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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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 AB Ep02

cre HLiang


just translate the key points:

- during media interview in SG, Jiro impromptuly "confess love" to Hye Sun (jokingly of course!). He removed his own silver ring and try to put it on hye sun. Jiro said he really wants to get married and Hye sun just returned with a sweet smile

- the article says it's usually quite "troublesome" to interview Korean star, but Hyesun is definitely the most "straightforward & easy going " one. She revealed that she had an experience of failed confession in school days, and for this moment she is "not want to be married"-ism

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I saw epi2!

Thanks meow13 for the link.

I think I got the gist of it...but I can hardly wait for the subbed version soon.

Wow, Mr. LeiWuWu is magical!

He can erase memory to hide Jiro's identity!

does he erase memory of an event or the person's feelings?

Now only Xiaofe knows that Zongshi expressed his feelings for Xiaofe--not Zongshi.

Was that NiTE at the end who hired himself into the same co as Xiaofe?

He is quick!

he did not consult Xiaofe about that...?? I guess to help out with money prob? Xiao does not get paid this month due to making mistake at work. keke

This is just so much better!!

Was it MeiJU who recommended that night club to Xiaofe? or did I undertand that wrong?

and NiTe broke through the wall because he sensed that Xiaofe is in danger,,not from jeolousy of Zongshi. Right?

NiTe does not have any feelings yet?? Then, why was he so happy when he and X were returning home from the Night Club?

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What can i say but.THANK YOU ! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!. im so happy for GHS like TAIWAN she's been treated and welcomed by SINGAPORE with the utmost importance that she deserve..

IT is so overwhelming to see all the pictures from singapore this time..we are so lucky to be a fan of GHS..

@[bj j forever and para_gal thank you for sharing with us you experiences with GHS..i feel like i was there too..

and THANK YOU meow,cheerkoo,vanesaa,sukreen,drmjs,GHSforever,S_sun,dramalover26,kgrl,nasha,annypooh,eunhyun,and all SUNNIES THANK YOU!

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Guest S_sun

A Big  THANK YOU to all who brought so much goodies this weekend. Special mention to Meow, Sukreen, GHSfoever, who worked so hard to bring us pics/ vids/ accounts from blogs. Also thanks to all fans who welcome them so warmly and posted all those lovely pocs/vids/ accounts.

Sue, thanks for the Korean translations.

I am officially a fan of Jiro as well. I love how considerate and gentlemanly he is to Hye Sun. Despite the language barrier, there was no awkwardness because of his efforts and his relaxed , easy-going personality. The last time a co-star took such good care of Hye Sun was Lee Min Ho at the Taiwan promotions of BOF. Love all her outfits. Anyone notice the ring she wore at the events. I think she also wore it at BIFF red carpet. Might be a special ring,eh?

I envy Nasha, j-j-forever and para_gal , who got to see her in person. Thanks, girls, for sharing your encounters with us.

Just watched episode 2 without subs. Another entertaining episode! Love how the director treat this drama. Anyone knows the name of the song and the female artist in this episode? Jiro is really in his element dressed up in the cheongsam. LOL I had been searching all day for the SG version but no avail. Episode 1 SG had been taken down. Found this vid. only subbed  1/6.It is not fully complete and the subs go really fast. Still her efforts are appreciated. Maybe she will do the rest later. Viki is 33% subbed.


Hope the ratings go up more. It is a really good drama!

Looks like we will get to see more of GHS as she said she is preparing for promotions for Peach Tree!  I am happy! Keep voting, Sunnies!

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Guest vanessa123

Hi, my dear dear friends!! THANKS A LOT TO EVERYONE! HERE!! Meow, Sukreen, Cheerkoo, Annypooh, S_sun, natali, eunhye05, para_gal and everyone! for the vids, translation, a lot of pics of GHS in Singapore!





HERE Goo hye sun seasick so Jiro support her!!!








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Guest S_sun

Sunnies and AB fans, I found this fanmade vid done by 0MeiXin0 with the English translations for Mr Perfect lyrics.  Thought you all might enjoy this while waiting for the subs of episode 2.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01OkyHG4LKM&feature=related

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Really? She's receiving criticism over her personal style choices? I was just about to say that she's very "on" trend. If you're familiar with Marc Jacobs' 2012 spring-summer collection for Louis Vuitton, it's all about girly shifts with detachable collars done in muted pastel shades and floral cut-outs. I would say, she executed the trend well without being too garish. Orange brought out her peaches and cream complexion and the bronze highlights in her hair. She is actually stunning. Her accessories were done just right. 

I've noticed, and I don't mean this in a derogatory way, that most Koreans prefer sparkly and shiny jewelry piled on. The more the merrier, it's like they're always on steroids when it comes to accessories which actually has been their distinguishing feature. When you see sparkles and quirky fashion sense, it's always a safe bet to say that they're probably Korean. GHS's style has always been modern, understated and chic. I guess it's the opposite of the usual Korean fashion sense.

OMG...I cant help but write those letters in caps. I wanted to emphasize those letters because I felt you wrote just the same exact words/opinions/thoughts that I have when I was reading cheerko's post. I totally agree with you. So sharp of you to have noticed how elegant GHS looked in that dress with those jewelries and so brave of you to say something about it.

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I saw epi2!

Thanks meow13 for the link.

welcome sue, I will try explain a bit based on your comments.

I think I got the gist of it...but I can hardly wait for the subbed version soon.

Wow, Mr. LeiWuWu is magical!

He can erase memory to hide Jiro's identity!

does he erase memory of an event or the person's feelings?

basically he erased the memory of an event. For Zhongshi, I think he likes Xiaofei for a long time, so it doesn't matter that part of memory got erased. But I think the scene that he searched for a missing bowl and found a broken piece would be a hint for later part of the stiory

Now only Xiaofe knows that Zongshi expressed his feelings for Xiaofe--not Zongshi.

Was that NiTE at the end who hired himself into the same co as Xiaofe?

He is quick!

As Night regard Zhongshi is the cause of XiaoFei got injured, he asked Xiaofei if Zhongshi was her colleague. that's when Night decided to get himself into their company so as to protect Xiaofei

he did not consult Xiaofe about that...?? I guess to help out with money prob? Xiao does not get paid this month due to making mistake at work. keke

This is just so much better!!

Was it MeiJU who recommended that night club to Xiaofe? or did I undertand that wrong?

and NiTe broke through the wall because he sensed that Xiaofe is in danger,,not from jeolousy of Zongshi. Right?

NiTe does not have any feelings yet?? Then, why was he so happy when he and X were returning home from the Night Club?

For the above, i can briefly tell the first half of Ep2 so you would understand. Lei Wuwu went to Xiaofei's home to ask for payment. at first XiaoFei wants to return it (as it has 2-day trial). But Lei was tricky, he told Xiaofei the trial has expired 4 min ago and ask for $100million (the price of Night, it's calculated based on the criteria Xiaofei input and she had key in over 3000 XD ). thus Xiaofei has to get part-time job for extra money. It's true that MeiJu recommend that job at teh club to Xiaofei. And I think most of you could understand, they did not get paid as Night beat up the customers at the club. Then Lei Wu Wu appeared again to propose another offer, instead of paying $100million, all Xiaofei has to do is to help collecting data for his company. Since Night is a brand new product, and they need more data & research to improve it before launching in the market. Of course XiaoFei agreed since she doesn't have money to pay for Night. she has to do the data collecting for 3 months without disclosing the real identity (a robot) of Night. and that's why Night was so happy since they do not need to worry about money. The method to collect data is easy. Night is wearing a ring mounted with a crystal, which can detect the emotion of Xiaofei by showing different colour. each color represents an emotion. Thus Night knows XiaoFei was injured at Zhongshi's house because the ring shows him.

here is a news article on Apple Daily Taiwan


Just on Hyesun's part:

Both Hyesun & Jiro said they haven't met their perfect lover. Hyesun said that she desired to get married when she was in early 20s, thus she spent a lot of time & effort in dating/ with lovers. Now she would like to spend more time for herself. She wants to get married at the age of 32. "If I am going to get married at 32, I have to have a lover now, then date for around 2 years and plan for marriage."

When asked if she regard herself as perfect lover, she scored herself 50 marks. "When I was in a love relationship, I would think that I have done very well. But after broke up, I found that I haven't done good enough."

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Thank you so much for your explanation!

And thanks for the article and the translation.

GHS is so funny...she has the age down for when she wants to get married.

She is now 27 so that is about 5 years later!

But she says she has to have a lover now to make that possible...

Oh...wait a minute...she must be counting her age in terms of Korean way of counting.

So, I think she is 29 according to Korean way of counting...that makes it only 3 years away!!

So, it makes sense what she says--why she needs a lover now to date for 2 years and then plan for marriage...


I hope we hear more about that too...keke

sometimes there is a benefit to counting age in Korean ways when it comes to GHS??? keke

Thanks so much for all that you do!! And to all the Sunnies, thanks again!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

here is a news article on Apple Daily Taiwan

*quoted image*

Just on Hyesun's part:

Both Hyesun & Jiro said they haven't met their perfect lover. Hyesun said that she desired to get married when she was in early 20s, thus she spent a lot of time & effort in dating/ with lovers. Now she would like to spend more time for herself. She wants to get married at the age of 32. "If I am going to get married at 32, I have to have a lover now, then date for around 2 years and plan for marriage."

When asked if she regard herself as perfect lover, she scored herself 50 marks. "When I was in a love relationship, I would think that I have done very well. But after broke up, I found that I haven't done good enough."


Would it be too much?? and is it too inappropriate to ask on GHS soompi page....what Jiro Wang said for the same question?? keke

Just very curious.

I may sound like I am shipping....keke...but I guess that is the fun of watching a great drama like AB.

Jiro does seem to have a great personality, not just his appearance. He has great manners and seems so personable on camera and off.

I hope GHS took some pix with Jiro with her own camera too...keke

I am very glad that GHS's working partner is Jiro and not WuChon...Both GHS and WuChon are very shy that I would think it would have been very difficult to build up the chemistry especially with language barrier. Don't you think???

Thanks again.


I just love that pix of GHS and Jiro on theSG  cruise line--the second and third one(same photo)--they look so relaxed and wonderful together.


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Guest lotis

I may sound like I am shipping....keke...but I guess that is the fun of watching a great drama like AB.

Jiro does seem to have a great personality, not just his appearance. He has great manners and seems so personable on camera and off.

sorry to cut your post Sue, but I totally agree with you. They not only have good chemistry on camera but seeing how Jiro treats GHS well behind the scene is great to see and he seems very spontanious in his actions.

I was reading U channel FB comments and U channel rep mentioned that sea was very rough during the cruise and GHS was a bit sea sick but she still went on and pose for the camera.

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Would it be too much?? and is it too inappropriate to ask on GHS soompi page....what Jiro Wang said for the same question?? keke

Just very curious.

I may sound like I am shipping....keke...but I guess that is the fun of watching a great drama like AB.

Jiro does seem to have a great personality, not just his appearance. He has great manners and seems so personable on camera and off.

I hope GHS took some pix with Jiro with her own camera too...keke

I am very glad that GHS's working partner is Jiro and not WuChon...Both GHS and WuChon are very shy that I would think it would have been very difficult to build up the chemistry especially with language barrier. Don't you think???

Thanks again.


I just love that pix of GHS and Jiro on theSG  cruise line--the second and third one(same photo)--they look so relaxed and wonderful together.


Jiro said since he's the only child at home, his mother always wants him to get married asap. Hyesun intantly acted as a match maker and trying to introduce her stylist to Jiro. She said her stylist is single and good at doing house chores, which match Jiro's criteria. Jiro responds, " we can exchange phone no. and start as friends" :D Jiro scored himself 60 points. He said, " I can give her all my heart. But due to my busy work, I can't give her much time."

sorry for being out of topic:

From the vid & pics during the romantic cruise, I can see Jiro is really a gentleman. Since Hyesun got seasick and the cruise rock a lot, she could not stand steadily , Jiro always hold her hand to make sure she won't fall. I think he's really a considerate person.

AB Ep03 previews

Absolute Boyfriend Ep03 Preview 1

Absolute Boyfriend Ep03 Preview 2

 Cre FTV

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Jiro said since he's the only child at home, his mother always wants him to get married asap. Hyesun intantly acted as a match maker and trying to introduce her stylist to Jiro. She said her stylist is single and good at doing house chores, which match Jiro's criteria. Jiro responds, " we can exchange phone no. and start as friends" :D Jiro scored himself 60 points. He said, " I can give her all my heart. But due to my busy work, I can't give her much time."

sorry for being out of topic:

From the vid & pics during the romantic cruise, I can see Jiro is really a gentleman. Since Hyesun got seasick and the cruise rock a lot, she could not stand steadily , Jiro always hold her hand to make sure she won't fall. I think he's really a considerate person.

AB Ep03 previews

Absolute Boyfriend Ep03 Preview 1

Absolute Boyfriend Ep03 Preview 2

 Cre FTV

That is the sweetest thing! Jiro would make a great partner....I give her my all my heart, but can't give her much time!" I think any lucky girl would be content with getting all of his heart! LOL, so Hyesun tried to match make her stylist! Keke, Jiro is a gentleman. I love love all this pics of our girl, she looks so beautiful, relaxed and happy. Perhaps it is the company she is with.

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