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[Movie 2012] 26 Years 26년


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[한혜진] 잊지 말아주세요, 그 날을Like

글 : 김성훈 | 사진 : 손홍주 | 2012-12-03Share it 

심미진 역의 한혜진


눈은 목표물에 고정하고, 가슴은 26년 전 그날의 울부짖음을 잊지 않는다. 목표물인 ‘그분’이 사정거리에 들어서자 방아쇠를 당기고 있던 그의 검지는 그의 심장만큼이나 쿵쾅거렸을 것이다. 전두환(장광) 암살 계획의 완수에 방점을 찍는 <26년>의 고독한 저격수 ‘미진’(한혜진)의 심경이 딱 그랬을 것 같다.

심미진. 아름다울 미(美)자에, 나아갈 진(進)자. ‘아름다움이 씩씩하게 나아가리라’라는 뜻으로, 부모님이 지어준 예쁜 이름이다. 그러나 그의 삶은 이름만큼 늘 아름답진 않았다. 태어난 해인 1980년 5월 광주, 어머니는 비극적으로 목숨을 잃었고, 아버지 또한 훗날 광주항쟁의 후유증으로 ‘그분’의 자택 앞에서 한줌의 재가 되어야 했다. 한혜진이 시나리오를 처음 읽었을 때 미진이 “잃을 게 없는 친구”라고 느낀 것도 그런 이유에서다. “전작이 대체로 약자에 대한 이야기였다. 그러다 보니 맡은 인물이 늘 가난했다. 사실, 솔직히 여배우가 이런 역할을 만나기가 쉽지 않다. 그냥 저격수가 아니라 아픔이 있는 저격수. 처참한 상황 속에서 부모님을 여의고, 너무나 고독하게 변한 이 캐릭터를 내가 언제 만날 수 있을까 하는 생각에 무조건 하겠다고 했다.”

한혜진은 <26년>이 제작에 들어가기까지 얼마나 많은 우여곡절을 겪었는지 잘 안다. 수많은 여배우가 이 프로젝트를 고사했다는 사실도 잘 안다. 그 역시 여배우인데, 영화에 대한 여러 외압설이 부담스럽진 않았을까. “전혀. 지금도 그렇지만 작품에 대한 걱정은 전혀 없다. 무슨 걱정이야? 내가 작품을 하는데. 영화의 배경은 불과 30여년 전의 일이고, 그때 일을 겪은 이들이 아직 광주를 비롯한 전국에 살아 계신다. 그 점에서 이 영화는 정치적인 의도에서 나온 영화가 아니라 우리나라의 역사를 이야기하는 작품이다. 내가 출연했던 여느 사극드라마와 별다를 바 없었다.” 아름답게 살라고 태어난 세상이지만 아이러니하게도 미진은 언제나 총과 함께 지내왔다. 국가대표 사격선수라지만 가녀린 체구의 한혜진에게 총은 무겁고, 친숙한 도구는 아니었을 것이다. “놀랐다. 그렇게 무거운 줄 몰랐다.” 그런데 막상 들어보니 의외로 총이 몸에 쉽게 받아들여지더란다. “어쩌면 이 친구는 늘 혼자다 보니 세상을 향해 총으로 얘기하는 게 더 익숙한 게 아닐까 싶었다. 영화에서 미진이 가진 총의 의미를 굳이 부여한다면, 한발 한발 쏘는 총소리를 통해서 관객에게 ‘1980년대 5월 광주를 잊지 말아주세요’ 하고 일깨워주는 도구인 것 같다.” 총이 무거웠다면 한정에 5kg이 넘는다는 물리적인 무거움보다 역사를 세상에 알려야 하는 의무감이 컸기 때문일 것이다.

현장에서 늘 추리닝과 운동화 차림을 한 까닭에 몸은 다소 편했지만 감정을 겉으로 드러내지 않는 인물이라 감정의 수위 조절이 유독 힘들었다고. 가볍지 않은 소재라 말 한마디 내뱉을 때도 편하지 않았으리라. “처음에는 드라이하게 대사를 했다. 원래 목소리가 저음이기도 하고. 그런데 감독님께서 ‘이야기 자체가 무거운데 미진까지 처져 있으면 전부 가라앉게 된다’며 대사 톤을 높이고, 말을 내뱉을 때도 툭, 툭, 툭, 툭 같은 식으로 리듬을 만들어달라고 하시더라. 무엇보다 속내를 너무 많이 보여줘서도, 그렇다고 너무 안 보여줘서도 안되는 인물이라 그 수위를 조절하는 게 힘들었다.”

<26년>의 홍보 활동이 이제 막 시작됐고, 지난 4개월을 함께 지낸 미진을 떠나보내야 할 때가 됐다. 그러나 한혜진은 미진을 생각하면 쉽게 잊혀지지 않는다고 한다. “아직도 많이 아프다. ‘캐릭터에 푹 빠졌어요’ 같은 말이 아니라 그냥 미진만 생각하면 계속 아프다….” 모두가 기피하던 인물을 스스로 옳다고 선택했는데, 그게 어디 쉽게 잊혀지겠는가. 아름다움이 씩씩하게 나아가리라는 미진은 딱 한혜진을 두고 붙인 이름 같다.

Two youths are crying. JinGu and Han,Hye-jun of the movie <26years>


'Shoot. Shoot. Please shoot.' Someone who saw the last scene of Kangpul's webtoon <26years> which is based about Kwang ju democratic movement in 1980 May would truly want that. 4-5 years ago, when many people heard the news <26 years> would be created as a film, their mind would be same. <26 years> was filmed barely in last July after suffering by political pressure and it is now about to be released spurring the post-production stage. Jin-Gu and Han Hye-jin who met each other a few days ago were no longer Jin-bae and Mi-jin. There was no scar at Jin-Gu's right eye and also Han Hye-jin was not wearing traning suit and sneakers. However, during taking a cover photo at the studio, at least their eye was Jin-bae and Mi-jin's. It was focusing to him who they want him to watch this film.


What <26 years> means to Han Hye-jin.


"It is the first movie of my 30s. Now I think I have moved forward the first step as an actress. When I was in my 20s I had a worry 'I want to move forward quickly and act easiyl.' And being 30s, I think depth of the worry got different. Before taking a film, I often feel scared. I can't sleep and eat, and I feel painful. But when I start taking a film, I realize that those time is really important to me. I feel surprised of me who had the worry like that. I will make an effort anything with start of <26 years>."


Han Hye-jin, playing Sim Mi-jin. Do not forget the day.


Eye is aiming the target, heart doesn't forget howling of the day 26 years ago. When the target 'him' is in her range, her forefinger, pulling the trigger was beating as her heart. The mind of the lonely sniper Mi-jin(Han Hye-jin) who marks with a side dot of the assasination Jun Du-hwan(Jang-Kwang) would be like that.

Sim Mi-jin. Beautiful Mi() and advancing Jin(). It is pretty name which was given from her parents and means 'beauty will advance bravely.' . However, her life wasn't always beautiful as her name. 1980s Kwang ju, the year when she was born, her mother died tragically, also her father had to be suffered from aftereffect by May 18 upspring in the face of 'his house'. That's the reason why she felt Mi-jin as 'a friend who had nothing to lose'. "Mostly, my previous works were about the weak. So my roles were often poor. In fact, it isn't easy to get the role like it as an actress. Like the sniper who has a broken heart, not just a sniper. So I said to play this role unconditionally by thought 'when could I meet this character changed too lonely after losing her parents in tragic situation.' ".


Han Hye-jin knows how much <26 years> suffered until it started to be filmed and lots of actresses declined this project. She is also an actress so we wondered if she felt uncomfortable by the rumor of political pressure. "Not at all. I have no worries about work still now. I often think 'I'm doing my work and who cares?' the movie was set in the past 30 years ago, and the people who experienced that are still alive. So this movie doesn't intend political issue but history. It is not so different from historic drama that I appeared."

Mi-jin was supposed to live beautifully as her name but ironically, she has lived with a gun. She is a member of the national team but a gun would be too heavy and not familiar to her because she is a little girl as well. "I was surprised. I didn't expected it is very heavy." But in the event, unexpectedly, it was easily adapted to her. "I think as she was always alone, it is much easier to say with a gun to the world. If I have to give Mi-jin's gun a meaning, it is a tool that says 'don't forget Kwang ju in 1980s May.' by its gunfire." So if the gun was heavy it is not because its physical weight. It's because of big duty that we have to spread this history.

She felt her body comfortable taking a film because she was always wearing training suit and sneakers but her emotion was not easy to adjust because her role is not supposed to show its feeling. Also she can't possibly say a word easily because the material was not light. "At first, I said the lines dryly. And my voice is naturally low as well. But the director said 'As the story's atmosphere is low, if Mi-Jin's voice is low too, whole movie would get gloomy.' So he wanted me to say the lines highly and make the rhythm when I say the lines like tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk. Above all, the role shouldn't show its feeling and hide its whole feeling. So it was so difficult to adjust my feeling.

Promoting of <26years> has just started and it is time to let Mi-Jin leaves. But Han Hye-jin said she couldn't forget Mi-Jin easily. "My heart is still broken. it's not like 'I have lost myself in my role' but it just breaks my heart when I think Mi-Jin still now." It is sure that she can't forget it easily because she chose the character that everyone denied. Maybe Mi-Jin which means 'Beauty will advance bravely' was supposed to be given to Han Hye-jin.

Translated by 붉은장미  from Han Hye Jin's cafe - http://cafe.daum.net/hellozang
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class="headline" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; line-height: 1.21em; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"Actress Han Hye Jin hopes that viewers can share the pain of '26 Years'Kpop FightingBy Korea Star Daily | 6 Dec 2012

Actress Han Hye Jin has left a deep impression on viewers with her latest film '26 Years'.

Regardless of whether it was her drama 'Jumong' which was watched by more than half of South Korea's population back in 2006, or SBS TV talk show 'Healing Camp', Han Hye Jin has always given people the impression of one who is aspiring and has an outgoing bubbly personality.

For Han Hye Jin, it doesn't seem like she needed any changes in her life. That changed when news dropped one day that Han Hye Jin would be starring in the film '26 Years' which had been in pre-production for the past 4 years due to various reasons.

Among the cast, the most striking role belonged to Han Hye Jin as well, leaving many to wonder why would a young woman like her discard the safe and stable path? Her decision to star in the film made her fans really worried for her. In the film, Han Hye Jin appears to be stubborn and inflexible, but she actually feels really sorrowful. Han Hye Jin's matured acting put paid to the worries by many, as she demonstrated once again to everyone her excellent acting skills with her film's role.

Q. '26 Years' has gotten really good reviews.

"I really have to thank a lot of people. I always verify every morning, and always feeling nervous. Anticipate? I do anticipate, but it was a heavy and dark genre for the younger generation to digest. So while I was anticipating, I also worried on the other hand. It was not just me, every cast member and production staff thought of the same thing, so I really have to thank everyone."

Q. What was the reaction like around you?

"Everyone said it was filmed well and wanted to view it again. My mum, family members, and good friends all said that. The opening sequence was really impactful, and it was a bit tiring holding on to that tension to continue watching on. Everyone said that they wanted to slowly savor the film by watching it again. There were some who wanted to see Jin Bae and Mi Jin, saying that it would be a pity to not see them again, and that they were really unforgettable characters."


Q. Was that much opposition from everyone at the start?

"Although there were objections to me appearing in some productions prior to this, the reaction wasn't as great compared to '26 Years'. I thought to myself what was the big hoo-ha about. Before I headed down to the production company, I received many calls, with most of them feeling worried for me and asking me to not go. Everyone said, "There would be pressure from many areas", "There would be damaging reports in the aftermath", "You will feel really tired later on", and so on."

Q. How did you convince everyone?

"My company and family members know that I am stubborn by nature. No matter what the other party says, I will just answer "Yes", and it is of no loss to me if I don't get commercials (anymore). When I met with the production company for discussions, I told the director that I wanted to be in it. Who could stop me if my personal intention was so strong? Thereafter, production issues and others all progressed smoothly. Probably it's because I am a Christian, I always feel that, "It will be fine, just go ahead and do it". People who had objected to me starring in the film at the beginning, became the first to congratulate me on the film's success, and said they wanted to view it again."

Q. What was the reaction from your boyfriend, Naul?

"I won't answer this question, please."

Q. How were the reactions from Kim Jae Dong and Lee Kyung Kyu?

"They didn't have any reactions, nor did they contact me, I suppose they have already watched it. I think they would because of 'Healing Camp'. The both of them are actually very modest, but the two of them must have been among the first to go watch it. While I was filming, they would often ask me about the progress of filming for '26 Years'.

Q. The both of them are really concerned for you?

"Kim Jae Dong told me one day, "Hye Jin, I am one of the film's investors."It was me who had told him about the production difficulties earlier. He had asked me, "Hye Jin, this is really cool, you will do well. I really want to help you, is there any way I can invest in it?" and I helped to make the connection.

Q. You once mentioned your fear prior to filming on a certain radio program, what was that all about?

"I am like that in person, and it became more prevalent when filming begun. The more I analyze my character, the more I couldn't understand the personality. My first filming saw me saying, "Father, please go and die." The line was really incredible, and I already prepared myself well prior to filming. But I wanted to do an even better job when I was filming, so my thoughts and feelings started to become convoluted."

Q. How did you overcome it?

"I started to have confidence after filming for the first filming ended. The director also never stopped at praising me. Each time I finished my filming, he would say, "Hye Jin, you've done a great job, you are the Mi Jin that I have imagined to be." After finishing filming for the second session, I flew to London and was really worried. I was afraid that my feelings and emotions for the role would be interrupted by my short trip and it would be difficult to get it back. I kept thinking about the film while I was in London and only wished to be back at the filming site as soon as possible. When I returned to the filming site, the director said, "You seemed to be even better after your trip to London," to which I replied, "You don't really mean it right?" and the director said that he was lying.

Q. Jin Goo showed his support for you during his interview by calling you 'Jeon Do Yeon'.

"He is always chasing after me to lavish praise on me. Even if there wasn't any scenes for him to film on the day, he would still be present at the site as he lives in Gwangju. If I had filming scheduled, he would come to watch the filming. When there were discussions, he would just pop into my line of sight suddenly and give me a big thumbs up. He would say, "How could you act like this. The feeling is great", although it is pretty embarrassing at times."

Q. Jin Goo grumbles that you don't trust him.

"Nothing of that sort, he is a source of great energy to me, and often praises me. Although I am kind of dumb at times, I really trust him. And I have grown to trust him. I feel really empty if he wasn't at the filming site on some days, and I would say to myself why isn't there anyone praising me."

Q. Heard that you are really popular at the filming site?

"Probably because I am the only female cast member, so everyone takes really good care of me. Even Seulong is like that. It might seem difficult for Seulong, but he often texts me telling me to be careful on the roads. When we are together, I often praise him, and wonder why is there such a kind-hearted boy like him. He is really innocent by nature. At the preview screening, the 4 of us all cried as we watched together. Everyone was sad to be going their separate ways after the filming had ended, and the characters in the film were all really suffering from a lot of hurt."

Q. It feels like a lot of sentimental people had gotten together for this film.

"I guess that was down to the director. He likes kind-hearted people. Teacher Jang Gwang, Lee Geung Young, and other veterans were all really nice, and that's why the film was even more touching, as their roles were all very sad to begin with. At the post-production party, we were all really sad to be going our separate ways as we felt that it could be some time before we would meet each other again."

Q. Any regrets about the film?

"Not long after wrapping up filming, I didn't feel anything. But after it really all ended, I felt really awful, and weird. I often exchange text messages with the director, and he says he wants to see it again. But he must have already seen it more than 100 times while editing the film. It's the same for me. I keep thinking of Jin Bae and Mi Jin, feeling really flustered and I feel even worse now I think."

Q. Any thoughts about the film?

"I think the antithesis of dictatorship is love. This is what I have derived. The film wants to convey the message of love, and is not trying to indict someone for what they have done. It is a story of people who consider themselves as victims of the whole movement. We want to convey the message that we have not forgotten what happened on May 18th and those who lost their lives. The moment we forgot the date or those who have perished, think of the injustice that they would be feeling. We hope that this film would serve as some form of condolence for them. The antithesis of dictatorship is love, and the film is definitely doing that."

Q. Any words for viewers?

"I hope that people of that generation would come and watch the film. They might have forgotten what took place back then, but this is a story that they can identify with. I saw some messages on SNS, people who are younger than me and do not understand the 5.18 incident, that they have watched the film with their parents. This was a really touching moment for me, as it meant that they have acknowledged the pain and hurt, and I hope that everyone can share the pain of '26 Years' together."

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wmpc and pinkyrox, thanks very much for the articles in English, loved reading them.


I can't remember if this has been shared here ... it's a video with english subs by dearkorea (who has been magnificent in providing Eng subs for a lot of 26 Yrs related videos) made in remembrance of the victims of the Gwangju massacre.

Later version:







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December 6, 2012
New movie, "26 Years" is leading at the box office soon its released
By Korea Star Daily | Kpop Fighting
New movie, “26 Years” starring Han Hye Jin, Jin Goo, and 2AM's Seulong became new blockbuster soon after its released. The movie topped at first place at the box office and according to the statistics released from Korean Film Council (KOFIC) on December 5th, it garners over 100 thousands of viewers in one day on December 4th, with an accumulated viewers of over 1 million counts.
“26 Years” tells the story a top secret project led by athletes, gangsters, police officers, heads of comapnies, and heads of bodyguard departments to convict 'that person' who is the main culprit of the massacre that happened 26 years ago in 1980 in Gwangju.
Meanwhile, “A Werewolf Boy” starring Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Young ranked number two while “I'm a Killer” at number three and “Breaking Dawn Pt. 2” at number four.

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Many thanks to bbiyak25 of wild2day forum (a 2AM/2PM forum)  for this translation of an interview with Im Seul Ong - he sounds like a nice, sensible young man.  Look forward to his future acting  projects.


121204 '26 Years' Im Seulong, "Presidential election? If only a lot more people in their 20s voted"


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Nobody had looked forward to Im Seulong's (25) acting skills. It was no doubt that he has a firm spot as a singer, but it was hard to see him as an actor. It's not because of fear that his acting will be bad, but it's because he hasn't been acting that much. Sure enough, he acted in the drama "Personal Taste," a one-episode drama "Lunchbox," and the independent film "Acoustic," but they didn't leave a deep impression on the audience. Unlike most idols and actors who would be afraid at the warning "If you can't hold a big role on your first time," this man was quietly moving people's hearts little by little. And that effort can be seen clearly in <26 Years>.

<26 Years>, a work piece that is responsible for the rebirth of Im Seulong as an actor

"As a singer, all I did was set a goal and just go for it. To be No.1 and to be the best, but acting has made me into a calmer person. I came to grasp myself even more as I watched myself on the screen, I came to appear as a new person and I had developed a calmer mindset."

The movie <26 Years> had become the turning point for him. At the silly question of what's the difference between a drama and a movie, he answered, "Before a drama or a movie is released and shared with other people, you'll become different with each of them. Especially for <26 Years>, I think I've changed the most before and after this movie."

"The works I've done before <26 Years>, I did them without knowing the right way and just worked hard on them. I listened to the advise given by the seniors and just followed after them. During the preparation period for <26 Years>, I had properly received acting classes and watched a lot of movies, plays, and musicals by myself in a more serious manner. Since I was filming this movie with a mindset of an actor, it was a new experience."

Whilst preparing for <26 Years>, studying acting wasn't the only thing that he did. He claimed, "I wasn't really the type of person who was interested in politics or social welfare before, but as I started filming for this movie, I've started subscribing to 2, 3 newspaper companies." In order to fully understand what the film is about, he thought it was important on understanding how it really happened.

Can people see his sincere effort though? <26 Years> has only been released to the public for 6 days and has already grabbed over a million views by the 4th day. And with that, Im Seulong was strongly determined as he said, "If it passes 5 million views, I'll do anything."

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"Something that you deeply regret while acting for this movie? I'm reminded of the trials and errors."

He said the first thing he grasped about the movie <26 Years> was the original webtoon made by Kang Full. "I enjoyed the original webtoon and the scenarios were very interesting, so I thought I have to do this."

But there have been a lot of rumors going on saying that the movie's plotline has changed a lot from the original one. There were especially a lot of opinions saying that Im Seulong's character, Jung Hyeok, would be a failure. But even so, this man who has always been meticulous with details said he had already knew about this.

"Although to the viewers there may be a lot of disappointing points, I'm fine with it. Nevertheless, the movie's plotline was based on the original webtoon, so Jung Hyeok was still an emotionally unstable psycho. So I had to shoot every scene twice. One for the unstable and aggressive part of me, and one for the less aggressive part of me, like this. And then, in order to balance it out with the overall storyline, I think for the most part, the less aggressive version of the scenes gets chosen instead."

When asked whether he doesn't have any regretful scenes while acting for this movie, he answered, "More than the feeling of regret, I'm reminded of the trials and errors."

"Actually, there was a scene where I would ask Mr. Choi Gyejang, "What will happen to me now?" as he gave me a bottle of milk and a piece of bread. The line was supposed to be said as you're filled with fear, but in real life, I thought you wouldn't even be able to say a word if you were really feeling that afraid. I thought, wouldn't it be better if it were shown through your stare or by your hesitant words, but since this was a movie and how you convey your lines were much more important, I had a lot of worries. Surely on my future movies, I'd want to show a much better side of me."

"Presidential election? If only a lot more people in their 20s voted"

We've opened the topic of the presidential election to him, who has been reading newspapers as of lately. Since it's a sensitive question, we thought he'd be avoiding it, but instead he answered it full of concern and determination.

"I truly don't know who'll get chosen, I think we'll have to look out on this for a bit longer. But I know one thing for sure, we have to vote. It's no doubt that the nation has the right for democracy. And more than anything, it'd be even better if only a lot more people in their 20s voted too."

Im Seulong is really great with words. Every time I throw out a question, his answer follows by ever so smoothly. And not to mention how his answers are always straightforward and determined. Through this interview, it was found out that the "matured young man" image was created right after his debut. I thought wasn't that a bit burdensome for him.

"I did think that I had to do a better job to live up to that image, but I didn't feel burdened by it. Because I am what I am. I think the reason why many people told me that I was matured is because not many people my age would have a big ambition or were that determined in chasing their dreams. Even though I did think that I should be doing a much better job, I have not once felt burdened by it."

And I wonder what was his ambition and dreams were.

"As an actor, I want to show more variety and a matured side of me. Because until now, all the roles I've played so far are the role of a fresh young man. While as a singer, as I continue walking on the road 2AM have been walking so far, I also want to try and go as a solo singer. Without any limitation on what kind of music genre it is."

While 2AM are scheduled to greet their fans again with a new album by the end of January next year, with a heart filled desire to act, Im Seulong exclaimed, "I definitely want to film another movie during the first half of next year."

Reporter Lee Go Woon
Credit e2news
Article http://www.e2news.co...tml?idxno=66965

Translated by bbiyak25 @ W2D
May be taken out with credits.

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December 8, 2012
Preview '26 Years', a Mix of Historical Meaning and Emotional Overflow
CJ E&M enewsWorld Lee, JinHo  Translation Credit : Erika Kim 
Despite the financial difficulties and controversies following its assumed ′political′ purpose, 26 Years managed to make it to theaters thanks to the much-appreciated donations from 1,500 people.
The film′s release itself can be said to be fairly meaningful. The question is, did this film then do the May 18 Gwangju movements justice? Did the young actors, who were never involved in this incident of the past, manage to tell the story well?
The story of ′26 Years′
The film is about those who had to say goodbye to their families due to the Gwangju Democracy Movements that took place on May 18, 1980. A group comprised of a national shooting athlete, a policeman, the head of a large conglomerate and the director of a private security service aim to punish the man responsible for the massacre that happened that day.
Why you can′t miss this film
26 Years is based on a webtoon of the same title drawn by Kang Full.
Kang Full once said he drew the webtoon "to remind the younger generation of 5.18 (May 18)."
So the film is a reminder of the dark spots of modern Korean history, and it is about the anger of those who lost their families to those dark times. That it has such a clear aim is one of the biggest strengths of the film.
26 Years hit many obstacles before it was finally produced and premiered. In 2008 it confirmed its title to be ′29 Years′ and prepared to shoot, but production was suddenly cancelled when an investor withdrew its funding. It then continued to be rocked by rumors that said the government had gotten involved in production and so forth, but finally it managed to come to life thanks to donations from individual investors.
Its premiere especially draws interest as it has met with Korea′s upcoming 18th Presidential elections. In a time when historical issues are proving to be big in politics just before the elections, the film shines even brighter. It′s proven its struggles were worth it, as it throws the public and the nation more questions about its current historical awareness.
Its aim is made clearer in that it cast younger actors rather than older actors who lived through the incident.
What this film lacks
As mentioned before, 26 Years holds great meaning. Outside of its meaning, however, 26 Years shows many weaknesses.
It was great to see Han Hye Jin, Jin Goo and Bae Soo Bin, who are all known to be great actors, be supported by the older actors.
The anger running through the film, however, actually makes the film less explosive when it needs to be. When the film hits its climax as the characters attempt to assassinate the former President, the emotions actually overflow and it makes the actors feel like they′re overdoing it.
The anger may make audiences feel uncomfortable. The dialogue, that seems to have been taken directly out of the webtoon, is also awkward and makes it hard to concentrate on the story.
These setbacks are all the more regretful considering the great message the film tries to throw at historical perception.
Last remarks, score
Historical awareness and great acting. A film that brings together the greatest ingredients to make a moderate mix. 
★★☆☆☆. Premiered on November 29.

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December 9, 2012
Ex-president's tasteless joke resurfaces with success of film '26 Years'
The Korea Herald
Former president Chun Doo-hwan’s joke about young people feeling resentful toward him was brought back into the spotlight after it was used in the movie “26 Years.”
In the movie, which is about five ordinary people trying to assassinate the former president, the character representing Chun says, “These days, young people seem resent me, although they have never even suffered from me.” 
The line is very similar to Chun’s joke back in 2008, when he told reporters, “Reporters take bad pictures of me. It makes me look bad. I think young people seem to resent me, although they have never even suffered from me.” 
While Chun supposedly was aiming for funny, his comment came out as chilling, as he was responsible for hundreds of deaths caused by his crushing of a pro-democracy movement in May 1980.
“I cannot believe he actually said this,” said one unnamed online user. “Is this supposed to be funny?”
“I guess he realizes on some level that he deserved to be hated by the people who suffered from his military regime,” said another user.
Chun is widely criticized for his authoritarian rule in the 1980s when he cracked down on democratization movements across the country.
Despite being sentenced to death in 1997 for his crimes, Chun was granted a special pardon few months later by then-president Kim Young-sam, causing anger among the general public.
By Yoon Min-sik (minsikyoon@heraldcorp.com)

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rubie, many thanks for posting the latest news. 

BSB had a surprise birthday cake presented to him at today's stage greeting (in  Suwon, I think) :)


Pic tweeted by the movies Twitter'movie26years - thank you.



Thanks to the fan who tweeted this pic:


 Aw this is so sweet - thanks to the fan who tweeted this pic ..  the audience sang "Happy Birthday" 



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More pics of the stage greeting today, thanks to the fans for tweeting the pics:





The movie's official twitter tweeted this pic of the audience and (if I understand Google Translate correctly) said that despite the cold weather in Seoul today, the director and cast of 26 Years turned up at the cinema to thank the audience as a mark of their appreciation for their great support.The same goes for the audience - great of them to show up in numbers to watch the movie despite it being a cold day in Seoul.


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December 10, 2012
"26 Years" Sits Throne of Box Office for 2nd Straight Week
Reporter : Lee Tae Ho Editor : Kim Nemo KSTAR10
&f=AS10gimuE9GTs5LsO2HUC.jpg&v=6&x=555Actress Han Hye-jin poses in a photo taken for "26 Years," which hit local theaters on November 29, 2012. [Chungeorahm Film]

Controversial pic “26 Years” has stayed strong atop South Korea’s box office for two weeks in a row. According to a report issued by Korean Box Office Information System [KOBIS] Monday, the political film, a big screen installation of Kang Full’s web cartoon, dominated the chart by attracting 606,877 moviegoers during the weekend of December 7 to 9. Starring acclaimed actor Jin Goo, actress Han Hye-jin, 2AM member Seulong, the faction film focuses on five ordinary people who team up for the same goal: avenging themselves on `the man,` who ordered the massacre of Gwangju in 1980. Meanwhile, Ji Sung and Kim Ah-joong’s rom-com “Whatcha Wearing” made its solid debut at No. 2 spot, after scoring 473,527 tickets. Next up was an American movie house Dreamworks’ animation “The Rise of the Guardian,” which brought in 258,352 moviegoers during the same period. Two fantasies, “A Werewolf Boy – Director’s Cut” and “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part. 2,” each nabbed the fourth and fifth position with 164,554 and 104,602 tickets sold. Other notable movies last weekend include thriller movie “Confession of Murder,” rom-com “Love Clinic,” Lee Byung-hun’s historical movie “Masquerade,” U-Kiss member Dongho’s “Don’t Cry Mommy” and SF actioner “Dredd.” 

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