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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Hey Burning Toasts! How y'all doing?
You know how you have a dream and you don't remember it when you wake up and then remember it later on in the day. Well I had one like that and I think I've seriously gone crazy in my delusions. I think I need help and I don't know where to get it.
So the dream, long in short we were live-streaming ChaeKi's wedding and conversing over here at the same time. And our posts were basically were basically a bunch of these without any words:
We understood each other very well, it's like we created our own language.

X_X I've gone crazy, there's no coming back. And I've fallen further into the pit while I was catching up with you guys.
I love you like a fire likes Toast.

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About the Entertainment Weekly Interview Video, though we're hoping the interviewer to ask SJK about MCW, i think it's better if she didn't ask. Because on the other side, i'm afraid if SJK gives answers like "MCW is a good friend", "MCW is a professional actor" etc.

well, you know, it's better for me if SJK said nothing abt MCW rather than commented with answers that we don't satisfy. But if SJK answers those question with different answers like "I like working together with MCW", "MCW is a happy person" or "MCW is my ideal type", then, i'll be more than happy as ever. Haha.

Chaeki Fighting!! :)

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ieman3ms said: About the Entertainment Weekly Interview Video, though we're hoping the interviewer to ask SJK about MCW, i think it's better if she didn't ask. Because on the other side, i'm afraid if SJK gives answers like "MCW is a good friend", "MCW is a professional actor" etc.

well, you know, it's better for me if SJK said nothing abt MCW rather than commented with answers that we don't satisfy. But if SJK answers those question with different answers like "I like working together with MCW", "MCW is a happy person" or "MCW is my ideal type", then, i'll be more than happy as ever. Haha.

Chaeki Fighting!! :)

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ieman3ms said: well, you know, it's better for me if SJK said nothing abt MCW rather than commented with answers that we don't satisfy. But if SJK answers those question with different answers like "I like working together with MCW", "MCW is a happy person" or "MCW is my ideal type", then, i'll be more than happy as ever. Haha.

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Guest july rosenuena

:-h Hey there ChaeKi shippers :) How's your Sunday doing? Hope you have a peaceful and relaxing Sunday!

Aside from NG and Chaeki, I'm also getting very addicted to "The Script"'s new song, Six Degrees of Separation.. Hopefully someone would do an MV of our ChaeKi using this song :) It would be SUPER AWESOME, or even Runaway from The Corrs would be good too. Haha! Any MV would do as long as it's ChaeKi :\"> :-bd

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Good Moaning Naughties/Burning Toastsyour latest posts are my mood lifter. image
@noodlez_LOL it's OK, we were just easily affected by such handsome news ;)) *eungi pun*
@clarclar012 @perfectgirlimage kkk~ I was just having poetic mood last nite :))
@ieman3ms @jayden @cedricgordonWe know we want Chaeki to be safe under the radar, no scandal and all, but we still have our own selfish need to be fulfilled which is Chaeki moments :)I know... I know... I'm a hypocrite ;))
@Grimm_Jagg's dream is so sweet and funny if only we can LOL&Awesome a post..
@Jillia yay~ let's show the world the power of chaeki chemistry! VOTE. :)
Kay, gotta go to live my Sunday IRL like Maria and Chaeki walk..catch ya later, Toasts~xoxoxoxoxoxo

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Guest clarclar012

@populovehyunI was waiting for your post tbh wahah~ I need a mood lifter as well :P you're just awesome! <3yeah! I agreee we're ChaeKi hypocrites :)) I need to recharge my ChaeKi mind!!! >.<
sad you're going to go! bye take care have fun! <3away.gif away.gifmy bones are slowing me down T_T

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@july rosenuena i think someone already made a chaeki/ eunma FMV with that song... i remember watching it yesterday... i can't share it right now here because i'm in mobile mode... oh crappy old iphone... :( but i think you can check it in youtube... "six degrees of separation nice guy mv maru and eungi" :D

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Guest charmingtail

Jayden said: ieman3ms said: well, you know, it's better for me if SJK said nothing abt MCW rather than commented with answers that we don't satisfy. But if SJK answers those question with different answers like "I like working together with MCW", "MCW is a happy person" or "MCW is my ideal type", then, i'll be more than happy as ever. Haha.

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Guest july rosenuena

p1n6an2012 said: @july rosenuena i think someone already made a chaeki/ eunma FMV with that song... i remember watching it yesterday... i can't share it right now here because i'm in mobile mode... oh crappy old iphone... :( but i think you can check it in youtube... "six degrees of separation nice guy mv maru and eungi" :D

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@clarclar012 I can check the thread from my phone but can't really engage myself into conversation :)) >:D< sistah hug~ have a nice chaeki sunday<3
ah, our old bones... let's go by the bikes thenhitrun.gif  hitrun.gif  
@charmingtail you also 'feeds' my chaeki hunger with dat! exactly fishy... why must couple award?WHY SJK? gg.gif

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Hello my Burning Toasts, so I have just watched Joongie's Entertainment Relay interview and I'm pretty...delighted. :))

I'm going to only focus on ChaeKi pertinent info since this is a ChaeKi thread, starting from 2:55 mark of the below interview.

When asked by the female MC if he was looking forward to awards, JK said of course. However, pay attention to his reflective pause while looking down and saying he did have expectations while shyly laughing as if he was overwhelmed with giddiness. Then when he went on to say he wanted a couple award over other awards, notice the slight stumble over his words and hand gesture raising to his mouth without actually blocking his mouth. Normally, when a person does that it is a nervous effort to prevent oneself from making any verbal slips and/or trying to contain excitement. Then he starts expressing with his hands while he talks - body language for interest/passion in the topic at hand. Notice JK's relative lack of hand motioning during the entire interview except for that portion. ;) And it's very interesting that JK immediately mentions YAI to divert the attention away from who he will be getting this new couple award with. :)) Joongie never fails to impress me with his wit and cleverness.

As for the mention of couple awards rather than acting awards. I think it's again a reflection of JK's practicality and sense. He knows that getting acting awards may be tough with the competition this year, so he's set his sights on the couple awards. In addition, saying one wants to get acting awards may be considered arrogant and/or expecting too much. So, knowing that this was a KBS interview, and that the MC was referring to likely KBS year-end awards, JK made a very sensible answer. Answer-wise, it was quite normal. The only thing is...some body languages are harder to mask. Not that JK isn't sincere or honest, but that he is good at diverting attention and only saying what needs to be said.

In conclusion, I'm quite delighted with this interview. It's not what he said that got me giddy, it was how he said it. I don't want to feed the burning fire of this ChaeKi ship, but I can't help it. The rational side of me understands the various workings of the K Ent. industry, the rumors/insider info circulating about, and what not. Yet the emotional side of me tells me to just go with my intuition and have fun with this. So Burning Toasts, don't blame me for fueling your ChaeKi madness. :D

BTW, I do think JK and BY are close friends. I just think they have a sister-brother vibe rather than a lovers feel. ;)

Omo, I love Part 9! =))

@July Just a friendly reminder to please not quote videos or pictures as it's against Soompi rules. :)

To my lovely clar, popu, and perfectgirl triplets...you girls are just too cute! :-*

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Guest clarclar012

I just want to send some love with all of the Burning Toast ChaeKiers!! <3I just love you all just reading all the posts it really makes me happy..@Kgrl @Grimm_Jagg @charmingtail @p1n6an2012 @july @Jillia @Jayden @blossomz @cedricgordon @noodlez_ @aew 3x @ieman3ms @perfectgirl @populovehyun @otherBTnonlurkersandlurkers thank you! <3 hope.gif*burning the toasts coz of ChaeKi vision!*I bet bakeries are pissed off right now with us and our ChaeKi because we keep burning their baked breads >.< ;))
@Grimm_Jaggomo~ I love that dream >.< I hope we will have our ChaeKi wedding dream come true soon~ 8->
@Kgrl that analysis just gave me chills~ just wow! I thank you for your keen observation~ it's hard to get on read on SJK but damn!!! thank you!! let's be delusional and just accept that as 100% accurate interpretation shall we?! :> away.gif@perfectgirl @populovehyun"I wish there was a way so that we could get cute lovey dovey Chaeki moments for ourselves on a daily basis while Cheaki  would still be under the radar with none of the media hounding them"

ahh~ I've been wishing for that my whole ChaeKi life~ 8->
*sistah hug* >:D<chase.gif hitrun.gifhitrun.gifsorry we hit and run you sistah~ won't happen again! ~

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Guest clarclar012

@perfectgirlomo~~ really?!! I even bought their  2013 tickets for their concert already! *fangirlin* but I don't have much money so I bought the cheapest keke~ :(
@obscuresalmonhi tuna~ <3 nothing, just want to *poke* ya my maru-sshi !MCWSJKgif27.gif

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