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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest pixie_eve


gosh i looovee this pic :) she's really lovely, almost to the point of perfection. She's really one of the most beautiful korean actresses i've ever seen :)

i also want 2 giv my luv to susAmerica for translating the whole clip on the radio show ,, we can see how HS is gaining the respect of artists around her. Artists who are trained, knowledgeable bout ds craft, and successful in their own right. I kinda want to get back at Hyesun's critics and tell them to eat their hearts out coz our girl will never be perturbed by their criticisms and envy. She's making waves on whatever field she dabbles on and that's a feat that no other K artists have achieved..and just like Yiruma, i also am nervous bout the new arena that HS will get into - nervous bcoz i'm all excited wd anticipation and at d same tym i want this new movie to be a huge success too .. I also hope too dat after she finished the movie she can work on another drama so that we can see her regularly. I really miss her acting :)

ohh and again, sus.. THANKS for the new trans on hanadan bts 23 :) hehe maybe Hyesun just wants to play Minho up :lol: and he's getting right into it :lol: look at how she naughtily wipes off her mouth and smiled playfully at 2:00 hehe as if she wants to pacify junpyo who got all cranky with her complaining :lol: she's really cute..

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Guest susAmerica

wow thanks, you girls were so fast updating us with our goddess hye sun

did she dyed her hair back to dark? i can see she's wearing again the black checkered

edit: oh i top the page.... is hyesun ambidextrous?


credit as labeled

The pic above does look as if GHS is wrting with her left hand when she is normally a rightie. Maybe it is a trick of the mirror? Anyway, if she truly is ambidexterous, she really does emulate Leonardo DaVinci who advocated for everybody to be as ambidexterous as possible! Then her role model truly is the great master.

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Thanks Sue for translating BTS 23. I hope that our girl in the midst of doing her movie....take time to look at scripts etc. too but next year. I really like to see her in a movie, I don't think she's been in one yet. August rush was just a few seconds cameo....so does it even count? I want her to have a meatier role. Looking forward to her next project.

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I have been looking for GHS singing clip in Yokohama Sept 6 fanmeeting but so far can't find any...I dun seem to find any clip that has GHS's part, interview or singing....I have seen LMH, KHJ & even KB interview all over the net but there's none of GHS...anyone can help?

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Pics of Hye Sun and Isao Sasaki at SBS Radio Power FM Music Box



and here is the news about this radio program, Sue/Webby/Bella please take a look, thanks in advance guys ^-^


p/s: this is the fifth time she wear that cap LOL, it must be sumthing special for her

lxandra: i wonder if u have ever seen the clip of HS's shooting in Japan? A couple days a go me, pink fairy, trater and other users already uploaded it in utube but then seems like pink fairy got a warning form J Real - the one posted the video on her blog that she got in trouble with her Japan company by leaking it out. Therefore, all of us deleted it from our channels but today i saw that clip all around in Daum, Naver so i think they released it officially and we all have the right to uploaded it again. That's why i decided to reup :) and here is the clip"

090906 Goo Hye Sun Shooting in Japan

However, we just can see some short scenes of her performance, cant hear her singing :(...hope they will launch it out soon :)

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Guest ching22194

Nina, thanks alot!

i've finally seen the clip that broke the hearts of minsun shippers.

its edited as i see it so its not clear whether F3 didn't like HS joining

the photoshoot. but they're all smiles afterward. they probably just teasing her.

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sue need you help for translate this FA,thanks ^_^

lovely hello thanks for the pic,love it :wub:

Nina dear thanks for the pics,love hs..


이 사진이 제가 마지막에 공개하고싶었던 사진입니다..혜선양팬분들이 보시기엔 어떨지 모르겠어여....사실 몇개 더 있지만

다 비슷해서 식상해 하실것같아 이제 이사진을 마지막으로 다음에 기회가 된다면그때 다시 올릴께여....아직 이제 카메라를

잡기시작한지 한달도 않되었는데..;;에구구구구 괜히 혜선양을 이쁘게 못찍어서 속상하기도;;;주중에 팬싸인회 한다는 소식이

들리네여,,,또한번 더 이쁜모습 담고싶은데..개인사정상 또다른 팬싸인회 참석은힘들것 같네여...저보다 훨씬잘 찍어주시는

분들에 예쁜사진 기대할께요^^*정말 다시한번 한자한자 정성이 가득한 댓글과 칭찬에 몸둘바를 ^^;;;언제나 혜선양을 응원

하고 격려하고있으니 또다른 모습으로 또다른 시작으로 브라운관에서 봤으면 좋겠네여....혜선양 갤러리분들 모든것이

한순간이라는 말이 있지만;;;;혜선양에게 응원하는 한마디 한마디 만큼은 한순간이 아니라 평생....함께하는 동반자가 되시리라

믿어요....저또한 밝은모습에 혜선양을 보면서 같이 웃고 같이 기뻐하게되고 처음이었지만 이 사진만으로 행복하였어요....모두

행복하시고또다른 만남을 기다리며 저는 이만 물러갑니다....그동안 애정가득한 글에 행복하였던 한사람으로부터.....

mintcar i want upload the pictures too but my connection too slow,thanks coz you post the pictures ;)

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Some more pictures during the Dotoru FS by sy of HS DC:


original size http://www.mediafire.com/?umtmymej2yx


original size http://www.mediafire.com/?ljxl1mqznwm


original size http://www.mediafire.com/?ct41ym2zyum

credit: as labelled

natali, thanks I was just about to include that fan account by sy. He/she captioned it to the third pic above. :)


Pictures from BOF Premium Event




credit: Daum

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I have been looking for GHS singing clip in Yokohama Sept 6 fanmeeting but so far can't find any...I dun seem to find any clip that has GHS's part, interview or singing....I have seen LMH, KHJ & even KB interview all over the net but there's none of GHS...anyone can help?

me too!! I am still waiting patiently for any fancams of HS singing from the Yokohama fanmeeting~~I want to see it so bad so I hope it comes out soon even if it's in seconds I will still be :D thanks mintcar for the other pics from Doutor fansigning..she looks more beautiful when the camera zooms in her face I am loving those pics! She is really pretty and her smile is :D:lol: ! Her NYPD cap I've seen her wear it a lot on her events recently...hehehe

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Guest susAmerica

sue need you help for translate this FA,thanks ^_^

lovely hello thanks for the pic,love it :wub:

Nina dear thanks for the pics,love hs..

mintcar i want upload the pictures too but my connection too slow,thanks coz you post the pictures ;)


The FA has no info, about HS at all. It is a fan who is apologizing a lot for her poor pic skills. However she was happy with the pic of GHS in her pic that she mentions that she has loaded into fansite. She appreciates all the talks and infor through the fansite. She is very humble and a very ardent fan of GHS. Yeah!!!

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Guest susAmerica

(lxandra @ Sep 14 2009, 03:55 PM)

I have been looking for GHS singing clip in Yokohama Sept 6 fanmeeting but so far can't find any...I dun seem to find any clip that has GHS's part, interview or singing....I have seen LMH, KHJ & even KB interview all over the net but there's none of GHS...anyone can help?

me too!! I am still waiting patiently for any fancams of HS singing from the Yokohama fanmeeting~~I want to see it so bad so I hope it comes out soon even if it's in seconds I will still be :D thanks mintcar for the other pics from Doutor fansigning..she looks more beautiful when the camera zooms in her face I am loving those pics! She is really pretty and her smile is :D:lol: ! Her NYPD cap I've seen her wear it a lot on her events recently...hehehe


I am sure that most of the fans at the Yokohama are F4 fans <_< and that is why we have not seen anything substantial about GHS fan cam from there?? But hope for the best! I know that WEBBY posted in thread that GHS and LMH are coming out on the TBS Japan special on Sept 24. May be TBS will show a bit of GHS singing in their special. :)

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Guest susAmerica

'Nina67' date='Sep 14 2009, 02:40 AM' post='14537682']

Pics of Hye Sun and Isao Sasaki at SBS Radio Power FM Music Box



NIna, thank for the link to the article and sorry for cutting your post.

Headline: 구혜선 “내년 개봉목표 영화 기획中” [2009-09-14 14:42:02]

Headline: Goo Hye Sun "Next Year Goal of Her Movie Release" [2009-09-14 14:42:02]

[뉴스엔 박세연 기자]=Newsen Reporter Park Sae Yun

일본 뉴에이지의 거장 이사오 사사키와 배우 구혜선의 피아노 듀엣 연주가 화제다.

Japan's New Age Music Master Isao Sasaki and actress GHS's piano duet is the topic.

최근 첫번째 소품집 '숨'을 발표한 구혜선과 10번째 연주 앨범을 발표한 이사오 사사키가 지난 9월 11일 SBS 파워 FM '정지영의 스위트 뮤직 박스'에 출연해 한밤의 음악회를 선사했다.

Recently, GHS issued her first music CD, <BREATH> and Isao Sasaki issued his 10th music CD, <The Way We Were>. This past September 11th, both musicians appeared at the Jung Ji Young's SBS Power FM Sweet Music Box and presented a night recital for the listening audience.

구혜선은 두 사람이 함께 출연한 계기에 대해 "영화 연출에 꿈이 있어 내년쯤 개봉할 영화를 기획하고 있다. 영화 내용이 음악을 다루고 있어서 그 영화의 OST를 직접 작곡해서 만들었는데, 도와줄 사람이 필요해 무작정 만든 음악을 들고 일본으로 사사키씨를 찾아갔다"고 말했다.

GHS stated that she plans to release her new movie next year. Because the movie deals with music, she has composed the movie's OST herself. However, she needed an expert's help with the music, so she recklessly went to see Isao Sasaki all the way to Japan.

이에 이사오 사시키는 "혜선씨가 들고 온 음악이 내가 만든 음악보다 더 뉴에이지 적이라고 느껴져 함께 작업하게 됐다. 혜선씨의 음악적인 감각에 깜짝 놀랐다"고 극찬을 아끼지 않았다.

Isao Sasaki listened to GHS's music and felt that: "HS-ssi's music was more 'New Age' than my own that I decided to work with her. I felt surprisde by HS-ssi's muscal sensibility." Isao Sasaki was full of high praises for GHS.

이들은 구혜선이 직접 편곡한 연탄곡 '젓가락 행진곡'을 피아노로 함께 연주하며 환상적인 호흡을 선보인 데 이어 각각 자신의 앨범에 수록된 곡을 라이브로 연주해 청취자들에게 좋은 반응을 얻었다.

At the Sweet Music Box, both performed GHS's own arrangement of <Chopstick March Song> and showed off their fantastic collaborative style. Then each performed his and her own piece from their new music CD's live. The audience's response was very positive.

DJ 정지영이 "두 사람의 연주하는 모습이 닮았다고 생각된다. 나이 차이도 많이 나고 국적도, 성별도 다른데 어떤 점에서 통한다고 생각해 함께 작업하게 됐느냐"고 묻자 구혜선은 "처음 만나 혈액형을 물었더니 같은 A형이더라. 혈액형에 동질감을 느껴 순식간에 가까운 사이가 됐다"고 답했다.

DJ Jung Ji Young said: "The way both of you perform seem to resemble each other. There is a big age difference as well as difference in nationality and sex yet, there is a sense of understanding between two of you. Is that how you decided to work together?" GHS said:"The first time I met with him, I asked for his blood type which is A, same as me. We immediately felt some common quality about each other and have become close."

이어 구혜선은 "언제든 일본에 찾아가면 편안하게 찾을 수 있는 든든한 친구를 얻은 기분이다. 사사키씨가 사석에선 아빠라고 부르라고 해서 그렇게 부른다"고 답했고, 사사키 역시 "딸이 없어서 구혜선을 딸처럼 생각하고 있다"고 밝혔다.

GHS continued to say: "Whenever I go to Japan, I feel I now have gained a close and comfortable friend to visit. In private, at Isao Saski's suggestion, GHS even calls him her 'Dad'. Sasaki says that he himself does not have a daughter so he thinks of GHS as his own daughter. :D

박세연 psyon@newsen.com (Park Sae Yun Reporter)

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지



QUOTE (Nina67 @ Sep 12 2009, 09:35 AM)

Guys, seems like our girl is shooting a new CF

Here are some pics from Snow Julie/KHS CHinese fan site





and the guy who will pair up with our girl ^-^


Does anybody happen to know when GHS filmed this new CF or whatever it may be?? Does anyone know if this is really a new CF?

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Sue, thanks for the translate. I loved that their collaboration together also led to like a father-daughter relationship despite the language differences. It's true what they say that music is a universal language.

lxandra, minjee.. me too, I cannot find any fancam of the interview of GHS or of her singing. I hope some fans of the F4 recorded it as well and will upload it soon! :D

Sue, I quoted my post before about the CF BTS picture. From the cyworld source, it was posted at 2009.09.11 23:36 Korean time. So probably it was filmed on the 10th or 11th. But I am not sure for what company or product.

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks mintcar for the info re her new CF.

Another article from her appearance at the DJ Jung Ji Young's Sweet Music Box. I will only translate new parts.

Headline: 구혜선,“혼자서도 잘 놀아요” 2009-09-14 14:44:13

Headline: GHS: "I love spending time alone and can do lots of things by myself."

[마이데일리 = 문태경 기자]= My Daily's Moon Tae Kyung Reporter

연기자 구혜선이 "혼자 노는 데 누구보다도 익숙하다"고 털어놓았다.

Actress GHS revealed that she is, more than most people, very accustomed to doing many things by herself."

최근 배우에서 뮤지션으로 변신하여 첫 번째 소품집 ‘숨’을 발표한 구혜선은 지난 11일 밤 SBS 파워 FM(107.7 Mhz) '정지영의 스위트 뮤직 박스'(연출 허금욱)에 출연해 자신의 앨범을 소개했다.

이날 앨범 작업에 참여한 일본의 음악인 이사오 사사키와도 함께 출연한 방송에서 구혜선은 이사오 사사키와 '젓가락 연주곡'을 함께 연주하는 가 하면 자신의 앨범 수록곡중 첼로 합주를 직접 들려주는 등 전문 반주자 못지 않은 피아노 실력까지 과시했다.

이에 DJ 정지영은 “구혜선씨는 대체 못하는 게 뭐냐?”며 감탄하자 구혜선은 “못하는 건 한 없이 못하는데, 숫자도 잘 못 외우고 요리도 잘 못한다”며 쑥스러워하기도 했다.

DJ Jung Ji Young asked GHS:"What don't you do well?" GHS says with some embarrassment: "There are so many things that I just cannot do well at all. I don't remember numbers very well and I am not good at cooking either." (Tablo, in his radio show when GHS was his guest after the end of BOF, mentioned that GHS cooks very well but she cooks way too much food and insists that he must eat it all.)

정지영은 “본인의 앨범 자켓까지 손수 디자인했는데, 바쁜 가운데 그림 그리랴 글 쓰랴 곡 쓰랴 시나리오까지 쓸 여유가 어디 있는가?”라며 궁금해했고, 구혜선은 “혼자 노는 데 익숙한 편이라 혼자 보내는 시간에 다양한 작업을 하고 있다"며 "특히 늦은 밤까지 안 자고 이것저것 하는 시간을 좋아한다”고 대답했다.

Jung asked: "You designed your own CD jacket (she also designed Isao Sasaki's album jacket). How do you find time to do all the things that you have been doing?" GHS says: "I am very good at spending time by myself and doing all my work at that time. Especially, I work well into the night and enjoy working as well as other things."

이어 노래방 애창곡을 묻는 질문에는 “노래방에 가면 가사가 제공되기 때문에 거의 부르는 편이구요. 친구들과 함께 소녀시대 노래도 부르고 원더걸스 노래도 불러요”며 털털한 모습을 선보여 청취자들로부터 호응을 얻었다.

Any songs that she love to sing when she goes to karoke? "Since the lyrics are on the screen, I sing almost any songs in the karoke rooms. I go there with my friends and sing songs by SNSD and Wonder Girls." GHS' free and easy, down to earth ways about her during the Jung's radio show gained her much identification from the listeners. (She must be one of the most self disciplined person in the world!)

한편 구혜선은 ‘꽃보다 남자’ 이후 소설 발간에 이어 미술 전시회 개최, 그리고 올해 말 자신이 직접 기획, 연출하는 장편 영화의 크랭크인을 앞두고 있으며, 영화 OST 음반을 제작, 발표해 최근 연예계 최고의 팔방미인으로 떠올랐다.

[구혜선. 사진 = 마이데일리DB]

문태경 기자 mtk@mydaily.co.kr

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Guest susAmerica

On soompi page 304 is a long fan account by a woman who went to the Over The Rainbow concert alone on the 5th of September. Both SLEK and NINA67 found the top and the bottom parts of the Fan account. I found the rest of that same fan accout on cafe daum---I thought her sentiment so touching that I decided to translate, If you want to read the beginning parts of her acct, please go to page 304 on this thread.


여러분께 음악회 느꼈던 그감동을 못 전한것 같아 싸이에서 다운 받은 쿠 음악들을 들으면서 다시써 볼께요 ㅠㅠ

Since my last post, I felt that I did not fully convey my sentiments after I attended her concert. So, while listening to her composition, I am writing to you again.

우선 쿠를 처음 무대에서 봤을때 얼굴이 인형 같다는 말들 실감했구요 ,,,

I realized for myself what people meant when they used to say that Koo looks like a doll,,,,

여자들이 부러워 한다는 우유빛깔 쿠 였어요,,,,아니 우유보다 더 하얀 피부를 가진 쿠는 저희들을

단번에 원주민으로 만들어 버렸어요,,,,

Koo really had that milky color that they say women envy,,,,No, actually her skin color was even whiter than milk and she has instantly turned the rest of us into the natives (I think she is saying she and the rest of people have become like the dark-skinned aborigines??)

그리고 팔 다리 목은 왜 그렇게 긴지 ,,,,여자인 전 너무 부러웠지요 .

And, such long legs, arms and neck,,,,as a woman, I was just so envious.

쿠에키는 165정도(그이상) 되 보이구요 몸은 무척 말랐어요.

Her height looked about 165 (more) and so skinny.

쿠는 실제로 봐야 감명을 느낄수 있어요 .

One really has to see Koo in person to get a full and deep impression of her.

제가 여자 연옌인 많이 봤는데 쿠가 단연 이뻤어요 (ㄱㅎㅅ,ㅅㅇㅎ,ㅎㅈㅎ등등)

I have seen many female celebrities, but Koo is without hesitation the prettiest. (ㄱㅎㅅ,ㅅㅇㅎ,ㅎㅈㅎ등등)

쿠는 외모두 빛났지만 그 여린 체구에서 온통 빛이


Her face sparkled, actually her entire thin body sparkled all over.

쿠에 음악들은 다 좋았지만 특히 골목을 돌면은 거미에 보컬을 더한 완성도 100%였어요.

I liked all of Koo's music, especially "Turning the Alley" sang by Gummy was more than 100% perfect.

쿠가 노랠할려구 했었는데 ,,,거미씨 노랠들어보구 자기가 안하길 잘했다는 얘길했구요,,,거미또한 4집 앨범에 쿠가 일러스트 해줘서 고마웠는데

지금 갚을수 있어서 좋다구 그랬어요....

I heard that Koo was going to sing for that song,,,but she changed her mind when she heard Gummy sing her song and Koo feels good about her decision,,,Gummy also said that she was grateful to Koo for designing her 4th album jacket and feels good that she can return the gratitude,,,,

음악회 듣는 내내 감동이었구요 .저또한 저만에 행복한 시간을 가졌어요.

Throughout the whole concert, I felt so impressed.,,it was my own private time for happiness.

사사키씨또한 뵐수 있어서 좋았어요. 사사키씨는 쿠 공연 공짜로 도와 줬다구 하더라구요.

I also felt so happy that I got to see Sasaki-ssi. I heard that Sasaki-ssi helped Koo with her music and performance for free.

그리고 사사키씨가 쿠에게 다음앨범 일러스트 부탁했다구


Also, I heard that Sasaki-ssi asked Koo to design his upcoming music CD jacket....

전 오늘 행복한 하루였어요...

For me, it was a happy day...

언제나 엄마로 부인으로 며느리로 완벽하게 살려구 해서 심신이 지쳐 있을때

My mind and body have been feeling exhausted from trying to live as a perfect mother, wife and daughter-in-law..

이번 쿠에 작은 음악회는 저에게 훌륭한 시간과 추억을 주었죠 ...

Koo's small music concert gave me a chance for such a grand time and memory to keep...

쿠야 너 로인해 처음해보는거 많다 ^^

Dear Koo, because of you, I am experiencing many things for the first itme. :)

(Her last four lines definitely touched me deeply. Thanks to the fan..Her last line is like that of Yoon Ji Hoo...)

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"열도 한류열풍 재점화"

"Feverish Korean Wave Reignites"

이민호·구혜선 日TV 출연 '꽃남' 촬영 뒷얘기 소개

The sequel that introduces Lee Minho and Goo Hyesun, who took part in BOF aired on 日TV(Japan TV)

12월 케이블 채널 방송 앞두고 홍보 인터뷰도 진행

it will be aired on the cable channel come december, interview also takes place

강은영기자 kiss@spotshankook.co.kr

배우 이민호와 구혜선이 하반기 일본 내 한류 재점화에 나선다.

Actor Lee Minho and Goo Hyesun partakes in the Korean wave in Japan during the second half of the year.

두 사람은 오는 24일 일본 TBS의 심야 오락 프로그램 <아카데미 나이트>에 등장해 드라마 <꽃보다 남자>의 촬영 비하인드 등을 밝힌다. 이들은 또한 오는 12월 케이블 채널 Mnet 재팬에서도 <꽃보다 남자> 방영이 결정되면서 이를 위한 홍보 인터뷰도 진행해 전파를 탈 예정이다.

The two of them will appear on Japan TBS's late night program "Academy Night" on the coming 24th (sept) and reveal some behind the scenes stories. Also since "Boys Over Flowers" was aired on the cable channel Mnet Japan, an interview conducted with Lee Minho and Goo Hyesun will also be released on the same channel during December.

<꽃보다 남자>의 한 관계자는 "두 사람은 지난 5일과 6일 일본 요코하마에서 진행된 프로모션 일정 동안 방송사 인터뷰를 소화했다. 두 사람이 주인공인 데다 드라마에 대한 반응도 좋아 각 방송사와 단독 인터뷰를 진행한 것"이라고 말했다.

A representative of "Boys Over Flowers" stated that the two main casts participated in the japan Yokohama promotion during the 5th and 6th, and during their schedule in Japan, they met up with each of the broadcasting companies of the drama for interviews and also for individual interviews.

이민호와 구혜선의 모습이 담긴 영상은 TBS와 Mnet 재팬을 통해 예고편처럼 방영될 예정이다. 지난 4월 프로모션 이후 이번 인터뷰가 전파를 타면서 <꽃보다 남자>에 대한 기대치를 올려 놓았다.

The appearances of Lee Minho and Goo Hyesun will be shown as preview clips on both TBS and Mnet Japan. Since the popularity for BOF has been ignited to a greated degree since the last Japan promotion in April, expectations have also gotten higher.

이민호와 구혜선은 청춘스타로서 일본 현지 팬들에게 좋은 인상을 심어주면서 러브콜이 끊이지 않고 있다. 이 관계자는 "이민호와 구혜선이 특별한 일본 활동을 하지 않았음에도 일본의 드라마나 영화 분야 관계자들로부터 호감을 얻고 있다. 두 사람이 이번 기회를 통해 본격적인 일본 진출도 꾀할 수 있을 것으로 보인다"고 설명했다.

The youthful images of Lee Minho and Goo Hyesun have left a good impression on the Japan fans, and interest in them has not ceased. Although Lee Minho and Goo Hyesun did not participate in any special activities in Japan, representatives in the field of dramas and movies have a good opinion of them. This seems to be a good opportunity for them if they want to seriously advance their career in Japan.

source: http://news.hankooki.com/lpage/sports/2009...06360697630.htm

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All Sunnies!!! Just wanted to share that I just got a copy of Hye Sun's CD and was so excited that I wanted to post it here! LOL. LOVE her album cover, the hands that's covering the face...you can lift it up and inside you see a silly cartoon face almost like it's teasing you. Very cute. Ah, her music beautiful!

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