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[Drama 2012/13] My Love , Butterfly Lady 내 사랑 나비부인


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Ep 43 was full of filler and road blocks to keep mother and son from meeting.

JW is really the scum of the earth. He admitted to NB that he is hiding the fact that SC and WJ are mother and son.

SG had NB for a minute with his threats again and made her back off of telling WJ or SC who the other was.  NB found away without actually telling WJ and SC directly. All she told SC was where her son could be found and where WJ could finally meet his mother.

Did I miss something because at the end of the preview for ep 43 WJ is on the phone and takes the phone away from his ear and turns around. I didn't see that part in this ep.

There had better not be anymore road blocks next week to drag this out somemore.

I'm not sure but I think SA was calling MS and didn't get an answer. I wonder did he run off with all her money. If those papers she had were SC turning the shoe company back over to her she's in a pickle if MS has ran off. She's broke with no money to run it.

@IBELIS, I'm sorry will not get it for me. SA is the one who needs to go to jail. She stole those people money and is still hiding some of it for her own use. I agree JW is the worst of the two. He threw his family and NB under the bus and once again using another woman for his own gain. This is the second time he has done this to his family. JW needs to be stripped of everything including his family. Left with nothing but the clothes on his back.

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@awsparkle No you didn't miss it. That part from the preview where WJ takes the phone away from his ear and turns around didn't happen in this episode. Since the ep ended while WJ was on the phone, I'm assuming the turning around part will happen next week.

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Haven't watched yet but the comments don't make me want to rush and see it so I will wait for subs. At this point I'm just trying to hold on till the end. I'm staring to wonder if Kdrama's know how to do a happy ending. They often create nonsensical conflict and then stretch them out forever. 

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@Ayame, Thanks I thought it was just me. I did go back and rewatch that part again. When WJ does turns around SC better be still standing there. I will be so pissed if they drag this out any longer. It's SA and JW's turn to be dragged through the mud in the coming eps.That's something I'll have pleasure in watching.

@IBELIS, I've gotten to the point with this drama that when the subs do come out I end up skipping through most of the eps.

I was watching another weekend drama that ended last week. My Daughter Seo Young. The ending had to be the best K-drama happy ending I've ever seen. The subs were slow in coming but it was a great drama. They were in the same time slot as MLMB. The rating were high and ended with a rating around 47.6.  

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Guest kda86

I knew it would end on that part...
SC better not run and hide coz she feels too ashamed or something, as i'll probably literally end up kicking my computer screen!!
Theres 7 eps or so left, just please let them reunite now...no more dragging.
When i was watching this episode i was just shocked at how they managed to drag out the bit from when NB was gonna tell WJ and SC about the truth for something like more than half the episode...Seriously, when she was on the phone to them, she could have just told them straight up...i know it was to do with what SG said, but it's just so lame...especially when we know it was just done so the writer could prolong it to the end of the ep...as in the end NB changed her mind and let them meet anyway...
(actually even before she met SG, she could have tried to phone them a few more times)...

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@kda86. There's really isn't much more to this story to fill 7 more eps so the writer is dragging things out and adding fillers.

What really didn't make sense was NB took SC to the hospital because she was going blind. Why would you send someone who is losing their sight a text message. This writer went all around the barn to get NB to make a choice between JW's family and WJ's happiness of finding his mother.

The family had to find out about SJ's cancer. The first time BG snatched the pills from CK to give to GH he should have been stopped and the secret about SJ's cancer should have came out then. Taking someone elses medicine is a dangerous thing to do, but they dragged it out for filler for another ep. What didn't make sense here was putting aside the cancer thing, SJ is pregnant. It would take a really stupid person to take the pills of a pregnant woman and give them to a non pregnant woman.

Then we have SR and NB's mother. Now that NB and WJ broke up SR wants to start meeting up with NB's mother again. SR's martial status has not changed. He still has a wife at home and a child he didn't want to hurt by a divorce. Another filler to add to the story line.

The last part of ep 43 is subbed on Viki. SC told JW to call the lawyer and have some of her shares transfered to him. I hope the writer does not include SA and JW in the battle for World. I've really had enough of JW and SA's scheming and plotting. These two people lives need to start taking a downward fall. SC claims the company belonged to her first and SG claims the same thing. The battle for World started between SG and SC and it should remain between these two.

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Written preview for Ep 44 is out. I think SG is telling SC to go overseas... I think (I need the complete translation to be sure lol). I'm really hoping the WJ/SC reunion is not delayed...
44회 [2013-03-16]
실비아최는 설아 매장에서 나비가 잃어버렸다는 사진을 보더니 정욱과 설아가 이우재가 아들이란 사실을 알고 도 자신을 속이고 가지고 놀았다며 설아에게 복수 할 것을 다짐한다. 한편, 이삼구 회장은 우재엄마로 찾아왔다는 실비아 최에게 해외로 가서 우재 곁을 떠날 것을 요구하는데...

Google Translate:

Sylvia Choi, Seol Ah, to know that Lee Woo Jae, Jung Wook and Seol Ah son deluding myself played with and looked at the pictures of Seol Ah outlets lost the Na Bi pledged to take revenge.On the other hand, Lee Sam Goo president Woo Jae's mom, Woo Jae me to leave to go overseas to find Sylvia Choi came to the requirements for ...

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I tried my hand at translating the written preview. I could be all wrong but here it is. .

SC finds the photo that NB lost in SA's store and knows for a fact that JW and SA knew that WJ was her son and tried to deceive her. SC vows revenge on both of them. SG came to see SC, and demands that she go abroad and leave WJ's side.

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One thing gpa, jw, and sa needs to learn NEVER mess with a mother on a mission. We all know sc was going to find out that her son is alive and that the two idiots helping her lied about it. Now sc is going to have to swallow her pride to her own son and seek vengeance on them. I personally looking forward to jw getting his tail thrown in prison. (Hopefully gotall abbreviations right) too many dramas with same letters....seriously korea needs more letters other than jwsa! Lol just saying)

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awsparkle said:

@Ayame, Thanks I thought it was just me. I did go back and rewatch that part again. When WJ does turns around SC better be still standing there. I will be so pissed if they drag this out any longer. It's SA and JW's turn to be dragged through the mud in the coming eps.That's something I'll have pleasure in watching.

@IBELIS, I've gotten to the point with this drama that when the subs do come out I end up skipping through most of the eps.

I was watching another weekend drama that ended last week. My Daughter Seo Young. The ending had to be the best K-drama happy ending I've ever seen. The subs were slow in coming but it was a great drama. They were in the same time slot as MLMB. The rating were high and ended with a rating around 47.6.

  @awsparkle I started watching this when it fist aired but the subs were so slow that I stopped around episode 20 but now that the subs are almost down I want to go back to it.

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Translations for Ep 44 text preview is out...
Episode 44 Written Preview (Translated)Sylvia Choi vows to take her revenge against Seol Ah when she learns that Jeong Wook and Seol Ah tried to deceive her when in fact they already know that Woo Jae is her son then she sees her missing photo in Na Bi's shop.
On the other hand, Chairman Lee Sam Goo went to see Sylvia Choi when he learns that she is Woo Jae's mother so he tells her to leave Woo Jae alone and to go abroad...
credits: happy22qt @ welcometohappysworld + MLMB SBS official website

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Sorry for double-posting, but I didn't want to put it in the same post as the text preview... (EDIT: Okay, episode just finished. Guess I wasn't feeling lazy tonight, that's why I kind of recapped the ep lol. If I don't feel lazy tomorrow, I might do that for tomorrow's episode. Sorry this is super long, btw lol.)
Watching ep 44 live now. As WJ turns, of course SC hides. SC thinks to herself that it must be a misunderstanding. She thinks to herself something like, "If WJ is really my son Cheol, then..." and then she starts to cry. Now it goes to scene with JW and his family. JW's mom tells JW that NB met WJ, JW's worried. JW meets with SA. Now scene with NB's mom at her house, who's thinking about SR. JW and SA are looking for NB and WJ. NB is still waiting outside. WJ calls NB. SC hides from WJ as he looks for her. NB tries to convince SC to meet WJ, but SC feels guilty. SC asks NB to not say anything. SC drives off, NB meets WJ at the house, and they talk. WJ gets angry and drives off and goes home.
LSG and SR talk. JW and SA talking at JW's apartment and SC returns there. SC is angry and goes to her room and thinks about WJ. WJ is in his room thinking and holding the cube. NB returns home and NB's mom said that JW is looking for her. NB texts SC asking her to meet WJ. WJ comes to NB's house to meet her. While WJ was waiting for NB to finish showering, SC calls NB's phone. WJ answers the phone, and when SC thanks her about her son, WJ realizes that SC is his mom. WJ runs out of NB's house. NB tries to see if WJ's there, but he already left. WJ cries in his car in shock. 
JW's family eating meal the next day. BG talks about SC and JW's mom is upset. JW's mom plans to meet SC. SC is finding out about SA and JW hiding about WJ being Cheol.  SA at her store, looking at the picture. YJY visits SA and they leave. SC finds the picture as SA leaves. SC returns to JW's apartment. JW's mom is there and they talk about NB's shop and other stuff. SC tells JW's mom that WJ and NB still love each other.
JW meets NB, NB tells JW that she told SC about the truth. NB and JW argue outside about WJ, and the World Group and JW's mom hears everything (about NB breaking up for WJ's sake). SC is there are at WJ's house. SC yells that she's there not as SC but as WJ's mom. SC goes in the house to talk to LSG. LSG tells SC to go abroad, but SC says she'll never leave. SC and WJ run into each other as she leaves. They stare at each other. WJ says something and rushes to his room. He trashes the stuff in his room and throws the cube at his door. SC goes outside and cries.
JW's mom asks JW and NB what the truth. NB tells her the truth about breaking up for WJ. JW's mom gets angry and leaves NB's house. NB cries. JW tries to explain to his mom, but she just leaves. SC calls JW and wants to meet. SC goes to JW's house and SC sees BG. SC realizes that BG that JW's brother. SC throws the drink at JW's face in front of his mom. JW's father enters and SC gives them a document. SC tells JW to divorce NB. SC then stands up to leave.
NB's mom is working as usual and thinking about SR. SR gets there and goes for a drink with NB's mom. SR and NB's mom talk about NB and WJ. NB thinking to herself at her house, thinks about SC. NB calls WJ, and WJ gets angry at her and hangs up. NB's mom comes home drunk.
SR comes home drunk and tells WJ about NB breaking up for WJ's sake. WJ rushes out of the room. NB gives her mom a drink to help her with being drunk. SC calls NB. JW and SC are talking at JW's apartment. SA sees SC as she's leaving the elevator. WJ goes to NB's house to see NB. But NB already went to the shop (to meet SC). WJ goes to NB's shop where SC and NB are already there.
WJ says something (can't understand) to SC and NB... and the episode ends.
In the preview, SC is leaving abroad, and she leaves a letter to WJ saying, "My son, WJ... I love you." and NB tells WJ that SC is leaving. WJ rushes to the airport, trying meet SC.

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@Ayame, Thanks for the recap.

JW and his mother need to give it up. NB doesn't love JW anymore. She loves WJ and JW and his mother just will not accept that fact. Even when the mother found out why NB really broke up with WJ, she still wants to hold on to NB for her son.  


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