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[Drama 2013] You're The Best Lee Soon Shin - 최고다 이순신


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aaaaaaaa watching the scene after the apology JH waiting SS outside..hahha SS totally ignores him..way to go SS<33 nooo wayyyy how can give up this 2,Just look at JH's face awwwwwww...he love's SS<333333333 noooo wayyy i can give up this towwwww noo wayyy..i just loove the way he's running after her, i think he wanted to confess, or explain to SS the reason why he told her to say sorry,but SS totally ignore him hahaha  well done girl we ladies have our pride also, soo well done :-bd
EP 38 RAW http://www.dramaholics.com/lee-soon-shin-is-the-best-episode-38/

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your comments are very calming i like that thanki you chingu... :x u're absolutely right the confession must come next week there's no other option,unless they want ruin everything again by dragging this drama another 5ep like they did with those mother issues with 10 freaking ep  X(

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YA you reallyyyyyy bit.... but now its time for writer to develop her character. because before this i keep questioning why her picture in the promo poster its behind the main lead and in front of YS and HS? what purpose of her character. the 30 past episode i dont really seen her character being like this. she just show, smile, jealous, talk and only that. now we can see a clear color of writer direction of her character. she is the main antagonies in this story but why too late.i know somehow JH and YA past will be open in the air. their relationship before couldnt let be hanging just like that. thats was something JH and SS has to face. but, remember revealing it also doesnt leave only good to her because he leave him in a bad state. she leaves him to pursue her career and leave him heartbroken. that was something i hope people can see later. she not an angel but a demon in angel suit only.right now she's digging her own grave. she mess with MR that i believe have more power in the industry than her. mess with Shin family and also with JH. she cannot survive after this. we just can wait for her downfall. its come so near now when she show her evil claws.btw, i saw her scene and she always has one answer when someone ask her. first, 'why you become close with MR?' and the second YH ask 'why are you close with mrs Shin (JH mum)'. she just answer because we have something in common'. gah in your bu.. common girl bring your game and keep digging because i'm pretty sure your plan will backfire. fire-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774071

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Guest xxmagsxx

LOL Anyone noticed one of SS dress choices during her getting ready for her date was actually worn by one of the staff members(?) in her drama... you'll see it when she was talking to director 'jon' lol in front of the bus..right before she walked passed JH at his car

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Guest violet9004

i really loved the scene that IU/JJS talking and IU scared him and laugh.. its just feel so real and the way she laugh is uncontrollable i mean IU fan call that ajumma laugh. :))  and JJS face really seem like he in shock.. i mean i laugh so hard at that moment and it feel like they are close.. you can see that and the bed scene?? it is done so amazing and don't feel awkward at all.. i enjoy that really much.. :)


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said: why nobody remember the bed scene???  :-? first of all we are definitely getting a kiss scene.. those scene is more intimate then kiss scene and

its really crazy on internet now cause IU fan cannot believe it that their baby doing tha

t.. to be honest i not expected that intimate i mean they hug each other like there is no tomorrow and the BTS pic seem awkward


).. IU making its first move and i'm sure that we going to get what we want most here.. KISS scene!! 

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Saturday epi ..nothing much to smile about.so we waited for sunday's epi....again except the initial few minutes nothing to smile and coochie coo home about.I think this is all the extreme measures of writer nim to ease our ytblss withdrawal symptom come August.writer-nim is so worried about how we all Shin-Shin shippers will cope when this haywire plot drama finally ends that he has already started on the process to wean us off the drama.If you ask me he's succeeding very well in that regard.We all know its a family drama hence the OTP won't die or have something bad happen happen to either of them in the end.They will both be together in EPI 50. But that's not why we watch dramas..we watch for the chemistry...for the pabo effects...for the cute...for the happy feelings that wash over us so we  can be giddy till kingdom come...not the angst-riddden misunderstnding writer-nim is planning to force-watch us week in week out.At this stage after EPI 38..what on God's earth can explain why writers are hell-bent on our Pabo couple (who to begin with had so much misunderstandings with the bet and all to overcome)having to go through such trivial ugliness?? all this fugly scheming with only 12 episodes to go??I'm already angry from saturday's epi and now it looks like this rage is going to stew for another week....which is so unhealthy for my well-being and peace of mind...WHEN WILL EVILNESS BE PUNISHED...ARE THE WRITERS PAID BY PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE EVIL AND DESPICABLENESS SHOULD PREVAIL? when will wench's true colours be known to JH? at Epi 49 or last 15 minutes of epi 50? haishh why am I befuddling my innocent mind? if only IU and JJS didn't have that mesmerizing chemistry and cuteness flowing within  them....its all IU /JJS fault why I can't let go..when I should have let go months ago....aigooooo somebody save meeee :(( :((

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picture 1 and 2 SS byoentae more than JH. and when JH wake up he try to move but SS snuggle closer. girl you really know how to catch your guy. hug-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774073and i kind like that village ahjusshi. he's so funny. i think he joke about food that give man you know what that make JH choke. correct me if i wrong. that ahjusshi also byeontae. laugh-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774074

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I watched raw yet and I noticed today episode there is a lot of continuity problem!
I dont know ıf they say anything about this at conversations but
last episode it finished as, there will be storm so everyone has to run away from ısland but today we saw there is no storm, thunder anything...only very hot island weather!!! :))
also there were some scene continuity problems when JH was talking with villager ajusshi!!

but I have to say I start like CM and In Sung together, ıts like they born for each other!!
ıf they started this coupling before, they could be real popular pabo couble!

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Guest xxmagsxx

@iu93jjang: yeah..i also had this feeling like JJS was actually spooked that time which made IUs reaction real too...look at his reaction after..he turns towards the side IU was looking to see if there was something there lol Another scene where i just dont know but made me wonder...bed scene..after he woke up and saw her next to him he started to go back to sleep but SS moved..his reaction there-how he got "startled"( in @NEWMARIO bed scene cut @ 1:52-1:55 mark).made me think..WOOoOoO lol was it real or reel..??

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iu93jjang said: i really loved the scene that IU/JJS talking and IU scared him and laugh.. its just feel so real and the way she laugh is uncontrollable i mean IU fan call that ajumma laugh. :))  and JJS face really seem like he in shock.. i mean i laugh so hard at that moment and it feel like they are close.. you can see that and the bed scene?? it is done so amazing and don't feel awkward at all.. i enjoy that really much.. :)


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I just re-watched ep 37 with eng subs and wanted to share my thoughts with more knowledge on what actually happened.


The two scenes that made JH a hated man within the hour isn't what we thought it was like:

1. JH unexpectedly walks into a tense situation where the filming site is in havoc over SS disappearing. It turns out, because she wasn't there when she was supposed to be, all her scenes were cancelled and there were audit plans in place for SS. The look of disappointment was actually a look of worry and concern because of the cancellation and the harsh words of the sunbae actress against SS. With the knowledge that SS is in deep trouble with the director and getting fired would be quite possible, JH takes the time to first ask SS where she was. He doesn't understand why she left, why she would decide to go buy refreshments when she's supposed to be shooting the scenes, but the most important thing at that point is to clear the air with the director. SS's reputation and job are both at stake, especially with the constant accusation that SS was using her connection as MR's daughter to land her roles. JH actually consoles SS after she hears the news by saying he'll talk to the director. When reading between the lines, he's really saying to SS, "don't worry. I'll take care of it." To me, that means he knows there was something wrong because he knows SS is not the type of irresponsible person to abandon her job for something trivial like refreshments. It was unfortunate that JH missed the silent interaction between SS and YA or surely he would know what truly happened.

2. YA plays the innocent woman by talking to the director about SS and putting in a good word for her. That is a blatant ploy used to get JH to warm back up to her. That is clearly scene with the dialogue.
YA: I already talked to the Director. Don't worry too much. Whatever we didn't shoot today will get shot later. He wants to finish before sundown. Perhaps he's in a rush.
JH: Thanks.
YA: If you're grateful, buy me soju later.
JH: Shall I?
YA: How about having soju with your favorite sashimi?
JH: Sure. Why not?
YA: I'll call you when I'm done with filming in a bit.
YA was obviously using JH's gratitude to weasel in some time with him. It would be rude and disrespectful and not in JH's personality to turn down an invitation after she "helped" SS. He was almost nonchalant about it - reluctantly agreeing only out of gratitude. The smile was one of thanks, but as I said before, there was no happiness, no sparkle in his eyes. On the other hand, YA seems to think she has the upper hand now, beaming like she won the lottery. He didn't encourage her, didn't flirt with her, didn't offer her anything but acceptance of her invitation to go for a drink because she forced him into it by saying, "If you're grateful, then do this."

Other points to make:

1. It's nice seeing Halmoni acting decently for once. Is it just me... or did it seem like Halmoni was trying to play Cupid the way she suddenly had to rush to a get-together party she conveniently forgot about until HS and WJ got home? :))

2. YS and CW's wedding planning is going pretty smoothly. I think YS won a small bit of GJ over with her agreement to live in GJ's house. Good. Because it's about time to get this part of the plot settled in order to concentrate on other plots (Like Shin-Shin love plot!)

3. I didn't realize how many benefits came with Doc Shin's marriage to Mama Shin. No wonder she's feeling like a scorned woman. The inheritance of the hospital changed from her brother to Doc Shin upon their marriage. She followed him around. She proposed. And all this time, he had never smiled at her, laughed with her, talked with her, or treated her as one should treat a wife. He only says she's paranoid, thinking too much, annoying. I am glad to see her starting to take a stand against Doc Shin and refusing to be treated like that anymore. I saw the smallest hint of a more tender Doc Shin when he saw her sleeping on the couch, but Mama Shin drove a small knife into my heart when she said, "Don't you know I get seasick?" To think that the entire time they were married... and Doc Shin apparently doesn't know anything about his wife and his suggestion that they spend some time together at the seaside just reminded her that he doesn't seem to care about her at all.

4. Reporter Park.... Aish... I think we will have to rely on him to break the news that MR was the indirect cause of CH's death, but I don't understand why he's still digging. He mentions MR's press conference and how he felt about JH "betraying" him, if you will, in regards to that matter but.... wasn't that... several months ago? Why bring that up now? This, of course, will definitely cause JH to be concerned because any news about that subject and SS will be hurt all over again.
JH: Who is Soon Shin's father?
MR: Why ask that out of the blue? Why do you want to know that?
JH: Is he someone who the world is not supposed to know?
MR: It's not like that. Don't worry about useless stuff. Just do a good job.
I like how MR reacted, neither offensively nor defensively. Just a simple statement, "It's not like that." Of course, she doesn't know Reporter Park will bring her more trouble, or she wouldn't have said "Don't worry about useless stuff."

5. The smallest bit of respect to MR. Today, it was more about SS's pride and how the others were treating her than it was about MR's own pride.
MR: Don't you have any pride at all? They disregard you like that. Why are you enduring it? Was this prepared for you to feel low? You don't have to suffer here.
Of course, she doesn't fail to keep mentioning that SS is her daughter. It seemed to me that MR had never considered the possibility before that having SS's name tied to her own will only bring difficulties for her newbie actress daughter. When SS snapped back at her, "If you're really doing this for me, then please stop. That I am Song Mi Ryeong's daughter is no help to me at all here. Do you understand that?" I think that was the moment realization hit MR. She finally realizes that SS is having such a difficult time because of her and her career and that by constantly interfering, she is only making it worse for SS. I believe that is why she chose to quietly leave and mull over SS's words on the boat. I hope that was a moment of enlightenment for MR and she will do her best to stay out of SS's career. If MR hopes to ever be close to SS again, she'll have to realize that she must allow SS to live her life according to her own plans.

I won't touch the subject of YA's obvious jealousy as that will only stir my anger and I do feel for IS because it appears he never had a moment to explain himself clearly. Even though he should have known better than to leave the filming site, under YA, a respected, reputable actress's instructions... how could he refuse?

And lastly, I keep repeating the short 10 second scene in which JH grasps SS's hand without even considering or over thinking it and running towards the boat together, holding hands the entire way. The image of their palms pressed so tightly against each other as if they would never let go is so endearing and really... the only skinship in ep 37 - the only squeal worthy moment for when they are both on screen.

That concludes my long ep 37 essay. Stay tuned for my essay on ep 38 when the subs come out. :)) :))
(That is... if you guys don't kick me out of here for writing so much all the time. LOL)

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Guest violet9004

well lets put this way
IU fanmostly are freaking out and i think i read a lot that askWHY???HE SO LUCKY!!!I WISH TO BE HIM!!I NEVER WAKE UP IF IU SLEEP NEXT TO ME!!! but its funny =)) =)) =))
but i think they like it that way.. :-/ i mean the way that the story progress.. weird :-?

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