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[Drama 2013] Jang Ok Jung 장옥정, 사랑에 살다


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Guest kimbee

class="content-title"South Korean TV Ratings: TNmS vs. AGB Nielsen

Originally TV ratings were dominated by one company called Media Service Korea. In 1999, TNS Media Korea began to publically provide TV rating information that improved on several problems that had occurred because of Media Service Korea’s dominance.

Then MSK was acquired by AC Nielsen and the competition between the two companies began. As of 2005, AC Nielson and AGB had merged to create AGB Nielson research.

TNS Media Korea on the other hand changed their name to TNmS in 2010.

Currently AGB Nielson has a total of 2050 households that are being researched for TV ratings. The breakdown is the following: Seoul 550, Busan 250, Daegu 200, Kwang Ju 160, Dae Jun 160 and other smaller cities 290.

TNmS is also similar in number of households as they have 2000 households spread out around Korea.

Both companies use a research tool called People Meter that is attached to a Receptor. Any person can be included in the research, but families that have a member involved in the broadcasting business in some way are excluded.

The two companies also had their share of legal battles. AGB Nielson accused TNmS of having rigged some of the research information. The first court accepted the accusations in September 17h of 2009 but TNmS have appealed.

Now the question is, what makes the ratings have 2~3% differences between the two research companies? For some, they believe that the reason for this difference is that TNmS visits the households and includes “guests” that are watching TV into their studies thus increasing the percentage of certain TV Show, while AGB Nielson does not. However, the “real” reason for this difference has yet to be determined. It is also a source of controversy because these percentage differences would mean a lot for advertising companies or broadcasting companies.

Now this is my own opinion but, consider these facts. If TNmS and AGB Nielson had the same households in their research we would probably see identical numbers. Otherwise, you might see few percentage differences like we do now. A really simple explanation, I know, but it makes sense to me :P . Also, for any type of research you always leave open that “margin of error,” and also outliers.

source: soompi.com

Just refresh my brain because all of damn rating!!!  L-)

i hope the rating for JOJ was MARGIN OF ERROR or OUTLIERS  ^:)^ :D

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I've been thinking and another reason why the JOJ isn't popular with Korean viewers has come to my mind: Your average viewer in SK likes her/his villains to be one dimensional so he can hate them without thinking since it's always easier to despise these types of bad guys. Just like in MTETS or TGFB - the fiends there are written as evil just for the sake of being evil. Look at the vilanious characters in JOJ - Jang Hyun is a devil but there are stilll human motives behind all the things he's done, the Queen has been taking bribes from her clan but she still loves her children, IH is snobbish, yes, but she is not really malicious and so you could go on and on - they're all layered and complex people with their own agendas and motivations. In those shows with higher ratings the wicked characters don't have those, all their actions have only one reason and that's because they are evil. I'm still in awe of Kim Min Seo portrayl of Bo Kyung in MTETS considering how one-dimensionally her role was written but she still managed to come out as utterly human.Jang_Ok-Jung_-_Korean_Drama-0005.jpg

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Guest uburoi

^^ Easy. Lady Jang was actually a vampire temptress, Sukjong a werewolf, throw in a couple of zombies and North Korean spies for good measure and you've got a winner.
If that's not enough make Ok Jung and Sukjong secretly related (but not really). Ok Jung and her brother should have some kind of strange terminal illness. The Dowager Queen gets amnesia. Find an evil rapist. And last but not least, bring on the 'eye drops acting'.

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I'm not to one to fully judge good versus bad acting, but so far, Kim Tae Hee is also doing a fine job. Granted she may not be fantastic, but she isn't horrendous either. Some people just like to criticize her acting because there isn't anything else to criticize.

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kim tae hee is doing a wonderful job on JOJ, and the ppl (netizens) who constantly diss her acting obviously aren't watching her, because if they are then the ratings for JOJ would increase rapidly (not saying that they aren't any JOJ fans watching, because I know they're a bunch from this page :), so the ppl bashing are probably bashing her without even watching her role in JOJ.
They are truly missing out bc this drama is really good, plot line is freaking interesting bc the writers make it so. :")

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I'm writing for the fist time in this thread but I've been obssessing wxith JoJ from way back when the fisrt stills were coming out...I know this is creepy! I really love Yoo Ah-In and chose to let my love for him hav a time jump from Sungkyungkwan Scandal (so hard to spell phew) to...now haha (let's say Fa****n K**g never happened). I think he's really good looking and his onscreen presence matches his looks for once (not sure if I make sense..).
I reaaaaaaally love Lee Soon, he's sweet and yet ferocious when things matter to him. Yoo Ah In is really nailing his frustration at the power plays that he can't prevent and even less control, his love for this father that had to go through this his whole life and his resignation when he understands that Ok Jung can't be the Crown Princess.
I was afraid the drama would be going the MoonSun route. This drama was a roller coaster but when I looked back at it I realised that the characters were a bit hard to root for, be it Hwon or Yeon Woo and even the little Sister...I enjoyed it from beginning to end but thinking back, the writing didn't really live up to its promises after the adult cast were full time. Only Kim Min Seo gained my total respect and I can ony cry when I recall the scene were she asked Hwon if he didn't know already that he was her first love. (a moment here while I weep.)

Anyhoo! About the ratings and Kim Tae Hee I must say I'm not surprised. I always like a drama with poor ratings. But I really don't think the latter is the problem. Actually I had some issues with her before, having watched her in MP and having found her a bir well, irritating. There is a type of actress who seem (to me) to be saying "aren't I so so pretty and cuuuuuuuute and pure" to the camera and had filed her in this category but ! I want to apologize deeply now because I don't think drama would be so endearing without her glowing presence. Sure the cast is full of grounded actors but she actually has a thing that I had not seen before. The fact that people who are watching the drama after watching Dong Yi or others same historic timeline sageuks, wish for Ok Jung to conquer is all her doing in my opinion. She's managed to change a notorious seductress who caused numerous death with her ambitions, into a no-nonsense business woman of Joseon, not intersted into pining for a loved one, not stepping back before hardship and unfairness of the social hierarchy. Yes, she is vulnerable ( and don't know about you all but I interpreted her mental breakdown in ep.4 as part of the fact that she used to be chased by slave-hunters when she was a child...and I also saw a glimpse of envy when she was walking through the crowd of Yangbans son and daughter flirting. She may ahve pushed aside these things but some moments still move her and that makes her infinitely human) but doesn't want it to be the fist thing people would see in her (as most of kdrama heroines...*sigh*). Kim Tae Hee has this calm beauty that really suits the role in my opinion so I wouldn't replace her with any other actress! :D

About the love story, I really like how it is told. They are not having petty fihts nor are they having intense brooding scenes. It only takes a minutes for each to think about the other and another minute to ger back to business. I LOVE that. This is why I fell out of love with Hown and YeonWoo. Gosh the actors were paid to sit and cry all day!!!!!
I also love the fact that they have dynamics that repeat themselves. Each time he's saved her, she's actually been yelling at him when he thought she would be all grateful and willing to do anything for him. He's a bit cocky but not childish, she's confident but a bit of dreamer. I LURV THEM (*feels*)! I also like the fact that he didn't hold her on a pedestal all these years but knew how to forget her for real, and it is the same for her. They both suffered from this accident but they still react as human beings and decide to forget what could only hurt them. Writer-nim, keep it coming! ;)

PS: All these eloges have to be tamed down by a complaint of course. WHERE THE HECK IS MY PREVIEW FOR EP.5 ?!?!?!
:(( [-(

JoJ Fighting! :)

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It's too bad that the articles and the ratings make it look like the actors aren't doing their job. Well gosh darn it, KTH and YAI are winners together in my book. I think they are very natural together onscreen.

If people are enjoying the other dramas, that's fine. However, I just don't want them to stop making quality dramas cause the other stuff makes money. HYI has good ratings but is the most ridiculous storyline. The evil characters are so one dimensional and one track mind, you have to wonder where these people come from - half the time, things make no sense. But people are getting entertained - ratings are good. So what can you do? I just don't want quality to go down the tubes for the sake of money. But it's hard... Business is still business.

As for KTH, she is wonderfully restrained here. She has a tendency to overact. I still remember her from STH (which I own) and LSAH from a long time ago. But seriously, she's not the best but I think she pulls off ok jung well. The way that she glares at LS is awesome. Really puts him in a place haha... That no other woman would dare to do. For now, I can't imagine anyone else as ok jung and can see where LS would be really intrigued by her.

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I watched all 4 episodes of JOJ in just an evening. (even 3 & 4 without subs) I'm hooked. I'm really enjoying the fresh take on this story. YAI is fascinating, I've missed this side of him. KTH is doing great and I LOVE the actress playing IH. Great cast, excellent, interesting story and beautiful scenery. I'm in. 

EP 4 with English subs is up at DramaFever - 

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@smvd: I saw YAI in Antique Bakery for the first time ( my absolute favourite Korean movie of all time by the way) and he gave a stellar performance there, however, it was in SKKS where he completely bewitched me with his iconic portrayl of Moon Jae Shin! He really became the main hero of the story, such was his charisma! Sungkyunkwan Scandal is still my favourite sageuk but if JOJ can keep the high level of production until the end I'll have a new winner!

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@briseis me both! I Googled like mad the first time I saw that movie! I'm a huge fan of the cast but I didn't know him at that time and he wasn't really famous so finding him wasn't easy but after that he became one of my (many) biases. He had such a cute face back then, and he's become a man just like that (I'm younger that him as I'm speaking lol). Just thinking about the scene where he was hitting the bodyguard and telling not to fall for the "Gay with Iresistibble Charm" makes me smile!

Geol Oh was a complete surprise to me after Antique but I figured I liked his sageuk and manly persona even more than the Baker cutie ^^

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Guest livon123

I want to see the preview for ep 5 too, but I think they just filming as they go, so they might just be on next week's epi. Also, they might don't want to spoil any more scenes, since although the series is introducing JOJ as a fashion designer, if we really put our heads together, I think we can still predict what happen, and it might effect the rating. I hope they take this opportunity to really make JOJ storyline and plots very good, solid, and interesting. 
I am still waiting for the other characters to show up, when they finally show up I think the story will finally get going. 
LOL, I know a lot of people here are rooting for the OTP, but frankly right now I am very eager to see what IH will do now. She is no longer a candidate for the Crown Princess position, and unless they change the requirement, her mother isn't alive so she can't be in the next one either. LOL, a side of me is still hoping to see she have someone that likes her, a chance to escape from being with LS, i.e. Prince DP, even though we know DP is after JOJ. 

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lol Antique, actually it was after SKKS that I checked out that movie, well reason was clearly for YAI, and I was so pleasantly surprised to see that different side of him. True he was younger, but that shows how versatile he can be as an actor. He has an interesting personality irl too, i appreciate that he isn't shy to show his true self. it's just too bad he picked a wrong project which i won't mention its name here. He's really made for sageuk, i love his LS, a very complex character that could make me love and hate him at the same time. The writer of this drama really knows what she's doing and it's like she has the whole script in her head ready. Because she didn't waste any moment to introduce or hinting sthing that would happen next. Like that the 'coincidental' meeting between the OTP doesn't feel awkward or out of nowhere. And the complexity of her characters that makes me feel like they can actually exist, from the leads to the secondary ones. Here hoping she won't change anything due to pressure from the production :(

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