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Guest CarolineKIM

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Guest T a m T a m s

I'm not really a fan of maplestory since my friends still play it.

._. Basically its 2-d. Ugh?

Some play it for several hours ._. Doesn't it get boring.

You're basically moving in a straight line.

Graphics aren't that great.

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Guest koumi

For those that are planning to do amoria pq, MAKE SURE YOU COMPLETE A FULL ONE. The reason is you can't pq again for 6 HOURS. <.< this is one pq where you can't constantly pq.

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Guest missyblue

lol yay maplestory!! : DD

im a level 37 bandit in scania, Shuppet is the name : p

i have to say, maplestory is a game that i will never get tired of! and did you see the new mushroom shrine... it looks pretty XD

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Guest koumi

holyneko did u get ban since i don't see you in rankings anymore o.O?

If a player is inactive, their rankings are so low, that they aren't placed on the rankings anymore. I look up my first warrior that I made when offical version came out and she's not on the rankings. I still have her. Just because a person's character isn't listed on the rankings means they are banned. Not always.

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Oh gawd, Maplestory.

speaking of which, my game doesn't work right now.

i had some credit card problem - i ordered 10A-CASH and i got 30 instead.

it had charged my credit card 2 extra times, so my acc is suspended

until I fix things with Asiasoft. (I was stupid and tempted, and I "accidently" used that +20k)


Do any of you guys use MapleSea?

I'm a lvl51 Assassin in Delphinus; IGN: bellaboo

I also have my bf's acc, but I won't include that.


ohs and i've spent


on A-Cash

i so hate myself for that ;__:


i just remembered

TO EVERYONE> Do NOT complete Umi's Money quest in Showa~!!!!!

She scammed me of 5mil by accident.

I accidently pressed the 'accept' button on the quest, and the 'complete' button

I totally hated Maple after thatt

I went down from ~8mil to ~2mil


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Guest koumi

Oh gawd, Maplestory.

speaking of which, my game doesn't work right now.

i had some credit card problem - i ordered 10A-CASH and i got 30 instead.

it had charged my credit card 2 extra times, so my acc is suspended

until I fix things with Asiasoft. (I was stupid and tempted, and I "accidently" used that +20k)


Do any of you guys use MapleSea?

I'm a lvl51 Assassin in Delphinus; IGN: bellaboo

I also have my bf's acc, but I won't include that.


ohs and i've spent


on A-Cash

i so hate myself for that ;__:


i just remembered

TO EVERYONE> Do NOT complete Umi's Money quest in Showa~!!!!!

She scammed me of 5mil by accident.

I accidently pressed the 'accept' button on the quest, and the 'complete' button

I totally hated Maple after thatt

I went down from ~8mil to ~2mil


LOL~ yeah don't do that quest unless you are prepared to lose 5 million. It's huge gamble to take just to get rare item from her.

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omfg lol. ms :] -spaz-

ign: iBOBA.

Level: 58.

World: SCANIA.

WELL, I'm mad cause I can't Amoria PQ

because I refuse to get married to pixels.

& I'm like a big PQ freak. :ph34r:

:D Glad I got that off my chest.

& you should come /find iBOBA (< Lol that's so nerdy to type) & stalk me cause I'm like bored to death half of the time I'm on. :tears:

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Guest Alias1234ever

I`ll train with chaaaa. :D

Omg, I used 50 bucks too on nexon, too. .___. ;

My ign is o0yuni0o. Except I`ve been opqing you a lot lately. lol.


--* edit

OMGSH the server check is pissing me off.

I want to level my sin. rawrrrrrrr .

I heard it`s gonna be 24 hours.

OOOH I remember you! Yay, I'll add tou the next time I get on. I love opq but rushing is just sooooooo boring after awhile. And I always die at Papa w/o hb. Amoria Pq is so mean. We all get in the entrance area and then SOMEONE finds out they cant go in. That happened like 5 times already. And one time I dced in stg 2 so everyone was pissed :sweatingbullets:

omfg lol. ms :] -spaz-

ign: iBOBA.

Level: 58.

World: SCANIA.

WELL, I'm mad cause I can't Amoria PQ

because I refuse to get married to pixels.

& I'm like a big PQ freak. :ph34r:

:D Glad I got that off my chest.

& you should come /find iBOBA (< Lol that's so nerdy to type) & stalk me cause I'm like bored to death half of the time I'm on. :tears:

LOL! My hubby paid for me, but yea. At first I was like a wedding?! IN A GAME?! HAH. LOSERS. I'm such a hypocrit.

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Guest Hot Fire Neko

holyneko did u get ban since i don't see you in rankings anymore o.O?

A guy goes on vacation for 2 weeks and comes back to anarchy.

Apparently Khaini's rankings got raped during the mass ban / rank removal crap nexon went and did. Like, of the legit top 100, 20 of them were removed somehow.

I couldn't really care less about ranking being that i'm nowhere near as crazy a grinder as some of my maple friends are, but its pretty rediculous. Like, the server's most well known 15x bossing CB got removed, along with what was the 2nd highest level Hermit on the server.

Though, i'm not banned. I even joined up with a few friends and killed a few Pianus for fun earlier today. They can do whatever the hell they want with my rank if it means they'd come out with 4th job faster >.>.


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Guest xl0lxl0lx

i got stuck in the first stage of amoria pq :(

i read guide, it says kill all monsters n then talk to glimmer, he will summon giant fairy. only we killed all monster, glimmer said not all were dead. 3 min later, more monsters respawned. it kept happening over n over till we gave up.

idk, someone brought a wing hammer already so maybe that's y.

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Guest koumi

i got stuck in the first stage of amoria pq :(

i read guide, it says kill all monsters n then talk to glimmer, he will summon giant fairy. only we killed all monster, glimmer said not all were dead. 3 min later, more monsters respawned. it kept happening over n over till we gave up.

idk, someone brought a wing hammer already so maybe that's y.

Did you make sure the girls kill all the monsters on the left side and the boys kill all the monsters on the right? The giant fierry should spawn on the girl side. At least that was how it was for my Amoria PQ. The girls always go to the left and the boys go the right and the fierry always spawn on the girls side.

Once you receive the wing hammer, you need to drop it in front of the mirror, get the piece and hand it to the leader.

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Guest xl0lxl0lx

well, we would killed all the monsters, but they would respawn 5 mins later. n we couldn't get glimmer to summon giant fairy. :(

we'll try again some other time. i hate having to travel back to vic tho ToT.

i've started my own guild :D

if u're in mardia, i'd add u

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Guest Dorkiee

Yay other Maplers. I didn't know Soompi had one.

Wahhh everyone seem to be such high levels. I'm a Level 45 Cleric. Add me. My IGN is MichiKiwi.

I so want to do APQ :(

I didn't spend any money on Nexon yet but maybe later in the future. :w00t:

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Guest yoyomonkey

blah. i tried it for a few days and now i'm starting to get sick of it.

mm.. and you can buy real clothes with the money you spend..... although you don't see many people wearing hats or carrying weapons around...

i am 'HotOutside' - a level 23 swordie @ scania

add me and lets level up some time?

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Guest Irysinon

^ PQ = Party Quest

I quit this game a long time ago. Is there anything new going on? Or is everything just the same old 'kill em and level up' routine?

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Guest Batgirl

^^ seems like it

I enjoy maple because i think its so cute and i like chatting with people. Plus the guy im totally diggin plays it too.

I'm super nub

Level 41 FP Wizard Mardia



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