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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest sareerat_e9aa

Dear lovely Sunnies, as her several tweet messages, her young age photo and current poster from blood, one similar thing I touched is her powerful eye, attractive, beautiful and not give up also strong and fighter.
Appreciated all your strong supports to Lovely GHS. Love her appearance look in Blood, so funny and lovely :P


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Guest chin7088

Hello Sunnies! So proud indeed of everyone!...Sorry but as much as i want to rant my tweets with the times you mentioned,sad to say that our time zone here in UAE is far behind plus the fact that im always on a day shift and only arriving that soo late,so i cant join you guys,,but will try my best to post my support as much as i can! .Great job everyone!God bless..Fighting!

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Here goes our hashtag counts!
I know! some people get bored of these survey reports! But since we are moving towards succeeding point, i feel I should post them as @geumtrangdi sis advised too!
Applause!! 16k tweets as of today!! with about 8k contributors!! 


The reason why i feel our tag has not yet trended worldwide is, out of this 16k tweets, 11k is majorly from Thailand! So its 5k from rest of the world!! If it was vice versa with the same count it would have trended!! So various country participation is needed! 
We still have tomorrow!! Lets keeping on rocking with our tweets! Blood Fighting!

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Guest S_sun

Thanks Sunnies and Blood fans , you all are awesome! Sorry, I couldn't join in  but will try to participate tonight but it is early morning where I am.Let's get it to trend tonight , 21.50 KST !  #weluvkdramaBlood

Blood is no. 1 for the Weekly Top 10 drama watched at Dramafever last week! Yes!!!! Yay! Many viewers like it there!Maybe the more noise the antis make,  there's more curiosity for the International viewers to check it out! lolhttp://www.dramafever.com/news/dramafever-weekly-top-10-for-february-23-to-march-1-2015/

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I cried from joy coz our Ku Hye Sun was so good, so fab and super pretty especially in this episode(6) :(( She really rocks!! \m/ 8-> Please continue wearing that super nice outfits angel! [-O< :D

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OMG Literally Koo age number is so deceiving she looks too young to be 30.... wow such a breathless beauty  :x :x
She made me to love Yoo rita thank you Koo unnie you are simply best ^:)^
in drunk scene koo was looking so cute and bubbly i just so wanna hug her there my cutie pie :x :x
Hater really need to test their eye sight and their mental health because after watching today episode if they still crtise her than its simply their personal hate toward her  :-@

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Hi Sunnies,
Really love epi 6 becase of the development of RiSang couple story- got to see lots of our angel HS and AJH is so crazy hot too (man, those lips) :x   Hye-Sun-ssii - you are just amazing as YRT-so beautiful & adorable.  GHS & AJH are excellent casting choices- Daebak!!

@shanzay01 sis - saw 'like' 50 of your tweets at 21:30- 22:00KST -- U r the best
^:)^    TQ to all that participated -- what team work :)

@cheerkoo - any update on Food Cart Support event?   Re Snowsummer's inquiry of
the four choices of types of support, my input would be that it probably depends
on Blood Team's filming schedule feedback and the total amount of money we can collect.  And since the planning of the project greatly dependent on total donation amount, I think we should have the donations come in sooner rather than later. 
Then, perhaps you can ask her about accepting donation now?  Also, if u are busy, perhaps another sunnie can volunteer to be the contact with Snowsummer for this project; she can write in English, right?

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Hi  Sunnies!! I forgot about her post in DC. 

Snowsummer answers: Quick summary: Snowsummer is collecting funds first---for foreign fans, she only wants to accept through Paypal which is most convenient for her. While fund is being collected, she will gather data about what event the fans want to do given how much is collected. She has a lot of organizing work ahead. Thanks.

안녕하세요 Hello

현재 소속사(YG)와 협의중입니다.= I am currently talking/negotiating with YG.

드라마 촬영은 변동사항이 많아 미리 일정을 확정하기 어려우며

이에 따른 금전적인 손실을 최소화 하고자 사전 협의 없이 서폿진행은 불가하다고 응답받았습니다.

As the drama filming schedule changes constantly, it is not possible to give out a date in advance. However, YG told her that, in order to minimize the financial loss, negotiation is still necessary.

일정이 정해지는 대로 서폿을 계속 진행하도록 하겠습니다. As soon as the date is given, we will proceed with the support event. 

아직 간식이 될지 식사가 될지 모르겠지만 그래도 일단 계좌 오픈하겠습니다. It is still not certain whether it will be the snack or the meal event, but, at least, I am opening up the bank account for your deposits.

많이 참여해주시고 유리타에게 힘을 팍팍 줍시다~ I hope that many people participate so that we can give brimming support to Yoo Rita.

계좌번호 : 892-910002-15605=account number계좌은행 : 하나은행 Hana Bank계좌명 : ㅅㅎㅈ(쿠연합)=Koo Coalition모금기간 : 2015.03.03 부터~ Collection starts March 3rd, 2015 ~

현재잔액 : 339.901원=current amount in the account=339,901Won.

*Paypal : fantasia_s@naver.com

웨스턴유니온은 하나은행만 가능한데 제가 일하는 곳에서 하나은행이 없어졌습니다(지점 이동)

그래서 페이팔로만 모금 받겠습니다. Western Union is only possible through Hana Bank. However, Hana Bank has moved to another location and is not near my work anymore. Therefore, I will only collect through Paypal only. (this is for the foreign fans.)

감사합니다. Thank you.

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Sorry Sunnies!!I am beyond words...I have not gone to the media portal and just went today because I felt aht BLODD is doing fine. But NO!! It is getting worse...reporters are attacking GHS like crazy...I give up.I have a feeling they are out to get her--I just don't get it.IOK may fall into the pressure too....I just don't get it.

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