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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Maybe KT's father is actually ES's father and not KT's but the twist is they will believe that they are related for a while.  Romance writers like to use this plot sometimes, i've seen in many other shows like telenovelas and i always thought it's good way to torture lovers and create good drama :> plus i love the  whole faux incest thing....only when we, the viewers, know they are not related by blood before THEY know in the show ;)

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It looks like Rachel is trying to throw money at ES. I don't think I can learn to like Rachel unless she changed. Instead keep bothering ES, she should settle it with KT instead. Maybe if she is a nicer & not act like a poisonous scorpion, KT might look at her a bit differently.

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faythe said: It looks like Rachel is trying to throw money at ES. I don't think I can learn to like Rachel unless she changed. Instead keep bothering ES, she should settle it with KT instead. Maybe if she is a nicer & not act like a poisonous scorpion, KT might look at her a bit differently.

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This writer is often weak at developing dimensions for the female second leads and i hate that. Often they are redeemed near the end of the drama when it's too late but there is so much potential in that kind of role and so many places she could have taken that character instead of making her stuck on a guy that doesn't even seem to tolerate the same air than her. There is absolutely NO reason shown onscreen as to why Rachel would be so fixated on KT, she knows that marriage would be a disaster, she seems to know that they dont fit AT ALL, she seems to not even want to satisfy the notion of marrying him for inheritance so what is the point? she doesn't seem to really like him either, so i dont see why she would hate a girl over him. So far this is the worse writing for a second lead that i've seen in a while. All this time wasted when YD and Rachel could have been giving us some awesome dangerous step-siblings drama a la cruel intentions.  Why writer, why?

Yeah that's true. Why do they always have this kind of 2nd female lead? Always stuck on a guy that barely tolerate being in the same place as them.

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