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[Drama 2012/13] My Love , Butterfly Lady 내 사랑 나비부인


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Guest cupcakedarling

@baduy Thank you,our life saver!! :D

I don't think Roy is dead too. I believe he will come back and get a closure with his family with or without NB.
I also agree with you guys about wanting to see NB fights against SA. I hate watching SA keeps winning and screaming how much she hates NB.
Btw, can someone explain to me why SJ doesn't want to marry CG?

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Guest peekaboo67

Thank you Baduy. love this drama from the first episode and its getting interesting each episodes. cant wait for next week episode :))

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Haven't watched yet but with baduy's recap I can wait. It still bugs me that NB hasn't told her inlaws that it is SA who has cause all this trouble and why. She has attacked them once to get at NB and she might try again. Later her explanation might not be as plausible as it is right now.Her own mother is still thinking of SA as a friend, she needs to correct that. I swear that if NB doesn't read that report before Roy comes back from the dead I'm going to scream. It's the same with her miscarriage, it's as if she makes no connect with SA and the lost of the baby. It was good that she let dad/Gpa know that it was SA who sent out the pictures and tapes so he won't be easily fooled by her in the future.
I know with this being only the 18th episode out of 50 that it will be some time before NB realizes that she has to stop just putting out the fires caused by SA and start setting some of her own, I'm sure the in-law's have some dark secrets that will need to be revealed. It was never explained why Roy and his mom was so resented by step dad's family. I'm also sure there is so mental illness issues that runs in SA family. Of course we can look forward to WJ mom appearing.
I'm just trying to think of things that can happen in a 50 episode drama other than SA tormenting NB and deluding her self into believing her and WJ will get back together. 

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Haven't watched a darn thing since ep 16 yet but now that I've read the summary thanks to baduy I'll watch the subbed when it's available.

So the events will follow:
1.  NB grieves husband (2 eps)
2.  WJ courts widow NB openly as she becomes available on one hand while warding off SA's evil plots on the other hand.  (This may takes up 6 eps.)
3.  The love between WJ and NB materializes and we may actually see some rabu rabu.  Meanwhile, SA continues the evil plots.  It's just that her objective becomes bringing NB, WJ and his empire down.  (This will take another 6 eps.  Hey, SA needs to stay busy to earn her keep as evil doeress.)
4.  WJ somehow prevails against SA's attacks.  He has his empire on his hand and at the same time solidifies his relationship with NB to another level, enters WJ's dad's objection to their union.  To add insult to injury, issue of WJ's mom revisits.  WJ may go off to the world searching for another month and abandon NB.  Just kidding.  (This lasts 6 eps.)
5.  So WJ gets his dad to accept NB and his mom is back to the household again.  They're one happy family and there's plan of the wedding.  That's when Roy appears before NB and shakes her up some.  Roy tells NB everything about the fake marriage but insists that he loves her for real.  NB can't let cut the string with Roy.  It's a dirty job but someone gotta do it.  WJ bids farewell forever.  (6 eps)
6.  NB realizes her one true love is WJ and is on her quest to court him back.  (6 eps)   

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IBELIS said: It still bugs me that NB hasn't told her inlaws that it is SA who has cause all this trouble and why. She has attacked them once to get at NB and she might try again. Later her explanation might not be as plausible as it is right now.Her own mother is still thinking of SA as a friend, she needs to correct that.

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@Chi Chi
It's worth while trying to overcome the obstacles which the developers of the latest soompi interface put in the way of using the spoiler mechanism, because the yellow-type trick causes problems for people reading on phones or tabs (where you can't just press Ctrl-A or wipe the mouse over the text to make it visible).

Basically what you have to do is put the text you want to hide between two tags

But a so-called "enhancement" made by the developers a couple of weeks back made the whole thing a lot more complicated, because now there must be no line break characters anywhere between the two spoiler tags. If you do insert a line break by pressing Enter or Return alone, the hidden part will terminate at that line break and the rest of your text will be visible all the time. So if you want a line break within your spoiler text, you must insert it using the forced new line keystroke, which is Shift+Enter.

If you forget this rule and find after posting that your spoiler is partly visible, don't panic.

Put your mouse over the "cog wheel" icon at the top right of your post, bringing the "options" button into view, then click that to get the "edit" button and click on that in turn.

In the edit window, go to the line breaks one by one and delete each one completely, then press Shift+Enter by forced new lines. Then OK the edit. If you managed to replace all the line breaks by forced new lines, your spoiler should now be correctly hidden.

I'd never have figured this out if my brain hadn't been warped by following the plots of so many makjang dramas. No sane human being could be expected to get new-style soompi spoilers to work first time, or even any time, for that matter.


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So is this series really going to be 50 episodes?  I know it was originally, but on drama-wiki it only has 24 episodes listed on the ratings page.  In every previous case I have always found the number of episodes on a ratings page to be the accurate amount. I believe the possible reduction could be due to the low ratings.  The ratings are a shame considering how good the show has gotten.  I've come to really like Nam Na Bi. 
Originally I was predicting that after Na Bi and Woo Jae had gotten to know each other, her husband would return.  We would then have the typical love triangle plot for many episodes until her husband was proven to be a total jerk.  Then they would divorce and she would start a romance with Woo Jae.  Now it appears that the new plot change could be to have her husband die.  This would eliminate the tiresome love triangle episodes and we could go directly to the Na Bi and Woo Jae romance.  It is also more morally pleasing to me since Nam Na Bi can have been totally faithful to her husband and then completely free to start a new love once she's a widow.  Things could be so much more neatly handled if Roy were dead.
       The only problem I have with it possibly being reduced to 24 episodes is that I also have been greatly enjoying the romances of the two brothers.  I don't want their romances rushed, but to have the proper amount of screen time for them too.
       This whole post is my own personal speculation.  I don't have any insider info.

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@rosely A cut from a slated 50 episodes to 24 would be unprecedented, and mean career death for the writer, PD and possibly the leads as well.

Actually, the main drama wiki entry does say 50 episodes. You're referring to the ratings table, which is maintained separately and set up a long way in advance. Whoever gave it only 24 slots must either have been mistaken, psychic or in on some very deep intrigue plotted long ago in Sol Ah fashion to wreck the writer's life. All of which are, I suppose, equally possible in Kdrama land.

I've been sceptical myself as to whether there's really enough here to stretch to 50, and a cutback to 32 or so still wouldn't surprise me that much. But I don't think a cut to 24 could be done without making a total mess of it.

It's not just the jettisoning of the two subsidiary couples' stories (as more or less happened with the predecessor drama in this slot). The writer went to some lengths to establish that Roy / Jeong Wook is anything but "a total jerk" and he's actually done nothing fraudulent financially. Even if all the cards are laid on the table about why he married NB (as was about to happen around ep 4, had not fate intervened) the bottom line is that his main motive in agreeing to the deception was to right the wrong he had done to his family and earn the right to return home, bringing the gravesite deed and the ancestral tablet with him. That's not a motive that would make Na Bi despise him in view of her own change of heart and priorities in recent episodes, once she got over the shock of why he originally approached her.  That's an interesting tangle for the plot to untie over future episodes, but cutting it by having him actually dead already would trash all the groundwork that's been put in for that phase of the drama.

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I watched ep 18 today, and I think it was quite boring.

Didn't it feel like the last episode of a drama, where you see the people carry on with their lives, after the adventure is over? SA was smiling happily and NB was even  praised by the PD for her acting! Can there be more?

Forget 24, are they even filming this right now? I'm a bit worried about this.

Maybe they develop a new plot now. After such an episode they could even jump 10 years into the future and show something totally different!

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Guest manquant

Ugh, I have so much catching up to do. I've been too busy with school and a lot happened also at home. Btw, thanks @baduy for the episode recaps. I'll just patiently wait for the subs to see these exciting episodes myself. ;;)

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I agree that all along I thought that there was not enough here to last 50 episodes, because everything was based on SA revenge against NB, so I'm thinking up till now we have focused on NB now they will switch the focus to WJ or make the guy who ran away with the investors money start to blackmail SA, the prosecutors office locate the funds but continue their investigation looking at the possibility of others being involved. At any rate I think it's time NB is moved from the spotlight and SA is moved forward.

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After watching 17 and 18 with subs I think the death of Roy will turn the tide against SA . with Roy supposedly dead and being the target of the fraud investigation that leaves SA who knows where the money is and the guy Roy was trying to find to prove his innocence. This definitely puts that guy in a position to blackmail SA, because he knows where money is and he knows that the theft was planned by SA. Also in the news report is said that they suspected arson as the cause of the fire.
I wonder if SA has intentions of returning the money or keeping it. It would be great if NB get's great reviews for her acting in the drama and then receive some insurance money allowing her to turn things around a bit.  

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No. He's

reported as dead in a hotel fire. But he may have been identified from the guest list only

We'll maybe find out more next week.

Why WJ is so attentive to NB is explained from his own mouth in ep 18. But the guy's a real virtuoso. He fits in effortless jet-setting power management, shoemaking, long-term therapy of an insane ex-spouse, and full-on unrequited love for an unattainable woman and never seems more than slightly worn out.

However, one sign that the strain may be telling is that he makes a business trip to Florence and thinks he's in Bologna. Or maybe it was the other way round. But those establishing shots of his Italian destination, captioned in Hangeul as "Italy: Bologna" by SBS, are unmistakeably of Florence.

Either that, or my wife and I spent our honeymoon in Bologna without knowing it. After 37 years, its probably too late to complain to the travel agency now.

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Guest manquant

Just saw the recent episodes and I'm deeply amazed by Na Bi's overall development so far. :-bd Now, she seems to have a fighting chance against deluded Seol Ah with all her provocations and threats. Well, her acting could use some more push if she wants to be recognized by the director just like in that scene with Yeom Bang Ji aka Yeon Ji Jeon. Ommoni should really trust her from now on, she's proven herself to be worthy of being recognized as the daughter-in-law of that family. (I can't help but see her as a childish version of Cha Yoon Hee in My Husband Got a Family, which I really miss. :-S )
Woo Jae, Woo Jae. I think you'll pass as a cassanova if you only will. 8-> You're very charming. Your profession of love was the most romantic of all those I've seen so far, it even left Na Bi forcing herself to forget completely what you said to her. That's how much you affect her. Once she gets over her Roy's death (?), she'll gladly open her heart if it would be you. :x
I forgot that a Kdrama's pacing is different from real life; hence, I was very shocked to when Woo Jae said that it's already been a month since he started as Byung Ho's shoe apprentice. :)) Now, let's see how his shoe-holic daughter-in-law would replace Woo Jae. Na Bi's got a lot of spare time, don't she? 

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That's hilarious, Baduy.  I know you have regular complaints about some of the interpreting, but when they start misidentifying major cities, oops! 

I, too, don't think Roy is dead.... but that "news"  should send SA into a real panic.

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Just to be clear though, the geography-cum-culture failure is down to the production team. The subs faithfully translate the Korean caption that's on screen, and they can do no other, especially since the dialogue makes plain that it's supposed to be Bologna.

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