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♥ MinSul ♥ Official Thread ♥ SHINEE'S MINHO AND F(x) SULLI. [Part 1]

Guest DolceNera_24

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Guest bemjerry13

Happy anniversary guys!.....it doesn't feel like it though....that does happen when you are enjoying right?....anyways... (WARNING: CHEESY MODE COMING IN FULL FORCE!)... i want to say that I really enjoy my time here in this forum, first because the topic is trow of my most favorite people plus the people here are as awesome as minsul...as some of you might remember I am already turning 31 and my friends do not really understand my super obsession to Minho (although I got the approval of my friends that indeed Minho is gorgeous!!! hahahaha!)....they often joke that if I spend the same amount of time that I spend for Minho (and SUlli) interviews I'd have a boyfriend now! SO you can just imagine my desperation to have someone to talk to about minho and minsul...good thing I found this forum, actually, more like a family...a family obsessed with Minho and Sulli! LOL! You probably know the happiness that this forum gives me because you all  experience the same thing...my day will not be complete really if I will not be able to visit this forum...some people doesn't really take actors/performers seriously, compared with let's say a doctor or a lawyer, but isn't it amazing how actors such as sulli and minho can bring people of different race, culture, religion, age and background together? It's basically a united nations here guys!
I really really love minsula nd I really reaally love you all guys and I really really pray that we will be spazzing until these two finally gets married and have lil' minhos and sullis....i know that a long time coming but may be with all our collective prayers and dreams it might come true....
As I was writing this, I suddenly remembered that other people including the non minsullians will be able to read this and think..."what? this 31 year old girl is rumbling about Minho and SUlli? are you kidding me?!"...but you know I juts realized something as well, if i don't let my friends' from stopping me in loving Minho and SUlli, why would I let this people, whom I don't know affect me???...they don't matter...what matter's is I am not alone here and I find happiness in that thought....I'd say " thank you for your opinion, but really no thanks...I have a lot of friends here already so I don't need your concern and if indeed this ship sinks (which I definitely doubts) i know that I'll sink with a lot of people, and even on our way down, I bet we will still be talking about Minsul and reminisce on all the things that brought us happiness in this forum!...
Again, thank you everybody! and Happy anniversary!

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Happy 1st Anniversary, guys!!!! It's been a year of pure fun, excitement and unending love not only for our Minsul but also for us Minsullians.....we've stand the tides, we've surpass the storms.....look at us, our bond became stronger and tougher, we have proven that no matter what, we're going to stay a one hell of a strong bonded family for our cause, but of course for minho & sulli!!!! MORE MINSULLIAN YEARS TO CELEBRATE IN THE FUTURE!!!!!

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Happy 1st TTBY Anniversary to Minsul, the crews and of course Minsullians

OMG, I can't believe it has been a year since TTBY. I'm still having post-TTBY syndrome. (Unable to watch new k-drama,j-drama without rewatching TTBY, sigh I'm the worst)

I would like to make a confession: I was kinda sceptical at first when I heard they're making a remake of Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, cause it is one of my favourite J-drama. I doubt they can top that. In the Japanese version I shipped Hyun Woo/Nakatsu and Jae Hee/Mizuki actually. But after watching TTBY, I could not ship those two cause Minsul tug my heartsrings.  I love both the male and female lead and started to search for them online. Not as Jae Hee and Tae Joon but as Sulli & Minho. I was convinced there is something going on between these two after episode 2 aka Minho favourite heart fluttering scene. (Minho, if you're reading these, well my heart flutters too. LOL) I totally cried during the episode where they both cried after Minho/Tae Joon saved Sulli/Jae Hee from that abandoned building & he told her about his mom. TBH, I never cried watching dramas even my mom told my I have a heart of stone. Not anymore I see. I don't know why. I'm weird that way.

To the TTBY crews, I'm sorry I was sceptical at first, I'm glad I gave myself a chance to watch TTBY. If not, I would not know Minsul, k-pop and the awesome people in this thread.

Since Minsul:
1. I've purchased my first K-pop Album (SHINee's and f(x)'s of course)
2. know how to download vids and analyse them - thanks to the pointer given by the members here (seriously before this I would just wait for my brother to do them for me. Now, pshh, not anymore. hahaha)
3. I got to know a lot of Minsullians from all over the world in this awesome thread 
4.I guess any moment soon I'll be purchasing my first k-pop concert tix. (Wouldn't it be great if SM would be so nice as to make a f(SHINee)  + Minsul special concert - Well, one could dream)
5. There's a lot more but I don't want to blabber here and bore you guys to death. :D

Could the TTBY producer please make TTBY 2 + original cast in order to cure us from this Minsul fever? (But I highly doubt it would cure, would only make it worse - hahaha)

ps: Next mission is to capture Minsul moments in Singapore area or Changi Airport. Coincidentally, I'll be going there for a holiday. I hope I get to meet them. OMG, that would be a dream come true. Please pray that I get to capture their moments and share them with you guys . Fighting~

Miracle is another name for hardwork.

~Awesome job on the vids guys, can't wait for the oneshots tomorrow.

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My pride and love to all Minsul and Minsullians.
I would like to mention everyone personally but I'm scared I will lose one or two out,and I love all of you too much and too dearly to risk that ...
So I will just give buckets shout outs instead.
First up, to my fellow Minsul countrymen - Ms CryBaby, Ms Pervy (dun take my title away), Ms Funny-Gif-Girl, Ms Water-Polo ...all of u :)- kakak sayang kamu semua sampai nak cubit-cubit pipi (unni loves all of you to bits!!!)

To our wonderful, resourceful and ever helpful provider of good news & all things beautiful - timnat, peach, tatadoan, april bae -without you guys, our ship will be lighted but sans fireworks and baloons :(So, komawo & kamsahamnida !!!
To my lovely lovely fic cheerleaders - nana, agie, gi-ya, cahaya & all the rest - I will be forever overwhelmed by your love for my musings. Let me just say that they will remain special to me & you because that is how special Minsul are to us :)  
To my blood sisters - The Noona Guardians (you know who you are) -3 have already achieved the unthinkable...let there be more :)
But now I have to mention names....
To my ever elusive starter of it all - Ms @DolceNera_24 -aren't you just so proud of your creation :) I know I am :)
To my dear friend across the sea - Ms Never-Fail-to-Make-Me-Smile @Zee -I love you to pieces, Nona Manis :) (sweet lady)
and last but not least...
To our glue, our captn - @counsel05 -your patience, unwavering loyalty and your ever-gentle hands in keeping us happy and calm on the ship will always be the light on our at times stormy seas.Thank you so very much :)
So, my lovelies, oldies & newbies, activists & lurkers, shippers & SM-spies,even Antis & Min-whos (we know u guys still lurks & to us that means u still love Minsul too :P ) -
Happy Anniversary all -and whether Minsul is a figment of our imagination or not, let usThe People of the Forum never fail to exercise our rights to keep our imagination and love forall things Minsul burning bright!

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@foxiscully I almost tearing when reading your post unnie :'D

we love you too, one of the best mommy minsullian, bestfriend & fictions writer here, even your cute daughter love minsul too :D thanks for your heartwarming post, we will fight together to keep this thread alive till the end..

p/s: but I think nyonya manis is more sweetest than me :)) /BEARHUGS/

happy anniversary to all of us!! :x :x

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Guest girlinterrupted

Been really lurking a lot here since I've known of TTBY and became a MinSul fan. Now I've decided to join up. 'Hello!' to all of you! 
Like all of you here, I'm also a MinSul shipper, a SHINee fan, and f(x) fan too.
And all I can say is.. MINSUL IS REAL. <3

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To The Beautiful You

A Year ago, one show gathered us all here together... 
It gave us MinSul, it gave us strength and hope and most especially it paved the way to a beautiful friendship ...

I may not be posting quite often but I am always here lurking and waiting for MinSul moments just like the rest of you...

To the newly joined members, I sincerely welcome you and to the oldies in the house who withstand time and difficulties and did not waver even once, cheers to all of you!!!


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Guest rahma_bio

Timnat2010 said: Minho (he was smiling widely in those airport pics!) has returned to Korea alone today(maybe due to filming of the new drama). Can someone help to post his photo and that of Sulli(today's Me2day)? Both were wearing white shirts!

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I think I need to greet you all guys in this special day, even its too late but today still on august 15th :D:P

first for our captain @counsel05, one thing I could say, you're the success captain ever, coz you have this wonderful ship & cool crewmates ever! xoxo

for @DolceNera_24 , miss you.. thanks for making such a beautiful paradise like this, spazz more please someday, you still the only one who often post selca on this thread, i will never forget it :)) /hugs/

for @bananali @tikah @nislatif yooo yooooo my girl we reach our first year, miss your post here too.. even you busy with jobs, i know your hearts still belong to us :x llets spazz or lurking together till the end ^o^ <33

for my beloved noonas & crewmates @stekatta @ravissant @fizaz @Timnat2010 @alecita @lyna @foxiscully @tenzeronine @teruteru_chan @chocwenz @jaysay (miss your post saffa) @mslee @cmgw @jhologs @pandora460 @nize143 @hybrid @lia2010 @lovelyrainy @alexandralim @eva21 @happychu @fashion615 @mariamocha21 this thread & crewmates so lucky to have you guys, our loyal minsullians <333 who always there in any difficult situation, you made us stronger^^ :')

to my beloved Indonesian chinggus @craziedayzie @giya @ajengwo @parkhyerin @rahma_bio @Judith09 @dazzlingshock @phyeqa25 @keciltann ( @chellaaa and @zheisya i hope you both can post something again someday, i miss you) :x

to the handsome boys in this ship @maxxstep @gujilgujil @
theboyfromthemoon please post something later, sulli miss you :))

to our new family, our mature newbies, I'm glad to have you in the same boat.. huhu sorry coz I cant mentioning your name one by one, but trust me I already can memorize some of your username in my mind.. so please post often.. ah, there's some of you who my old sister, I should call you unnie from now on i think, hahahaha /hugsss/ :))

/I'm really sorry if I've miss to mentioned someone here, just blame my poor brain/ :))

I really say thank you thank you and thaaaaaank you for always support minsul here, thanks for always be a good family to each other, supporting each other friends and not minsul only.. THANK YOU SO MUCH <33

I think I should post my old editing picture here in our special day.. I think its enough to describing how special minsul for us.. here..


once again happy anniversary to us !!!
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Guest DolceNera_24

   @zee Haha You still remember my selca- LOL. Anyways, Im proud of you guys for making this far, I remember when we are starting last year, how many of us back then..@counsel05@bananali and many others. 
If you noticed there are no more pictures in the introduction page..I will edit it on weekends, Maybe i will put an Anniversary banner, if someone can make one.Or there are lots ofs MInsul edited photos to chose from so I'ts going to be easy for me this time. ^^
My real life and my job is running after me so I'm taking it easy .
Well yeah, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY guys.  B-)

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Guest iheartminsul02

Here's a Translation from what Sulli said..I'm sorry if those words are not right(i mean the translation is not correct),because I got it from Google Translate.:)fx_sulli_7072524424466921718.jpg

오늘은!!광복절!!! 우리나라 독립을 위해 애쓰신 순국선열들에게 감사하는 마음으로 하루를 보내도록 하겠습니다^^!! 여러분~~우리 함께 태극기 달자구욤!!^^♥

Translated:(Google Translate)Today! Independence Day! Strive for an independent country, albeit with gratitude to the National Heroes Day will be sent to ^ ^! ~ ~ We let you with Yom Flags month!! ^ ^ ♥

-iheartminsul02 <3

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Gosh this is a major love fest -- what will we all be like when our

MinSul Thread's Anniversary comes up in October?? Hehe ;-)

Really looking forward to spending more time with you all, old and new alike. Here's to TTBY who somehow brought us all together, and to MinSul who made us fall madly in love with them, and caused us to create this great meeting place. May we have many, many, many, many, more happy times with MinSul, and with each other -- seeing as some of our members here have met in real life already! It's been declared, so, in the immortal words if Jae Hee, we "gotta do dis" -- and we will. :-) Blessings upon us all!

@Dolce_Nera -- you're alive! :)) I hope Italy is treating you well! :)

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1. The Taste of Whiskey by MelissaChoi
2. Moving On by Mahogany43. One Amazing Summer by sulli4ever4. Before I Die (There’s Something I Still Need to Do) by SiaShin5. Race Against Time by RobinHood1086. The Enlistment by mochi187. Every Little Things by tenzeronine8. To The Beautiful You 1st Year Anniversary (MinSul SPECIAL PROJECT on Soompi) by Isha2009. Because I Love Her by foxiscully 

Your Calls

 The time when we used to laugh at small things

The time when we used to eat from the same bowl

The time when you used to comfort me from my fears

You gave me strength to take a jump

The times we used to stand on the same stage

The time when you held up my hand

The time when you would put your arms around me

I miss those times…being with you…


But when I hear your voice

It comforts my soul

When I see your call

It warms me whole

No matter the lows

Or Even if I fall

Just hearing your voice

Completes Me

Soothes me

If you could stay beside me forever…

Don’t go far away from me…

But if you just move a little bit farther…

I’ll wait for your calls, baby.

Rap: Checking my phone all day long

Waiting to hear from my baby

Distance apart

Aches my heart

Missing you like I never get used to

If I can just teleport, If I can just fly

I wish that distance doesn’t need time

But baby while you’re there and I am here

A call from you, and you are near…



If you could stay beside me forever…

Don’t go far away from me…

But if you just move a little bit farther…

I’ll wait for your calls, baby.

So Call me…

Wanna listen to the song?


:x \:D/ :x

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Guest Fika Hoogendyk

A smiling Sulli on the way to Mubank while staring at her phone ..

I don't know if you guys notice it too or not, but recently I found Sulli always with Amber the most than the others. Since Minho called Sulli at Amazing f(x) and Amber also there, they always walk and sit side by side. We know that Minho and Amber are close, so I'm thinking that maybe Sulli shared something about her and Minho to Amber.. Who knows, hehehehe :D

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