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♥ MinSul ♥ Official Thread ♥ SHINEE'S MINHO AND F(x) SULLI. [Part 1]

Guest DolceNera_24

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id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="font-size: 24px; margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"121124 SM TOWN [suvarnabhumi Airport] Very Close!! id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"

id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"cr:JaneSone09 id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="font-size: 10pt; margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"
id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="font-size: 10pt; margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"@peach20kr, someone was smiling, too!c?14533650=3wqKK7WNhupHiVm_crOVOWxlJlA&f

And his ear was all red indeed...
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Guest bemjerry13

wahhhhh counsel05....are you trying to kill me!??!?!?!? minho in the gif is just.... =P~ =P~ =P~
minho in that magazine is soooo manly......no wonder SUlli is becoming more mature in her looks......she has to keep up because her man is surely not a boy anymore.....
and what was that?!??!?!? SHINee is having a comeback this October????in korea?
by the way, if you're interested to see the translation of 130917 Arena Homme Interview...here's a link...http://mysweetming.tumblr.com/post/61494643841/130917-arena-homme-interview-minho

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Just a reminder, people! :)

HELLO MINSUL CREWMATESin celebration of our upcoming MINSUL THREAD FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY we are bringing to you back the 

Major Category:

Best MinSul Fanfic 

(members of the thread or not is qualified)

Best MinSul FanFic Writer

Best MinSul Photo Editor

Best MinSul Photo (Edited)

Best MinSul Eye 

(for his/her greatest discovery/observation from a pic/video which regular crewmates or lurkers were not able to detect)

Best MinSul Contributor 

(from posts, comments, news about Minsul)

Best Minsul Video Editor 

(for capturing the right Minsul moments and lovely soundtrack)

Best MinSul Video 

(whether from TTBY or fanmade videos from clips of Minsul)

*Best Minsul Analyzer

(who can easily connects/detects Minsulnection)

Special Category:

Best MinSul Themesong

Best MinSulraction (the best Minsul moment by far)

Best Minsul gif

Special Awards:

Loyalty award - for the Minsul addict who remain unfazed and loyal despite and inspite of bad news, disappointing turn of events or news about other OTP's and remains to believed with the power of Minsul

"Now you see, now you don't" award - who is a Minsul addict but due to busy schedule and unforeseen circumstances remains to lurk or catch up and then make comments/posts that livens up the thread and catches everybody's attention.

"Coming out" award - for a crewmate who openly admitted he/she is a Minsul addict despite breaking the norms 

Cry baby award - for crewmates who is a worrier or easily shaken by sad/bad/disappointing news about Minsul (whether the news is confirmed or not) or who simply just love to cry his/her hearts out for Minsul

Pervy award - for a crewmate who never fails to amuse us with his/her "wild imagination"

Record-breaking award - for the crewmate who made the most number of post about Minsul and in this thread

*Fanmom award - for the mom or mommy in the house who stands up and proud to be a Minsul supporter no matter what

and to recognize the 3 "tags" of soompi we are also awarding:

Most insightful award 

Most LOL'ed award 

Most awesome award

Mechanics of the awards:

The nomination is open to every crewmate (old and new) and even lurkers who wish their nominees to be on the list. While we don't have a fast and hard rules, we wish to have 3-4 nominees per category (depending on the outcome) and each can nominate as many as they want. For the category that requires a pic/video/gif etc. please include the said materials to your nomination for reference and to guide the voters during polls.

All nominees should be sent via PM or personal message to @stekatta @zee @counsel05 so as not to spam or flood our thread with your choice and of course to maintain privacy and make the nominees as a suspense (LOL).

The procedure for the voting will be announce later on once the list of nominees are received, compiled and analyzed. To encourage more members and lurkers to submit their nominations we encourage everybody to include the 'TMA's" in their other social networking sites like twitter, facebook, tumbler, blogs etc. the invitation for nomination.

Deadline for submission of nomination: September 25, 2013  (12 midnight - Korean time)

Hurry and cast your nominations now.

Those with (*) are new awards to be given out as well. 


Please take note that PREVIOUS WINNERS ONLY in the following categories can no longer be nominated this year:

- Best in Minsul fanfic, Best Minsul gif, Best Minsul Video and Best Minsul Theme Song 

And also these awards are all for fun for everybody to enjoy and it's also a way of acknowledging the contribution of each and every Minsul crewmate within or even those outside the thread (for some categories). 

Here is the link for last year's winners:


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regarding 121124 SM TOWN [suvarnabhumi Airport] again,

I was told that at the airport, sulli was spotted walking or standing holding a black coat that looked like Minho's for a moment while Minho was somewhere (maybe in the restroom). according to some fans here, it was first talked in the baidu bar last year,


cr: as tagged

Btw, according to MS, the picture in which Minho in a blue striped sweater looked himself into the mirror at the airport was taken the day right after Highcut photo shoot with sulli (sorry if this has already been talked on the thread)

I also remembered that many Minho fans there were wondering what made him so hyper and smile at that time.


cr: as tagged

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Guest fangirl15

MinSul chubby cheeks!!!  1008838wybxuht5da.gif

this was a sc cap from DATV interview...I really missed those chubby cheeks!!!
I haven't watch this interview yet, not yet finish watching it. but I really can't help press the prt sc button :))
wish I can see those chubby cheeks again, it's not that I'm complaining...both of them loose a lot of weight right.
hopefully they are still both in good shape and healthy :)

anyway, about the interview...
@peach20kr i was wondering what did Sulli said about cutting her hair? btw, the hair that she cuts at the drama, was that her real hair or is that a wig?
thanks in advance! :D

@timnat2010 wow! you're fast! I was about to ask about to ask peach20kr about that picture...
anyway thanks for sharing that :)

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a/ I forgot if there was really the discussion of "spotting Sulli walking or standing holding a black coat that looked like Minho's for a moment while Minho was somewhere (maybe in the restroom)" in Baidu Bar at that time.  As far as I remember, we thought that the black coat was for Sulli to cover her knees during the flight.  The speculation was due to the fact that Minho was wearing his own jacket and Sulli was wearing T-shirt and shorts only.  So, that black coat must be for someone else, as they were heading to a country with hot weather...
b/ Which High Cut photoshoot?  Coz if it's the one with Sulli and Krystal, it's in Jan 2013.  But the picture of Minho smiling at the mirror in the airport was taken when Shinee was on their way to HK (121026-121028)

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Translation of Minho's Arena Homme+ October 2013 interview:-<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Q: As a football fan, which EPL team would you pick to win the title this season?

 M: Chelsea. I’m going crazy seeing Oscar Hazard. Really very amazing. The 1st runner-up would be Manchester City?


Q: Do you follow the matches every weekend?

 M: Basically unable to watch live coverage. Because can use mobile phone to watch too, so I will watch the repeat telecast, will also watch the highlights.


Q: Listened to SHINee’s 3rd album for the past few days, the compilation album has 2 CDs, there are 18 songs.

 M: Because want to showcase a lot of things. We have already been with the fans for 5 years. During this period of time, misunderstandings will unavoidably arise. So the concept of the album is “misunderstandings”. It is divided into “misconceptions of you” and “misconceptions of me” to erase the meaning of misunderstandings.


Q: Seems to make one feel that it is done with a very huge determination.

 M: Yes. Wants to show all we have done a lot of preparations for it.


Q: The response to the 3rd album has been quite good. But there are fans that also felt it is a pity. Felt that it is a pity why the album was produced so well but was unable to gain more attention.

 M: The fans really like it a lot. But from an idol’s point of view, idol’s fans change quickly. There’s no solution. Our members are very clear about this too. Maybe all the idols know. Considering this point and compared to what we do, we have already received a lot more love. Of course it’s the same too for the 3rd album.


Q: SHINee is a highly complete group among the idols. Because being labelled with “Idol”, it will also bring inverse effects.

 M: No. Because there’s a circle (ie. he meant all the idols in a group), in this circle there can also be a leader, also able to break out from this circle. A lot of people said you guys are the best among all; you guys are really very good. Will always thinking of moving towards the next stage upon hearing these every time. Will think about how much we have already done and want to continue walking together.


Q: There are really a lot of idols. What are your thoughts on seeing new idols surfacing and gaining attention?

 M: TVXQ and Super Junior hyungs told us: “Received motivation seeing what you guys have done.” I feel the same too. Will also be motivated, will also want to do it better.


Q: Which idol groups are you motivated by recently?

 M: Same Company’s EXO. But it’s a rookie group thus it catches everyone’s attention. Being a performer on stage, you will know seeing those performances. Will feel that it takes a lot of hard work to accomplish it.


Q: Not to induce anything, but I will be very angry if it was me. Ah, these are really “X,X” (should be Korean foul language?)

 M: Huh (Korean expression means very shocked)


Q: Why was the coffee spilled?

 M: Got a shock.


Q: Among the members only Minho is actively pursuing acting activities. Seems that because you are the most handsome.

 M: If really have to be this analytical, I, haha, among us, I might be the most well-liked face that the public love.


Q: Started filming television drama “Medical Top Team”, are you satisfied with your acting skills?

 M: Because there are ongoing schedules with the members, so the preparation time is very little.


Q: There are always controversy about idols’ acting skills, Minho’s acting reviews have not been bad.

 M: I’m flattered.


Q: Watches the monitor?

 M: Watch. I will also watch my scenes even if I’m busy. Watching the monitor will help a lot. Will watch my own scenes over and over again, will watch again after a while.


Q: People normally always say this: Minho is in charge of rap in SHINee. Any thoughts about implementing some changes to this kind of role? Example being a vocal to have much more influence... Isn’t it?

 M: There’s this desire. Will feel that have not expressed myself enough. …Anyway.. I debuted under not fully prepared condition. Those 1 to 2 years was really a pity. Like a fool. Don’t know anything, only do what I was told.


Q: It’s not an easy matter for 5 people to form a group. There will be differences in opinions, also different things you want to accomplish.

 M: Will tell each other and look for the best.


Q: Normally at this point, journalists will ask “Then there will also be unpleasant and frustrated issues?”

 M: Then we will always say “There really isn’t any.”


Q: Fans hope idols will not only do things for the company but the freedom to do what one wants to do. Do you know the fans carry this hope?

 M: I’m very aware. Upon hearing this every time, first thought will be “If that’s the case can’t stay at SM.” Wants to go to a place where I am able to express my opinions.


There’s Producer in the company, a lot of people helping us. First, have to follow their instructions. But we can also express our opinions over there too. If one is not satisfied during this process, have to leave the company then. But that is not the case, so have been doing work together with the company. Everything is spinning like a gearwheel; a lot of people are involved in it. It is very important to comply with this regulation. We will be able to express more opinions as times goes by.


Chinese translation credits: MRMINHO*ICE

 English translation: eimanjjong

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reading minho's responses to his interviews, he tries to answer after thinking well first....there's substance in all his answers...very smart guy...im glad im following people ( i adore other artists-foreign) who are witty, smart and really using their brains.... making me love minho more.... =)

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