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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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@Love :)) :)) :))

I know Minoz can sometimes be possessive but I don't think any of us here are. I'll be happy for lmh and whoever he dates. I might be sad for a day or two but I'll never go as far as bashing the girl he dates, that's just overboard. Lol.

@prosperity you know something's wrong with you when you find lee min ho cussing extremely adorable! :)) :)) :))

Guys, :(( I'm so sad, heirs is ending this week :(( this is the first time I don't want Wednesday to come :(( I'm not ready to let go, I want more. :((

Edit: everytime I listen to "painful love" I feel like crying. Why? Because of all the scenes associated with that song :((

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Source: Dispatch via Nate
1. [+667, -23] No matter how mcuh I like Yoo jae Suk  ㅋㅋㅋ Kim Woo Bin's a model~ clothes just look better on them ㅋㅋ But Yoo Jae Suk has a great fit!! ㅋㅋ
2. [+611, -39] I like Yoo Jae Suk but ㅠㅠ Kim Woo Bin's proportions are the best...
3. [+456, -19] They each have their charms... but proportions of course will differ. Even his drama captures look like a pictorial ♥♥
4. [+17, -2] Yoo Jae Suk fits clothes quite well but a model is a model... Every time Kim Woo Bin got a full cut in his drama, I felt like I was watching a fashion show... Long limbs, small face, amazing proportions. Either way, they're both slim and lean so that coat matches them well. 

5. [+9, -1] I clicked into the article thinking how dare anyone compare Yoo Jae SUk... and then I saw Kim Woo Bin's pictures, dang;;
From Netizenbuzz

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So I finally decided to watch ep 17 whoa what a roller coaster of emotions which makes me more mad at the whiplash I got that ES out of nowhere returns to KT!

Nothing against the actors They're doing a fine job,the way the characters are written ,the actors are doing a great job,probably the reason why the characters are so frausturating is cuz the actors are doing a great job portarying them cuz let's face it teenagers are frusturating,hell I know darn well,I was one not too long ago :))

The reason fior my rant is cuz I can't tell KES style here is she aiming for idealism or realism cuz the mixture of both is driving me nuts. From a realistic POV ,I understand btoh KT and ES actions and I empathise,but this is a DRAMA not REAL,so that is where it gets to me. What happened to KT winning over dad and keeping his promise,how come ES showed up out of nowhere,her persistence in denying KT any sort of hopes in being together for like most of the dramaand then she leaves that and stays with KT,is so unlike her character it lacks consistency.I did state before its actually quite simple ,KW words is what influenced her,but still its just too easy and this drama has shown a lot of complexity,for all the teens to be happy they've have to shed blood sweat and tears and quite literally,HS,YD,ES and KT are perfect examples.These last 2 eps better explain the empty hole they left.

Ending my rant

What I really wanted to discuss was YD dad,whoa the man impressed me ,he acted like a father for once!Like when YD told him that he had no right to interfere in his life in regards to girls and he agreed. Him telling YD that breaking deals is better than fighting. I think this was his message the wholetime thru out the drama for YD to beat him with his intellect not his fists.Reason why I think he was about to hit him when KT showed up and told he hit YD,it was cuz he was suppose to beat him with his smarts not his fists!Also when he pat his shoulder that he was going him give YD Zeus Hotel intact to him,despite the legal issue that is currently going on. I think YD remark about not messing with his life in regards to girls rendered his dad as the one at a loss. YD finally beat him.

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Guest pinkytooth

avioza said: Hi guyz good morning havent here in a while and i got to read all the post and im wondering why there are many antis of psh still can't understand the reason. Im not here to defend her but shes a good and kind girl. We have to support every actor in everything they do and not to interfere in their lives, if they like each other or anybody let them be, they should be happy too, all we have to do is to support them always. Peace guys!

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Guest prosperity

@shengvang, if something is wrong with you, then something is wrong with me too :))
It really caught me off guard. I am surprised they didn't catch that and released it as BTS footage. 

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I have seen a lot of hate about Heirs on a lot sites,honestly it does not bug me ,cuz no drama is perfect and it has its flaws,nor do ratings matter to me,I have loved dramas with low ratings and have hated dramas with high ratings,don't worry hEirs isnt one of them What I do see about the critique is criticism on the plot,the characters.which is totally normal and fair,where it goes get to me is attack on the actors. Likethey suck and what not,I am so infuriated about that,I joined this dramas cuz the only actor I knew well was LMH,but I have grown to love PSH,KWB,KJW among others.They're are doing a great job and I can't stress that enough!

We also have to keep in mind that LMH is not KT and PSH is not ES,they're actors bringing them to life and doing a mighty fine job at it ,cuz it feels so real.So if other sites critique the characters its the characters not the actors unless they point them out,which I have seen and that has angered me.

To me criticism shouldn't be taken so much at heart,cuz if it didn't exist then our loving biases wouldn't realize their flaws and they would think they are doing ok and intime they wouldn't even try to be better and then they'd be dull. I learned this in my speech class 2 years ago,its good too be a little nervous or insecure,cuz the moment you lose that you will lose the essence in putting your all into your performance and not care about what you do and that will lead to failure.

So with that let's the haters hate,we know why we like this drama and should suffice.

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