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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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At afternoon of 29th, YG spoke with reporters to confirm that Koo has been discharged from the hospital. She will continue to receive outpatient treatment and still focus on improving her health.

I hear that anaphylactic shock can happen again, so I pray that she will take good care of herself.

Thank God!!!

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My God :w00t:
I do not know how excitement !!!
We are thankful  that our beautiful angel come back us again.:wub:
To think that God loves Ku Hye Sun and her husband.
Because love .. I have no doubt they will save from the disease.
Our beautiful angel, soon to return  us and fill us with joy now. :blush:

I pray that this disease go away forever.

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Finally,waiting is over,we can make now our  sigh of relief(thanks God,atleast she's home already hoping that she can eat,swallow n digest her food now slowly w/out any problem...)w/ d love,care n supervision of her love ones n also cared for herself hoping that 'another shock' won't happen ever as in never again...prayer is d best medicine to any illness  coz God gve HIS power,skill n ability to anyone who has d ability to cure any kind of diseases,based on my faith...eat well n live well angel,thanks for being a fighter,stay safe,healthy n happy always...you're always in our prayer may your husband gain more strength n always healthy as well to look after you...being n hving each other in time of crisis is a blessing,any obstacles/hardships you can conquer/overcome it all...take your time slowly,work can wait...we always here waiting for you.

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Thanks God that HS is discharged....so so happy with this news... She can home with her lovely husband, takes her time with doing her hobbies at home....i am waiting for her new writing, maybe a novel about her&husband life after married.. She is so talented, rare celebs can do it and dare to do lots of projects like her....no wonder some people are jealous of her achievement, moreover when she get cute lovely adorable pure and handsome husband ...

Takes your time to get the best rest& speedy fully recovery ...waiting for another goodnews either new projects works or little ahngoo :) 

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Thank you God she is discharged.  HS please take your time to recover and stay healthy.  I will be praying for you continuously and will be waiting patiently for your next project.  Please stay healthy and take care of yourself.  

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[DA:이슈] “회복에 전념” 구혜선, 퇴원→통원치료 (ft.안재현) "Full focus on recovery" GHS, discharged to Outpatient Treatment (ft AJH)

입력 2017-03-30 09:08:00



알레르기성 쇼크로 약 2주간 입원한 배우 구혜선이 퇴원해 자택에서 통원 치료를 받는다. 완쾌할 때까지는 상당한 시간이 필요하다. GHS was hospitalized about 2 weeks from Anphylactic shock. She will now receive outpatient treatment from home. A considerable time is necessary to recover fully. 
소속사 YG엔터테인먼트는 동아닷컴에 “구혜선이 29일 늦은 오후 퇴원했다”며 “당분간 자택에서 안정을 취하며 통원 치료를 받을 예정”이라고 말했다. YG spoke with DongA.com:"GHS was discharged from the hospital late on 29th. The plan is for her to get comfortable rest at home and receive outpatient treatment."

구체적인 건강 상태에 대해서는 “쇼크 등 심각한 상태가 될까 우려해 약 2주간 입원한 상태였다. 현재는 그 고비를 넘겨 안정기에 접어들고 있다. 퇴원은 의료진과 상의해 결정한 것이다. 다만 통원 치료는 꾸준히 받아야 한다. 당분간 회복에 전념할 계획”이라고 밝혔다. Regarding her health status: "She was hospitalized for 2 weeks not only for the shock but also for any complications that may come with it. At this time, she is out of the critical danger. Discharge was decided on by the treating physicians. However, it is important that she consistently receives outpatient treatment. For a while, she will focus on recovery."

앞서 구혜선은 알레르기성 쇼크인 아나필락시스 쇼크로 인해 입원했다. MBC 주말드라마 ‘당신은 너무합니다’에서 여주인공 정해당 역을 맡아 열연 중인 상황에서 갑자기 찾아온 건강 이상 신호였다. 때문에 소속사와 제작진은 배우의 강한 출연 의지에도, ‘건강이 최우선’이라는 방침에 따라 중도 하차를 불가피하게 결정했다. 현재 구혜선의 빈자리는 배우 장희진이 무리없이 채워주고 있다. (this paragraphe reinterates what and how she became sick and left the drama.)

한 방송관계자는 “구혜선이 퇴원한 만큼 잠시 작품 걱정을 내려놓고 회복에 전념했으면 한다”며 “애처가인 남편 안재현의 살뜰한 보살핌 속에 빠른 회복이 이루어졌으면 한다”고 전했다. One broadcasting official states: "I hope that she will put aside worries about projects and fully focus on getting her full health back. Under her loving husband's careful care, I hope that she will have a speedy recovery."

한편 알레르기성 쇼크는 아나필락시스라고 불린다. 특정 알레르기 물질에 노출된 후 급격하게 진행하는 심한 전신적인 과민반응이다. 신속한 조치가 이루어지지 않으면 생명이 위험할 수 있을 만큼 위험한 증상이다. Anaphylactic shock is referred to as anphylaxis. When a person is exposed to an allergen or allergens, a rapidly progressing severe systemic hypersensitivity develops. It is a dangerous symptom wich, If not for a quick action, it could also lead to death.
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I wonder what kind of outpatient treatment is given to people who had anaphlaxis? I hope they were able to find what caused the dangerous symptom so that, at least, she can avoid the triggers. She also had problems with eating and digesting food...I hope that she did not have any organ function problems. It said that she needs considerable time to heal...I wonder what that means? I hope that AJH also asks for help if he needs it...caretaking can become stressful, even if it is for someone you love. I hope that someone with authority still update us on her health status. --Amen--

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Before anything else, at long last and thank heavens – it is with extreme happiness to learn that uri Koo-nim has been finally discharged from the hospital. As someone who had primarily taken care of her late father (both in hospital and home settings) while combining work and other personal matters, I can attest as to how utterly grueling it can be in all aspects. Hence, I can fully emphatise with persons like Jae-Hyun-si, who mainly ministers for her, with what he may be undergoing, physico-psychically speaking. While praying for and/or wishing Koo-nim a fast convalescence, let us also keep him in our thoughts and prayers. On a slightly different note, I'm not a medical professional, but from the little that I know of as an enthusiast of all things science, Koo-nim may have been given or prescribed epinephrine for her to self-inject at home in case anaphylaxis again occurs. Consequently, an oxygen tank is also highly necessary. Needless to say, if the allergen causing anaphylaxis has already been identified, she will have to avoid said allergen (specific foods, environmental conditions, pollutants, animals, &c.) to which she is sensitive, at all costs; otherwise, tests are still presently ongoing to clearly identify which one. I'm an asthmatic (with many furbabies), and in my case, it's the sudden change in temperature which triggers the attack. On the sunny side of things, I'm very much comforted by the thought that AhnGoo will not only grow in LOVE but also in wisdom throughout this adversity.

Get well soon, Koo-nim and more power to you, Jae-hyun-si.



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Thanks for all good thoughts/messages guys,exchanging little bit of what we know then combined all together is a good encouragement n experience knowing that we really don't know each others...we are all united for our love/admiration of a very good person considering our idol/role model  to us all...yes,caretaking is a bit tiring sometimes especially if d one you cared n looked for don't know how to listen n do whatever that person like hoping that HS would listen n agree in anything what is good for her own benefits n speedy recovery...knowing AJH personality i don't think he would get tired lol...maybe he would say'if only  i could take your illness i can't bear to see you suffer its killing me'...just my opinion guys,feel at ease now,back to work hve a peaceful day to all!

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I read some forums about people who experienced anaphylaxisc shock & what happened after..some said it take weeks before the patient regain her strenght..she said although shes already ok  ,sometimes she feels weak and no appetitite at all..she also became paranoid,afraid to eat coz food is the cause ..the other person  experienced it said that he just stayed at home for 5 months not going out after what happened to him..sometimes they can be emotional and be seen crying if they remeber what happened ..thats why the people who surround them should be more understanding and patient..its also good if they will visit psychologist and join support group who hav anaphlaxis.the most important thing is to know the cause   so that she can avoid it..koo need to carry always her  self inject medicine or epinephrine just in case but i hope she doesnt need to use it again.the people whos always with her.. her husband,family,friends or co workers should know how to use the epinephrine.Im hoping that her organs not affected and regain her strenght soon and can eat well..as for ajh i just wish him to be healthy and strong.Im sure koo's family and friends and his mother are big help to him..Prayers for koo and ahn.

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it's good to hear that Koo already discharge from hospital and will continue her treatment at home as an outpatient. maybe at home with her husband and family and looking those adorable pets will help her recovery soon (*maybe for this time she really has to have a space with her pets to help her speedy recovery too . she must fully focus on her health and the treatment well)  . sometime homey situation will bring good possitive vibe for the patient at least for her psychological.

hope the recovery time , HS have a confident on her self by surrounding with her loving familly and husband who will help and support her always. Really miss her bright smile. i never thought being alergic of something will caused someone in danger just like what happen to Koo. maybe this is what always being said Life is never being so PERFECT T___T.

Koo-nim please be healthy again. always remember that you are a gifted from God and how God love you so much , so you better be strong and do your treatment well, listen to your doctor, listen to your hubby and family for your health recovery. let your body recharge again with all good treatment , so .....next you can be healthy as before again. Koo-nim Fighting !!!!! and for Mr. Ahn and Koo's family be healthy too and always stay to support her. May God Bless you all ^^

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Can you believe this? Hurtful posts and articles are restarting against koo..so dc is still capturing and sending to her agency.

I did bring over the article translated above...but dc is still asking not to click on any articles as of yet. I happen to see some tweets in a news portal, comparing koo down for the drama that she had to leave. What a sad world!!


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2 hours ago, cheerkoo said:

Can you believe this? Hurtful posts and articles are restarting against koo..so dc is still capturing and sending to her agency.

I did bring over the article translated above...but dc is still asking not to click on any articles as of yet. I happen to see some tweets in a news portal and comparing koo down for the drama is restarting. What a sad world!!


@cheerkoo sis,don't pay attention n overthink for those nonsense comments/articles it would only affect your mental heath,body n soul just let it go...like what i said b4 hateful people who doesn't like a certain person would do anything to hurt that person at all cost no matter what...the're been there done that b4 repeatedly so no used even we depend n argue for her,anything about HS they make it their bussiness as in...besides we can't win in a battle if we don't really know whose d enemy,most cyber bullies are hard to catch even if we know who they are...just pray for them to lighten a bit their wicked thoughts about HS,hoping that our couple nver read any of those...really wicked people nver change as in,alot of bad things happening all over d world bcoz of them...we cannot change d world people would be d one to change to hve a better world.

In any workplace there is this so called 'crab mentality'especially if you're better than any of your colleague,bcoz of envy/jealousy they would badmouth n fall you down...thats what they doing to HS bcoz if truth be told no one compared to her even d idols of wicked people in my opinion,maybe hateful people cannot accept d truth thats why they entertaining themselves in her expense...let it go guys for our own peace of mind n sanity...these wicked people who always targeting HS i can call them 'psychopaths' no concience,so if anyone of them happen to come here n read what i said n wanted to argue,its my pleasure to entertain lol...anyway we must always calm n solve anything in a peaceful way,hve  a nice day/night to all.


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9 hours ago, cheerkoo said:

Can you believe this? Hurtful posts and articles are restarting against koo..so dc is still capturing and sending to her agency.

I did bring over the article translated above...but dc is still asking not to click on any articles as of yet. I happen to see some tweets in a news portal, comparing koo down for the drama that she had to leave. What a sad world!!


Hi cheerkoo , may i know what bad mouth comment/artikel they talk about koo nim please? What are they talk about? 

Now is a very very difficult time for koo nim... Hope she can recovery soon anf get new project

Also for her husband, its also a sad& tough time for him now as his lovely wife is sick.  Hope he can get good rest too..i saw he less sleep during film njjtw last time, its not good for his body too.

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Antis are just jealous to koo hye sun.sorry to bring this up but i remenber one of the antis of suzy it turns out shes an ajuma..she hates suzy coz her husband is big fan of suzy and he find her pretty thats why she keep posting malicious and hate comments every suzy article.So i think those antis of koo are just jealous of koos successful career and personal life.I still believe that ther are more people who likes and support koo. To those reporters its just sad that they make living to put down other people.I know its their job but its not fair that koo still sick.Shes still weak physically,emotionally and mentally can the reporters stop attacking koo for a while..Its not fair for her part.For koo like what i posted b4 should avoid reading articles about her for a while and focus on her health..be back with healthy body and mind..in sure antis will go nuts again once they see you again in tv ..still pretty and happy as if nothing happened..like they said "kill them with success and burry them with a smile"

on the good side..happy to see koo poster for 8seconds chlothing line..maybe shes their model/endorser for spring collection..hope they get her as their model/endorser for summer collections too.we miss koo!fighting!!be back soon ok?!!

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Lets say cyber bullies been caught,what will happen to them?1st offense gven a warning,2nd/repeated offense another warning then a fine after that do you think guys they won't do it again?Absolutely not,its like a cycle that we cannot prevent/avoid to happen over n again...they used to it already,we cannot control n help it bcoz for them someones misery is their happiness...yes we are all sad,hurt,angry n exhausted about all d bad words they throwing to HS in our mind if possible we wanted to punish those who's .spreading it but what to do,we don't hve power to take them down...let 'karma'struck them,d most powerful ONE from above always watching us n knows everything so let HIM be d one to punish them.

Its been a very tough/exhausted days these past few weeks,so we must take a good rest n relax a bit to freshen up  in order to cope up n deal all d things that been happening...no pain no gain n d best revenge to anyone who've done you wrong is being happy no matter what n a massive success...HS hve both of that n most of all hving a loving/reliable husband,plus a big bunos we are always here her loyal fans willing to support her  through thick/thin...and b4 i forget she's d most likeable korean actress based in her fb account eventhough she's not  active in social media still a lot of people out there are very  interested to know about her...even we jot down everything she has done or built her up to anyone who doesn't like her do you think they will buy it?we only wasted our time doing so,like filling a water jar w/ a big hole on it that no matter how much water we put in we cannot filled it up...so no matter how much expalanation we make in order for wicked peole to understand n light up their minds to like HS no used at all...bhind d clouds d sun is still shining,so all bad things will pass eventually in d name of our Lord Jesus Christ AMEN.

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