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Does excluding certain ethnic groups or races in your dating preference make you a racist?

Guest rickertv2

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Guest blankety

This is interesting because I had the exact same conversation with a guy friend of mine a couple days ago. He is the same ethnicity as me.

PERSONALLY, I call it preference and not racism. I strictly date asians NOT because I am a racist but because I bond better with them, we can connect on a language and culture level, and I find them more attractive. So what's wrong with that??

If I'm not dating you, I still treat you with respect, I will talk to you, be friendly towards you, want to get to know you. BUT to have a relationship beyond that, is a WHOLE different story. Think about it before you call it racism. 8-|

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Guest ryohazuki

What an ignorant thing to say mate. Please tell me you're a troll?

Ethnicity has very little to do with your culture, values, etc..?

Okay so tell me. How about people who were born in America and were raised with Muslim values and beliefs. There's a MUCH bigger chance you'll find someone who has the same Muslim values and beliefs you have if you find someone who shares the same ethnicity as you.

It's exactly the same with Asians. Most Asian cultures are a lot more conservative than American culture. Even if you're born in America, not everyone is raised "the American way" with American culture and values. Obviously these Asian children have Asian parents. And these Asian parents would instill Asian(Chinese/Korean/whatever) culture, values and beliefs in their children.

Not everyone is the same. All ethnicities have different cultures, values and beliefs. Thats the beauty of DIVERSITY. By pretending everyone is the same your not celebrating diversity, you're getting rid of it.

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Mannosuke said: Evangeline said:PERSONALLY, I call it preference and not racism. I strictly date asians NOT because I am a racist but because I bond better with them, we can connect on a language and culture level, and I find them more attractive. So what's wrong with that??

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Guest ReplayMVP

I dont believe there is such thing as "American Culture and Values". I think people gave it that name to take away from the negatives aspects of simply being a human and making human mistakes especially within strict ethnicities that need to give an excuse for their kids behavior... I feel a lot of these things reoccur anywhere. You can just freely address it without persecution in America.

I agree with ryohazuki and blush. American is a big, great melting pot. There's no such thing as "acting American". Other ethnicites just created that idea which is highly unpatriotic. richard simmons though immigrant parents, you're living here so dont be like that. I'm a brown kid with a pretty ignorant father so I can vouch for this.

You can embrace your roots and preserve your culture but have allegiance to America... it doesn't sound too far-fetched to me. Mixing in marriages and relationships isn't necessary to be "American". Being American doesn't have to mix with "different or deviant" behaviors. The freedoms we possess are much more profound than this falsely proclaimed culture that you speak of.

This whole being American thing is bs. As long as you have loyalty to the country you live in before the one you heir then you're fine. You can marry your own culture. I don't deem that as unpatriotic. Just don't be ignorant and ungrateful when it comes to morals and behaviors. America is America for the religious and ethnic tolerance. Don't blame America when you should blame yourself. A country isn't here to tell you how to live. America was built on interpretation. That's all.

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I agree with most of the replies, it's all just about personal preference! If you don't like a certain type, then there's no need to feel guilty about it. But if you find a girl to have all the qualities you like but her race is the only problem, then you should give it a try. You might even then forget about how you didn't wanna date girls from where she's from. 

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Guest coolhandle

Mannosuke said: Ethnicity has very little to do with your culture, your personality, your values, your beliefs, or your understanding of whatever.
In you born and/or raised in a country such america, whether you're asian or you're black makes absolutely no difference in how you think. Your culture would be the american culture, and you would communicate like americans.

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Guest rickertv2

coolhandle said:
Mannosuke said: Ethnicity has very little to do with your culture, your personality, your values, your beliefs, or your understanding of whatever.
In you born and/or raised in a country such america, whether you're asian or you're black makes absolutely no difference in how you think. Your culture would be the american culture, and you would communicate like americans.

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Guest coolhandle

rickertv2 said: How about you get an education first. Aishwarya Rai is of East Indian descent. Last time I checked East Indians are caucasoids (mix between Aryans and Dravidians) while SE Asians are mongoloids (e.g., Vietnamese, Thai, Laotian, Hmong, Cambodian, Mon-Khmer, Malay, etc.). I never grouped East Indians and SE Asians as one group. I know the clear differences...something you, apparently, fail to see.

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rickertv2 said: How about you get an education first. Aishwarya Rai is of East Indian descent. Last time I checked East Indians are caucasoids (mix between Aryans and Dravidians) while SE Asians are mongoloids (e.g., Vietnamese, Thai, Laotian, Hmong, Cambodian, Mon-Khmer, Malay, etc.). I never grouped East Indians and SE Asians as one group. I know the clear differences...something you, apparently, fail to see.

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Guest jammer25

ReplayMVP said: I dont believe there is such thing as "American Culture and Values". I think people gave it that name to take away from the negatives aspects of simply being a human and making human mistakes especially within strict ethnicities that need to give an excuse for their kids behavior... I feel a lot of these things reoccur anywhere. You can just freely address it without persecution in America.

I agree with ryohazuki and blush. American is a big, great melting pot. There's no such thing as "acting American". Other ethnicites just created that idea which is highly unpatriotic. richard simmons though immigrant parents, you're living here so dont be like that. I'm a brown kid with a pretty ignorant father so I can vouch for this.

You can embrace your roots and preserve your culture but have allegiance to America... it doesn't sound too far-fetched to me. Mixing in marriages and relationships isn't necessary to be "American". Being American doesn't have to mix with "different or deviant" behaviors. The freedoms we possess are much more profound than this falsely proclaimed culture that you speak of.

This whole being American thing is bs. As long as you have loyalty to the country you live in before the one you heir then you're fine. You can marry your own culture. I don't deem that as unpatriotic. Just don't be ignorant and ungrateful when it comes to morals and behaviors. America is America for the religious and ethnic tolerance. Don't blame America when you should blame yourself. A country isn't here to tell you how to live. America was built on interpretation. That's all.

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Guest mannosukehermit

coolhandle said: rickertv2 said: How about you get an education first. Aishwarya Rai is of East Indian descent. Last time I checked East Indians are caucasoids (mix between Aryans and Dravidians) while SE Asians are mongoloids (e.g., Vietnamese, Thai, Laotian, Hmong, Cambodian, Mon-Khmer, Malay, etc.). I never grouped East Indians and SE Asians as one group. I know the clear differences...something you, apparently, fail to see.

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Guest rickertv2

Man, some people here are just politically correct self-righteous pricks. I make a statement that a prefer typical NE Asian looks over typical SE Asian looks and I get flamed by these loser wannabe hipsters. I also did mention that I have some good friends who are of SE Asian heritage. 
It's ironic when you think about it, though. The hypocrisy of some people here. I'm sure the same people who crapped on me here make unsavory judgment about other people in their day-to-day lives depending upon their looks and background but are not bold enough to be honest about it. 

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Guest rickertv2

coolhandle said: rickertv2 said: How about you get an education first. Aishwarya Rai is of East Indian descent. Last time I checked East Indians are caucasoids (mix between Aryans and Dravidians) while SE Asians are mongoloids (e.g., Vietnamese, Thai, Laotian, Hmong, Cambodian, Mon-Khmer, Malay, etc.). I never grouped East Indians and SE Asians as one group. I know the clear differences...something you, apparently, fail to see.

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coolhandle said:Mon·gol·oid  (mobreve.gifngprime.gifgschwa.gif-loidlprime.gif, mobreve.gifnprime.gif-)adj.1. Anthropology Of or being a major human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as yellowish-brown skin pigmentation, straight black hair, dark eyes with pronounced epicanthic folds, and prominent cheekbones and including peoples indigenous to central and eastern Asia. See Usage Note at race1.

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Guest jammer25

rickertv2 said: Man, some people here are just politically correct self-righteous pricks. I make a statement that a prefer typical NE Asian looks over typical SE Asian looks and I get flamed by these loser wannabe hipsters. I also did mention that I have some good friends who are of SE Asian heritage. 
It's ironic when you think about it, though. The hypocrisy of some people here. I'm sure the same people who crapped on me here make unsavory judgment about other people in their day-to-day lives depending upon their looks and background but are not bold enough to be honest about it. 

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