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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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Guest raminrooz

SexyDolceVita said:




tessieroo said:


I still don't think they actively "tried" for a baby - I think MIL assumed that. (and it's not like TW would tell her "Oh, no - JH won't let me touch her") So they went through with the testing because MIL demanded it. But I don't believe that they're trying for a baby or even have an active sex life. He's never home and she's been completely cold to him since she was made to quit her job. He didn't even offer any explanation for why the NY trip was cancelled initially, he just called her on the phone and said it was off. But again, this is all only my own thoughts. 


 Plus hasn't he spent several nights at the office? It seems like he's never home. 

Sex Life:

If anyone was under that pressuring stress of a DAILY! 4.30am wake up ....  they'd want to have enough sleep, and as much as they can starting @ at least 10pm latest. (that's already only 6h of sleep)

Any sex after that would take away from sleep time and functioning.

And for the poor TW-JH couple, there's no such thing as early morning wakeupsex and hugs either, unless they want to be sleep deprived and start going at it @ 3.30am.

Between TW's long hours at work, and JH's early morning bfast ritual ... I doubt they get much nooky in. Blame the family, it's not JH's fault since she did get over the aversion of him touching her.

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Guest SexyDolceVita


Most of gom actors agree to extend two weeks to thirty six episodes.

Discussions were underway since sixth september.

Although schedules coordination will be tricky among the actors, most of them agree to go with the flow.

People, it is quite certain gom will extend to end on 27 october.

More scenes of hw and jh please!

Happy family scenes of hw and jh living together...

Tw and sk seeking their own new loves too!


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Guest SexyDolceVita

Y-Star Interview with Kim Ji Hoon

It contains some behind the scenes of Episode 22!

Nam Sang Mi is really happy behind the scenes...
Hahaha... she and kim ji hoon are practically having fun off camera.
Kim ji hoon also plays with his two nieces on his marital bed with nam sang mi...


He talks about Kang Taeuk's charms and GoM.
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ninaanin said: I'm watching ep 22 now and I'm astonished with two things: a) the rude way TW replied to JH when she asked him what they will do, and imo she was willing to share with him the family problem, offfering her supporting to him; B) JH said to Pd that she couldn't get payment for her work because the in-laws will descovered if money comes to her bank account. Wow. She has no privacy, no freedom!

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I'm not sure if I'd label Tae Wook as a good husband or not, because clearly he assumes Ji Hye has adapted to his family's way but obviously she has not. On the other hand, he DID try his best to let Ji Hye stay on at her work but sadly he's not powerful enough to overcome that old hag of his mother.
I think his biggest failure is not understanding Ji Hye enough. I know he has enough on his plate, but I think understanding your significant other should come when you're still dating. I still find him self-centered, though yes, he tries to change, but it doesn't seem to work. The trust between him and JH is not there and the only way for this marriage is to end. 

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kooriyuki said: I'm not sure if I'd label Tae Wook as a good husband or not, because clearly he assumes Ji Hye has adapted to his family's way but obviously she has not. On the other hand, he DID try his best to let Ji Hye stay on at her work but sadly he's not powerful enough to overcome that old hag of his mother.
I think his biggest failure is not understanding Ji Hye enough. I know he has enough on his plate, but I think understanding your significant other should come when you're still dating. I still find him self-centered, though yes, he tries to change, but it doesn't seem to work. The trust between him and JH is not there and the only way for this marriage is to end. 

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I completely agree with @kooriyuki and @ninaanin, this has been TW's big problem from the start: he's very self-centered and only cares about his feelings. It was very obvious in the way he talked her into marry him. "It doesn't matter if you don't love me, my love is enough" could sound sweet or whatever but it actually means he doesn't care if she doesn't love him, he wants them to get married for his happiness. 

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joojanah said: I completely agree with @kooriyuki and @ninaanin, this has been TW's big problem from the start: he's very self-centered and only cares about his feelings. It was very obvious in the way he talked her into marry him. "It doesn't matter if you don't love me, my love is enough" could sound sweet or whatever but it actually means he doesn't care if she doesn't love him, he wants them to get married for his happiness. 

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Guest SexyDolceVita

joojanah said:

I completely agree with @kooriyuki and @ninaanin, this has been TW's big problem from the start: he's very self-centered and only cares about his feelings. It was very obvious in the way he talked her into marry him. "It doesn't matter if you don't love me, my love is enough" could sound sweet or whatever but it actually means he doesn't care if she doesn't love him, he wants them to get married for his happiness. 

Dont kill me hahahhahabut dont you think JH is also somewhat self-centered? 

Hahaha i was about to say the same thing!

In episode ten, when tw and jh are taking a walk by the lake or river...jh tells tw she knows herself that she is a sensitive, weirdly temperamental, self centred woman, he wont be able to stand her, and she wont be able to change because it is very hard for one to change his or her personality...

Jh acknowledges that she is self centred, maybe mildly compared to tw. Afterall, she did try her best to serve kang family for the past year, no?

Tw is also self centred to the max.

Two self centred persons in a marriage is a huge taboo.

Hw is a considerate person, which is probably why he let jh go in episode eight. And this is also perhaps why he complements jh perfectly. He is not sensitive and loves to serve jh his shoulder at all times, even carrying her to the beach to wash her shoes.

But jh also gives hw smth sk cannot provide.

A simple minded love. Pure love without conditions, without baggage.

Plus hw is sexually attracted to jh.

He just loves her for who she is, he doesnt want her to change for him or for his family too.

In contrast, tw fails to understand the love jh wants. He just gives jh the kind of love he thinks he is able to give without even thinking for once what jh really wants. Even when he knows jh loves her job, he has no power to give her the freedom to do that.

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SexyDolceVita said:




joojanah said:

I completely agree with




, this has been TW's big problem from the start: he's very self-centered and only cares about his feelings. It was very obvious in the way he talked her into marry him. "It doesn't matter if you don't love me, my love is enough" could sound sweet or whatever but it actually means he doesn't care if she doesn't love him, he wants them to get married for his happiness. 

Dont kill me hahahhahabut dont you think JH is also somewhat self-centered? 

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Guest SexyDolceVita

SexyDolceVita said:

Thaila wrote: »

joojanah said:

I completely agree with @kooriyuki and @ninaanin, this has been TW's big problem from the start: he's very self-centered and only cares about his feelings. It was very obvious in the way he talked her into marry him. "It doesn't matter if you don't love me, my love is enough" could sound sweet or whatever but it actually means he doesn't care if she doesn't love him, he wants them to get married for his happiness. 

Dont kill me hahahhahabut dont you think JH is also somewhat self-centered? 

Hahaha i was about to say the same thing!

In episode ten, when tw and jh are taking a walk by the lake or river...jh tells tw she knows herself that she is a sensitive, weirdly temperamental, self centred woman, he wont be able to stand her, and she wont be able to change because it is very hard for one to change his or her personality...

Jh acknowledges that she is self centred, maybe mildly compared to tw. Afterall, she did try her best to serve kang family for the past year, no?

Tw is also self centred to the max.

Two self centred persons in a marriage is a huge taboo.

Hw is a considerate person, which is probably why he let jh go in episode eight. And this is also perhaps why he complements jh perfectly. He is not sensitive and loves to serve jh his shoulder at all times, even carrying her to the beach to wash her shoes.

But jh also gives hw smth sk cannot provide.

A simple minded love. Pure love without conditions, without baggage.

Plus hw is sexually attracted to jh.

He just loves her for who she is, he doesnt want her to change for him or for his family too.

In contrast, tw fails to understand the love jh wants. He just gives jh the kind of love he thinks he is able to give without even thinking for once what jh really wants. Even when he knows jh loves her job, he has no power to give her the freedom to do that.

I have no doubt that HW and JH were made for each other. Nobody understands her more than him.I love love the scene when he was listening the radio and immediately knew that it was JH, TW would never be able to do that. He doesnt know her deep enough because he never tried, and she never gave him the opportunity.For me that scene was the proof that they will end up together, HW and SY will never be completely happy apart.

Hey...SY is from Empire of Gold... you meant JH i supposed?

SY and HW didnt become a couple in Horse Doctor...so i doubt they will this time cross dramas... hahaha...

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SexyDolceVita said:




SexyDolceVita said:

Thaila wrote: »

joojanah said:

I completely agree with




, this has been TW's big problem from the start: he's very self-centered and only cares about his feelings. It was very obvious in the way he talked her into marry him. "It doesn't matter if you don't love me, my love is enough" could sound sweet or whatever but it actually means he doesn't care if she doesn't love him, he wants them to get married for his happiness. 

Dont kill me hahahhahabut dont you think JH is also somewhat self-centered? 

Hahaha i was about to say the same thing!

In episode ten, when tw and jh are taking a walk by the lake or river...jh tells tw she knows herself that she is a sensitive, weirdly temperamental, self centred woman, he wont be able to stand her, and she wont be able to change because it is very hard for one to change his or her personality...

Jh acknowledges that she is self centred, maybe mildly compared to tw. Afterall, she did try her best to serve kang family for the past year, no?

Tw is also self centred to the max.

Two self centred persons in a marriage is a huge taboo.

Hw is a considerate person, which is probably why he let jh go in episode eight. And this is also perhaps why he complements jh perfectly. He is not sensitive and loves to serve jh his shoulder at all times, even carrying her to the beach to wash her shoes.

But jh also gives hw smth sk cannot provide.

A simple minded love. Pure love without conditions, without baggage.

Plus hw is sexually attracted to jh.

He just loves her for who she is, he doesnt want her to change for him or for his family too.

In contrast, tw fails to understand the love jh wants. He just gives jh the kind of love he thinks he is able to give without even thinking for once what jh really wants. Even when he knows jh loves her job, he has no power to give her the freedom to do that.

I have no doubt that HW and JH were made for each other. Nobody understands her more than him.I love love the scene when he was listening the radio and immediately knew that it was JH, TW would never be able to do that. He doesnt know her deep enough because he never tried, and she never gave him the opportunity.For me that scene was the proof that they will end up together, HW and SY will never be completely happy apart.

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Seung soo's turn to be house maid.... hahahaha

karma karma...karma...

Ji sun is having a great time ordering him around, being served tea by him!

Check it out!


Btw, i didnt hot link the image this time because it will be blocked eventually...so you guys visit the link to look at the hilarious photo.

Yup, pretty sure seung soo is on the road of redemption...

Eun hee will take him back...because she still loves him.

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@Thaila @SexyDolceVita
My two cents about why JH went ahead with the marriage, I think it's not easy to confess that she 1) does not love TW, 2) loves someone she knew only for three days instead, 3) loves him enough to have a one night stand and even considered eloping. I think we have to keep in mind that her older sister got pregnant first before getting married, which should be something shameful enough for their Dad. And we know JH is a sensitive person, so obviously she wouldn't want to disappoint her father, seeing how pleased he is with TW as son-in-law. Of course she doesn't have to go into great details confessing to her Dad that she loves someone else, but it is not something easy to tell the elders. 
Even though JH admitted that she is self-centered, at least she tried to adapt to that crazy family. I loved how at the episode of the time jump JH's makeup was pale like ghost. It totally shows how much stress she endured in the past year. Compare to TW, nothing has changed for him in married life, except that he now has to share his bed.
I'd like to think that TW is actually more in love with his ego that her, given that he said before to her before their marriage that if she doesn't marry him, he'll be looked down by his family and treated like a dog. Does that sound like someone who sincerely loves the fiancee? I do understand where he is coming from, since he had a tough childhood as well, strict regiment and I believe he received no love and warmth from his parents. He wants to prove that he is capable and successful to his family, but sadly his way of doing things is not very agreeable. It is one seriously f-ed up family here. 

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Guest SexyDolceVita

@Thaila @SexyDolceVita

My two cents about why JH went ahead with the marriage, I think it's not easy to confess that she 1) does not love TW, 2) loves someone she knew only for three days instead, 3) loves him enough to have a one night stand and even considered eloping. I think we have to keep in mind that her older sister got pregnant first before getting married, which should be something shameful enough for their Dad. And we know JH is a sensitive person, so obviously she wouldn't want to disappoint her father, seeing how pleased he is with TW as son-in-law. Of course she doesn't have to go into great details confessing to her Dad that she loves someone else, but it is not something easy to tell the elders. 

Even though JH admitted that she is self-centered, at least she tried to adapt to that crazy family. I loved how at the episode of the time jump JH's makeup was pale like ghost. It totally shows how much stress she endured in the past year. Compare to TW, nothing has changed for him in married life, except that he now has to share his bed.

I'd like to think that TW is actually more in love with his ego that her, given that he said before to her before their marriage that if she doesn't marry him, he'll be looked down by his family and treated like a dog. Does that sound like someone who sincerely loves the fiancee? I do understand where he is coming from, since he had a tough childhood as well, strict regiment and I believe he received no love and warmth from his parents. He wants to prove that he is capable and successful to his family, but sadly his way of doing things is not very agreeable. It is one seriously f-ed up family here. 

Totally agree with the above.

I was having the same sentiments as you when jh married tw.

seriously, tw is near perfect groom material, just that his personality has some defects but they are not exactly that appalling like paedophilia or abusive or alcoholic, etc.

And i wldnt be sure to elope with someone i only knew for three days and two dates after that. I mean yes, we had a one night stand, i didnt control myself but im a human no...?

If i were jh, i wld have gone ahead to marry tw too.

Not taking into consideration his family and wealth, i wld be guilty and cannot overcome my conscience to revoke my consent to marry him. Plus, i wldnt want to disappoint my dad and sister who love tw so much.

I was the sinner. To atone, i wld marry tw and make everyone happy. I wld try my best to make this marriage work.

Afterall, i know tw longer than hw.

I still need time to know hw if i need to make a decision to bail on the wedding but i dont have time. It is too late.

Tw is sly to bring forward the wedding too. He doesnt want jh to dwell on hw and think it through. He wants her in his arms and bed as soon as possible before she runs away with hw. That aspect of tw is so different from hw, who believes in giving jh space and time. Tw is like a coyote. Hw is like...a panda?

Anyways, jh wld have gone crazy if hw acts all coyote on her too...she wld be torn into pieces.

Honestly, i really can relate to jh's predicament.

To be conservative, choosing tw is still the better decision at that time, when jh doesnt really know hw that well.

But if you really wanna go bonnie and clyde, then of course, by all means, pull off the last scene of the graduate, and pls run away with hw to a country, where sin young group has no influences...and never look back.

Somehow korean audiences cannot relate to jh. They just dont buy it. They think jh is such a flawed person that they dont understand why tw and hw are so crazy about her. I just wish the writer had featured more flashback scenes of tw and jh's dates during that one year of dating before tw shoves his one million us dollars into jh's middle class hands. At least, we cld get how jh has chosen to date tw and accept his proposal despite being uneasy about it initially.

I just need to see how jh and tw behave during their dates...before jh finds tw repulsive after her jeju trip-self liberating one night stand with hw.

Only then can i fully understand why and how jh walked into this tricky love triangle predicament...

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I think the night stand with HW is not the reason why she should have broken up with TW, if I am not wrong she said in one of the ep that she never loved TW, so she shouldnt have let the marriage go that far before she even met HW.
I also dont think TW loves JH, I actually hope he doesn't, I think his family never really showed love for him, so he doesnt know what that is, when he met JH he prob fell for her kindness and kind of misunderstood his feelings. 

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Seriously? Korean viewers don't buy her character? I don't buy why they don't buy. I totally empathize with her predicament. And her being a flawed character makes it all the more realistic!
I think TW has always tried to make his move on her, which made her uncomfortable. And as to why she decided to accept his proposal, I believe the family and friends pressure on her to accept plays a big role. 
I believe in the Chinese culture influenced society, there're still many people who get married because 1) their family says it's time to do so 2) age, not because of love.

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I guess the marriage thing depends on the culture. Like I am catholic,I have a dream of marrying in a church being blessed by god, and i wouldn't marry someone if I didnt really love the person heheheAnd my family doesnt really care about the person i am marrying as long as I love him, and he is a good person and likes me as well.I have a cousin that was in a relationship for 10 years, his girlfried wanted to get married but he said he didnt love her to get married so they broke up like that, even know the family loved her, we still like her a lot, but in the end who would live with her was my cousing. So is better to break up before marriage than after.

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