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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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My sweets friends plz daily votes 4r our rosy Angel.............

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[더뮤직인터뷰] 8월6일 화요일 오후 5시 엠넷 더뮤직! 더뮤직인터뷰 뮤지션 구혜선! 녹화 전 콜라보레이션을 위해 연습하는 선남선녀의 모습^.~

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[더뮤직인터뷰] 8월6일 화요일 오후 5시 엠넷 더뮤직! 더뮤직인터뷰 뮤지션 구혜선! 녹화 전 콜라보레이션을 위해 연습하는 선남선녀의 모습^.~
Thanks meow13!!!
[The Music Interview]  August 6th, Tuesday, at 5pm MNET's THE MUSIC! The Music interviews musician GHS! This pix shows the handsome couple practicing collaboration before the start of the recording.^~

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Good Morning Sunnies :)

Happy friendship day to all :)

@meow13 thanks for the article and @cheerkoo thanks for the sub you guys are awesome :)

im all for Choi Daniel for the leading man as well but I think its not going to happen because both of them are really good friends I feel like GHS is embarrassed doing skinship with CD :)

Lee Jung Suk that kid is awesome and I miss him already they can be cute screen couple :)

Have a great ladies and don't forget to vote today :)


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Guest S_sun

I wish HS can get TOP for the male lead! That's my "top" pick for her. hahaha She was considering him for her vampire movie and they are from the same agency.

Like @prettywiz said, like HS will listen to us...lol  I have a feeling she has already picked her male lead as she is very organized.

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Hello sunnies,there is a news posted in soompi about our hyesun being a judge in JIMFF please bring it here somebody i m at work and with this stupid phone of mine i cant do it..

thanx :-)

And please do comment to show support.. :-)

Have a great day ahead..

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Guest Kimmy10

class="content-title" Goo Hye Sun Picked To Be a Judge for JIMFF lordbordem August 4, 2013  Goo Hye Sun Picked To Be a Judge for JIMFF

The multi-talented actress Goo Hye Sun can add another achievement to her long list of already completed achievements with reports coming in that states that Goo Hye Sun has been picked to be a judge for the Jecheon International Music And Film Festival.


A representative from the JIMFF has stated that “Goo Hye Sun, who has been expanding her area of work to include a wide of variety of fields including acting, directing and illustrating, has been picked to be a judge.” She will be part of the judging panel that includes director Lee Hwan Kyung, Movie House President Lee Yujin, AMUSE CEO Osato Yokichi and other distinguished guests. They will be judging JIMFF’s only competition, which is the “World Music Film Today” competition, which this year features 9 pieces of work.


The Jecheon International Music And Film Festival is a yearly film and music festival that has been going on since 2005. This year the festival will be showing films such as French film “Pop Redemption,” Canadian Documentary “I’m Not A Rock Star,” the Korean film “Black Gospel” along with musical performances from Buga Kingz, Acoustic Collabo, Sweet Sorrow, 10CM and many others.

The event will run from August 14 – 19, 2013 in the city of Jecheon.


Hello sunnies :)

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Goo Hye-Sun Says “It’s You” With Newest Single


Goo Hye-sun is known for being a jack of all trades. The actress has done just about everything: from directing and writing to composing and singing. After two months since her last self-composed single in “Flying Galaxy,” she’s back with “It’s You.”

Goo Hye-Sun Says “It’s You” With Newest Single


Goo Hye-sun is known for being a jack of all trades. The actress has done just about everything: from directing and writing to composing and singing. After two months since her last self-composed single in “Flying Galaxy,” she’s back with “It’s You.”

Right away, the song opens with Hye-sun’s bright and soothing vocals, which stays consistent throughout the whole song. Hye-sun keeps everything simple; there are no fancy ad libs and crazy high notes, which help make this sweet serenade all the more enjoyable. The lyrics talk about a man Hye-sun has quickly fallen for, and while the lyrics of the chorus seem overly repetitive at first, there is variety in the melody and after more listens it sounds relaxing and also reflects longing and acknowledgment in Hye-sun’s voice. The instrumentals for the song is simple, mainly consisting of guitar and other strings. It’s very complimentary, especially during the chorus where the background voices add some depth without taking away from Hye-sun’s vocals.


The MV is also very simplistic. Hye-sun spends the entirety of it relaxing at home, enjoying the time to play around with her cat (who is absolutely adorable, might I add) and the guitar which adds a nice aesthetic feel with the instrumentals. Hye-sun looks very comfortable and natural throughout, with bits of aegyo and affection towards the viewer and the cat.

While the MV isn’t fancy, it is a much welcomed change of pace compared to the box room videos that idol groups (and even solo artists) have boringly released for years. The showing of lyrics throughout the video provide subtitles which isn’t too common in ballads (or most MVs for that matter), but doesn’t distract from Hye-sun in the MV.The MV is also very simplistic. Hye-sun spends the entirety of it relaxing at home, enjoying the time to play around with her cat (who is absolutely adorable, might I add) and the guitar which adds a nice aesthetic feel with the instrumentals. Hye-sun looks very comfortable and natural throughout, with bits of aegyo and affection towards the viewer and the cat.

While the MV isn’t fancy, it is a much welcomed change of pace compared to the box room videos that idol groups (and even solo artists) have boringly released for years. The showing of lyrics throughout the video provide subtitles which isn’t too common in ballads (or most MVs for that matter), but doesn’t distract from Hye-sun in the MV.

What I wouldn’t have minded seeing in the MV is perhaps a male of interest. Even if there weren’t any direct shots (or just a single indirect shot), I think that would have been a welcome addition to the MV, just to add onto the lyrics. Other than that, it is a simplistic MV to support a sweet, simple song. On a side note, is it just me or is that room relatively poorly lit?

As much as Goo Hye-sun is known as a jack of all trades, it’s still a bit jarring to see an actress like her release soft, ballad music underneath YG’s hip-hop oriented musical umbrella. Nonetheless, it’s a beautiful ballad that is a perfect listen for a warm afternoon, earning a solid 4/5.

(YouTube [1], images via YG Entertainment)


I Love how the writer viewed this song,just like white boy kpop the writer reviewed it without any biases=D>

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Thanks prettywiz for bringing over Tery's review.
I love the review.
But I disagree that a "man" should appear in that MV.
That would take away the essence of what GHS is singing about.
Plus, viewers are going to "ship" GHS with whoever male actor that may appear.
Don't you think?
Yes, GHS's work-room is kind of dark. GHS once said that she likes to work in the dark. She once made the mistake with color when she was painting thinking it one color and finding it to be another one the next morning. But she said that she loved the mistake she made even more.  (I have a feeling that light can bother her...she asked a reporter to turn off the overhead light when they were interviewing her----I am guessing about this.)
As we Sunnies all know, symbolism is very important to her. GHS likes to give meaning upon meaning with even one thing. That makes me love her drawings and books and movies.
Of course, she could be lacking fund and that is why she chose to make a MV that is so simple as she did with Marry Me song---I am not sure how YG may be involved with her music, but I have a feeling that GHS totally takes charge of her crafts. She also has a partner Choi In Young who does all the arranging of the music.  ???
GHS chose to do an MV of a song about someone she really loves (well, at least in the song..but I really think it is very, very personal.) and she chose to do it in the MOST private space that solely belongs to her. She is also in a most comfortable state of mind--her hair, clothes, etc seem to show the essence of her--nothing made up. She seems to be saying she is baring it all for all to see what is inside her heart....Know what I mean? Am I going overboard?? keke
There is also a reflective glass or could it be a mirror next to her. At first that item bothered me as I looked at the MV. Then, I said to myself, there has to be a reason GHS chose that spot...??...unless she had absolutely no space what so ever except for that exact spot. !!!
To me, the song is about her reflecting on how she has changed and how she is changing with her "acting and songs". The song says:"Why am I like this?" The reflective mirror or glass seems to say that to me...she is thinking and coming up with her answer...it is because of him.
She thought everything about the guy to be "pretty" and she knew that she was instantly attracted to everything about him --his eyes, his finger, his hair, everything he said, the way he walked and even his first confession. And, now, he is not just pretty but she "likes/loves the man that he is." Now she likes the inside of him too and how he has influenced her so much....
And Ssam, the cat,,,he did a great job too. He was a great distraction from a serious reflective song. Also her pets are very essence of her too.
And, I agree with Tery about everything else...!!!
Thank you !!

I wonder who filmed her for the mv....unless there is a camera that automatically follows her around...keke

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@cheerkoo please translate this articles, thanks :)

[News today]

구혜선, 中 상해문화원서 초청전 개최 '공감과 소통'

헤럴드생생뉴스| 기사입력 2013-08-06 10:32 기사원문
작가, 화가, 감독, 작곡가, 연기자 등 다양한 분야에서 재능을 발휘하고 있는 구혜선이 중국에서 초청전을 개최한다.

구혜선은 오는 8월 17일부터 31일까지 중국 상해에서 초청전 '그리움을 남기는 것은 모두 아름답다'를 열 계획이다.

그는 드라마 '꽃보다 남자'로 중국 현지의 사랑을 받았다. 그가 이번에는 화가로 변신, 자신의 예술적 감각을 중국인들에게 전할 예정이다.


이번 전시회는 '기억의 잔상'을 주제로 한 20여점의 서양화로 개인적이고 심리적인 작품들로 구성돼 있다. 이 작품들을 통해 관객들은 그가 보여주는 기억의 잔상을 함께 공감하며 소통할 수 있을 것이다.

또한 8월 17일 오후 4시 30분에는 중국 불우 어린이와 미술 영재들이 참여하는 부대행사 '어린이들이 말하는 사랑과 평화'가 진행돼 구혜선과 중국 어린이들이 함께 '사랑과 평화'를 주제로 그림을 그리고 대화를 나누는 의미 있는 시간도 마련될 예정이다.

구혜선은 이번 전시회를 통해 솔직하고 진지하게 자신의 생각을 전함으로써 대중에게 알려진 이미지 외에 또 다른 모습을 보여준다.

다양한 예술 분야에서 활동하는 멀티 엔터테이너 구혜선은 이미 두 번의 전시회를 통해 대중에게 화가로서의 면모를 어필한 바 있다.

구혜선은 지난 2009년 인사동 갤러리에서 개인전 ‘탱고’를 개최, 일주일간 1만여 명의 관람객을 동원하며 성공적인 첫 전시회를 마무리했다.

아울러 지난해 9월에는 예술의 전당에서 개인전 '잔상'을 개최, 총 120점의 작품을 선보이며 화가로서 한층 더 성장한 모습을 보여줬다. 당시 그는 개인 그림 전시회 수익금을 한국백혈병환우회에 기부하는 선행을 보이기도 했다.

한편 이번 전시회는 문화원 홈페이지에서 8월 11일까지 사전 신청을 통해 선착순으로 참여 기회가 주어진다. 전시는 31일까지 무료로 진행된다.
조정원 이슈팀기자 /chojw00@

source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=112&aid=0002456782&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter


'팔방미인' 구혜선, 17일 중국서 미술 전시회 개최

OSEN| 기사입력 2013-08-06 10:32 기사원문


[OSEN=박현민 기자] 작가, 화가, 감독, 작곡가, 연기자 등 다양한 분야에서 재능을 발휘하고 있는 '팔방미인' 구혜선이 오는 17일부터 31일까지 중국 상해에서 초청전 '그리움을 남기는 것은 모두 아름답다'를 개최한다.

드라마 '꽃보다 남자'로 현지에서 많은 사랑을 받았던 구혜선은 이번에는 화가로 변신해 자신의 예술적 감각을 중국 현지인들에게 전할 예정이다.

소속사 측은 "이번 전시회는 '기억의 잔상'을 주제로 한 20여 점의 서양화로 개인적이고 심리적인 작품들로 구성됐다. 이 작품들을 통해 관객들은 구혜선이 보여주는 기억의 잔상을 함께 공감하며 소통할 수 있을 것"이라 밝혔다.

또 한 오는 17일 오후 4시 30분에는 중국 불우 어린이와 미술 영재들이 참여하는 부대행사 '어린이들이 말하는 사랑과 평화'가 진행돼 구혜선과 중국 어린이들이 함께 '사랑과 평화'를 주제로 그림을 그리고 대화를 나누는 뜻 깊은 시간도 마련된다.

구 혜선은 이번 전시회를 통해 솔직하고 진지하게 자신의 생각을 전함으로써 대중에게 알려진 이미지 외에 또 다른 모습을 보여줄 예정이다. 다양한 예술 분야에서 활동하는 멀티 엔터테이너 구혜선은 이미 두 번의 전시회를 통하여 대중에게 화가로서의 면모를 어필한 바 있다.

구혜선은 지난 2009년 인사동 갤러리에서 개인전 '탱고'를 개최, 일주일간 1만여 명의 관람객을 동원하며 성공적인 첫 전시회를 마무리했다. 또한 작년 9월에는 예술의 전당에서 개인전 '잔상'을 개최해 총 120점의 작품을 선보이며 화가로서 한층 더 성장한 모습을 보여주기도 했다. 당시 구혜선은 개인 그림 전시회 수익금을 한국 백혈병 환우회에 기부하는 선행을 보여 화제가 되기도 했다.

이번 중국 상해문화원에서 진행되는 전시회에서는 이전보다 훨씬 더 깊이 있고 발전된 작품을 만나볼 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

한편, 이번 전시 개막식은 8월 17일 오후 2시 30분 진행되며 문화원 홈페이지(www.shkc.org)에서 8월 11일까지 사전 신청을 통해 선착순으로 참여 기회가 주어진다. 전시는 31일까지 무료로 진행된다.


source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=109&aid=0002590506&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter
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[Article]10 Hottest Korean Women (sorry if this been posted here)

class="subtitle"Who is the Hottest South Korean Woman?

Some of Korean female celebrities are extremely very beautiful and hot. They also look forever young, where some actresses still appear to have 17 years old face although they have already aged over 30. This fact makes some people think that those actresses performed plastic surgery to keep them look young. In this article, we will discuss the hottest and prettiest South Korean celebrities who have natural beauty and do not perform plastic surgery. Indeed, their natural beauty are amazing, and some of these actress can even be included in the list of the most beautiful woman in the world. Besides their amazing beauty and attractiveness, those actresses also have amazing talent in acting, dancing, and singing. So, who are they? Without further ado,let's take a look at those list:

class="subtitle"10. Goo Hye-sun

This young actress who was born in 1984 is indeed has a beautiful, radiant face and a nice dazzling smile. Goo Hye-sun who is famous because of her role in the drama series, Boys Over Flowers, has various talents apart from acting, such as singing, writing, and directing a movie. Even among top-class celebrities in South Korea, the natural beauty of Goo Hye Sun is considered to be very captivating

Goo Hye-sun's beautiful face of course was not obtained through plastic surgery, but through regular care and consumption of nutritious foods. In a TV show, Goo Hye Sun explained in detail that healthy diet and lifestyle are the key of her beauty.,


Skip unrelated.

Full news >> source: http://maciejcorvo.hubpages.com/hub/10-Hottest-Korean-Women
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@prettywiz thank you sis for bringing the write up. I love this "Terry"! I agree most of what she wrote. @cheerko yes definitely don't want any male appearances in that MV. Also don't like any overhead lighting. I feel like being interrogated with that. The scene most likely I remember is Sharon Stone when Michael Douglas & some of the police officers where questioning/watching her. Hahaha.... Oh boy! Sorry for side stepping..... Anyways, Hye Sun wants to remain mysterious with her songs. She remains elusive. I hope the guy in my mind is correct! Lol! I give Hye Sun's new song & MV a 4.9/5

I'll give her the .01 when she reveals the face of the man she's in love with! :D Hello Sunnies! Have a great week & grey thoughts! :x

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Thanks sukreen. Your article is on GHS having the art exhibition in Shanghai. I will summarize-- not word for word. I believe meow13 posted it before as well.

[News today]

구혜선, 中 상해문화원서 초청전 개최 '공감과 소통'   GHS, invited by Shanghai's Cultural Council to hold "Sharing and Communication"

헤럴드생생뉴스| 기사입력 2013-08-06 10:32 기사원문
작가, 화가, 감독, 작곡가, 연기자 등 다양한 분야에서 재능을 발휘하고 있는 구혜선이 중국에서 초청전을 개최한다.  The multi-talented GHS has been invited by China.

구혜선은 오는 8월 17일부터 31일까지 중국 상해에서 초청전 '그리움을 남기는 것은 모두 아름답다'를 열 계획이다.  "Everything that leaves behind nostalgia/yearning is beautiful." will be held in Shanghai from August 17~31. (Remember that sentence was written to describe her last art exhibition in Korea titled 'JanSang or After-image.)

그는 드라마 '꽃보다 남자'로 중국 현지의 사랑을 받았다. 그가 이번에는 화가로 변신, 자신의 예술적 감각을 중국인들에게 전할 예정이다. GHS who received love from Chinese fans for her role in BOF will now show the artist side of herself.

이번 전시회는 '기억의 잔상'을 주제로 한 20여점의 서양화로 개인적이고 심리적인 작품들로 구성돼 있다. 이 작품들을 통해 관객들은 그가 보여주는 기억의 잔상을 함께 공감하며 소통할 수 있을 것이다. The theme for this exhibition is "after-image or lingering image of memory" and about 20 pieces that are ?western in style? will be shown. These pieces are very personal and psychological that the audience will be able to feel empathy and understand through the art pieces.

또한 8월 17일 오후 4시 30분에는 중국 불우 어린이와 미술 영재들이 참여하는 부대행사 '어린이들이 말하는 사랑과 평화'가 진행돼 구혜선과 중국 어린이들이 함께 '사랑과 평화'를 주제로 그림을 그리고 대화를 나누는 의미 있는 시간도 마련될 예정이다. On that same day on August 17th at 4:30PM, disadvantaged Chinese children and the artistically gifted will participate in an event together. The theme is titled "Love and Peace as told by children". GHS and the Chinese children will together draw paintings with the theme of "Love and Peace" and will even have time to talk about it together. (I wonder why this theme was chosen and why GHS's art was picked to be shown?? Something feels political...Do you think?? Korea may have the unease with N. Korea?? Sorry to bring it up.)

구혜선은 이번 전시회를 통해 솔직하고 진지하게 자신의 생각을 전함으로써 대중에게 알려진 이미지 외에 또 다른 모습을 보여준다. Through this exhibition, GHS will expose another side of her full of  honest and serious thoughts and which are different from her public image so far.

다양한 예술 분야에서 활동하는 멀티 엔터테이너 구혜선은 이미 두 번의 전시회를 통해 대중에게 화가로서의 면모를 어필한 바 있다. The multi-talented GHS has already held 2 art exhibitons, displaying her artistic side.

구혜선은 지난 2009년 인사동 갤러리에서 개인전 ‘탱고’를 개최, 일주일간 1만여 명의 관람객을 동원하며 성공적인 첫 전시회를 마무리했다. In 2009, she had Tango exhibition where about 10,000 people visited the gallery within a week.

아울러 지난해 9월에는 예술의 전당에서 개인전 '잔상'을 개최, 총 120점의 작품을 선보이며 화가로서 한층 더 성장한 모습을 보여줬다. 당시 그는 개인 그림 전시회 수익금을 한국백혈병환우회에 기부하는 선행을 보이기도 했다. IN September of last year, she had her exhibition titled "After-image/ Lingering Images" displaying a total of 120 art pieces. She showed a further mature artistic side. At that time, she gave all the earnings from the exhibition to the Korea Leukemia Society.

한편 이번 전시회는 문화원 홈페이지에서 8월 11일까지 사전 신청을 통해 선착순으로 참여 기회가 주어진다. 전시는 31일까지 무료로 진행된다. Interested people can register and apply until august 11th through  the Cultural Center's homepage to be able to participate in the event. the exhibition is free until August 31st.
조정원 이슈팀기자 /chojw00@  Issue Team Reporter Jo Jung Won.

source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=112&aid=0002456782&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter

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