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♥ MinSul ♥ Official Thread ♥ SHINEE'S MINHO AND F(x) SULLI. [Part 1]

Guest DolceNera_24

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Guest bemjerry13

wahhhhh!!! it seems that Minho will again be guesting in Dream Team...called the King of Kings (FYI, he won a car in the first king of kings....) on august 28.  =D>can someone please tell me who the other guests are...I can only see minho's...sorry that's the only korean name that I know...

and yet another schedule for him!!!  @-) I know I often wonder if he is really human because i think he is super close to being almost perfect (sorry...can't help my flamer heart from saying that...) but I think Minho thinks that he is a robot!!!!  I really wish he would take a break and go somewhere where he can relax and I think it will just be super if he does this with his girl Sulli!!!mama sulli please tell your boy to slow down, beat some sense into him! hahaha! I can imagine SUlli smacking minho's behind for being such a bad bad boy! :\">

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Guest gujilgujil

Hiii goys! First thing first, @zee remember me. :x  ps , we're still together. Don't believe her.
I just started my uni. Thats why i rarely post anything now. uni life , saaaad and i'm late for ttby anniversary. Sorry @counsel05 , i didnt make anything for it. :(
To newbies , Have fun with people around here!
and lastly , Happy One Year Anniversary ttby! :)>-

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Guest peach20kr

on sulli's ceci magazine interview

Q: Your second album stands out with easier and cuter lyrics.

Sulli: we were pleased saying "it was omniscient view point of a wisdom tooth" Before releasing the song, we were very anticipated about the lyrics coz they were unique and fun.

Q: f(x) songs can be summarized as girl's growing pain, do you ever think you've grown up about a span long recently?

Sulli: when the awkward moment disappears. I mean smoky make-up didn't agree with me before, and it seemed like the outfit that wasn't well-matched with me, but now I've found the make-up that's differently varied from others, and suits me. this may sound a point-blank example, but when I figure out difficult things that become getting used to at some points, I feel like myself a little grown up. That kind of moment seems gradually increasing.

Q: once all of the comments were plastered with messages with "Sulli Sulli, Sulli is Jinri"

Sulli: I heard it meant "sulleda (flutter)" as a positive word, I really thank those people who said that as much as I want to hold their hands and greet each of them. (laugh). although I really like compliments, I don't know what to say now, "what?,, hahaha,, nothing,,"I'm embarrassed to such an extent as not to know where to look at.

Q: Sorry to ask you with your face in blush now, but I can't help but ask you about diet that's related to the search of you (in internet)

Sulli: when it comes to diet, there was time when my tension tends to be loosen. then, I must not give up easily even if the plan fell through. It was more important to get a grip on my mind again. and it also affected that I had to take care of my little brother coz I spent all day caring about him as I kept standing and moving around to take care of him and I walk and hug him as well. the mamma smile diet really worked (laugh)

Q: what if I gave you a magic wand that would disappear if you didn't make a wish within 10 seconds.

Sulli:I'd like to get many scenarios of work(movies or dramas). it'll be much happier if the work I select is much loved. In case it didn't come true, (for another wish) I'd like to sneakily see my future husband, and the magic spell would be rum pum pum pum. I'm really wondering who will be(my future husband(laugh)

Q: your borderless popularity is just not for one or two days(for prolonged time)

Sulli: But still, my novelty (curiosity) doesn't vanish. when SM artists performed in Indonesia SM Town concert, I couldn't join due to my shooting schedule for TTBY. I thought my fans were also there!, and I wanted to greet them! I wanted to show my face in person to them,.. Awww I felt really sorry at that time.

Q: I see what's feeling like performing abroad.

Sulli: fans must've long waited for the chance (to see their artists), so I'm really sorry about that, and grateful to them at the same time.

Q: is there any burden that placed on you as you have to show your perfect appearance because you are not only a worldwide idol but also an actress.

Sulli: I was told that my smile image was usually strong, so that's because I'm sometimes misjudged as me in a bad mood whenever I make a blank look without any thoughts.

every time I head of it, I thought "uh,.. I'm not, is my facial expression wrong? do I look bad?"

all of sudden, all kinds of worries came to my mind.

Q: Is Naesoong(a prude pretending feminine in front of men) necessary?

Sulli: It needs sometimes, to be honest with you, I'm not good at it. fox-like personality can be a way to sensibly deal with some situations in a way. for example, with my face full of hearts, I can express my gratitude to my manager who drives me home after hard schedules, but I can't do it to his face out of shy. even if I send him thank-you message, expressing in person can be different.

It would be just good even If my personality was not fox-like but I want my shy personality to slightly diminish.

Q: what are the elements that make you bored?

Sulli: when I look at people who're unconditionally negative. that thought sometimes occurs in my mind.

coz I'm especially affected by people around me. and when hanging around with them, I can resemble them, so I'm kind of careful about that kind of people.

Q: Things that make bored Sulli quickly excited?

Sulli: Sanee makes me happy coz he's cute whatever he does. Oh, my heart was fluttering when I looked at the picturesquely pretty sky on the midway of moving around with hectic schedule.

Q: Are you kind of emotional?

Sulli: coz it's been a long time since I saw the sky. I've been amazed by the sky before when I was abroad. I thought " I couldn't believe that this spectacular sky was so close to me" Honestly, I looked up to the sky because it was such a hard time. but as soon as I saw the pretty sky, tough times seemed just a moment on this land under the big sky. My feeling got much better after thinking " how it could be so hard as I was only a dot under the sky"

Q: staff around you praised your bright personality, so where does your positivity come from?

Sulli: I don't like to think about only bad things. even if bad things occur before my eyes, I thought this was just one of rite passage to be good later. I consider it as a good experience that's helpful to me later.

Q: It can be the way to make yourself stronger.

Sulli: I believe there is a time for everything. It's impossible to stay top or have only good things happened all the time. Isn't everything completed with interlinked situations?

Q: what arrow is on the map you hold?

Sulli: someday soon, I want to challenge the movie. I want to settle in as an actress step by step. I'm dreaming of being an actress with solid career like Kim Hye-Soo and Lim Soo-Jung with their own strength.

Q: when you worry, do you ask for SOS?

Sulli: I kind of keep feeling inside me.(suppress feelings). More exactly to say, I don't even realize whether I'm upset or stressed out sometimes. I came to realize later after my suppressed feelings exploded.

Q: that's a side effect as result of being a positive person. you don't take it seriously without digging in your feelings.

Sulli: That's right. I'm trying to change it but still insufficient.

Q: Do you ever vent your feelings then?

Sulli: I confess everything to my mom that something has happened to me later. But fortunately, there are people I can talk with.(laugh)

Q: Lastly, How about writing the middle chapter of your life? since there's a long way to go to the ending chapter.

Sulli: Sulli is snow "sul" and pear blossom "li", that means pear blossom in the snow.

compared to a flower, just one or two leaves are blooming now, so my middle chapter can be 'twenty years old with moisture dew on (a flower)'

p.s: If I'm correct, for Radio Star for this week(Aug.22nd Wednesday), Sulli and soo-jung will appear in the show, and I think sulli will explain some rumors about her. I'm really looking forward to this show. 

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gujilgujil said:
Hiii goys! First thing first, @zee remember me. :x  ps , we're still together. Don't believe her.
I just started my uni. Thats why i rarely post anything now. uni life , saaaad and i'm late for ttby anniversary. Sorry @counsel05 , i didnt make anything for it. :(
To newbies , Have fun with people around here!
and lastly , Happy One Year Anniversary ttby! :)>-

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Guest parkhyerin

@zee OMG you have dat true drawing skill unni :o unlike someone (minho) hahaha. I'm insecure now,because I'm so bad at drawing, so so so bad, like someone (minho), but I think I'm way mooooreeeee bad X_X

@peach20kr you are daebak as always unni :-bd now your translated interview of CY is spreading over twitter after posted by VALSKcom.So proud to have you here. You deserve all Minsullians love. Thank you. :)

*edit,p.s: waaaaaaa Sulli was mentioned Indonesia. WaaAaaaaa . Its okay sulii don't feel sorry for that, we didn't regret it at all because that time you were enjoyed a quality time with your Minho oppa.. 8->

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Guest ravissant

Welcome to the thread @1proudminsullian!Have a sweet MinSul day.9542090544_c3536fc473_n.jpg
Please PM counsel05 your location & DOB (optional) to be added to the list.  Thanks.

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@peach20kr Thank you so much for the translation! This interview really gives insights into Sulli's thinking. On the surface it may seem as if she is always acting like a kid, or that she might be spoiled, or that she might have a bad attitude, but her answers to these questions tell the readers a different story. From her answers she seems very thoughtful, as well as caring about her fans. She is also mindful about her image in public. I like, also, that she seems, again, to be thinking about the future. (I remember in previous interviews she mentioned getting married, and having a family.) I'm so happy to know that she is proving to be the opposite of what her haters think of her. This makes me an even bigger fan of hers, and it makes me look forward even more to seeing her and f(x) perform next weekend at KCON!

Thanks again, peach20kr!

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Guest mahogany4

Q: Do you ever vent your feelings then?

Sulli: I confess everything to my mom that something has happened to me later. But fortunately, there are people I can talk with.(laugh) cr. @peachkr20 transaltion

Me: Laugh laugh Laugh (BWAHAHAHAHAH)...recalling the phone calls....yihaaaa!!!! imagination running wild!

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Q: Do you ever vent your feelings then?Sulli: I confess everything to my mom that something has happened to me later. But fortunately, there are people I can talk with.(laugh) cr. @peachkr20 transaltion

Me: Laugh laugh Laugh (BWAHAHAHAHAH)...recalling the phone calls....yihaaaa!!!! imagination running wild!

Hehe I also chuckled at this part:

Q: what if I gave you a magic wand that would disappear if you didn't make a wish within 10 seconds.

Sulli:I'd like to get many scenarios of work(movies or dramas). it'll be much happier if the work I select is much loved. In case it didn't come true, (for another wish) I'd like to sneakily see my future husband, and the magic spell would be rum pum pum pum. I'm really wondering who will be(my future husband(laugh)

I like to think she has an idea about her future husband. ;-)

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Guest azra1430292364

Tq @peachkr20 for your translation.. ur daebak!!!!! Sulli really is a tough and always positive person.. What I love about her she nt pretending to be someone... She just being herself... Remember when minho said she liked girl who is natural (teolteol). .. That make me smile reading this :-)

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Guest jcon1208

peach20kr said:


said: Beautiful pics from Sulli's Ceci magazine photoshoot found here:


(I see these have been posted--credits below.)

Credit to: VALSK and fx2you.net for the scans.

Even though the pics are gorgeous, this is the page I am most interested in:

Would you kindly translate Sulli's interview


, pretty please???


Thank you!


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Guest peach20kr

Here're my wandering thoughts,..

As what mahogany4 said, sulli seemed like talking "I confess everything to my mom but there's also someone special I can speak my mind to (laugh)"

and like what stekatta said, sulli seemed like making her wish as if she wanted her current boyfriend to be her future husband, that means she hopes her love can be completed with marriage. (BTW, wow!! stekatta, you're gonna see Sulli next weekend!!!! Good for you!)

and @parkhyerin I was also impressed when Sulli specially expressed her love for Indonesian fans in her interview,.

I read some fan accounts about TTBY event in Lee Hyun-Woo fansite, Hyun-Woo fans expressed their gratitude to Minho and Sulli for taking care of Hyun-Woo so much in the event coz at first, they said they were so much worried about Hyun-Woo if he was left out by Minho and sulli from the same company. But in case of Minho, he helped Hyun-Woo communicate with Japanese fans by teaching him some Japanese words and Sulli nicely talked to Hyun-Woo often, and Hyun-Woo fans have already known that Sulli has become a big fan of Hyun-Woo recently after watching Hyun-Woo's movie "secretly and greatly", I guess it was from Olleh interview that sulli said Hyun-Woo recommended her to watch "secretly and greatly", and she's become Hyun-Woo fan after watching the movie, and they sometimes send text messages to each other.

regarding Music core in Sokcho (recorded last week), I'm not sure if you guys have already known, but according to fan account, when f(x) performed, Minho followed their dance, and even he smiled and waved his hand to f(x) when f(x) finished their stage. (from my delusion, I guess I saw Sulli smiling at someone when moving to the side of the stage where there were MC seats, hahaha)

I'm just so speechless to hear that Minho would participate in Dream Team again, and of course I know it'll give lots of benefits to Minho as long as he has a good relationship with TV PD nims so that he can get opportunities for dramas in KBS later, but still SM seems to keep Minho busy by putting him in hectic schedules on and on.

Anyway, Happy belated one year TTBY anniversary, I wish I had skills for making vids, pictures and writing fan fics like you folks in this thread so that I can contribute something to TTBY anniversary, but I can only enjoy your work of art and worse, I always forget to press awesome on your posts, I guess I still need time to get used to it, hahaha,..Thanks.

EDIT: some antis posted the picture of sulli handing a note to CY in the awards again, as my memory  it was already talked and clear (by fans there) that Sulli just passed a note from either SM manager or his member at that time.

but the good thing is that general public in here don't much care about the rumors from haters and don't know about what's going on something that's only talked between antis and haters.

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