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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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To overseas fans:


Now, support funding for the newlyweds diary and drama press conference is in progress.

PayPal account has just opened.



PayPal account  : khkedu @ daum.net


Deadline  :  Uncomfirmed. Perhaps by mid-February... I'll let you know when the date is set.



If you have any questions, I will answer them.

Thank you.


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3 articles written very nicely by same writer, Kim JinSun of MBNSTAR--she stretched it out into 3 articles. Click on them if you have the time and I only translate her quotes. But it was harder than I thought.....cannot be sure if I clearly translated well. 

first one:


[M+인터뷰①] 배우 구혜선이 작가로 대중을 만난 이유 (interview1) Why actress GHS decided to meet the public as an artist

 “삼각형은 가장 적은 선으로 만들 수 있는 도형”이라고 설명했다. 순수한 눈빛의 그는, “저도 전문적이지 않아요”라고 너스레를 떨었지만, 작가로 나선만큼 자신의 생각을 명확하게 드러냈다. A triangle is a shape that can be made with the least number of lines..of course,.I am not an expert (laughter)..

“인생의 방향이 어떤 쪽으로 쏠려도 무게를 맞추고 중심을 잡지 않나. 제가 가지고 있는 인생의 질서나 균형이 삼각형과 흡사하다고 생각했다. 삼각형 안에 잡다한 선들은 다양한 잡생각이다. 끊어내고 싶은.”  Whichever direction life may push you or you move towards, it balances out the weight and centers it all somehow. I felt that my own life's laws and proportions/balance are similar to the triangle." All the miscellaneous lines inside the triangle are various thoughts. These are thoughts that I want to just drag out."

“작품에 제목은 없고 ‘다크 옐로우’라는 다른 의미를 부여해서 하게 됐다 자유 등을 생각 어릴 적을 상징하는 옐로우인데 성인이 된 후 옐로우는 차단, 공포심으로 보인다. 다크 옐로우로 말이다. 상징적인 색인 것 같다.”  Yellow symbolizes childhood and freedom, but, when I became an adult, yellow felt like interceptions/blocks and fear. So, now it appears as dark yellow, a very symbolic color.

“음악을 들으면서 작업을 해서 손짓이나 느낌을 감정으로 담아냈다.” I worked while listening to music and my brush movements and emotions moved with the music.

“주로 예전에는 주변 사람들의 감정에서 받았다면 요즘에는 산속, 나무, 설경 등 자연에서 얻는다. 내가 아무것도 아닌 것이 되는 순간을 느낀다. 삶과 죽음에도 생각하고, 동물들과 공존하는 시간 등에 대해 생각한다.”  In the past, people around me inspired me. But, these days, forest, trees, snow and nature inspire me. I can feel that moment when I am nothing. I think about life and death and the time  with the animals.

‘구혜선’이라는 이름을 내걸고 하는 전시기 때문에, 부담감 역시 적지 않을 수 없다. 하지만 구혜선에게는 부담보다 ‘소통’에 대한 설렘이 느껴졌다. 
Much more than the burden of the exhibition, she is much more excited about the reactions and communications with the public.
“과시 같고 그런 것들에 대한 생각도 아니다. 제가 궁금해서, 혹은 자신에 대한 궁금증 때문에 전시회에 오시는 것 같다. 전시를 보고 ‘저 사람은 이런 감정을 가지고 있다’라는 의미를 찾았으면 한다. 나 또한 그 과정에 있다고 생각한다.” I think people come perhaps out of curiousity about me. I hope they come and see 'this person must have this emotions' and maybe find meanings. I am also in that same situation.

2nd one:


[M+인터뷰②] 구혜선의 꿈, 그리고 도전 (2) GHS's dream and challenge

“꿈이 생긴다고 나이를 먹을수록 꿈이 생기면 두렵더라. 자꾸 하고 싶은 게 생기고, 인생관이 생긴다. 잘 안될 것이라는 두려움도 있고(웃음), 꿈도 안 가졌으면 좋겠다.” As I get older, having dreams feel fearful. So many things I want ot do, then life관 appears (I am not sure what it means..maybe life blocks/interceptions?) I become afraid that it will not work out. It is scary. (laughter) I don't want to have dreams. 

“나란 사람보다 한 캐릭터로 인식될 것이다. 제가 강요할 수 있는 것은 아닌 것 같다. 부정적이건 긍정적이건, 그림을 그린 사람이니까 관심을 가져준다면 감사한 마음일 듯하다.” Maybe I will be seen as one character rather than a person. It is something that I cannot stress. Whether positive or negative, I am the one who drew the pictures. If there is an interest, I am grateful.

“영화는 많은 사람이 같이 하는 것이지만, 그림은 혼자 하는 것이다. 완전히 다른 사람들 돼 있더라. 다 같이 할 때와 완전히 다른. 나는 그동안 사람들이 많이 하는 것을 좋아한다고 생각했는데 혼자 있는 것도 좋더라. 스스로가 어떤 사람이라는 것은 단정 지으면 안 된다는 생각이 들었다. 그림을 그리게 된 것은 큰 작업이 리스크가 된다는 생각이 들기도 해서다.” It takes many people to make a movie, but a picture is made by one person. I become a different person as oppose to when I am with others. I thought that I like doing things with others but I found that I like to do things alone too. I realized that it is not good to box myself into one thing. I drew because I realized that a big project is too risky. 

“자본적인 리스크를 감당했을 때, 하고 싶은 것을 못하게 되는 것을 마주할 때 혼자 할 수 있는 것이 무엇일까 생각했다. 그림, 음악 등이었다. 가장 대중적인 것은 음악이다. 음악은 바로 느낄 수 있는 것이고 콘텐츠로 유통되지 않나. 하고 싶은 것은 많지만 보는 사람도 나도 피해보지 않는 선에서 하고 싶은 마음이 들었다. 영화는 금전적인 문제도 있고, 하지 말라고 하는데(웃음) 그림을 하는 것에 대해 열린 마음으로 대해주는 것 같다.”  Given the financial risks and yet faced with the prospect of not being able to do what I want, I thought about what I can do alone. They are art, music, etc. Music can connect with people quickest. One can feel music immeidately and the contents can circulate. I want to do a lot of things. However, I want to do it without being hidden (?? GHS can be difficult to translate..I hope I am translating her well.??) Movies have problems with money and they tell me not to do it (laughter). So, they may be more open minded about paintings. (could she be talking about her agency??)

‘하고 싶은 것은 하는’이라고 생각할 수 있었던 구혜선의 행보에 대해 그의 고민이 그가 가지고 있던 편견을 깨트렸다. 자본이며, 누군가와 함께 하는 작업에 대한 부담을 그 역시 가지고 있었던 것. 그리고 이를 대하는 마음가짐 역시 진지하고 명확했다. ???

“예술가가 되는 것은 경쟁에서 순위가 없다. 누구보다 나은 것도 아니고 부족한 것도 아닌 서로의 생각에 대해 생각할 수 있는 창구였던 같다. 영화는 순위 등 경쟁 구도에서 힘들어하는 나를 발견했다.” To become an artist, there is no level of competition. It is not about being better nor more lacking than anybody else. It is a window to think about each other. I discovered me who was having a hard time dealing with the competition and ratings which comprise the movies. 

“아무 것도 안하는 것보다 창작의 고통이 나은 것 같다.(웃음) 작품을 하면서 에너지를 받고 또 표현하고 그렇게 사는 것 같다. 온전히 에너지를 쓰면서 다시 받는 느낌이다.” Rather than doing nothing, agony of creating came out. (laughter) While working, I became energized which then made me express. I think I am living in that way. When I use energy, I receive someting in return. 

“선행은 그런 의도가 아니다. 좋은 일을 하는 것을 과시하는 게 아닌데, 조용히 하고 싶은데 드러나면 굉장히 부끄럽다. 아무도 모르게 하는 게 가장 좋은데, 그럴 때 가장 진실될 수 있었던 것 같다. 나 또한 선행을 하면서 진실인지 아닌지 검열하는 시간을 갖기도 한 것 같다. 위선이 아니었으면 한다. 희망을 강요하는, 행복을 강요하는 세상이 되지 않았으면 한다.” Regarding 'good deeds'...I did not mean to try to get attention for it. I wanted to do it quietly and so I am very embarrassed. I feel that it is best to do it quietly and it feels most sincere. While doing some good deeds it also make me think about sincerity. I don't want it to be a hypocrisy. I don't want to emphasize hope or happiness. 

3rd one:


[M+인터뷰③] 구혜선 “남편 안재현 배려, 고마워요” (3) GHS: "I thank my husband for his consideration."

“작품을 하면서 어린아이의 눈을 많이 생각하는데 남편도 어린아이 같은 얼굴이 있다. 인생의 순수함을 추구하는데 그런 순수한 눈이 안재현에게도 있다.” While working on paintings, I tend to think a lot about children's eyes. My husband has a face like a child. While pursuing purity of life, I see such pure eyes in Ahn JaeHyun. 

이런 답을 하면서 “오글거린다”라고 이내 웃어 버리는 구혜선. 그의 모습은 결혼 전보다 확실히 더 편안해 보일 뿐 아니라, 그의 눈빛은 사랑에 빠진 소녀처럼 순수하고 맑았다. 이 같은 작품 활동을 할 때 남편 안재현 역시 큰 버팀목이 된 듯했다. Then, GHS laughs while saying that she is making herself curl up. GHS is definitely much more relaxed after marriage and she looks like a innocent and bright girl who has fallen deeply in love. 

“안재현은 제가 정확하게 무슨 그림 그리는지 모른다. 혼자 작업하는 시간을 온전히 내버려 두게 해준다, 그림을 그리고 있으니까 말을 시키면 안 된다는 생각하는 것 같다(웃음). 고마운 마음이 들기도 한다. 내가 좀 예민하기도 이제까지 그렇게 살아왔기 때문에 당연하게 생각했는데 전시회를 열고 보니 남편의 많은 배려를 받은 것 같다.” AJH does not know what I drew. While I work, he allows me that time alone. I think he thnks that he cannot talk to me when I am working. (laughter) I am thankful. I have always been sensitive and so did not think too much about it. But, after opening the exhibition, I realized just how much consideration I received from him. 

“예전에는 결혼은 성숙된 사람들이 성숙해진다고 생각했는데 결혼은 온전히 아이가 되는 것 같다. 영향을 받기보다 아이같이 되니, 추구하는 순수 등에 대한 생각을 많이 한 것 같다. 결혼과 별개로 지냈다.” I used to think that mature people marry and become even more mature after marriage. Now, I feel that marriage means one becomes a child. Rather than being inspired/influenced through marriage, I am becoming a child..thinking a lot about pursuit of purity..separate from marriage. (I am totally not translating her thoughts well here...I think I know what she means but at the same time..no. Sometimes,,,we have to wait and see what she means later...)

작품에 대한 얘기를 할 때는 사뭇 진지했다면 남편 안재현에 대한 질문에는 미소가 흘러나온다. 오는 2월3일 첫 방송 되는 tvN 새 예능프로그램 ‘신혼일기’에 대한 기대도 높아졌다. When she talks about her work, she is somewhat serious, but when she talks about her husband AJH, smile just flows out of her. She also talked about tvN's Newlywed Diary:

“왜 했는지 모르겠다.(웃음) 결심을 왜 했는지 남편한테 안하는 게 좋다고 했는데 추억이 될 것 같다는 남편의 생각이 있었다. 좋게 설득이 돼서 굉장히 쉽지 않은 일을 한 것 같다(웃음). I don't know why (laughter) I decided to do it. I told my husband that we should not do it. But he thought it will be a memory. It was nicely persuaded but I think I decided to do something that is extremely hard. 

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Guest Carmel1

Hi Sunnies,

It's been awhile since I posted here last.  So excited to read that my favorite girl geumtrangdi is back and now that she's back I am too. 

Just to encourage everyone- I've just paypaled  my humble donation for the rice wreath through khkedu@daum.net  January and February is when most of us pay all our Christmas bills, I know it's going to be hard but our hearts are all united to encourage our beloved GHS, I believe a little will go a long way.

Btw sunnies, you''re all been doing a great job!  Keep up the good work!


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update on UR2MUCH:

정겨운은 ‘당신은 너무합니다’에서 어머니의 죽음 이후 슬픔에 빠져 방황하는 재벌가 장남 박현준 캐릭터를 연기한다. 부유한 집안 환경에 훤칠한 외모, 젠틀한 매너까지 갖춘 완벽남이지만, 불행했던 어머니의 삶에 대한 연민과 이를 초래한 아버지를 향한 반감이 극심한 인물로 정겨운의 선 굵은 연기 변신이 기대되는 캐릭터다. Actor Jung GyuWoon has confirmed to appear on the drama, UR2MUCH along with KOO, UM, Kang. He will play a jebul's oldest son, Park HyunJoon. His character grew up wealthy and handsome and even has gentle manners..a perfect man. But he is a man of conflict as he falls into a deep sadness for his mother's death and anger at his father for having made her life tragic.

Wow..how all these characters will come together and weave a story...I am intrigued.


I will post snippets from the article that interviewed PD Nah who introduces the Newlywed Diary. in the couple thread..I have a feeling it will not have a press conference...gut feeling.

``````If you can, please give whatever you can to support and make noise to support KOO in Korea. Few cents here and there can fil  up a pot. Thanks. I have not done it yet either...soon.

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Many articles posting that UR2MUCH will air its first episode on March 4th. 

I also heard somewhere that a singer and songwriter, ERU, will make an acting debut on UR@MUCH as the younger brother of Jung GyuWoon's character. Eru will have a personality opposite of his gentle older brother. 

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Hi Sunnies!     Thanks for all of your posts :D really love reading all of them!  Am especially excited for the upcoming Honeymoon Diaries and drama UR2Much.  Jung Gyu Woon has been a favorite of mine since I saw him in Loving You a Thousand Times and Dr. Champ.  In these dramas he played the good guy, but that was not so in Birth Of a Beauty, in which he was the cheating husband.  Very versatile actor!  and wow, I know Eru as a talented singer but am looking forward to his acting debut.   Eru's dad is a very respected singer and entertainer, Tae Jin Ah.    btw, do any of you remember that Jung Gyu Woon played a cameo role in the first episode of Please Take Care Of Us Captain?  I believe he played an actor and was a passenger on one of the flights.  A very impressive cast so far... waaaaah, can't wait!!!!!

Thank You again Sunnies, especially you Sue, who in spite of your busy schedule, keep us abreast of all the latest news on Koo and for all of the remarkable translationsI  Look forward to sharing this experience with you for the next few months - it should be fun!!!!! :lol:   Please everyone, stay well, and take special care in keeping in good health, okay?    

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@kooswan thank you for bringing over the link. I saw that and then did not get a chance to post it here.

The fund-raising dc-Koo fans in Korea have contacted the tvN about press conference for Newlwed Diary. They sent back a response thanking the fans. However, at this time, there is no definte plan to have a press conference and both Koo and Ahn, even if there is a press conference, will not be attending. (I had a feeling that there wont be a press conference----I mean they are doing a variety showing their life together...she would not want to reveal more than that!! Anyway, J2W-3 often advertised for NWDiary show throughout its last episode. 

So, the funds will continue to be collected for the press conference for UR2MUCH and also for maybe a coffee cart support event either in between or at the end of the drama. The organizer is great, writes English really well and gets the result very quikcly. If we can, let us support our Koo!! Thanks Sunnies!!!

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AnnyeongHaseyo Sunnies,

Just found out that GHS Dark Yellow VLive video now has completed the subtitles -YEAAHHHHH!!  I just re-watched & really love it -so much better now!  I still can't believe that we, International Sunnies finally got our "fan meet" with GHS - she really talked to us :D   GHS is such a lovely person, the things she says, the way she says it. Link to VLive - http://www.vlive.tv/video/20970/구혜선-개인전-dark-YELLOW-LIVE

At the end, she said that she's shy and tried to do the heart sign - so adorable :tongue:  She also said that she's around the exhibition a lot and said "let's just meet without making a big fuss about it." - really love that <3   Now, I really wish to come to Korea in the future during a GHS event so that I can meet her!   So, Sunnies-  how about that GHS Field Trip that I dreamed up long ago?? in 3 years? 2 years?  Haha!

One of these days, one of my "out there" ideas might actually stick!!!

Just joined sis @Carmel1 & @cheerkoo - sent in my contribution for GHS Support-  PayPal account  : khkedu @ daum.net

C'mon Sunnies - If you can afford to then let's team up with GHS fans in Korea to send our love, cheer on and celebrate along with GHS her upcoming endeavors!  Thank you DC-GHS  for organizing & having us to participate <3

Fighting Newlywed Diaries!  Daebak to UR2Much!!  Fighting GHS!!!


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Guest Carmel1

I agree with you @cheerko about the organizer.  I emailed her about my contribution and she responded quickly and Yes she writes good  English. 

Yes, geumtrangdi!  A grand meeting in 3 years in Korea that would be fabulous. Yeah!!!! My husband and I  have already planned out our trip for the next 2 years, so 3 years is a great possibility.

I can probably do it in 2 years too if all of us agree,  we can plan ahead and maybe meet Ahngoo couple or just Koo in person.  I know you guys are well connected

Money is a bit tight as we are paying off our Christmas bills but our hearts are open to our beloved GHS so we can spare a few dollars or cents for her.


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A playful Koo (from long ago)

cr DC



Browsing through dc...more cast members for UR2MUCH...


손태영은 '당신은 너무합니다'에서 박현준(정겨운)의 약혼녀이자 대학 총장 할아버지를 둔 양가집 규슈 홍윤희 캐릭터를 연기한다. 우아한 아름다움을 갖추고 고상한 집안에서 품위 넘치게 자랐지만 약혼남의 마음을 사로잡은 유지나(엄정화)로 인해 평생의 자존심에 금이 간 인물이기도 하다. 지난 2013년 '최고다 이순신' 이후 4년만에 지상파 드라마로 컴백하는 손태영은 이번 작품을 통해 한층 성숙한 연기로 색다른 매력을 펼치겠다는 각오다. Actress Son TaeYoung confirmed to appear in the drama UR2MUCH. She will play Hong YoonHee character engaged to Park HyunJoon (Jung GyuWoon) character. She is glamorous and lovely from a noble background...but her fiance is mesmerized by Yoo Jina (UmJH) character. Son is returning to acting after 4 years of hiatus. 

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Hello Sunnies!!!

As most of the articles from Korean news portals are about NWD..I have been posting in the couple's thread....whenever I can. 

And few in AJH thread.

New infor on drama UR2MUCH!!

I got this infor from dc as I did not see it myself....


Veteran actor 전광렬=Jun GwangYul will join the cast as 극중 평생을 자기 욕망에 충실하게 살아온 기업 회장 박성환 CEO Park Sung Hwan  whose life goal is to satisfy his desires/greed. He must be the father to the two sons with opposing personalities. 

Here is the newsportal page on UR2MUCH:(pix for all the major cast)

http://search.daum.net/nate?q=당신은 너무합니다&w=tot&tvkey=78679&rtmaxcoll=TVP

Have a great day Sunnies!! 

Fighting and lots of Prayers for Koo and Ahn!!

PS: DC-GHS also said that Koo's music, "My Love" was played in the JTBC variety show, "Share a Meal" starring Kang HoDong and Lee GyungGyu. I like that show a lot... I will watch it either later tonight or the weekend. "My Love" is a beautiful composition. These days..I have a long commute and Koo's music is a constant companion....

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17 hours ago, cheerkoo said:

Hello Sunnies!!!

As most of the articles from Korean news portals are about NWD..I have been posting in the couple's thread....whenever I can. 

And few in AJH thread.

New infor on drama UR2MUCH!!

I got this infor from dc as I did not see it myself....


Veteran actor 전광렬=Jun GwangYul will join the cast as 극중 평생을 자기 욕망에 충실하게 살아온 기업 회장 박성환 CEO Park Sung Hwan  whose life goal is to satisfy his desires/greed. He must be the father to the two sons with opposing personalities. 

Here is the newsportal page on UR2MUCH:(pix for all the major cast)

http://search.daum.net/nate?q=당신은 너무합니다&w=tot&tvkey=78679&rtmaxcoll=TVP

Have a great day Sunnies!! 

Fighting and lots of Prayers for Koo and Ahn!!

PS: DC-GHS also said that Koo's music, "My Love" was played in the JTBC variety show, "Share a Meal" starring Kang HoDong and Lee GyungGyu. I like that show a lot... I will watch it either later tonight or the weekend. "My Love" is a beautiful composition. These days..I have a long commute and Koo's music is a constant companion....

thanx for the info @cheerkoo so it seem the donation will be support for Koo drama right, at least esp for Indonesia fans still have spare time to collect the money and not in the rush. hope everything goes well for Koo comeback.

bout her music which is seem always be a bgm in other show, hope the producer of the show will take a credit for Koo's music, at least its about apreciate for musician and their recognize for their music. have a great day all ^^

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Fund collection through DC-GHS fans, led by Evergreen, will be used to support Koo's drama--most likely to send support during the press conference which may take place towards the end of the month (cannot believe we are already in Feb of 2017!! Time flies!!) And, if there is any left-over, perhaps it can be used to send a support coffee cart? Also, maybe, if NWD does have some type of end of the show event???---


Anyway, I read in this article...

‘당신은 너무합니다’는 2월 초 대본리딩을 시작으로 본격적인 제작에 돌입한다. 현재 전파를 타고 있는 ‘불어라 미풍아’ 후속으로 3월 4일 첫 방송된다.

UR2MUCH will have a Script Reading Day in the beginning of Feb and proceed immediately into filming...it does not specify the date for the Reading. March 4th is the first episode air date. 

Fighitng Sunnies!!!

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Above are pix of the veteran actors joining the drama UR2MUCH. 

Top left is 전광렬=Jung GwangRyul 은 극 중 평생을 자기 욕망만을 위해 사는 기업 회장 박성환 역을 맡아 원하는 게 있다면 물불가리지 않고, 가족들과 불화를 겪는 인물을 연기할 예정이다. who will be playing the CEO Park Sung Hwan who live to satify his desires and greed. 

Botttom left is a veteran actor who has worked with Koo few times.....in Pure Heart of 19 and also in Please Captain. He is Kang NamGhil who will play Koo's father=Jung GangShik in the drama. 정강식은 해당의 아버지로 무능하지만 정이 많다. 일찍이 아내를 잃고 자신을 대신해 가장 노릇을 하는 맏딸 해당에게 항상 애틋한 마음을 가진 인물이다.Koo plays Jung HaeDang and her father may not be able to earn a living but is a man full of affection and love. He lost his wife long time ago and he is always warm towards his first daughter HaeDang who took over the head of the family role. 

Towards the way right is actress Kim BoYun who plays 백미숙은 해당의 동생 해진의 시어머니로 활달한 성격의 소유자다. 뒤늦게 학구열을 불태워 며느리가 시간강사로 있는 대학에 입학하는 엉뚱한 캐릭터로 배우 김보연 특유의 능청스러운 연기가 더해져 더욱 흥미로울 예정. 특히 정강식과 백미숙의 독특한 사돈관계를 풀어가는 두 중년배우들의 노련한 연기력과 맛깔나는 대사를 지켜보는 재미가 쏠쏠할 전망이다. Bek MiSook who is HaeDang's father's old kindergarten friend and also HaeDang's younger sister HaeJin's mother-in-law and they all live under the same roof. Bek Misook decided to  go to college and enrolls in the college that her daughter-in-law teaches hourly. So, HaeDang's younger sister is a college instructor. Bek MiSook is supposedly a quirky and funny and energetic character. Her unique relationship with HaeDang's father will be fun to watch

Lastly, the other female veteran actress (in the middle) is actress 박성환 회장의 모친 역으로는 대선배급 연기자 정혜선이 맡아 주말극에 신뢰와 안정감을 더할 것으로 보인다. 배우 정혜선이 맡은 인물 성경자는 아들 덕에 재벌가 노마님 노릇을 하고 있지만 엄격하면서도 매우 치밀한 스타일로 주위의 시선은 아랑곳하지 않는 독단적인 캐릭터. Jung HaeSun who will play CEO Park Sung Hwan's mother, Sung GyungJa; she is a strict and ?? dogmatic character who does not care what others say.

Supposedly there was a acript reading today (Korean time??) and that they will soon go into filming.

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