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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest S_sun

Hi Sunnies,Our girl is doing great! That's many factors affecting ratings, so let's not worry about it and keep tweeting encouraging support to GHS to energize her till  the end.@robbo4 I can't keep up at AE too. Has given up and is staying here too.lol!  Not sure if they will get the awards they deserve as it seems the popular dramas  with high ratings get awarded these days. And SBS has quite a few dramas with higher ratings. Nevertheless we will find out end of the year! Fingers crossed! :)
@8jadecloud8 thanks for the pics from the foodtruck blog.  The food looks delicious. Much love and support from GHS fans to GHS and the AE team! Thank you @Ayesuper1 and @Bambi and  GHS fans from HK, Taiwan n Skorea etc for organizing that support event!@cheerkoo, thanks for the update on the other  support event. Looking forward to seeing pics from that event. Good luck @snowsummer and big thank you for organizing it.As we head towards the home stretch, hope GHS and the other casts and crew will remain healthy. I still don't understand how this kind of live shoot work conditions are still allowed  in Korea whereas they have done away with it in some other countries.  AS one can see from the bts, GHS always reading her script, strives to be professional and give her all.  She continues to give us much enjoyment from watching her portrayal of YSW, which is near perfection. So much so, that I am missing the real GHS and her old voice! Lol! Yes, me too @geumtrangdi especially after re-watching the old vid posted by 8jadecloud8. I am re-watching BOF to balance off the serious tone in AE.. Jandi and YSW are like 2 totally different persons. GHS is really a very versatile actress. No traces of JD in YSW at all. How did she manage to change her voice and the mannerisms so well? Surely a professional top notch actress! Wah! So amazing!
As we get to the highlight in the story, what will YSW do?!! What a dilemma! It is not just a simple mistake . I look forward to how the writer is going to solve this! Hope the writer can pull it off with something solid and amazing and heartwarming! :)Kudos to all the AE cast and the director for doing an awesome job. :)AE team fighting! YSW fighting! GHS fighting!
Thanks Sunnies for all your posts and for sharing your love for GHS here. Have a nice week! :)

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@S_sun‌ I also re-watch Bof when things get too heavy in AE. It amazes me that 2 totally different characters were both played to perfection by the same actress.

I also wish pics of ghs with the food cart would be released. I want to see her reaction :D

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Hello Sunnies :)

Just saw episode 13 and 14 and Im really happy as a fan of kHS she's giving everything she's got in this drama so proud of her ;)

@8jadecloud8 thanks for the pictures for the food cart OMG hkg,sk,taiwan did a realllly great job :)

@myonenonly yes i cant wait for GHS-DC and soompi international meal :)

@cheerkoo, @illay, @snowsummer thanks again for organizing this event :)

I love this picture so pretty :)


Have a great night/day Sunnies

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Hello Sunnies, have a nice day/night :-h

Thanks to all bros/sists (sorry can't spell your name one by one) for updating our princess news daily

The food & drink truck event on 23rd May 2014 emmm.. food look so so yummy. wow.. that's was really awesome and very thoughtful thing to do. Thanks to @Ayesuper1 @Bambi and all sisters from HK, Taiwan and SR, Daebak sisters!!! =D>

I'm sure GHS will be very happy for there's another support team to give them foodtruck, good job to all Sunnies, wherever you are. :-bd

Let's us all stay strong and support GHS for her success in coming back on small screen tho i'm becoming greedy too now haha can't wait for her to appear in the big screen for "Daughter" :D


구혜선 백팩 뭐길래? 청순녀 콘셉트로 완판녀 등극

기사입력 2014-05-28 12:36

source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=404&aid=0000068124&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter
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 급하게 글 올립니다. 
 도시락으로 준비해달라고 하셔서 그렇게 진행중이었는데 방금 드라마 담당자분께서
 저에게 전화주셔서 이번주 목(내일) 또는 금요일(확실한 스케줄 아님!) 영상 스케치 따는 일정이 있다고 하네요. 
 그래서 이왕이면 쿠의 팬들이 좋은 마음으로 준비하고 있으니 스케치 화면상 도시락 보다는 간식차가 더 나을 거 같다고.. 
 혹시 저희쪽 사정만 괜찮으면 도시락 말고 간식차로 변경 가능하냐고 문의하셨습니다. 
제 생각에도 영상에 우리가 쿠 응원하는 모습이 찍힌다면 간식차 + 커피차 가 괜찮을 거 같습니다.
 인원수는 A 팀만 할 경우 70~100명, A+B팀 함께 할 경우 100~150명 정도 입니다.
 밥차는 어렵다고 하십니다. 그리고 저희쪽에서 간식차가 어려우면 도시락으로 진행해도 괜찮고 
 그렇게 하면 일정은 다시 조율해서 알려주신다고 합니다.  1. 도시락으로 그대로 진행 (날짜 미정) Lunch (date undecided) 2. 간식차 + 커피차 변경 (목 or 금. 정확한 일정은 아님) Snack truck + coffee truck (Thursday or Friday.. schedule is not exact)3. 간식차 + 커피차 + (추가) 쿠 도시락(무인키친 '사랑해 도시락'은 1인분 부터 주문가능) (Snack truck + coffee truck + lunch box) 
Update from snowsummer...I opened DC from my phone...I hope the malware will not affect android system...phewwww They are voting about the menu...there are 2 teams on the production. A team 70-100 persons. A+B team around 100-150 persons. .Most of them voted for Coffee truck + Lunch box   @cheerkoo

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illay said: 안녕하세요hello
 급하게 글 올립니다. A very urgent note.
 도시락으로 준비해달라고 하셔서 그렇게 진행중이었는데 방금 드라마 담당자분께서
 저에게 전화주셔서 이번주 목(내일) 또는 금요일(확실한 스케줄 아님!) 영상 스케치 따는 일정이 있다고 하네요. Since the drama PD asked me to prepare lunch boxes, I was in the middle of organizing it, but then he called me to say that this week Thurs or maybe Friday has filming schedule. Friday is still tentative. 
 그래서 이왕이면 쿠의 팬들이 좋은 마음으로 준비하고 있으니 스케치 화면상 도시락 보다는 간식차가 더 나을 거 같다고.. He thinks that it might be better to do snack cart than lunch boxes as it may look better??? (Ah,,,he is saying that it would promote Koo better with photos and banners, etc.)
 혹시 저희쪽 사정만 괜찮으면 도시락 말고 간식차로 변경 가능하냐고 문의하셨습니다. He really prefers snack cart over lunch boxes if it is ok with us. 
제 생각에도 영상에 우리가 쿠 응원하는 모습이 찍힌다면 간식차 + 커피차 가 괜찮을 거 같습니다. snowsummer also thinks that it would be nice for photo images to show us cheering for Koo and that means a snack cart would be good. (We also saw that snack carts all received photos.)
 인원수는 A 팀만 할 경우 70~100명, A+B팀 함께 할 경우 100~150명 정도 입니다. If we are to provide snack cart for Ateam..70~100; B-team~100~150 people. (I wonder if we have money for two teams?? keke getting greedy..)
 밥차는 어렵다고 하십니다. 그리고 저희쪽에서 간식차가 어려우면 도시락으로 진행해도 괜찮고 PD said that meal cart would be too difficult. If snack cart is difficult for us to do, then he prefers the lunch boxes.
 그렇게 하면 일정은 다시 조율해서 알려주신다고 합니다. Whatever we decide, they he will let us know of the date and time again. 1. 도시락으로 그대로 진행 (날짜 미정) Lunch (date undecided)---lunch box as choice--date undecided 2. 간식차 + 커피차 변경 (목 or 금. 정확한 일정은 아님) Snack truck + coffee truck (Thursday or Friday.. schedule is not exact)3. 간식차 + 커피차 + (추가) 쿠 도시락(무인키친 '사랑해 도시락'은 1인분 부터 주문가능) (Snack truck + coffee truck + lunch box) ---this appears to  be a new choice?? A snack cart+coffee truck+Koo lunch (These lunch boxes will be unmanned by any person and it will have "I love you" on the lunch box..and can be made starting from one person portion. I am not sure from her writing if she is only thinking about giving lunch box for Koo?? I don't think Koo would feel comfortable eating that way.. do you??)
Update from snowsummer...I opened DC from my phone...I hope the malware will not affect android system...phewwww They are voting about the menu...there are 2 teams on the production. A team 70-100 persons. A+B team around 100-150 persons. .Most of them voted for Coffee truck + Lunch box   @cheerkoo

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Thanks @cheerkoo and @Illay. I can open DC gallery from my mobile device, but I can't post there coz I don't understand anything :o . I'll let Snowsummer or the forum decides... It must  be difficult to arrange everything by herself. I hope we can see this event take place soon :).

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I saw that a support snack cart went to AE location for the 2 directors.I felt very bad that there was no mention of the writer in that truck.OH..I wish they remembered the writer too...now it is really upto her to make the ending all come to a great end!!I did put into the email to see if we can buy gifts for the writer and the director...but I am not sure if she received the email.

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@cheerkoo, @illay, I saw this post in DC Gallery from Snowsummer. I think it's about the meal event. Please translate if you have time :). Thank you. 안녕하세요 스노우섬머 입니다. 오늘 하루종일 전화기에 불이 나네요. 이번 식사 서포트 밥차(삼계탕 도시락)으로 들어갈 예정입니다. 제작사측에서 금요일로 날짜를 정해주셨고 도시락이든, 밥차든 괜찮다고 하셔서 처음 서포트 목적이 '밥차' 였기에 삼계탕으로 정했습니다. 대신, 향림푸드에서 금요일은 힘들거 같다고 해서 여기저기 수소문해서 통화했는데 타 업체에서 모두 이번주 금요일은 어렵다고 했습니다. 그래서 다시 서치하여 알아본 결과 '삼계탕 도시락' 으로 정했습니다. 보통 삼계탕은 캐노피 + 간이의자를 설치하는 경우가 있고 이번 case 는 '도시락' 형태로 삼계탕이 제공됩니다. 기본찬 + 밥 따로 제공되고 음료수는 없습니다. 간이사업자라 세금영수증은 발행이 안되고 대신 현금영수증은 가능하다고 합니다. 1. 현금영수증으로 끊게 되면 총대(저)번호로 해서 연말정산때 돌려받은 금액을 기부할것인지 2. 현금영수증 없이 간이영수증으로 끊을지 3. 현금영수증으로 끊되 번호는 제 3자(매니저? 소속사? )로 할지 의견주세요. 업체명은 소울푸드. 네이버 주소는 아래와 같습니다. http://blog.naver.com/soulfood07 1인당 20,000 x 100(인) = 2,000,000 배달(콜밴) : 거리에 따라 다름 (원래 삼계탕 단가가 3만원인데 기본찬을 줄이고 과일후식 생략함. 그리고 100인분 대향 주문으로 단가를 낮춤) 커피차하게 된다면 1잔 2,500 x 200(잔) = 500,000 현수막은 무료제작 가능. 원래 스티커도 가능한데 금요일까지 시간이 촉박하여 스티커는 저희가 자체 제작해야 합니다. 현재 예산이 320만원 정도이므로 추후 잔액은 종방연에 쓰는것도 좋을 거 같습니다. (+추가) 이번 쿠연합 서포트의 목적. 즉 이벵의 중심은 쿠, 배우 구혜선 입니다. 만약 돈이 남는다면 체력적으로 많이 지쳐있을 쿠를 위해서 (건강식품 관련) 선물을 생각중이었습니다. 고마운 스텝들에게 감사표현을 할 수도 있겠지만 쿠 연합의 처음 모금 목적은 쿠를 위해 쓰는 것이라고 생각합니다. 추가 모금을 하게 되어 돈이 더 모인다면 종방연때 작가님이나 감독님 선물을 해야한다는게 제 생각입니다. 급하게 서포트가 진행되어 모든 사람의 의견을 수용하지 못하는것에 대해 이해해주세요. Another post by: 쿠st from DC Gallery 네모 모양에는 다 안 들어가고 안 어울려서 원만 수정함 쿠키 스티커는 딴 사람이 만들어줘ㅠㅠㅠ 시간이 없어서ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 8a1e5c437cf472585433fbdb10c868ab.jpgcaea56462712f2d9562c02e2cfbf007f.jpg Sorry, editing from mobile device is killing me. The format looks awful. I give up to re-arrange the paragraph...

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Guest S_sun

@illay and @cheerkoo , thanks for update on the support event.  I think given the time constrains for a quick decision, it is better to leave it to @snowsummer to decide what is best. Could you please let them know we will go with whatever they think is best? Good luck and enjoy the time with the AE team especially with GHS and tell her we are cheering for her and AE team all the way to the end!  Also a big thank you for doing all the work! :)
This is for  those who are missing the real GHS and her beautiful singing voice like I am. As we head into angst and sadness in AE, let's see happy GHS! hehehe  Hope you don't mind the re-post. :)

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Here is the copy of e-mails with KuOne...(me)Dear snowsummer님~Thank you so much for organizing the meal event.I am enjoying Angel Eyes very much.Do you think it would be a good idea to also give gifts to the Director Park and to the writer Yoon JiRyun? I feel that the writer and the director really need to hear that they are so appreciated and that we cheer and support them very much.What do you think?I am cheerkoo from Soompi.
Sorry that I cannot write this in Korean.Sincerely with a lot of gratitude to you.cheerkoo 올림---from KuOne


May 24 (4 days ago)cleardot.gifcleardot.gifcleardot.gif
to mecleardot.gif


I can't decide whether to buy it

Because that is donation money.

Next monday, our event date is decided. 

And then Ku gallery and KuOne will be opinion about meal of type and gift.

At that time I will ask opinion to other fans.



Thank you so much.I understand what you mean.We cannot enter DC right now due to some type of computer virus at DC-malware.Everybody here at  Gu HyeSun-Soompi agree that whatever you decide is fine with us. We all thank you sincerely for what you are doing. It is a lot of work.Thank you very muchSoompi--GHS.
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sukreen said: Hello Sunnies, have a nice day/night :-h

Thanks to all bros/sists (sorry can't spell your name one by one) for updating our princess news daily

The food & drink truck event on 23rd May 2014 emmm.. food look so so yummy. wow.. that's was really awesome and very thoughtful thing to do. Thanks to @Ayesuper1 @Bambi and all sisters from HK, Taiwan and SR, Daebak sisters!!! =D>

I'm sure GHS will be very happy for there's another support team to give them foodtruck, good job to all Sunnies, wherever you are. :-bd

Let's us all stay strong and support GHS for her success in coming back on small screen tho i'm becoming greedy too now haha can't wait for her to appear in the big screen for "Daughter" :D


구혜선 백팩 뭐길래? 청순녀 콘셉트로 완판녀 등극

기사입력 2014-05-28 12:36
source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=404&aid=0000068124&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter
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I saw that a support snack cart went to AE location for the 2 directors.
I felt very bad that there was no mention of the writer in that truck.
OH..I wish they remembered the writer too...now it is really upto her to make the ending all come to a great end!!
I did put into the email to see if we can buy gifts for the writer and the director...but I am not sure if she received the email.

I'm with you. We should also express our gratitude to writernim. She is the woman who created these characters who are now very dear to us. I just realized that the 2 kdramas that have rock my world as a viewer were both from her (bof and ae).

I am excited to see the meal project made possible by dc-ghs, ku one and soompi-ghs/ae. I also cannot navigate/leave comment in dc :( But whatever they decide, i know it will be awesome :)

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