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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Hmmm...like what @Kgrl said, why must Chaewon bring up the subject of The Hot Pack Never Seen Anywhere in the World? :P
Or emphasize all of a sudden that they are just colleagues and she doesn't know him personally (as a man)?

Methinks someone noticed her reaction at the mention of SJK's name during BDA Handprinting and started Operation Damage Control: call reporters and let MCW give a bajillion interviews. Emphasize that her and SJK are just colleagues, no special relationship, bring up past male co-stars, etc. etc. However, our girl's reason for sharing the hot pack is just....pffft indeed.

In other news (off topic), this satirical post from The New Yorker made me laugh so hard: North Korea Launches Fragrance.
"the sweet smells of North Korea’s native unicorns..." :)) =))

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@yeisha Oh. My. EunMa Babies. =)) I didn't know whether I should've hit Awesome or LOL. =)) I'm still LMAO right now. You just made my day darling.

Yes, I found a lot of the answers regarding JK and CW's personal life to be very...overzealous. As in overzealous to make a distinction or separation from JK, and yet, notice that there really is no confirmation that ChaeKi are not or won't have a closer relationship in the future. That's a big difference from PBY's statement to deny any rumors. This sorta reminds me of JK in KBS's Entertainment Relay TV interview when he overzealously cut into the MC's question with a "yea" after hearing MCW's name before the MC was even finished asking the question. The only difference is that JK was good enough to bring YAI in that actually made him seem witty/cheeky and diverted the attention. CW hasn't reached that level of skill yet. :)) I'm glad CW didn't do TV interviews b/c it would have been so easy to see through her facial expressions and body language.

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Ahhhhhh  ~X( finals and RL is going to kidnap me, so I won't be able to post, but I know I'm going to be sneaking by the thread when I'm supposed to be studying  :)) My mom has left my friend with the duties of shutting my laptop off if I visit anything Korean-related  X(  [-X She knows me too well. 
I just have one thing to say before I sign off for the next 3 days: I can't even count how many celebrities claim that they have no "special relationship" with their co-star, and then when the truth is revealed later on, they all say the same story. 
Dear Clueless Public,We were only co-stars while filming, and then after we began to see each other as friends, so we started meeting more often, feelings developed, and now we are getting married with a baby on the way. :))
Not to mention Eugene and her husband's story went the same way. In fact Eugene, said the same thing as Chaewon, "that she didn't see him as a man" and they were "collegues" but BOOM they announced their wedding out of nowhere. And I find it really suspicious that Chaewon who NEVER mentions anything about her relationships has suddenly gotten so talkative. :)) Just the way the question flows about her closeness to Joongki was hilarious. The interviewer asks about her friendship, and our lovely and gererous Chaewon gives him the terms "special relationship" and then all of sudden talks about a hot pack that she just feels like she needs to justify. Chaewon give us an excuse about the white van incident. That news was sensational here..at least on the Soompi thread. Clear those rumors up too. Did Joongki get lost, bang his head, get amnesia and then imagined your van to be his? 
Too bad Chaeki we are onto you. We will not be surprised at all. In fact we will be throwing I-told-you-so's for our clairvoyant abilities. You may not know we exist here in our little thread on Soompi, but we have already constructed a Silvertop Village, with monuments in honor of your "special relationship."  Not to mention @Grimm_Jagg the Chaeki museum curator is going to oversee my exhibits I have created in your honor. (BTW I am putting the last pieces to the next showpiece. Make sure you attend the showing :))

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single eyelid?
song joong ki has single eyelid :x

coastalbreeze said: Kgrl said: 4) CW has not been very vocal about her ideal types and they are generally very vague, like take care of her or witty or single eyelids, etc., and often prompting interviewers to ask her to give
them more specifics other than few-word-sentences. But this time, she was more detailed and comprehensive in her responses, as if she's thought about being in a relationship recently or have someone in mind. And why is Christmas brought up? Why did she feel that she needed to bring up her single-status, and relay a pretty detailed schedule that she'll probably be staying home with friend(s) to watch movies. Why is this girl so keen to emphasize her lack of a BF and what she's going to be doing at Christmas?! I don't even know what I'm going to be doing around Christmas and that holiday is such a big deal here in the US and with my family.

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Guest charmingtail

I was starting really to like MCW not just because of her works but as a person as well.....I realise if not for her, I wouldn't have come to love SEG this much.

1) I was touched when I read abt the hard work she put into acting SEG. How she practiced her long sentences, her emotion etc. How she designed all SEG's small actions.

2) I was touched when I read how much she loved and treasured her scripts

3) I was touched when I read how she stressed over the ending of NG as well...thinking who is going to die? is maru going to die? is SEG going to die? are they going to die together? She went thru the same emotional journey as the audiences.

4) I was touched when I know she was the one who suggested "EunMaru" leading to the bakery to be named as silvertop. 

5) I was very touched when I read abt her keeping her friend's sms. She read them when the going get tough as a form of encouragement. I could imagine her reading them when she was so tired during live filming and losing concentration.

6) I was touched when I see her in BTs, in awards ceremony, in the wrap up party, in hand print event......Being an actress who should be very good at masking herself (just like SJK), her reactions were always so real. Her "Joong ki....ssi" in wrap up party, her giggles and nervousness over question on SJK at the hand print event, the surprised look when SJK released her hand and the way she tugged his arm (at press conference) ......

I like her because I felt that we will be best of friends if we know each other personally. I like her because she is a reminder for myself that I need to live my life to the fullest, loving my job and the things I do and always aim to continuously improve myself.

For chaeki, honestly even if I think chaeki has great chemistry, I wouldn't be sad if they would never be in a love relationship, as its real life and its their choice. But I would be really touched if SJK becomes one of her close friends where she will keep his sms, his words of advice as a form of encouragement....that itself would have been a beautiful ending for chaeki. And I can be in chaek village writing delusional rom com for fun.....

But her recent answer to the question  "You seem to have a good relationship with SJK" put me off totally.Instead of being SEG, her answer makes her look like HJH. They are merely colleagues who have worked together for the last 6 mths....she does not understand him as a man. I totally dont get her at all. I thot she just said she saw his manly side while filming. Is she talking about SJK as a man physically? If so, how could she dont know when she was kissed by him like a dozen times and she sure remembered their first kiss. After 6 mths of filming NG, Chaeki would have know each other hugs, smell, taste, hands... They are really that close bec of so many passionate scenes in NG....I still remember a taiwanese actor says that after kissing the actress so many times, he can even remember her different lip gloss taste. How much does MCW need before she thinks she know a guy well as a man physically?

So if her reply means that they are not close friends and she doesn't understand him personally. So her statement of SJK is a honest and frank person is based on what? How can you say a person is honest and frank if you dont know them personally. I said she reminds me of HJH because if they are really not close, she should have keep her distance and not behave like this with SJK. Is she a HJH in real life? A beautiful woman who knows her own charm, and doesn't mind throwing it around and flirting with people whom she is not close to. If she can back hug any guy without much thots and later so easily dismiss them as mere colleagues.......I am speechless and I feel I just had misplaced my affection.

I think I am really sounding too serious when this is suppose to be a delusional thread =p But I cant help but rant, because as a fan, I show my sincerity in supporting her and spending time to read about her acting thots. In return, I do expect sincerity from her as well towards her fans. Imo, she would have just said they are merely good friends after filming together for 6 mths and she is very thankful to him for all the acting advices but currently she is not in any special relationship with anyone

Suddenly after writing so much, I really think chaeki may be shld refrain totally from talking about each other....the more they talked the worse it become, like SJK's Aomori kiss and this particular MCW's reply.......It either makes it so fishy like they really like each other thus they are giving such a reply or they are both suffering from amnesia (he cant remember the kiss and she cant remember her back hug) or I totally misjudged her, she is like HJH? 

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Guest juvel10jde

indeed...she's such a nice girl (that's why i wonder why there's bashers out there hmmmp)
i love her more than any other korean actress...
Lets continue loving her...
Oopps have you heard that hyun bin was discharged? Hmm..i want him to be CW partner in her next project..just screen partner coz in RL, i will remain Chaeki fan forever..

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@charmingtail *hugs* i really wouldn't give too much credit to these recent interviews because they are written interviews, we can't see her facial expression, body language, the nuances of her replies, etc.  plus the fact that something might be lost in the process of translation.

and we have to remember that showbiz is a business.  for all we know, some of these answers may have been "edited" to make it appear something else.  i really do think that MCW's side are doing there own version of damage control or preventative measures if you will so they could have arranged all these interviews and told her to say certain things.  i know for sure from an insider that the rumors of SJK-PBY dating was so hot awhile ago and perhaps MCW's agency doesn't want the same rumors to happen to her, especially after her recent statement about SJK during the BDA handprinting ceremony.

between these written interviews and her statement during the BDA when she said that SJK has full of charms, i'd believe the latter because that was on-the-spot interview, you can't really rehearse your answers for that and i saw her reaction to the question and how she answered it.

anyways, all we can do is speculate really. but we also can't ignore the fact that they are big name celebrities with CF contracts and images that they need to protect.

gotta go finish my paperwork...take it easy guys! :-h

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Guest charmingtail

yeisha said: @charmingtail *hugs* i really wouldn't give too much credit to these recent interviews because they are written interviews, we can't see her facial expression, body language, the nuances of her replies, etc.  plus the fact that something might be lost in the process of translation.

and we have to remember that showbiz is a business.  for all we know, some of these answers may have been "edited" to make it appear something else.  i really do think that MCW's side are doing there own version of damage control or preventative measures if you will so they could have arranged all these interviews and told her to say certain things.  i know for sure from an insider that the rumors of SJK-PBY dating was so hot awhile ago and perhaps MCW's agency doesn't want the same rumors to happen to her, especially after her recent statement about SJK during the BDA handprinting ceremony.

between these written interviews and her statement during the BDA when she said that SJK has full of charms, i'd believe the latter because that was on-the-spot interview, you can't really rehearse your answers for that and i saw her reaction to the question and how she answered it.

anyways, all we can do is speculate really. but we also can't ignore the fact that they are big name celebrities with CF contracts and images that they need to protect.

gotta go finish my paperwork...take it easy guys! :-h

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Guest charmingtail

In order to compensate for my rather serious post on MCW......I hope this will lighten everyone up =)

I dont think MCW can resist SJK at all

physical appearance: pls correct me if I am wrong, but I read that she likes clean guy with not much muscles; prefer single eyelid and witty (his morning glory joke)....
Physical attraction: he kissed her so well that the Aomori kiss is one of her most memorable. His kiss just make her breathless (just check BTs 15)
Emotional attraction: her comfort and trust level is high for him (back hug etc) He is someone who she can be effortless with.and He takes care of her (remember how SJK instinctively hold her when she walked down the stairs at press conference, I thot that was sweet of him)
Intellectual attraction: He amazed her with his acting skill especially after watching werewolf boy where she realised his charm as a man and a boy. He is someone who she can talk to abt her acting. And isn't acting her biggest love in life. You can literally sense her enjoyment when she talked about how she exchanged acting pointers with him in her interview
How she viewed him: sincere, honest, not fake
Fairytale and Romance: First snow on her birthday, They kiss and its unforgettable
Time spent together: 6mths of working together, acting as a couple with intense love for each other. Like I said, after 6 mths of NG, Chaeki would have know each other hugs, smell, taste, hands........
When I read that MCW wants to know more male celebrities, I know that either we moonies will be shipping mcw with someone else next year or our chae wonnie is just going to realise that there is simply just 1 song joong ki

It is impossible that MCW treats SJK just as a mere colleague (see above). Even if they r not dating at the moment, its impossible that she doesnt have a tiny bit of crush on him.........just impossible......... I could imagine her heart will skip a beat reading abt him mentioning the Aomori Kiss as unforgetable and when the interviewer asked her abt sjk's charm as a man, I can imagine her remembering their kiss and getting nervous and thereby embarrassing herself at the hand print event. I also can imagine her fussing and stressing over what to wear at KBS award, she needs to look drop dead gorgeous so SJK can drop dead when he sees her....

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Guest charmingtail

I realise I never write much abt SJK.....I can't talk much abt SJK bec he is just so guarded talking about MCW and being such a great PR, he is hard to read literally. But his terrible slip up on the Aomori kiss =p too bad for him I keep harping on his slip up...........
I would give him a bit more credit on his reason for the memorable kiss if MCW did not pick the kiss as well. but MCW had picked the kiss as one of her most memorable so I believe that SJK is hiding his affection for our chae wonnie because it is just simply too coincidental and strange that both would pick the Aomori kiss to show how wonderful PD nim's Allure is when there are so many other scenes which show even more amazing cinematology; Moreover when all of us think of the Aomori, we only think of the kiss itself.  Is it possible that MCW felt some thing when SJK kissed her but SJK could only remember PD's Kim's Allure for the Aomori kissing......LOL does this make any sense? 

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@noodlez_ No she was asked about his skin! At first she was asked about her own skin and then about his skin. Here is the whole part about skin.

많은 질문과 대답이 오간 가운데, 다짜고짜 물었다.

“피부 관리는 어떻게 하세요?” ‘대놓고 칭찬’에 쑥스러움과 부끄럼이 교차하는 듯 배시시한 미소와 함께, 문채원은 “그렇게 봐 주셔서 너무 고마워요. 그런데 실은 아니거든요”라는 겸손하게 답했다.

“개인적으로 피부가 좀 얇은 편이라 컨디션, 그리고 환경에 따라 예민하기도 하거든요. 촬영 기간 중엔 피부를 들여다볼 겨를도 없었고. 그런데 (송)중기 오빠는…” 상대 배역으로 그림 같은 투샷을 종종 연출했던 송중기의 피부에 대한 부러움이 자연스럽게 뒤따라왔다.

소문난 피부미인 문채원도 부러움을 감추지 못한 바로 그, 송중기다.

“중기오빠 피부요, 좋아도 너~무 좋죠. 저뿐 아니라 같이 촬영한 모든 동료와 스태프들이 ‘어쩜 그렇게 피부가 좋으냐’는 말을 달고 있었어요. 진짜 좋더라고요. 밤을 세워도 어쩜 그렇게 좋은지. 화장품 뭐 쓰냐고 물어보기도 했는걸요(웃음).” 송중기와의 연기 호흡은 어땠을까. 여전히 강마루-서은기 커플의 애절한 사랑에 대한 아련함을 간직한 표정의 문채원이 말을 이었다.

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Honestly when I woke up this morning, I was so tired.I could barely open my eyes.


But I had to regain my energy to go to work, So I checked ChaeKi's thread to gain some energy BUT with Chae Won unni's new interview, I lost the little energy I had.So I was literally like this going to work. Honestly it broke my heart =((


Then I told to myself, We are supposed to be delusional in this SilverTop land. Even If Chae Won think of him as another co-star not even friend, Who says they are not going to be lovers in another/after life. So now I'm back to my delusional land. Who cares If people reading this think I'm crazy. I'm contend with the way I am.


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Guest charmingtail

I think its my fault to spoilt all the delusional and fun feel of this thread today by being a bit too serious in my ranting .......hehe.I realise that when I am shipping chaeki, I need to be reminded that these are real people...living a real life and real life means it can be full of bulls**t and money talk.

When I look at MCW and SJK answers on questions toward each other. I find it very sad that MCW couldn't even say that "they are good friends" and SJK couldn't even mention MCW easily but maybe this is how the korean entertainment is.

Unlike many soompi members here, I dont really follow entertainment much, I think I only know MCW and SJK.......the rest I may know their faces but not their names or I may just know names like girl generation but I am totally clueless abt them. It's really true that throughout my whole life, I am never into entertainment and I dont really read actors' interviews, so I dont know much abt korean entertainment.

 I realise that its simply impossible that I would list so many stuffs I like abt MCW thru her interviews and BTs, and then suddenly felt totally disconnected to her feelings for SJK. The way she dismissed him as mere colleague was quite hurting when I first read abt it as it really reminded me of HJH. Then I ask myself do I want to believe what I see and 95% of her interviews or just believe the mere 5% of her interviews on her feelings for SJK. I believe that if MCW is able to speak freely abt SJK, she wouldn't have said it this way so coldly. Yes, I am going to give her the benefit of doubt because this is korean entertainment and maybe this is the only way she can protect her friendship/special relationship with SJK. Because how can you simply not be friend with someone who work with you closely for 6 mths and both of you kiss and hug and hold hands? How can you not be friend with someone who you trust and are so comfortable with, talking and laughing and discussing your most love acting craft? 

I think I am really learning more abt korean entertainment now. Initially, i totally dont get SJK, the way he promoted the werewolf boy with "PBY is mine" statement then tell people in interview that he preferred to date in secret. Does it make sense? At that time I was thinking that he was really treating his fans as dumb and I thot stars like these totally deserved having delusional fans who stalked them =p. Now I realise this is prolly korean entertainment bulls**t and if you are in this line, you better learn all the tricks and adapt to survive.

For my romantic heart, I only wish that their rising popularity will never put an end to any hope of real chaeki's love. It will always be that I believe whatever it is in Chae Wonnie's heart, it will be answered like KMG's prayer. I believe that sincerely  :x

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