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[Drama 2013] That Winter, The Wind Blows/Wind Blows in Winter, 그 겨울, 바람이 분다

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest malou1310

“SHK DC Inside Gallery” Fans’ Visit to TWTWBThe fans over at Song Hye Kyo’s DC Inside Gallery have done it again!icon_biggrin With a lot of care, consideration, and love, they sent Kyo and the cast of That Winter, The Wind Blows snacks and nutritional supplements as giftssmall-heart Not only that, but a few of the gracious fans were lucky enough to personally chat with Kyo inside DeChocolate Cafe, which was the last filming day for this particular location. The time spent was short, but sweet. Please read below for a fan account by titicacaicon_smile She posted quite a lengthy one and I believe I translated most of it, but skipped over the details not pertaining to Kyo.

Joo Nyeong Hyong [Another member of Song Hye Kyo Gallery @ DC Inside] arrived first, about an hour and 40 minutes prior.
There weren’t many from the general public, so it wasn’t crowded.

In front of DeChocolate Cafe was a filming vehicle and a tourist vehicle that was needed for a scene standing side by side each other on the road.
(It looked like Kyo and the secondary actors in that scene were riding on that tour bus)
It arrived, and about 5 minutes later, Kyo just arrived.
She was wearing a white circle patterened top and white skirt with a slightly toned down blue jacket and white heels..
Even though she appeared about 4.50 meters in front of us, I was able to personally experience her beautiful skin, hehehe
How could it be that I am watching Kyo’s laughter under bright natural light??
More than anything, if Young-ie were to open her eyes and meet the world, I am thinking that perhaps the way I am feeling now is how she will feel^^
After shooting one scene four times over and over, it was finished
(The contents of the scene are a bit predictable and does not reveal anything major, but since it has not aired yet, I will skip the contents^^;;)
Everything from the waiting snack car got unloaded, and the filming crew began taking it, but Kyo’s road manager called us over and told us to go inside the cafe and greet Kyo, hehe. Finally!
So, we took along the snacks and nutritional supplements that we brought separately for Kyo (and Jo actor and Director Kim), and went inside the cafe. Once we got inside the cafe, there was Kyo right by the entrance…^^
As I put the snacks and nutritional supplements in Kyo actress’s hands, I began to admire her face…
Even though this wasn’t the first time I saw Kyo’s face this closely, I was amazed again… I couldn’t recover my surprise and my heart kept fluttering.
Compared to last time, she is thinner. If you were to disturb the sky, it would be like breaking a part Young-ie’s appearance ………ㅠㅠ beautiful ㅠㅠ
In particular, her face is really thin, so on the other hand, my mind is sad….
Kyo is extremely beautiful on screen, but everyone knows, in real life and on screen, it is different.
For those of you who have seen her, you know, right? Any idea what this meansㅠㅠ
It’s not that she is prettier in person, but altogether, it is different.
As I recall the Kyo I saw today and the Young-ie I see on screen,they are different.
I don’t have time to think back to how she was like when I saw her last time, so maybe that’s why I don’t remember her face being this small, but today, Kyo’s face was truly tiny ㅠㅠ Too tiny ㅠㅠ
It’s truly amazing that everything – the eyes, nose, mouth fits in that area ㅠㅠ
That face always smiles. Brightly ㅠㅠ
After the cafe scene,they were moving to another location, so we didn’t have anymore time.
With regret, the manager said they had to move quickly and we will no longer be able to converse.

We only spoke for a very short time passing through

She told us she saw the messages at Kyo Gallery [DC Inside] and she is thankful.
She said after the first airing of That Winter, she has received a lot of messages…I don’t know the details of the content, but perhaps the messages weren’t bad.
We asked if Young-ie will be able to see, she replied, “Just watch until the end”^^’ hehe.
When we told her she looks thin, she said, “That’s just the way it is when I do a project^”
When will you depart for filming in China? “My staff knows and I do not know the exact details.”
(One of Kyo’s staff members said right at this moment there is not an exact departure date)
It has been confirmed that Andy Lau will play her husband, but outside of that, she said she is not sure [of the other details].
She assumes she jammed her little finger in the car door during the sobbing scene in episode 6…
She said it is settling down, but looks like it will take a little more time to heal.
It must be very painful and difficult to hurt your finger like that, so I am glad it didn’t seriously become infected.
Even I cannot believe my memory, truthfully it seems like there may be something missing from my story, but this part of the conversation is coming and going as I’m not in my right state of mind…
During the time we were having the short conversation with Kyo, everyone in the cafe had their eyes focused on her.
This was not a situation where something was variously divided.
Moreover, this was the last filming day for DeChoclate and it was more cluttered.
Only then after Kyo left for the other location, we drew our breaths…

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@mamamika, welcome. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the ending you would like to see. Love it.

I look forward to seeing what the writer has in store for us, for these last episodes. I'm curious to see how the connection between Solo and Young will continue once he leaves the house. I think this will add another layer to the story and will probably give Young some time to think back on her experiences with Soo. This I hope will make her realize that even though is initial reason for approaching her was wrong/terrible she became someone truly special to him. Someone he fell in love with and wanted to help and protect. They helped each other to open up and really start living.

I'm still hopeful for a happy ending.

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Guest jjsweeter0211


Why did you do it? - Because I love you.

Oppa, I am your sister. - It doesn’t matter.

cr to fuckyeahdoramas

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Guest jjsweeter0211

New article with actor Kim Young Hoon. Wondering what it is about.I googled it and it seems like  he talked a bit  about his experience working with Song Hye Kyo.Hoping someone could kindly help to translate ;) :x


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OMG... i just left this beautiful 'home' days ago, and i was left far behind..

and what's with all the 'sexual harrassment'.? well, i'm not going to create another negative vibe here and i respect whatever opinion whether it is positive or negative... afterall, we can agree to disagree...

rather than posting another serious comments, i think why don't we just chill okay..

for me personally, i just love the kissing scene.. feels like i'm getting old waiting the kissing scene as it is only happenned in ep13.. =))

if i was the one who is having shg's role, i'm going to purposely making a lot of NG... because i don't know if i have this opportunity again :))

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Yesterday, when i went to my boss's home.. there's an ad/promo of this drama..

my boss suddenly told me to watch this drama since the story is great with beautiful actors..

she's not a k-drama fan, but she said that she's already hooked in this drama...
i just want to laugh when she said that it's not too late for me to watch it as it is in early ep...

'watch it, and you'll be surprised'... =))

well boss, i'm already surprised with your addiction of this drama.. :))

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Guest jjsweeter0211

Just want to share it with WindBlowers~ :*
Her gorgeous smile :xI hope we will get to see Oh Young smiling like this :x


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Guest yourinsomnea

Sorry if this was asked already, but any updates on how they are going to air the last episodes? Are there 2 weeks or 3 weeks left?

Thank you fellow Soompies.

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"Sexual harassment"? Pleeeease! Can't please everyone and don't need to. Haters gonna hate!

Did anyone ever wonder why Jin Sung was moved in with Oh Soo at Oh Young's house? I understand Oh Soo is her "brother" but what about Jin Sung? It's like buy one get one free. Young is so lucky to live with two hot boys! Too bad she can't even see -.-

Where is episode 14 preview. It's gonna be exciting. 3 more friggin days. I can't wait!

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Halo Chingus! Morning!!
Today DAEBAK news from Baidu!! The finale will be ending with "After 3 years"

Will it be a happy ending? Are they meeting again after 3 yrs ? Expect it by Next week Thursday.
Kir dae yor!

I really wish to see a happy ending with a HAPPY FAMILY!!

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