all due to TJ's mess now.
TJ has helped that prosecutor to bring down their family.
Does he know that?

TJ panics and asks TW what is the situation now? What is the situation now?
He tells TJ this will be his last drinking party now
TJ says huh?
TW says even he cannot help to stop it this time.
That's it.
Tae Jin is shocked...and finally realises the magnitude of mess he has gotten himself into.

Tae wook walks away while Tae jin is in a full frantic mode.
He yells at TW asking what is he supposed to do now? TW leaving like that, what is he supposed to do now?

Tae wook returns to his office building and talks to one of his staff about the Min Woo Architecture Firm's case.
He asks his staff has he gone to see Hyun Woo yet?
But the staff tells him HW is still being interrogated.
TW is disappointed to hear that.

Arrogant prosecutor interrogates Hyun Woo about the corruption case.
Hyun Woo is being as honest as he can be.
Prosecutor asks what is his relationship with Kyung Min?
Hyun Woo says they are friends for 10 years. They knew each other during university years.
Prosecutor asks Hyun Woo about whether he knows of the corruption activities of the two Sin Young Group projects?
The Jeju island condo. The new Sin Young Hotel resort.
Isn't HW the architect who designed the plans for these projects?
HW looks like he is in deep thoughts and doesn't say a word.

Se Kyung is lying on her bed as a female doctor is fixing a drip to her arm.
SK is traumatised by what she seen earlier that morning and is exhausted mentally.
SK's mom sits by her bedside and is trying to talk some sense into her.
She tells her not to care about Hyun Woo anymore since he is involved in such a corruption case.
SK tells her mother weakly she cannot give Hyun Woo up, especially in times like this?
SK's mom is mad and yells at her...
Sk has no energy to rebut her and just looks dazed.
Sk's mom sits down and looks at her poor daughter with reddened eyes.

Arrogant Prosecutor exits the interrogation room.
He calls Hong Hye Jung and calls her Group Vice Chairman sarcastically.
He marvels at how HJ has climbed the ladder over the years of her life...
He is truly impressed.
HJ tells him to choose his words carefully.
He he will bring down HJ and her FIL, and SIn Young Group eventually.
She just needs to wait and see.
He hangs up, and HJ is left hanging in a pensive mood.

Arrogant prosecutor is in his office, his staff enters in a frantic mode.
He tells him Tae Wook has requested to visit Hyun Woo.
Arrogant Prosecutor is shocked and says Tae Wook is crazy or what?
He says something further...then the staff whispers something into his left ear.
Arrogant prosecutor gives a surprised expression.

Nam Mi Ra is seen standing outside the Department of Justice building.
She breathes in and makes a call to the department of justice, asking to talk to Arrogant Prosecutor.

Tae Wook returns to the department of justice.
He follows two of arrogant prosecutor's staff into the detainment room.
He is let into the cell and a dejected Hyun Woo is shocked to see Tae Wook arriving in his cell.
They look at each other in the eyes.
Tae Wook has a firm stare towards Hyun Woo,
while Hyun Woo looks at Tae Wook with tired and worried eyes, basically a puzzled helpless expression.

Moment freezes.
End of episode 31.

Preview of episode 32.
Sk's mom and Sk are seen talking to Hyun Woo's mom.
Hyun Woo's mom launches a tirade against the two of them about cancelling the wedding?
This time, Hyun Woo's mom is showing a rare fierce side of hers in defending her son.
Nam Mi Ra is shown walking with Arrogant Prosecutor.
Arrogant Prosecutor's voice is heard in the background.
TaeJin is seen slumped beside the bed in his suite.
HyeJung is lying face down, crying on her bed, feeling tired of everything crashing down in Sin Young Group.
HJ's voice can be heard in the background, pleading with TaeJin to return home with her.

End of preview of episode 32.

WTF, no preview scenes of Ji Hye?
This episode has really few scenes of Ji Hye and Tae Wook together!
Sigh... what happened to their marriage?
Eun Hee and Pil Ho have at least 10 mins of screen time!
This episode is another FILLER!
You don't have to watch it if you don't have the time, for TW-JH shippers or HW-JH shippers.

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Guest ailskdrama


Psh confesses to Enh and kisses her. She doesn't have to go with young hottie to sf but if she gets back witth Mike noh I am so richard simmons at this writer

JH is at obyn

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Wow ddaebak

there's a surprise kiss. But OMG I don't know the character's names. Went to first page also can't find. Its the woman (Eun Hee) which her hubby cheated on her with the news reader. The younger guy (Pil Ho) asked her to go with his to USA and she choked. He told her a lot about his family because she asked him about his mum and sister. He told her that his mum has passed away when he was little and that he grew up with his dad and there's no sister.

Then they took a walk to the place whereby lovers like to hang the padlock. She was telling him all the reasons why she cant, suddenly he grabbed her to give her a deep kiss. She hit him to let go but he continued to kiss her. Next scene, she was running and said that she has gone crazy and touched her lips.

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Guest ailskdrama

I just watched ep 31 live. Urgh what can I say? I dont want to ruin it for those who find value but imho it feels like the writer is taking us un another direction that isnt congruent again. People are fickle but seriously there is something really wrong with the storytelling here. I was watching the premiere interview with the writer and I can't say I like how she described her objective ie I am having doubts we will have our jh hw ending or divorces. Rather she seems advocate and desire to describe how four women live with the choice they made in marriage. Urgh. If they all stay marry and not happy then wow what a bad message it is sending

For those of you who want to skim or skip this episode here is the outline

Jh is in shock (so am I ) with the turn of event in kang household (hj is back, evil mil trying to befriend her, she back at ob doctor's office to investigate o n getting pregnant (ant empathy I had for jh just w ent out the door with this poor choice)

Hj e xplains to o jh why she is back

Hj announced vice president

Psh confesses and kisses eunhee

Ends with tw meeting hw in jailcell

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ailskdrama said: I just watched ep 31 live. Urgh what can I say? I dont want to ruin it for those who find value but imho it feels like the writer is taking us un another direction that isnt congruent again. People are fickle but seriously there is something really wrong with the storytelling here. I was watching the premiere interview with the writer and I can't say I like how she described her objective ie I am having doubts we will have our jh hw ending or divorces. Rather she seems advocate and desire to describe how four women live with the choice they made in marriage. Urgh. If they all stay marry and not happy then wow what a bad message it is sending For those of you who want to skim or skip this episode here is the outline Jh is in shock (so am I ) with the turn of event in kang household (hj is back, evil mil trying to befriend her, she back at ob doctor's office to investigate o n getting pregnant (ant empathy I had for jh just w ent out the door with this poor choice) Hj e xplains to o jh why she is back Hj announced vice president Psh confesses and kisses eunhee Ends with tw meeting hw in jailcel

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Tomorrow would be the last ep if this drama wasn't being extended. I wish I could see the ending already. Thanks everyone for the recaps :) If if was 10 or 15 ep ago, I would be mad at how everything is going, but after all that happened in this drama, I won't be surprise if TW and JH end up together. I actually don't really care anymore as long as she can write a decent ending for everyone.

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The way I see it, there are only 5 more episodes for all of us to ENDURE! I have said so many times that the reason I (many of us) started watching this show was because of LSW and the promise of a good romance between him and JH and what a disappointment to where this writer has been taking us! In my opinion this drama started going down hill the drain when annoying, clingy, psycho SK was introduced. I understand how conservative, in terms of values, the S. Korean culture is but in the 21st century for women to be SO abused and stay in hopeless marriages is very hard for us to accept! I think as dramas influence the behavior of the people that are watching this story, it would be such a good message that yes, in some cases, when problems arise in a marriage, you fight and stay, but in other cases, you need to pack up and move on and find happiness with someone else! Well, we, in this thread, are all in this together, just hope that it is not a even more frustrating ending and make us regret staying in this for 36 long episodes!

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Thaila said: Tomorrow would be the last ep if this drama wasn't being extended. I wish I could see the ending already. Thanks everyone for the recaps :) If if was 10 or 15 ep ago, I would be mad at how everything is going, but after all that happened in this drama, I won't be surprise if TW and JH end up together. I actually don't really care anymore as long as she can write a decent ending for everyone.

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SexyDolceVita, thank you so much again for your speculated interpretations! I am always looking forward to reading them after the live showing of the drama! And you are so much on target on your predictions, let's just hope that this drama does not end up disappointing all of us who stayed through this till the end!

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Guest SexyDolceVita

hell59 said: SexyDolceVita, thank you so much again for your speculated interpretations! I am always looking forward to reading them after the live showing of the drama! And you are so much on target on your predictions, let's just hope that this drama does not end up disappointing all of us who stayed through this till the end!

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Oh my, did HW mama just called off HW's wedding? <:-P

I'm excited for ep 32 since there is no preview of HW and JH. Something big is going to happen tomorrow for either or both of them, and the ending will leave us tortured for another week. :-w

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Gemmie said: Oh my, did HW mama just called off HW's wedding? <:-P

I'm excited for ep 32 since there is no preview of HW and JH. Something big is going to happen tomorrow for either or both of them, and the ending will leave us tortured for another week. :-w

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