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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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어릴적 동네가 인천이였는데요. 반장아주머니께서 쓰시던 피아노를 물려받은적이 있습니다. 오래된것이라 크기가 좀 컸는데요. 덕분에 어머니께 혼날때면 피아노 다리밑에 숨을수가 있었습니다. 어머니는 오늘도 반장아주머니 댁에 놀러가셨습니다.

1:55 P.M. Korea time

HS is on fire! Tweet Tweet!

Ha ha ha! HS used to hide under the piano that the neighborhood president lady gave her when she got into trouble when she was young. How cute?

Edit -

날이 어둡습니다. 아부지께서는 저녁이 일찍온거라고 말씀하시는데요. 오늘은 저녁을 세번 먹게 될것 같습니다. 어머니께서 묵은 김치를 꺼내셨습니다. 흐르는 물에 씻어 먹어야 겠어요. 3:28 PM KRT

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Guest minjee

日 공항 도착 구혜선, 수수한 패션 눈길 ‘깜짝 손인사는 팬서비스~’


배우 구혜선이 일본 하네다 공항에 도착한 사진이 눈길을 끌고 있다.

구혜선은 지난 25일 일본 요코하마에서 열린 '꽃보다 남자 라스트 이벤트-졸업'에 참석하기 위해 일본을 방문했다. 이날 이벤트에는 이민호, 김범, 김준 등이 함께 했다.

일본 네티즌은 구혜선이 일본 공항에 도착한 모습을 개인 블로그에 공개했다. 국내 네티즌은 일본 네티즌이 올린 사진을 국내 커뮤니티 사이트인 디시인 사이드 갤러리에 공개했다.

구혜선은 사진 속에서 스키니 차림에 하얀 운동화로 수수하면서 편안한 차림을 드러냈다. 구혜선은 커다란 가방을 메고 있어 스포티한 느낌을 한껏 살렸다. 구혜선은 팬들을 향한 세심한 배려로 손인사를 선보여 눈길을 끌었다.

네티즌들은 "마치 학생같다. 수수하면서 편안한 차림이 보기 좋다", "구혜선 얼굴이 너무 작다", "팬들을 향한 깜찍한 손 인사가 돋보인다", "손이 얼굴 크기와 비슷하다" 등의 구혜선의 모습에 반가운 마음을 표현했다.

한편 구혜선은 장편영화 '요술'로 영화감독 데뷔를 앞두고 있다. '요술'은 5월 1일 제11회 전주국제영화제에서 최초 공개되며 오는 6월 24일 개봉한다.

(사진=구혜선 디시인사이드 갤러리)

crlink: http://news.nate.com/view/20100428n13342

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Guest GHSfan

Hi leila! ^^

This song is "We love each other" from OST of drama "One fine day".

Here is the full song:


Here is the translation( I found it ^^ )

Song : 우리 사랑하지만 Uri Sarang Hajiman

Artist : My Aunt Mary (Feat. Jisun)

Album : One Fine Day OST

The door to my heart is closed, and it's cold-hearted

But it's open when I met you

All my heart wanna get close to you more and more

**If I wake up because of kissing in dream

The rest of my dream is the pain

I want you, I miss you so much

That word is terrible and that make me cry

I do love you

My heart's cold and broken.

If it can hide all those lies

The heart's probably more warm

Cause you're here in my heart

The bottom of my heart has the scars of a failing

Since I found you, I wish to see you all the time

Don't say anything to hurt me

My days before is filled with the tears

** (Repeat)

"Sorry", "Thank you" or "I love you"

Deep inside my heart, I've many doubts

But I can smile every time

When you were in front of me

I do love you... We love each other

~~ waves to all

linh & sas, thanks :D the song is nice but the lyrics are more meaningful..love it..kudos to the composer..very realistic, expressive & telling..anyone can relate to it..a simple plea for mere understanding & consideration to any unavoidable doubts felt & simply not to step into same sad & bitter experience again..oohh good choice of song from our girl :)

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Guest Princess02

I found the following article in Daum. There is possibility that the news is false so please take it only as a possiblity.Also the 4 peoplle who commented below the article seem to be saying the article is false. So, we have to wait and see if the real news reporter of an established newspaper reports it. But, here is a quick summary at the bottom:


구혜선, 드라마 ‘성균관 스캔들’ 여주인공 발탁 [4]

번호 3107100 | 2010.04.25

구혜선이 드라마 ‘성균관 스캔들’의 여주인공으로 발탁됐다.

구혜선의 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트 측은 25일 “구혜선이 드라마 ‘성균관 스캔들’에 캐스팅됐다.”고 전했다.

‘성균관 스캔들’은 소설가 정은궐의 베스트셀러 ‘성균관 유생들의 나날’을 원작으로 한 조선시대 캠퍼스 청춘 사극 드라마로

조선시대 잘금 4인방의 사랑과 우정, 열정과 이상을 담아낼 예정이다.

소속사 관계자는 “그동안 구혜선을 눈여겨보신 감독님과 제작사측에서 먼저 출연 제의를 해 고심 끝에 결정했다.”고 밝혔다.

구혜선은 “좋은 작품에 주연으로 발탁되어 영광으로 생각한다. 실망시켜 드리지 않도록 최선을 다해 연기자로서 좋은 모습 보여드리겠다. 많은 관심 부탁드린다.”고 소감을 전했다.

GHS: Cast as the lead actress of <Sung Geun Kwan Scandal>

Supposedly YG Ent. announced on 25th about this decision.

(I do not know what Sung Geun Kwan is~name? place? something not in my dictionary?)

But the drama is supposedly based on the novelist Jung Eun Gwal's best seller, <Sung Geun Kwan Confucian Students' Daily LIfe>. It is a Sa-Geuk or historically based drama that takes place during the Jo-Sun era~ a story of love and frinedship and more in ?4-room? (sorry, not sure.). Supposedly, the <director and the producer have been after GHS to donsider the role and GHS, after much consideration, has consented. > GHS <is grateful in being casted in a good project

and promises to do her best and hopes for much support.>

(Translated from 스타뉴스) Actress Goo Hye Sun has planned to comeback with a new drama in the second half of this year.

Goo Hye Sun who has took part in the recent KBS 2TV “Talk Show 樂” programme recording has expressed on her activities planning for the second half of the year.

Goo Hye Sun mentioned, “Around the second half of this year, I have plans for a new drama.” She expressed, “The role will be similiar as the second of “Geum Jandi”.”

Due to ”Boys over Flowers” aired last year, Goo Hye Sun has gathered rising popularity in Taiwan and Japan etc and has rosen to a hallyu star since then.

On the programme recording day, Goo Hye Sun who has successfully made her advancement into overseas also added on, “The role “Geum Jandi” at “Boys over Flowers” has brought a big turn in my acting life.” And she showed affection while saying.

source : gongjunim.wordpress.com

‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ will be wrapping up casting soon and begin filming on May 1st.

male lead actor : Micky Yoochun TVXQ, Song Joong Gi <confirmed>

female lead : (?)

i am DYING to know who’s the female lead XD, I wish HS will take this role.. XD

it's huge production like painter in the wind and hwang jini..

Ahh~! Gud luck HS for your next drama! we (Sunnies) will always support u from behind.. :)

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Guest Jean-Star

I did not look at it carefuly but it is a promotion for some kind of service that makes you leave messages to other people. GHS has that on her cyworld so that people can post messages on her cy-board. I think that is it.

ohhhhhh.... hehe, so it's just some kind of service... keke... :D Thanks, Sue :D

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Guest cheon

I just want to thank the translators for taking time to translate the websites, articles and most recently, the tweets. I must say that I like Hye Sun so much more after reading her quirky tweets! She is indeed 4D but in such an awesome way! I love to read her heartwarming yet amusing thoughts on her family as well as the insightful, sometimes poignant reflections she has from little incidents that happen in her life. It makes me want to pick up korean just so that I can understand her tweets realtime.

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Guest susAmerica

[name='LolliDoAlittle' date='Apr 28 2010, 12:10 AM' post='15829709']


어릴적 동네가 인천이였는데요. 반장아주머니께서 쓰시던 피아노를 물려받은적이 있습니다. 오래된것이라 크기가 좀 컸는데요. 덕분에 어머니께 혼날때면 피아노 다리밑에 숨을수가 있었습니다. 어머니는 오늘도 반장아주머니 댁에 놀러가셨습니다.

1:55 P.M. Korea time

HS is on fire! Tweet Tweet!

Ha ha ha! HS used to hide under the piano that the neighborhood president lady gave her when she got into trouble when she was young. How cute?

Thank you lolli! You are correct about that.

My childhood neighborhood was Inchun. An ajuma (married lady), who used to be the president or head of the neighborhood, once gave me a second hand piano. It was a very old piano so its size was somewhat big. Fortunately for its size, I was able to hide under its legs when being scolded by my mother. Today, my mother went to visit that exact same lady.

Edit -

날이 어둡습니다. 아부지께서는 저녁이 일찍온거라고 말씀하시는데요. 오늘은 저녁을 세번 먹게 될것 같습니다. 어머니께서 묵은 김치를 꺼내셨습니다. 흐르는 물에 씻어 먹어야 겠어요. 3:28 PM KRT

It is dark today. Dad says it means the dinner time has come early. I think I will be eating dinner three times today. Mother took out the old/preserved kimchi. I think I will eat it after washing it in the flowing water.

(You know, there is something cute and simiilar about how GHS's father thinks~very similar to his 2nd daughter. kekeke)

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Guest susAmerica

Sorry, just a slight translation error that I noted~very minor.....Thanks! I reposted the cy-pix again so that you will notice quickly.

[name='minjee' date='Apr 27 2010, 07:09 PM' post='15828439']


Goo Hye Sun has just updated her minihompy at 1850 (KRT)~! She uploaded a picture of herself together with T-Max Kim Joon and Shin Min Chul at Japan “Boys over Flowers” performance event.

From her minihompy:

Together with Japan fans…

A cut with T-Max Joonie and Min Chulie hyung-nim.

I wish to have this kind of chance again but it was called on quickly.=>I did not know when I will have such an opportunity again and so I quickly jumped in next to them. (to take this pix)

Joyful Joonie and Min Chulie hyung, T-Max is cool!

Goo Hye Sun also updated her cyworld song list with new song ”우리 사랑하지만” (“Though We Love”) from “One Fine Day” OST.

(translation copyrights credit – gongjunim.wordpress.com)

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Guest susAmerica

Thank you minjee!

[name='minjee' date='Apr 28 2010, 02:12 AM' post='15830189']

日 공항 도착 구혜선, 수수한 패션 눈길 ‘깜짝 손인사는 팬서비스~’


배우 구혜선이 일본 하네다 공항에 도착한 사진이 눈길을 끌고 있다.

People are drawn to the picture of GHS arriving at the Haneda Airport.

구혜선은 지난 25일 일본 요코하마에서 열린 '꽃보다 남자 라스트 이벤트-졸업'에 참석하기 위해 일본을 방문했다. 이날 이벤트에는 이민호, 김범, 김준 등이 함께 했다.

Last April 25th, GHS attended the BOF's Last Event:Graduation in Yokohama, Japan. LMH, KB and KJ also attended the event.

일본 네티즌은 구혜선이 일본 공항에 도착한 모습을 개인 블로그에 공개했다. 국내 네티즌은 일본 네티즌이 올린 사진을 국내 커뮤니티 사이트인 디시인 사이드 갤러리에 공개했다.

A Japanese netizen posted the above picture of GHS's arrval in her blog. Then a Korean netizen reposted that same pixture in the blog. Then, the same picture was shown on the DCinside community gallery.

구혜선은 사진 속에서 스키니 차림에 하얀 운동화로 수수하면서 편안한 차림을 드러냈다. 구혜선은 커다란 가방을 메고 있어 스포티한 느낌을 한껏 살렸다. 구혜선은 팬들을 향한 세심한 배려로 손인사를 선보여 눈길을 끌었다.

Inside the pix, GHS appears skinny with her white sneakers. She looks unpretentious and comfortable. Her big bag on her bag also made her look kind of sporty. People were also drawn to the way she gave to her fans a considerate and prudent hand-wave greeting.

네티즌들은 "마치 학생같다. 수수하면서 편안한 차림이 보기 좋다", "구혜선 얼굴이 너무 작다", "팬들을 향한 깜찍한 손 인사가 돋보인다", "손이 얼굴 크기와 비슷하다" 등의 구혜선의 모습에 반가운 마음을 표현했다.

Netizens' comments are: <she looks like a student.~it looks good to see her so unpretentions and comfortable.>, <her face is so small.>, <Her hand wave for the fans make her look even more adorable.>, <the size of her hand is about the size of her face.>

한편 구혜선은 장편영화 '요술'로 영화감독 데뷔를 앞두고 있다. '요술'은 5월 1일 제11회 전주국제영화제에서 최초 공개되며 오는 6월 24일 개봉한다.

At this time, GHS is expected to make her movie directorial debut with MAGIC. Magic is to be screened on May 1st at the 11th JJIFF and is to open to the general public on June 24th.

(사진=구혜선 디시인사이드 갤러리)=picture is from GHS DCinside Gallery

crlink: http://news.nate.com/view/20100428n13342

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks dewimoar. There are few words that I am not sure about but here it is:

[name='dewimoar' date='Apr 27 2010, 05:30 PM' post='15828111']

Sue thanks for the translation :)

소 시 윤아, 카라 한승연, 티아라 효민 지나친 애교살? 성형?

SNSD's Yoona, Kara's Han SeungYun, Tiara's HyoMin: Too much 애교-cutsy-flesh? plastic surgery?


[티브이데일리=이경호 기자] 매력 넘치는 여자 스타들이 과한 애교살로 누리꾼들에게 웃음을 선사했다.

[TV E-Daily Reporter Lee Gyung Ho] Female Stars who overflow with attractiveness have too much cutesy-flesh and give laughter to 누리꾼=noo ri ggeun?=maybe anti's or critics?

최근 한 누리꾼이 인터넷 게시판을 통해 '애교살 과해 민망한 女연예인' 모음 사진을 공개했다.

Recently a nooriggeun posted on an internet board several pictures of female entertainers saying that their over the top cutesy-flesh is miserable and embarrasing/awkward. (noorigguen has to mean an anti~~I think.)

이 사진에는 소녀시대 멤버 윤아와 서현, 카라의 한승연, 티아라 효민 등이 모습을 보였다. 이들은 웃을 때 눈 밑에 보이는 일명 애교살이 보다 도톰하게 올라와 눈 주위가 유난히 눈에 띈다. SNSD members Yoona and SuhHyun, Kara's Han Seung Hyun and more were shown. When they smile, the flesh under their eyes tend to come up puffier than normal, making it very noticeable.

또 배우 황우슬혜와 구혜선도 이에 포함되는 스타로 꼽혔다. 이들의 애교살에 누리꾼들은 "누가 자연산이고, 누가 성형수술이냐"라고 하기도 했다. Also, actress HwangWoo Seul Hye and Goo Hye Sun are included in this group of stars. The nooriggeuns even pointed out which stars are natural and who are not.

사진을 접한 누리꾼들은 "민망하긴 해. 가끔은 성형한 줄 안다니까", "지나치게 과한 애교살도 티가 되는군", "가끔 민망하긴 해. 이렇게 모아놓으니까 웃기다"라는 반응을 보였다.The nooriggeuns who viewed these pictures say, <they are kind of embarrassing/awkward. Sometimes I think they had plastic surgery.> , <Overly cutesy-flesh can give away the secret.>, <Sometimes it is embarrassing/awkward. To see them in a collection like this, it is funny.>.

[티브이데일리=이경호 기자 sky@tvdaily.co.kr/ 사진출처=네이버 카페]

기사제보 news@tvdaily.co.kr

I have to make my own comment and I hope I do not offend anyone. From translating the article, the internet poster is definitely an <anti>. ALSO, I do not understand the type of reporters who give these anti-people more attention by writing about them, without even doing his homework about the stars that have been bad-mouthed and to find out through plastic surgeons if puffy under-eye flesh means the person had surgery!! I cannot even credit them as reporters~they are just another gossipper.

Also, I always thought that 애교=being cutesy has to do with behavior and not appearance. People with 애교 may talk like a little kid or make cutesy behaviors that seem to make them look younger than they are. I basically call it a behavior that churns my stomach when it comes fromm anybody over 5 years old! Many Koreans in Korea seem to like or enjoy looking at females with lots of 애교. That is one of the reasons that I think Hwang Jung Eum from sit-com High Kick Rooftop became so popular this year. She made her cutesy bunny gestures and speech famous. She is the one who ranked 2nd in the ipoll. I personally cannot stand people who are too cutesy and that is why I was not a fan of that sit-com that played here in American cable. It is funny and interesting that this nooriggeun did not post pic of Hwang Jung Eum. (ADD: or is that a pic of Hwang Jung Eum above GHS?? I cannot tell.) I really do not know the other idols or stars in the pix that much. I never thought of GHS as having 애교 at all. She was cute and funny in NN5. I would not call her acting there overflowing with 애교. Many in DC have posted recently that she looks beautiful in a more mature way~~I agree with that. Very down to earth and unpretentious and just doing what she loves doing and loving the people that she loves,,,,,,,, :)

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QQ congratulations! Hyesun is following you on twitter!!! OMG im so happy for you...

WOW! QQ is so lucky :rolleyes: happy for you too! Send her the love and loyalty of all SUNNIES please :D

Hello to all SUNNIES!

dewimoar, jee, lolli & Sue~ THANKS for GHS tweets...she has opened her household for us each day...love her the more!

Oh my, im feeling quite sad....BOF Japan happened so fast and done with....although there is JIFF and MAGIC Premiere on June...i am missing more exposure of GHS....I really hope the remaining half of 2010 will be more promising for her...more shows, drama projects, CFs, etc :D

mha~ appreciate your kind words...miss you and the others @spazz...went there last night and now but no one there.

meow~thanks for posting vid links of BOF from janey...i was able to watch 2 vids only last night

Sue~ BIG WAVE to you! I agree with what you said on that article.....reporters with that kind....they are not helping in any way :(

SUNNIES be well and good!

BIG Hugs to all SUNNIES ~ sue, sas, mha, minjee, nat, meow, dahlia, love, smdrma, chang, jennyalfeche, tracy, webby, siidudul, junpyo.jandi, nett, janey, leila, kyun, ais, sharon, yuki, ed, doramera, ixandra, belindanz, jandi_girl, lollidoalittle, jjongielove, regie, kaz_minsun09, jean, favour, joarjess, thtlam, ilovekoo, xiaomaii, Patz and other sunnies here

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Guest Jean-Star

I just want to thank the translators for taking time to translate the websites, articles and most recently, the tweets. I must say that I like Hye Sun so much more after reading her quirky tweets! She is indeed 4D but in such an awesome way! I love to read her heartwarming yet amusing thoughts on her family as well as the insightful, sometimes poignant reflections she has from little incidents that happen in her life. It makes me want to pick up korean just so that I can understand her tweets realtime.

Me too~! I totally agree with you, Cheon :D Got to work harder with my Korean XP Anyway thanks to all the translator, we could understand what is going on :) 감사합니다 :D

Love to all my SuNNieS

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Guest susAmerica

i stiil hope that she will not be casted in Sung Geun Kwan Scandal since the plot too similiar with BOF...

Prefer to see her with LSG...

Hi illay,

I read briefly in a new article while roaming daum (sorry, I did not think to save it) that the drama about 500year-old Silver Fox has been postponed to August filming or August broadcasting. I remember reading previously that it was suppose to start filming in April and start broadcasting in May. The female stars who have auditioned for the role are supposedly famous people: I recognized one of their names~Go So Yong who is soon to marry Jang Dong Gun(? sorry I am not the most knowledgeable in Korean star names.) But there is a big rooting by the netizens for either Dara Park or Shin Se Gyung (also from High Kick Rooftop), but the Gumiho Team are very hushed about anything to do with the female lead cast for the Gumiho role. :)

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Guest susAmerica

Two interesting summaries on two articles found in News sites:



This article is trying get its readers excited about what the stars will wear to the 11thJJIFF. Ther reporter Park Min Gyung of Seoul News (서울신문NTN 박민경 기자 minkyung@seoulntn.com) describes GHS as the <enthroned fashionista> because she has been known to wear unique and unpredictable outfits to these affairs. :P(that killed me! GHS-ssi, what ever you wear as the Director of Magic is fine with me.) The article also mentions that the Master Director Lim Gwon Tak is screening his 101st film, 달빛 길어올리기’와 =<?Elongate Moonlight and Pull it up?--sorry, can't really translate it nicely.) WOW! 101 films to date!! GHS is screening her first full-length film at the same event!!


This article introduces a new biography of Marilyn Monroe, edited by Courtney Hodel. It is titled Fragments and will make its first appearance in October of this year. What is interesting is the title of the article by the Reporter Jin Hyun Chul of Newis ([서울=뉴시스】진현철 기자 ).

The title is 마릴린 먼로는 윤정희·구혜선이었다…단, 문학쪽에서만

<Marilyn Monroe was Yoon Jung Hee & Goo Hye Sun----only from the literary side> :P


I know that MM played many <dumb blond> roles but we also know that many people considered her very intellingent and serious person. What I did not know was that she read very widely and was very interested in writing as well. I guess that is why the reporter titled his article that way. keke Anyway, this new biography will print many of her poems and essays, breaking down the one dimensional image about MM and giving the more authentic and complex person that she was. I also never knew that she studied acting under Lee Strassburg~~I think an actor had to be very serious about acting to study under the master like Lee Strassburg! One of her husbands was Arthur Miller, the author and writer.

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thanks Sue for the translation :)

I have to make my own comment and I hope I do not offend anyone. From translating the article, the internet poster is definitely an <anti>. ALSO, I do not understand the type of reporters who give these anti-people more attention by writing about them, without even doing his homework about the stars that have been bad-mouthed and to find out through plastic surgeons if puffy under-eye flesh means the person had surgery!! I cannot even credit them as reporters~they are just another gossipper.

Also, I always thought that 애교=being cutesy has to do with behavior and not appearance. People with 애교 may talk like a little kid or make cutesy behaviors that seem to make them look younger than they are. I basically call it a behavior that churns my stomach when it comes fromm anybody over 5 years old! Many Koreans in Korea seem to like or enjoy looking at females with lots of 애교. That is one of the reasons that I think Hwang Jung Eum from sit-com High Kick Rooftop became so popular this year. She made her cutesy bunny gestures and speech famous. She is the one who ranked 2nd in the ipoll. I personally cannot stand people who are too cutesy and that is why I was not a fan of that sit-com that played here in American cable. It is funny and interesting that this nooriggeun did not post pic of Hwang Jung Eum. (ADD: or is that a pic of Hwang Jung Eum above GHS?? I cannot tell.) I really do not know the other idols or stars in the pix that much. I never thought of GHS as having 애교 at all. She was cute and funny in NN5. I would not call her acting there overflowing with 애교. Many in DC have posted recently that she looks beautiful in a more mature way~~I agree with that. Very down to earth and unpretentious and just doing what she loves doing and loving the people that she loves,,,,,,,,

oo so this article from the antis <_<,I honestly do not know about that :(

because with google translate I can't catch the correct translation, so I brought them here out of curiosity

thanks Sue for making it clear now ;)

and yess I was never concerned with those antis had to say :P

because I have a self-assessment about hyesun unnie

for me hyesun is the most natural Korean artist I have ever seen~so sorry..no offense here just my two cents

not only her face/appearance but also her personality and attitudes

it's very clear that she was more than 애교 :)

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Guest GHSfan

Thanks Lolli!

I washed my face. I wanted to try my mother’s face cream. But, when I opened the top, the bottom of the jar was visible. As a child, I remember trying on my mother’s lipstick to play adult. I also remember applying tons of Dad’s hair gel. Back then, both of them just laughed it away. Now, I think I will just close the lid.

5:20 A.M. Korea time.

~~ hellooo

thanks sue & lolli :D i just love that natural humor that comes out of Hye Sun..i think in person when you get the chance to be closer to her, she could indeed be chatty & just comfortable to be with..i just get the pleasure of reading & knowing every bit of her thoughts & activities..thanks to her that she shares them unselfishly to us :D

sue, dewimoar & lolli, thanks for bringing the tweets/article & all the appreciated translations :D

jee, thanks & it`s nice to see you :D

Janey has put up few more clips on BOF event

100425 BOF FM BY HS3



Hyesun said she seldom wear dresses in daily life, she dress up for everyone today (how sweet :) )


then MC said that she's very cute and she's also very pretty yesterday


then said that she plays piano well

cre renajaney @ YT

Hyesun tweet again in very late night, hope she rest well. thanks dewimoar for posting her tweets :)

thanks meow for the addt`l vids :D and to janey as well..yah, so sweet of Hye Sun..hope she dressed for someone else also keke..i`ve seen old photos of her wearing feminine dresses & i notice little awkwardness..she looked comfortable in many pics..she has a flawless complexion so it`s okey to expose it sometimes with a little revealing get-up..i would love to see her more in lady-like composure but i know i love her other ungirly, unpretentious side..she just need to nourish that confidence in her..she almost got it all but i know that out of humility, she does everything under grounded feet..and i love her more for that..BUT please Hye Sun dear, make us happy sometimes seeing you all dressed up & accessorized for an occasion..just a fair demand keke..anyway, no pressure for you whatsoever..we just love you the way you are :D

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Guest susAmerica

Hello sunnies, I got this off DCinside.

I am not sure about the source.

But as I read it, I got all emotional,,,

I think they are two different people writing the posts?

I don't think they are tweets from people following GHS?

Are they?


요술부리는쿠=credit the following information to DCmember magicalKoo

Topic: 두 개의 악보가 만나는 순간, 요술이 시작된다!=topic: As soon as the two musical scores meet, the magic begins!


YoSool (Magic) Special Event Premier (Free)


Director: GHS (95 minutes long!)

As soon as the two musical scores meet, the magic begins!

JungWoo, the unapproachable cellist with absolutely brilliant musical sense and MyungJin, whose own extreme passion for music is overshadowed by him


As I organize the pictures from Magic, I thought, what great people, like that,,,Every picture captured smiling faces..the more I looked at them, I became happy. 9:51 AM (GHS Magic) post2


These days, I see Director Goo-nim every night. As I see her editing with her inexhaustible love and concentration...wooooo...I just feel so proud. ho This is the picture that I took of her as she actually appears in the film. ho

Everyone, please remember <Magic>. When it opens, most likely, you will be surprised! 11:39PM

post 11, me2photo GHS's first directorial debut of full-length movie

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