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do you miss highschool?


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Guest Yongee

Yes because surprisingly I had a good high school experience. I think it was the peak of my life... uni just seems so meh and I've realised the harsh truth that real life is so average and boring D: I can just see it now I'll marry when I'm middle-age, have kids, die. At least while in high school I had hope I'd be or do something mindblowingly awesome. 

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  • 3 months later...
Guest johnpatric

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [-X

I hated it and I spent all my waking hours to get done with it!!! 
And I got out of High School a year early.  

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Guest writerstale

HEAVENS NO.  At first I had went to an all boys Catholic school because my mom wanted to go to an all girl Catholic school growing up. I asked to be home schooled. Stopped going to that school, and went to school in rough environments. Grew tired of the people because I knew I did not belong there. Legit stopped going until my father got the message. Moved in with relatives in a kind of better environment. Finished high school there, but that was wild yet I had supportive acquaintances.

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IF THERE is a chance to ride on a time machine to go back in one episode of my existence that would be during high school...i countered more experiences that now I understood that i got it wrong...but that was  life you can never turn back time to re-arrange something,,,,,,high school days is one of amazing great times i had i have lots of friends....We became crazy when our crush passing by ;;)...We never worry to much of anything as long as we are happy ....I want to be more specific but I guess I'am a bit tired now :-?..till next chingu ;))..annyeong :-h

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Guest lira24

I miss high school, it remind me of my regular life as student there. How I wish I could repeat high school…meeting new friends, new teachers and environmental study too. :x

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Guest Minty MinaD

I think high school is probably one of the best times ever, although a lot of people around me doesn't agree with me but I still reckon so~ Back then the only annoying thing you have to worry about is your exams...as you grow older, you worry about heaps more of other things such as financial problems, gf/bf/marriage, your boss and colleagues...etc I really miss the times that I spent with friends, when we were all so simple and carefree :)

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Well lets just say I miss my highschool friends. I haven't got a chance to meet up with them now because of our different schedules. I miss my p.e. teacher. She would always let me and my friends use the gym and dance room so I could practice my bboying skills. I also remember easy homework and not have to worry about anything during summers. Now that I am in college I have to focus on my career and start planning for the future. 
I don't miss it because there were a majority of ghetto people and I didn't like the atmosphere. Some ghetto guy went up to my friend and told him to give him his lunch money and I told him what the richard simmons! get out of here! and told my friend to lets go and ignore that guy. Ugh I remember some kids use to go to school high and they would reek really bad. I didn't go to prom either because I didn't want to go alone and everyone who I wanted to ask was already taken.
When I ask my friends this question they usually say their high school experience was whatever and the ones that enjoyed it the most, were in leadership.

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Miss it? Naw, but I would love to redo it.

I was extremely shy/etc in high school so I missed out on basically all 4 years of high school. I didn't do anything... It wasn't a bad experience, it was just not really an experience at all so I would love to go back and fill in the gaps because it feels like I didn't even go through high school tbh.

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High school wasn't too bad now that I look at it. And I still see the same people. We've gotten closer actually...to the point of being best friends.
And I can see the side of the campus from my bedroom window.

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Guest miriverite

I wish I could have redone high school too. I was really awkward and weird and didn't hang out with people. I wasn't shy - I was just antisocial. But in retrospect a lot of people did try to include me in activities and events. I wish I had kept in better touch with my friends. 
(Also, wish I had pursued dance competitive/professionally, but that's a story for another day!)
I DO miss college though. Geez, if I could go back and relive those 4 years of undergrad, I would be SO happy.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I may be in the minority, but I do miss high school at times. With the knowledge I have now, I want to go back and relive my freshman, junior and senior year, but especially my freshman year. :) However, I am glad high school is done and over with. 

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No way! High school was so much drama, we were all so immature and eurgh. I'm happy to be more grown up now and able to do what I want to do. I do miss some of my teachers though, there were a few really amazing teachers who really helped me become who I am now.

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Guest pulchirin

I truly do, because I was so depressed and my self-esteem was so low during high school that I never got to fully enjoy it. And now that I'm in college and I'm much happier and confident, I feel like if I had this mindset when I was younger, I'd have had a much better time.
But I don't like to dwell on that, I just tell myself that that phase in my life happened for a reason, and it's where a lot of my personal growth occurred.
I do miss some of the people I met in high school though.

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