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[Drama 2013] Queen of Ambition / Yawang 야왕

Guest annieice

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fantast1ksuae said: YEAY Yawang's ratings is going up! Congratulations!
Happy Birthday Yunho!
@cat1177-I haven't seen 7&8 with subs...question, when HR was sentenced, was it for life or he can be paroled?
It was also no surprised that DH approached her stepbrother to cajole him into hurting Ha Ryu.
HR going after BDK was a given, we saw it coming...he got her at WHOA, WHoA! =))

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@fantast1ksuae @nobuyukijohnson

thanks for the info...i also watched the episodes raw and looking forward to the subs. i'm still at a lost as to how exactly the stepbrother got in jail years before because of Dahae. it puzzles me how these 3 men had an almost overwhelming urge to protect Dahae from her misfortunes. what is it about her?! grrr.

it also shocked me when Dahae actually got up from her hospital bed to comfort and hug Dohun lol. maybe she was feeling vulnerable with her loss and here was BDH crying by her bedside and she thawed for a bit lol.

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Guest yoyo_yoyo

Yeah!!! it's good news *O* going up rating =D>
still waiting for sub to understand what happen, HR decided will revenge for sure but i hoping he would not make DK too hurt 
Do you think they will have against each other, split into two sides. HD&BDH with HR&BDK :-?

Happy birthday Yunho! :x Cuteeee Dohoon :*


credit: onpic

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Guest arangsatto

I never thought i'm going to stuck with this drama. But its quite different. Even tough I think the character and the background (during ep 1) aren't being  established as good as it shoud be. As how Da Hee poverty really affect her during her teenagers years etc. On how really HR character and outlook about life. Because it weren't as established as excellent therefore we the viewer get a lil bit waver when suddenly Da Hee change (we know she is just that but the twist weren't convincing enough but still strong for us to buy) and the there is Ha Ryu that we seen as weak and do anything for Da Hee. It will be great if we have shown why Da Hee really mattered during his childhood and why he willing to give and scarify anything for her at the first place (when she lost her mother) the beginning of everything.
I personally think we can't blame Ha Ryu when whatever happen. As his character is deem to be not intelligent and so grounded to his outlook in life in the village, losing both his parents, raising with love and care. He never been hurt nor does he has enemy before Da Hee entered the life. His life has been easy, happy and he is just that. Therefore it is understandable whatever he is doing for Da Hee even tough at first he should know what is relationship means is to give and take. But for him, having Da Hee in his life means everything happiness, love etc for him. He is silly and lack of intelligent but he aren't dumb enough to not have any pride. He has a pride but and he hurt his pride to get the money the wrong way but he willing to do it because he THINK that Da Hee deserve everything because SHE GIVE him a precious child that he really love.
So when he begged him after he come back from jail (after he break down the car's mirror) it is again for me really significant and consistent to his character. If you have a child and your character the same with him (a village man, not educated) and furthermore, he is desperate and really in shock of her sudden (at least for him) transformation. He even sell his body and pride for her! Something and the only thing a man like him had! So when he begged for for Eun Byul its really consisten with his character and what a father would do after the shocking discovery.
As for Da Hee, she love her daughter but what she did to her daughter by what ever reason (before she died) cant be forgiven for me. As a mother I know raising a child is a challenge and sometimes we tend to give excuses and escapism to have our own space etc when things get hard. But if we have enough love and care we wont leave our child no matter what happen even if it takes our life. Thats is  true mother.Not perfect but her child is always the first.
Yet I love how fast, and strong this drama develop mostly because it been carried by a strong actor/actress as So Aee, she is one of my fav actress. And the plot moving fast and not dragging at all.
I want to know how the story develop. I just hope the twin brother character is introduced more and had more lines. He is just keep in the dark by having his sister do all the talking and searching for his twin.

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Guest arangsatto

can someone help me to tell me when is the episode that Da Hee went to see Eun Byul but restrained because she get the flashback of what she heard when she was at her friend house?
Spolers ahead!

I can't believe it. How far she can go to???? And i can't believe that Ha Ryu buy her lie again. When she met him at the jail to ask him that he just have to admit only to bury the body  and said to not know the killer is truly sickening! She used their daughter to let her safe is truly low, disgusting and sickening!
She never will want to take care Eun Byul and she want to start a new life. But when DK warned she she knew something is not right and will have the legal department investigated everything and asked her to move from their family only that she want to move away from her ambition and new life. She even said, the only family remain is her stepbrother. Another lie! She even said to the police to keep her past confidential of her family ties with Ha Ryu since she want to remarry and had another new life.
Then, Ha Ryu buy and let her go again!!! Can't he see that she just playing with him and using Eun Byul as an excuses. Why just he believe on himself and think of the future and just for the first time let the truth be reveal and let Da Hee get what she deserve for what she done. If only he believe on himself more and be smarter......
Oh, my heart!
Lie, lie, lie again and again. That is Da Hee!

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Guest arangsatto

arangsatto said:
There is plot hole of course, why aren't anyone suspect something from Da Hee that she the one who might have killed her stepfather. Even ajuhmaa and samchon or even the police buy her lies but they should considered her as the murder suspect. Erm...
And I agree with @Arwani, DH character is bland and I didn't feel anything from him. I just feel him a mere filler and a role to move the plot forward. Am not interested to watch him and whenever he is appeared i just watch for the sake of knowing what happen with Da Hee.
p.s: And why someone will flag your comment this is the first time for 7 years i been on soompi someone flag another person comment. :-S
Thanks everyone for the insights and sharing the links. Arawni said:I am yet to see ep. raw & ep 7 with subs, but so far I pity both. I pity DH for making her choices and now suffering from them. I pity HR for being a doormat for so long and now taking the brunt for it. I pity him for losing EB - I always felt that he can handle losing DH because at least he's got his daughter. But now he's lost both and EB was lost because of DH... And I pity DH for inadvertently doing things that led to EB's death. When she left EB alone, I knew instantly that this is it, EB is going to die. I don't know whether drama will explore but I bet any normal person would really feel like she/him had killed her own child and so the self-hate would be horrible. Remains to be seen.

DK I pity somewhat, but I don't really pity BDH. I haven't really even talked about him and there's a reason for that: I don't really feel anything for him. He's too bland for that. It's a shame but he really is. :/

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Guest arangsatto





There is plot hole of course, why aren't anyone suspect something from Da Hee that she the one who might have killed her stepfather. Even ajuhmaa and samchon or even the police buy her lies but they should considered her as the murder suspect. Erm...

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Guest arangsatto

I mean i just watch ep 7 before he 'wake up'/before he went to see his daughter death and planned his revenge. What i mean wake up is not only to destroy or blaming DH but he should know himself, his weaknesses and believe in himself otherwise the plot revenge wont only destroy DH but he will suffered too.

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according to a k-friend, during the hospital scene Dahae confessed to Dohun her past except for the part where she lived with a man as his wife and bore his child etc., told him to stay away from her cos it was not good for him to be with a woman like her. Dohun told Dahae to stay with him and he will erase all her past hurt and he will give her a happy life. not exact trans but that's basically it i think.

so i guess she was....grateful? touched?

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Guest wutmuvi

"Yawang" Kwon Sang-woo declares war on Soo-ae


kwon Sang-woo declared war on Soo-ae.

Ha-ryu (kwon Sang-woo) set his mind to take revenge on Joo Da-hae (Soo-ae) who caused their daughter Eun-byeol's (Park Min-ha) death in SBS drama "Yawang".

Ha-ryu studied hard to apply to Bekhak Group and not only did he pass but he achieved his bachelor's degree in prison in just 2 years.

Ha-ryu sued her for fraud to lure her in and she came to see him to get cancellation.

Ha-ryu said, "I wanted to tell you this myself. I have 3 months left before I am out of here. You are changed and I am too. You'll know soon. Work harder and get higher so that when you fall, you feel the pain even worse. You are falling to hell. I will open the doors to hell for you" and handed her the letter of cancellation.

Ha-ryu decided to seduce Baek Do-hoon's (U-Know) sister Baek Do-kyeong (Kim Seong-ryeong) by memorizing information about her and officially started his plans for revenge.

Credit: hancinema

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Guest fantast1k1

Ok, finally saw Epi 7 with subs...What the heck is wrong with men in this drama?!?! Everyone had fallen under DH's spell , I meant everyone...The police detective was so gullible to everything Da Hae was telling him...he didn't even investigated her further. Wouldn't HR's cell phone would DH's prints somehow? Because she called him and then dropped the phone...oh well, if that happens we won't have our drama. I expected DH to tell HR to confess but don't say who killed the stepdad...4 years wasn't long of a sentence for disposing the body...I'm dreading the part where HR will be seducing BDK as part of his revenge...BDK is an innocent bystander in all of this...all she's been doing is protecting her family from opportunists like DH...hopefully, RH would fall in love with BDK...Ha Ryu to Da Hae---"Game on" >:)

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