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[Drama 2013] That Winter, The Wind Blows/Wind Blows in Winter, 그 겨울, 바람이 분다

Guest sunshine4ever

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jl08 said: Love said:

Hi everyone. It's been awhile.

I've just read the "breaking news" and I thought it was some kind of April Fools' joke but then I realized it's not and I've been upset/depressed ever since. Here goes my shipper's heart for O2. I expected a little too much, and now I'm in pain. Silly, but true.

It's sad to even feel sad about it. I mean, they have nothing to do with me, yet I feel like it's kinda related to me. Why? Because I was obsessed with TWTWB, mostly because of the beautiful love that JIS & SHK brought to us. Seriously, who would have thought they were only acting? Their love was so touching and beautiful on screen that I was hoping and rooting for them to be a real couple. I was still on cloud nine with O2 couple and TWTWB, till yesterday. It's like they give us so much hope, then take it away in the end. I feel hopeless and empty, and I don't think I can rewatch TWTWB like I used to, it just doesn't feel the same anymore.

My dear JIS, I fell head over heels for him in TWTWB and I don't hate him or anything. How can you hate someone you like? I don't blame JIS for having a girlfriend. (That means he's not gay OK!) Love is blind, there's no right or wrong. Whatever it is, I hope he is happy with the choice he made, though I really hate it! His happiness = our tears!

I saw the picture of KMH on the news. I never watched her films/dramas. I have no idea who she is, and I don't wanna know. But she is definitely not gorgeous or pretty or goddess like our SHK. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I'm not gonna say much. Maybe JIS is into her for her personality, yea that works sometimes.

I'm just disappointed that there is no chance for him and SHK anymore. They were the only on-screen couple in a KDrama that I ever loved and adored, as I was never a fan of KDramas. They were the first and will be the last that I ever shipped so hard for. It sucks knowing what happens on TWTWB, stays on TWTWB. I think I prefer the charming Oh Soo, rather than the hot&cold JIS himself.

On a brighter note, I'm hoping/wishing that SHK & Won Bin are dating!!! Wooot that would be the rainbow after the rain for us. She deserves someone that truly cares about her, and he's always been there for her and he's gorgeous too haha. Though I want SHK with JIS!!! (I cannot get over it!) But life isn't a dream so I hope SHK will find her Mr. Right soon, like next month maybe? ^^

I also wonder about all the nice things JIS said about SHK, were they all lie? Did he mean any of it? Because what he's said and done got us hopeless shippers in deep richard simmons right now.
Personally, I'd like to think, maybe JIS & SHK will meet again in the future, just like how Oh Young and Oh Soo meet in the last scene in episode 16! What's meant to be will always find its way in the end. And I believe in that! O2 fighting!!! <3

/End my daily rant. Imma go hide in the corner and dream about O2 again haha. See ya =)

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*dialling OS oppa phone number*
OS : yeoboseyo
Me : it's me, oppa...
OS : what's going on?...
Me : I need you to buy me something...
OS : WHAT???
Me : hurry up, oppa...
OS : okay, I'll be right back...
Shopkeeper : sorry, we're closed now...
OS : no way, it's urgent!!!
After a while... a bowl of hot red bean porridge has arrived...
Me : thank u so much, oppa, u're so kind...
OS : I know...

*just an intermezzo to cool down*

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for fans of JIS calling hate on his r/s and him, well shame on you.
If you are a true fan, you shld know that above being an actor/celebrity, he is also a human and he has a life outside of showbiz. 
There is a reason why celebs refuse to admit their r/s because of such reactions. Peple take dramas too seriously. 
Even though i am a O2 shipper, i know it is JUST A DRAMA. 
If he is convincing enough to make you think that he truly loves the actress then it ONLY proves that he is a good actor.
His skill in acting and his character has no effect on who he is as a human being. 
Wake up people. If you truly love JIS and his craft, pls respect his choice as a normal human being and his works. 
His personal life has nothing to do with TWTWB. 
If you love TWTWB just because of the sake of shipping JIS/SHK then you should re-evaluate whether do you really like the show.
To true blue fans here of the show, thumbs up.

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Guest xopo17

maybe many fans of TWTWB are having a heart break coz the bad timing. u know the length of time between the airing of TWTWB and this breaking news is so close.
its just bad timing to announce this news coz TWTWB already finished the airing at 2/3 weeks ago, so many fans of this drama are shipping JIS n SHK since TWTWB is in high moment now !
that did not mean that JIS have to cover or denial or said no comment about this news forever. i mean that JIS or his agency should wait another 1 or 2 month ( or wait after the popular of TWTWB is calming  down) to announce this.
the timing is not good now 
just sayin...

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Guest xopo17

plus : i doubt that JIS and SHK will attend the promotion of TWTWB drama at another country, i mean after this breaking news  , it will be 0% possible to hope the 2 of them will attend the promotion tour. maybe if they never attend promotion tour or SBS Drama AWARD 2013 at together , then probably we can do photosop for our fangirl , :))

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Guest beanniechun

i must say JIS is a good actor.. He make me believe he really falling in love with SHK. i will support him even now he dating with someone else. It must difficult time for JIS and KMH since they have just in the beginning of relationship.

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Guest Kiddo214

This drama is beautiful and the cast did a fabulous job! :) :)

I'm turned off when people automatically assume two leads in a drama together with burning chemistry will date. I like how someone said fiction should not be mixed with reality. Let this be a lesson to not be worked up over a drama couple because you'll get burned in the process.

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Guest beanniechun

Kiddo214 said: This drama is beautiful and the cast did a fabulous job! :) :)

I'm turned off when people automatically assume two leads in a drama together with burning chemistry will date. I like how someone said fiction should not be mixed with reality. Let this be a lesson to not be worked up over a drama couple because you'll get burned in the process.

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Guest sunshine4ever

Hi all, I just wanted to ask Song Hye Kyo's fans to pardon me for this message because it is written mostly about and for Jo In Sung and those who were interested in him after the Dispatch's photos and the confirmation of Jo In Sung dating Kim Min Hee.

So for the past 1 day, I had been observing Jo In Sung's thread and That Winter, The Wind Blow's thread and I just felt aching everywhere reading messages from both the O2 shippers and Jo In Sung's fans. I know I had said that I will try to ignore all posts and I think I did; however, today I was having a little reflection. I was driving past an old couple on a curb. I saw the old man holding the old woman's hand as they were walking together while I was passing them. I suddenly thought of Jo In Sung and Kim Min Hee as they admitted to the public at this point in time at the peak of Jo In Sung's success of TWTWB. And I realized that even though it was just 4 months that he had been knowing KMH, I bet she must be very special to him for him to be honest and admit it in public even though he knew that admitting it might risk his career. And of course, it goes the same for Kim Min Hee...Jo In Sung must also be special for her so that was why both of them admit their relationship. No going around-the-bush and no denial even if it meant that they might lose some CFs, some movies, some dramas offered and most importantly losing their fans.

And so I concluded from seeing that and seeing everyone's posts/messages from both who were angry at Jo In Sung and those who were supporting Jo In Sung that there were so far 2 cases.

Case 1: Jo In Sung & Kim Min Hee VS. Dispatch

Dispatch released the news and the couple admitted right away that they are dating each other. Well, breaking news for Dispatch and that means the end of Dispatch's gossiping even if they wish to, it's the end. So guess what? In my opinions, I think Jo In Sung and Kim Min Hee are winners because despite being the victims of Dispatch, they did not go around the bush about their relationship with each other to save their career.

Case 2: That Winter, The Wind Blows fans VS. Dispatch

Conclusion from what I see so  far: TWTWB fans LOST to Dispatch. TWTWB fans used to love TWTWB so much that they would unite despite different languages they came and shared things together, but as soon as the news about Jo In Sung's dating someone broke loose everyone started to fight. Whether they were for or against Jo In Sung. I feel so hurtful to read some of the anguish comments between JIS's fans as well as SHK's shipper fans. I came to conclusion that it is sad that we let a news like this hit us and hurt us. We even wrote angry messages against each other because we have different beliefs on how a person should date and/or not.

So honestly, I just don't get this at all. I just felt like we're all losers to Dispatch which in my opinions are some source of gossiping sources who are just out there to make some money while spying and ruining someone's private lives.

So if we continue to let this news hurts us, then we are losing to Dispatch, honestly. Jo In Sung's fans felt betrayed by O2 shippers' words while O2 shippers fans felt betrayed by Jo In Sung. I am so glad Jo In Sung doesn't speak any other languages other than Korean now because I felt very sad by the ways all of the speaking worlds like how people had been telling me that Vietnamese, Chinese, and other sources of websites are bashing Jo In Sung for his personal love. While I am also disappointed and felt hurt reading Jo In Sung's fans reactions to other people's expectations of Jo In Sung and how he should live as a person.

I am going to stop here and I know by now this thread might be empty and deserted, but it might be because it needs some break and some healing. I feel so lucky today to say that I only go on Soompi to check on news and not elsewhere. It's painful for me as TWTWB fan who had to feel the suffering of my fellow Windblowers and Insungers.

Please don't let us look like losers. We're winners. Let's carry through this together and I hope to see everyone here again soon.

God bless all of you and blessings to my beloved oppa (Jo In Sung). I'm going to stay behind Jo In Sung, support him, and love him for who he is. And I'm praying for his relationship with Kim Min Hee that they will find lots of happiness together because both of them deserve happiness, blessings, and love because they stood up yesterday to say to the whole world (even though the majority of them might hate to hear it) that they are in a relationship. And I'll stand behind all of you, Windblowers/Insungers, and support you and try to understand you while you're still angry at each other. I hope you find healings soon.

Unfortunately I don't surf other sites, so I can't say much, but I hope to see all of us get over this war soon. In a war no one is a winner.

Love and peace,

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1 day after knowing the outbreaking news, I found myself recovered (cured) from O2 couple fever and TWTWB fever and back to normal life now. :)>-  The efforts and contributions from the writer, director, casts and crews should not be forgotten. Many, many thanks to everything and everyone regarding TWTWB which/who gave me so much unforgetful happiness!

Every Emotion is Temporary, Everything Shall Pass.

Warmest Regards and Best Wishes to All the TWTWB's Writer, Crews, Casts and Fans!


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Guest loveyoungie

I have only started reading this thread about 10 days ago while experiencing the withdrawal symptoms...I found lots of warmth in this thread then and it even spurs me to read from page 1...(still in the progress though...can't finish 600+ pages in a day or two). But the recent news has really torn us windblowers apart. As sunshine has mentioned, we shouldn't lose our unity to Dispatch. It really pains me to see this happening...I will love the show as it is no matter what happened.

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Guest kikay14

I just got back home from a long vacation with hubby, and I must say that I didn't completely enjoyed it when I saw the news and reactions of many of us fans (you see even if i'm on honeymoon, I still lurk here in this thread and jis and shk thread ).  
I don't want to give my piece actually because I know it will be nonsense hihi, but for all of you O2 shippers, I just want you to know that before I became a fan of TWTWB drama, I created my soompi account because I am a shipper first (you will see my early history of posts and I just post messages in a spaceship thread which I still love btw).  So, I feel what you feel right now, and I know how devastated all of you that your coupling didn't materialize.  We are all delusional whether we are a shipper or not.  Atleast for O2 shippers, the agony and investment of feelings happened for just a couple of months and you are easily put out of misery, unlike me and my fellow jjoongbo shippers, we are still invested and still on agony for 5 years already so imagine how we are feeling right now hihi.

Am I shocked when I heard the news?  Absolutely YES!, of all people it's JIS who haven't had a proper scandal to begin with and who is very secretive of his personal life.  And it's not SHK but another actress (who is also gorgeous in her own way) so I am a bit disappointed when I learned about it.  But I am not JO IN SUNG, and I respect him wholeheartedly so I can't and I won't dictate who he should like and love.  We don't know what is happening behind cameras so who are we to judge them.  If he is happy right now, I will support him.  He is by far one of the best actors in korea I've ever encountered and he I love his attitude and personality (isn't it flattering for a woman that the person you love didn't deny you?).

to clear things up:

First, JIS never lied to his fans, if we just read between the lines in his interviews, there is something there that he wants to open up but he can't and we thought fans that it's for SHK but now we realized it's for the other person.  
He said that he wish the rumors will be about him instead of SHK because he knew that it is much harder for actresses to handle those nasty rumors so I love his thoughtfulness here ( I just wish his love KMH will not suffer so much in this intrigue)
It is not JIS who delivered the news but it's DISPATCH!  I think he values his privacy and if his relationship will be kept secret, he will do so...so it saddens me a lot that dispatch invaded his privacy.  But I love him even more that he confirmed it instead of denying it (that's my man) .  And one more thing, he will not compromise the promotion of this drama by outing his relationship.
TWTWB is an excellent drama and it is not about actors and actresses getting hooked up.  I believe despite of this news, this will still be given a lot of love.  
As TRUE FANS of this drama, now is the time to prove our love to this magnificent piece, let's not create war but instead let's create love.  We might be of different opinions, but I hope our love for this drama will UNITE us.  Afterall, this drama taught us a lot about life and love, and I will always watch episodes of this to remind me why I love it and ponder a lot of things learned in it.

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Guest Jade1430292491

I think it's unfair for SHK yo keep receiving hate mail for dating her co stars/many guys. Kim Min Hee dated Lee Soo Hyuk' date=' Lee Jung Jae and now Jo In Sung. So why isn't she getting dissed or being accused of seducing them? Like I said before, for all KMH fans here, sorry I'll always be loyal to SHK.[/quote']

i have the same view as well,SHK only dated two of her co-star and she is being labeled as the"flirty leading lady"..guess,that is the price of being famous~gaining fans and jealous haters as well.Those haters have tons of reasons to get jealous with(just by beauty alone,haha:) while SHK fans have countless of reasons to be proud of her....supporting SHK to the mooonnnn and backkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!

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Guest Jade1430292491

ohhhh,i forgot# TWTWBforever...i heard it's better than Winter Sonata,is it true? i have watched episode1 but i stop bec. i kept comparing it to TWTWB (i still had winter fever at that time)

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To all windblowers,

Why do we call ourselves the windblowers? Why and how do we (people from all around the world) come together and become friends? We may not see each other but we faithfully camp here to discuss about our beloved drama. I'm sure many of you agreed with me that TWTWB is by far one of the best and unforgetable Kdrama we have come across. At least it is for me.TWTWB is the one that really had me so in love with and every week is like a nightmare waiting for Wednesday & Thursday to come. I love O2. And when it ends, its like my life also ended. I cant let it go because I have not had enough yet.

Like many when I first read the news, I was so shocked. My heart ache because like you I also hold some hopes for the two to come together in real life. Then slowly I started to feel angry. Angry that the limelight has been shifted from the drama. This is so unfair to the show and crews(writer,director,actors/actresses etc). I'm not a SHK fan but I want to say that she really did a good job to portrait a blind person and I can see her effort .Everyone has worked so hard for it and now the focus has been snatched away from them before they can really enjoy the fruits of their harvest. What a pity! During it's broadcast, I've read many many positive and good comments about this show and I really hope this drama can receive love from everywhere and makes it the most popular kdrama in history.

So let's not make it worse. Let's continue to support this drama and our favourite characters (OY/OS) in the drama. Who we love is OY&OS.  Who we love is OS in TWTWB. His charm, love and sacrifice for OY is what makes us fall for him. Their love story is what makes this drama beautiful. So many people had appealed to the writer to give them a good ending, remember ? Because we can't bear to see either of them or both die.

In real life JIS may not be the same as OS. I agreed with some who say JIS's character is different from Oh Soo. We have to accept that drama and real life is different. I strongly believe in fate. If they really belong to each other, they will end up together one day.

Let's now get back to the right track and do justice to the drama. Why let such a good and beautiful drama suffer such a "injustice" fate?

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Guest Hakgyo

xopo17    Agree - I will feel okay even if  JIS has a gf - but they should have held announcement a little more time  this drama is still very hot, maybe after the promotions.  they were able to hide their relationship for 4 months , although it maybe difficult for JIS because his gf maybe hurting./
I just got my tax refund and was about to order the Director's cut DVD and the 4 books - my relatives and friends here that I have invited to watch this drama is pushing me to buy, we even was to chip-in - but somehow I thank this news we keep our money - now I will find a way to just download or buy in L.A. Street.  My eagerness to see some more BTS diminishes - still wanting to./
Their good performances made me confused  I thought they will like each other - they really acted well and I hope they will receive awards for good acting.  The good thing is - when I look at the pictures of SHK, after the drama, she's vibrant, full of life,  more refresh, look more younger and lively - even in her interviews and she was able to tell straight that she and JIS are just good friends, I don't know many accepted it.  Honesty is a virtue, but JIS, tried to tell us too, but maybe it did not sound good the way it was said. / He  looked gloomy during the group watching of the last episode - I thought it was caused by SHK - that she was hiding something.  but I think she is really single and  enjoying  it.  But if she has someone - SMART girl!!!
Well, JIS is good looking and good actor. I am still enjoying watching the drama - in Channel 18 here in Anaheim,  EPI 13 was just shown and sure I will re-watch it.  /

xopo17 said: maybe many fans of TWTWB are having a heart break coz the bad timing. u know the length of time between the airing of TWTWB and this breaking news is so close.
its just bad timing to announce this news coz TWTWB already finished the airing at 2/3 weeks ago, so many fans of this drama are shipping JIS n SHK since TWTWB is in high moment now !
that did not mean that JIS have to cover or denial or said no comment about this news forever. i mean that JIS or his agency should wait another 1 or 2 month ( or wait after the popular of TWTWB is calming  down) to announce this.
the timing is not good now 
just sayin...

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