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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest S_sun

Meow, thanks for the AB teaser. I was relieved that her subbed voice sounds okay. I have often been put off by the annoying ones or those that just do  not go with the characters. I can't wait for it. GHS is just so cute and so pretty.

Sue, you are a trooper. Thanks for translating her twit. I wonder what she is referring to, too. After following her for so long, I feel that her seemingly random twits usually related to her life. They seem mysterious and random because we do not know exactly what is going on in her life. Anyhow it sounds like she has a handle on the matter. I like what you post regarding HDJ character. Actually I was glad that the drama did not try to do too much on her development to be a great pilot. Realistically it would have taken years. They did show the training involved. Anyone can get good in the technical parts with experience. I think that to be great in any profession, one need to be a great human being. HDJ need to get rid of the hatred in her heart to achieve that. I feel sad that some people do not get the deeper meaning of this drama.

Eunhye05, thanks for the recaps. Have a safe trip back.

Episode 18 was great. Yes it was so sad . I steeled myself for it yet I still ended up reaching for the tissues. I thought it was paced well and there were movements to resolution. The cast  did a great job. Look forward to a happy ending tomorrow....please

Thanks to Sunnies for your comments,etc

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thanks for the video, meow

forgive me for walking out of the topic but I wanted to share this photo with you ...

I'm a fan of the couple HyunSun and because I like that Hye Sun noona out to Kim Hyun Joong and then I would be happy to if both marry and form a family ....

I wanted to know what would be the appearance of a baby of two and this is the result ...



very nice

is not it?

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Hi Sunnies!  Yes Drmjs Im reporting from Seoul right now! Im happy to say that I watched it LIVE on TV! If only i can go to each hotel room right now and have them switch on the TV to PCAP i would have. With MBC on strike i wonder what the ratings are! haha. People have better tuned in or else! hehe. Here's my recap. Since no subs on tv i had my laptop still on to iontv so i could get some of the subs down. hehe.

Daebak episode in my opinion because we've come full circle! finally the pace quickens and things get crazy! hehe

-After CK confesses to DJ about his past she is shocked..and runs away from him...she hurries to the garage and cries her eyes out.

CK remains in the car.. i guess asking for forgiveness. CapK says to himself--I did not want to lie to you at least...(then I am not sure but I think he said..) how do we stand up again??--need to wait for viki.com)

-Meanwhile MJ has someone open CK's house (The nerve) and sets up a wonderful candlelight dinner for him. SURPRISE CK! CK walks in and asks her to leave. "I dont have the energy to talk to u!" MJ: "im better than HDJ!" CK: Its not going to work out please leave. He pushes her off him. She is PISSED! Uh Oh! "Even if u push me away Im going to be with u! U are the only one I wanted. U cant do this to me! MJ tells him that he and HDJ cannot be. CapK yells that he knows that and begs her to leave. He tells her that the scar on her arm may give her good memory but to him it is a reminder of hell. When she is persistent, he pushes her away. (I guess MJ's human weakness is something that we often see in Kdrama...hard to have respect for it but the pain of unrequited love is understandable.)

- CK is out on the street and sees President. CK: Sir please take MJ. P-grabs him by the collar. why is she with u? CK- that is why i need u to take her away. im not interested.

- MJ and Pres are now talking at their home. He tells her how she is like him. And that scares him a great deal. How MJ's mom also didnt love him and loved CK's dad instead. Yet he forced her to love him. He says also that KYS reminds him so much of her (Could it be? MJ and CK are half siblings?) Pres tells MJ that her mother never gave him love but because of KYS she was being nice to him. MJ says that her mom told her she only brought KYS to help her make friends. hmm.. MJ then asks her dad - can u meet someone that will love u? someone that will love only you? I would like to thank u for kicking KYS out of the house because he is not our family any more. Im not going to be hurt alone. I'll pay him back for hurting me! (uh oh! B**tch has just sharpened her claws) It is hard to tell if CapK is half-sib to MJ. Hong feels as if fate is playing with him and says that he and CapK's dad were once good friends and they both loved CapK's mother but she only loved CapK's dad. Capk's dad and MJ's mother even went to study abroad together. (Then, I do not understand how or why CapK's dad and MJ's mother did not marry!)  Hong says that he wanted to believe his wife. But when CapK was adopted, he was suspicious if his wife remembered CapK's dad. He says his wife only stayed with him in body only but not her mind. He says that she laughed for the first time when little Kim YunSung came into their lives. I have a feeling KYS is not a half-sib. President Hong asks his daughter MJ to let go of everything and not to become like him. (I guess this is the part where he feels fate is playing a mean trick on him--perhaps he feels he is being punished for being so cruel to a child--Kim YunSung long time ago when he cancelled the adoption??)  He asks MJ to please find someone who would only love her and only her.  (sort of like what DJ and DS and CapK are going through...right??)  But instead of understanding where her father is coming from, MJ cannot let go of the anger from hurt that CapK left her with. (Now, I think I could understand MJ a bit--even Han DaJin could not and still cannot let go of her anger from the hurt...such a hurt takes a long time and growth to let go....such is being human...sorry you guys...I am stuck on that isse today....keke)

- CK goes to work the next day and findso ut that DJ isn't feeling well. She asks for a resched. CK is in a panic. Obviously he's what caused her to get sick.

- TL goes to MJ. Tells her he has the black box. *Bahumbug!* He says that Pres Hong has the black box. Team leader is very sarcastic to CapK when he was asking about DJ who cancelled flight due to sickness.

- CK is in the cockpit with DJ's friend who is her replacement. He asks her what's wrong with DJ. She tells him she thinks DJ must be really sick. She tells him she really likes Red Bean soup when she's sick and that he should get her some. CK...getting all emotional asks the following questions:

What does she like? She likes flying the skies the best

What does she like to eat? She likes everything (hehehe.typical DJ)

When does she cry? The last time she cried was when her parents died.

When does she smile? She always smiled when she was with u. DJ really looks ups to u CK.

CK gets overly emotional and calls the AtC. DS answers. CK tells him to please check on DJ because she is sick. DS: ROger!

OMG! Both JJH and LCH were so good in this scene...two great actors!

-KDS is back in DJ's house. She cried herself to sleep or is still crying. :( Obviously from heartbreak. Poor DJ .DS has no idea what to do. (Sorry I couldnt get the captions for this one) DS says DJ's crying is so painful. DJ asks him how long has he known. DS says that even though he knew, there was nothing that he could do. He is sorry.

- DS goes out and sees that CK (who is walking away) just left red bean soup on her doorstep. He calls out to CK. They have drinks. 'Dont ask me favors. I can't do anything! I can't do anything for the girl I love!' CK collapses on the floor drunk and DS just punches him one after the other! Ouchy! he's now bleeding! At the drinking house, DS is obviously very angry but polite to CapK. He asks him you did not know it will turn out like this? CapK says he did not know it would be this much painful to her or to him. He asks DS I can never be to DJ again? DS says that is not his decision. CapK says that DJ is the only person whom he wante to protect and standby. DS, holding back his anger, says that from now on he should make a decision and keep to it--he wants CapK to no longer hurt DJ ever again. At the parking lot, he yells at CapK to stand up. DS yells at CapK that I told you not to start if it was going to end this way. You see how hard it is. CapK laughs in his drunkeness and says it is not hard for him. But DS gets even more angry that CapK is laughing and starts to hit him and hit him. Perhaps CapK laughed on purpose so that he could get beaten up. He probably wanted to be punished and punished hard. Then, CapK asks DS, please take care of DJ. (somehow, this scene gives us a clue to similar or such scenario between CapK's father and President Hong??--what do you think?) At the parking lot, CapK asks DS to take care of DJ. But this is where DS yells in anger not to ask him because he cannot do anything. He cries and says that he cannot do anything for the woman that he loves. (LCH is really good!!)

- DS brings a drunk and also heartbroken CK home. CK calls out to DS in his drunken stuppor. Aigooo... he's caught in the middle of two broken hearts. Poor Poor DS! Wonder if the song "I just dont know what to do with myself.." should be his theme song right now. hehe CapK calls out DJ's name when he falls asleep in his couch. (Yes, DS is stuck in the middle. but I think DS realizes that CapK really does love DJ?? )

- The next DJ reqeusts to have all her flights resched against CKs. CJW hears this and her confrontation with CK. CK looks back at CJW. Yes, the cats out of the bag and its only a matter of time before hell breaks even more loose! CapK stops DJ as she walks out of scheduler's room. But DJ tells him not to say a word to her because she cannot stop what may come out of it. Neverthless CapK says that she cannot continue to change the schedule. He tells her she has to separate what is a public vs private matters. DJ turns around and tells him that whether public or private, she and CapK cannot be in the same vicinity. She coldly asks him with anger in her voice if he pretended to love her in order to cover up his mistake. But CapK tells her ever so gently that his feelings were sincere. But DJ tells him to not to call her by her name so casually.

- TL reports this rescheduling to MJ. MJ goes to her dad. (I didnt get captions here either so I wonder what the plan is) By the looks of it CK is in serious trouble.

(You are right!) TL tells MJ about CapK's beaten-up face. MJ suddenly gets mad and asks if it is because of DJ. TL says it is not DJ who beat him up but it looks like he fought with lots of 17? people. Then MJ says to herself, he cannot get too hurt as he is about to face even bigger opponent. At her father's office, MJ wants her father to give her the blackbox from Mirae Airlines. But Pres Hong says that he cannot do that. He cannot watch his daughter go down like him. But MJ says that as she has told him before, she will not live her life like her Dad. Her dad says that she may never regain her status again. MJ says it does not matter. She will do it. But her father begs her because he does not want her to get hurt, He says he will even do it for her and he will protect her. (This is what they mean by "sins of father going down the generation". Seem very sick and enabling relationshiop...right??.)

- CJW goes to MJ. She tells her that She'll take full responsibility and even resign. MJ tells her that CJW's resignation will do her no good. She is useless! She says" Listen carefully...Im crazy and you'll have to go crazy to stop me!" I told u im not going to let them live. Yikes! It appears that MJ is calling some type of board to put CapK through a review. TL says that CapK'f future is on the line in front of the whole staff. She actually did say that she is "crazy"---she is a "hell bent on fury"??

- DJ is troubled. SHe goes to Mechanic Ajussi who is in the garage. She needs someone to lean on at this time. He talks to her about the plane's engine. Do u know how planes' engines work? DJ: yes i know that much. MA: It's just like love...If u love someone it'll get so hot... <sorry captions stopped so this wont make sense until sue chips in. ^_^ > Just go with your mind... everthing in this world is related. You'll find a way. This looks like a good scene though. (I may not explain this part well..but) Ajjussi says that air pressure or temperature in the engine is about 2500 degrees. That force makes the ?turbin? move and make the plane to float.  It is same with people.  While loving someone or separating from someone, people experience such sickness of high temperature. That sick temperature can explode love but, for those who can withstand the heat can later have even bigger heart in preparation for greater love. DJ, don't be afraid. Like the air in the engine, just flow where your feelings tell you to go. If you do, then maybe there is a way. DJ says that she thought there will be a way too.But now that road has been severed. Now, there is no way. Ajjussi insists that if nothing works, there is a way to swim towards it. (Does ajjussi know what is happening with DJ??) Ajjussi tells her that all the roads or ways are somehow all interconnected.   

- DJ goes back inside. Fluffy is with DS. She asks unnie if they can go to the amusement park. DJ says yes and they go to one inside a bldg. They have a fun time but DJ gets distracted with the camera she used to take pics of CK? DS says" I think DS must use a new camera to take pics of Fluffy. He gets her a new camera. haha. They have a fun threesome date. Awww. Fluffy says she loves going there and hopes that next time they can bring Penguin Ajussi along. They go to a norebang / karaoke and also dance around cheering DJ up. At dinner Fluffy aint feeling to well but DJ doesnt notice. At home Fluffy tells DJ she's sleepy...then she says her head aches. DJ is panicking! She rushes Fluffy to the hospital.

- At the hospital it doesnt look like Good News! I think they need to operate on Fluffy after the CT scan. DJ demands that they let her in. She needs to be beside her sister but they wont let her. she cries out that it's just the two of them. She wants to be next to her. She breaks down again. (poor poor dj!) The DR says they are doing their best. DS tells DJ - to fluffy u are her parents. She'll be fine if u stay strong for her. DJ- my sister is sick. :( DS - why is your life so complicated (I wholeheartedly agree DS! tsk! Drama gods! U guys are too mean!) there is subdural hemorrahge (as appear on the screen) but the doctor does not think operation is the immediate step at this time. But she needs series of something and complete relaxation. DJ tried to go in but PS is in intensive care receiving some type of treatment and needs to be alone (Most likely to prohibit germs.) No,,,Ds says to DJ that DJ is both mother and father to PS and that she cannot get weak during this time. If DJ stands by and protect PS, PS will definitely wake up. DS also says something so meanigful...PS will even wake up to protect you (DJ).  

- DJ rescheds all her flights because of Fluffy's condition. CK learns of this.

- YM instead of being at the hospital is drinking away, "Life is so sad. my little fluffy is having a hard time.the person responsible for fluffy's sickeness is having a good life. Fluffy is sick and im her aunt and im full of debt. Miser dad tells her she should go to the hospital and not drink. He'll watch the store. Mechanic Ajussi arrives just in time. He asks YM to accompany him to the hospital saying he even brought stuff fluffy likes. hehe. Bingo! hahaha~miser dad or DS's dad also tries to compete for YM'a affection by offering money for fied chicken, pizza, etc that PS likes but mechanic ajjussi tells her that those food is not good for patients. Frustrated DS's dad tells YM to at least take taxi with the money...haha

- CK goes to the hospital and DJ and him talk outside. DJ: Why are u here? You dont have the right to be here. DS: how is she? DJ: You made my mom die. my siste is going to be sick till she dies. u made all the people i love....? Dont ever be around me anymore..."

- YM arrives just in time for more drama. She screams "ARy u the one that killed my sister? Fluffy she really liked u. CK leaves.. emotional drama everywhere! aigoo!

- YM - im sorry DJ. Why does it have to be KYS.

- DJ and DS - they go eat in the cafeteria. He asks her if shes ok. She says shes just hungry. He tells her to eat slowly but she says she's always hungry when she feels down..she literally crying and eating at the same time. :( Painfully heartbreaking. (GHS does a good job with the waterworks in my opinion. :) ) It is the team leader who tells DJ that DJ's life is full of crises when she asked for leave of absence or days off as her sister is sick.  It is DS who says that he and she are alike in that he feels famished when feeling down and empty and anxious. He thinks it has to do with not growing up with a mother. But DJ stops him and say that she is just hungry and that her hunger does not have such deep meaning. But as eunhye says,,,,action speaks louder than words--her world just crashed down all over again so....food is the source of comfort...

- DJ then gets the medical bill. She thinks she needs to go to the bank for some help. DS offers to help. She says he cant coz she already head over heels in depth. He tells her KYS already took care of the previous debt. DJ gets furious. He tells her he can pay back KYS. DJ says- U must be really happy because u have all that money. DS: I dont know whats good for u. Even CK doesnt know. DJ: dont mind my business. thats the way to help! she gets all pissed at him and leaves. Now she is angry at DS--she feels betrayed by DS too as he knew and she did not. Poor DS--again stuck in the middle! He seems like he is beginning to understand CapK--he tells DJ that KYS must have wanted to do everything he can for DJ and PS when DJ yells out why KYS should pay for her debt. DJ expresses her anger at DS for keeping that secret from her when he knew how she would have acted. DS says that if it is OK with DJ, he can pay the money back to KYS---(mmmm, he lost the point..) It makes DJ even more mad...DJ says it must have been fun for DS and KYS to betray her and keep secrets from her...DS becomes mad and say,,,I don't know how to help you..I think KYS also felt the same way about you. That is when DJ says both DS and KYS can help her by pretending to not know her?? or ignoring her?? And DJ walks off---- 

- CK / DJ and CJW are on the same flight from LA. However, DJ is flying with a different Captain while DJ is partnered with DJ's friend. Theres a pregnant woman on board. (I remember the whole vinette story line putting together all the events that happened during the pilot episode tragic accident. looks like we've come full circle now)

- CJW is in a panic. She's obviously developed a phobia for pregnant woman nearing full term onboard!

- Omo Omo..Not agaiN! Pregnant woman goes into labor. Her water breaks and everyone's going crazy. COme on people. CJW face ur fears! Its time for redemption!

- CJW gets things straight. She orders her staff to bring the lady to the emergency seat. They alert the cockpit. They go ask for a doctor onboard the flight. DJ wakes up and sees whats happening. She helps in the search. They find a doctor. Hurray!

- The doctor orders for the emergency kit and stuff. At first CJW is in a trance. Obviously remembering the same scenario that happened 7 years ago. DJ makes her snap out of it and she orders Assistant manager to get the emergency kit. For more dramatic effect AM drops the instruments needed...yes..deja vu?! haha. When she arrives at the emergency scene CJW asks her if its steralized. she says yes! (Liar!) CJW of course makes sure and goes to steralize the instruments. She does it right. the doctor gets the birth done. everyone happy! The pregnant passenger thanks CJW for all her help too. Redemption at last... i think! - Meanwhile CK calls for priority landing and a medical team to be available upon arrival. Yeah!! DJ tells the leader stewardess that the baby can be harmed if tools are not properly sterilized. (It is such a nerve-wrecking situation that it must be hard to think straight..thank God that there was a pediatrician available in the flight!---only in the drama,,,right? keke)

- Looks like everyone did the right thing. DJ witnesses all this. Yes, if only these were the events that took place when her mother got into labor. :( But she sees how CJW did rise above everything and saved a life.

- CJW is still not over her past mistake though even if she did good this time. she collapses on the floor crying. DJ who is still in the plane hears her. She goes over and pulls the curtain and sees CJW on the floor crying. They stare at each other and....CUT!

Thank was a great episode! Im kinda confident everything is going to be ironed out smoothly at this point. Are u? Hopefully Fluffy will be ok though. She's my primary concern. Poor Baby! I think DJ and CK will still find their way to each other and DJ will finally learn to forgive not only CJW but also CK. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Im saddened that i cant watch this LIVE on tv tomorrow.I might be delayed with the back to back recap as well for tomorrow. My flight is during the exact time of the shows so ill only get to watch them when i land. huhuhuhu.

Btw Sue, so sorry I couldnt ask those questions at Manolin. I dont think ill be able to go back there this trip though. Maybe another sunnie or fan can clarify that for us soon. hopefully someone who can converse in korean. I should have also asked if GHS started school. How can she be working and studying at the same time! iron lady our ghs!wonderwoman! superwoman! haha.

Thanks meow for bringing over the Absolute BF updates. Is that GHS dubbed voice. yikes! im really gonna miss her real voice. shouldnt there be one without the subs. like for korean audience. hehe.

GHSForever I hope ur computer is doing better now. hehe. welcome back! I miss ur MVs.

Ssun im also excited for her promotions of PeachTree... I hope its soon and i also hope she can rest a bit after everything. maybe we think she putting too much pressure on herself but in reality its just normal and she is actually like grace under fire! haha. cant wait to see what she cooks up next!

Thanks again eunhye~~marvelous job!

yonghwa!! I am also their fan too---I guess we have to wait and see what GHS tells us...keke

meow13! Thanks for your tireless effort in bringing us AB news...I hope AB will be translated speedily! kekeke

GHSforever! Always love your mv's---!!!

Thanks all Sunnies!!

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Guest S_sun

thanks for the video, meow

  forgive me for walking out of the topic but I wanted to share this photo with you ...

I'm a fan of the couple HyunSun and because I like that Hye Sun noona out to Kim Hyun Joong and then I would be happy to if both marry and form a family ....

I wanted to know what would be the appearance of a baby of two and this is the result ...

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

very nice

is not it?

Hi Yonghwa, that is a cute baby! I like Kim Hyun Joong's personality. Very honest and straightfrorward and kind. He will make a great life partner. They are good friends, right? As to who got her heart, we will know in time when she is ready to tell us. kekeke

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Guest S_sun

Hello Sunnies :)

Finally my computer is back in business :)

I want to share my MV with I know its been awhile :)

My link

Thank You in advance for watching :)

GHSforever, thanks for your mv. Looove it. It brought back memories of the past 2 months viewing. The funny parts- how she broke her sunglasses, doing her business in the soccer field,  and the sweet moments of the two together. These two had a lot of history together.  Looking forward to the finale..A happy ending with a passionate kiss or a wedding with Pposong as the flower girl is my wish for this drama......

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PCAP is over and i could say proudly that GHS made the right decision when she picked this project to be one of her dramas..its rating was not high but what amazed me was that they had a lot of endorsers..the story ended perfectly..romantic side was not shown by the lovers ending hugging or kissing each other but i love when YOON SUNG was teaching DA JIN how to drive..hehehe showing us in real world how a couple would end up getting mad or angry with each other or the girl being too embarrassed because she can't drive well..hehehe that was the best scene ever for me..i love how GHS acted on that scene..now i am thinking who taught her how to drive because the way she acted on that scene was so natural..SUCH A GOOD ACTRESS. :wub:



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Guest S_sun

Hello Sunnies,

What a great journey PCAP has been. I have been watching a lot of dramas over the years.A lot of times it is all fluff and eye-candy. I applaud the production crew and the cast for making a drama that tries to display our humanity and reach the human spirit.

Now we have a month to go for Absolute Boyfriend. What can we do to support GHS? I was thinking we could show our support for her and PCAP by tweeting SBS and saying how much we enjoyed the drama and that the cast acted the characters well. The tweeter name is SBSNOW.  The ratings may be low in Korea, but the international viewers are many. Sunnies, we can do it!

Thanks, Sunnies for making this thread such a warm and loving one.

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Guest eunhye05

Hi Sunnies, just landed a few hours ago. Couldnt help not download the torrent before going to bed! I needed to know what happened asap! Here's the recap for episode 19. :)

Im recapping after downloading the torrent since I wasnt able to watch live through IONAir. :) Sorry there's lack of captions and the conversation bits since I couldnt watch the live captions one. This will guide sue though in filling in the blanks. hehe. :D  Episode 19 was also good. we're slowly mending / closing out the loose ends. :)

we open to a montage of the past 18 episodes...all events leading up to this episode.Is it just me or did we get some scenes (especially the date scene..which we not shone) hmm... 

So CJW is crying in the cabin crew area of the plane and DJ arrives.By the looks of it..DJ was asking her about the event that happened in the past.They're both reflecting on that fateful day and crying to each other. :( goodjob to both ladies for this scene. CJW cries some more and DJ leaves.

We are now at the board room and everyone is grilling KYS. Poor CK. CJW knows of this and arrives at the boardroom out of breathe. SHe confesses or shares her side. MJ got DJ to make her statement as well. This is a difficult situation to be in. President for some reason dismisses the board after all the hulabaloo! 

Back in MJ's office they talk about what happened earlier.

DJ is now waiting at the bus stop. CK observes her from afar. DJ is looking at CKs picture in her wallet. Poor CK. Can't do anything about it. DS as if on cue arrives to pick her up for the hospital.

Back at the hospital fluffy is looking better. :) However, she's actually asking about PA.DJ is a bit affected by this. DS and DJ have quick coffee in the waiting area and he comforts her.

Meanwhile KYS and President are at kYS's house. I guess to discuss his situation. Is it just me or does President have a less sinister face today? 

The crew are all talking about CK now back in homebase. 

We now see the pilots and copilots checking the plane before flight. Mechanic Ajusshi is there and he calls out KYS. They talk about the starter valve or engine. Im sure there a meaningful conversation here pertaining to love or relationships again. Sorry couldn't get the captions for this.

In the cockpit... CK and DJ's friend are talking. Theres a quick moment when CK washes his face then goes out of the restroom only to find DJ facing him. Theres some form of turbulence and DJ looses balance. However, CK quickly grabs on to DJ to keep her from falling. OK awkward moment. haha. He injures his arm or wrist in the process though. DJ takes his arms away from her and leaves.

Meanwhile DJ is trying to make her way to fluffy who's awake and its time for her mealtime. unfortunately she's late. We see fluffy with no guardian to take care of her and feed her her meal. I think them mother of the other kid calls out to her about this. Poor Fluffy has no one at them moment.CJW gets there and steps in. She takes care of fluffy and takes care of her. Fluffy seems to like her too. :) I like her too now. hihi. She watches fluffy sleep and whispers things to her. DJ finally arrives. She witnesses this scene. We now see both CJW and HDJ in the waiting area. THey're talking. I wonder what CJW says to DJ that she's now reflecting on her words and cant think straight while watching over fluffy. 

DJ is at MJ's office. MJ is not liking DJ's proposal or whatever it was they talked about. She slams her fist on the table. DJ walks out. CK is out there and they catch each other in the hallway. She notices his arm that he hurt while trying to balance her.

DJ is in the cockpit with the lady pilot. Everything she does like turning on the lights, speaking on the intercom reminds her of CK.

Assistant manager is helping out in the ajusshi shop. All the men are checking her out because well she's letting them. haha. We have DS walk in and he gets pissed at the customers. He calls AM to the side and they have a talk. I wonder if its something related to her manners or DJ again?

Meanwhile at the airtraffic control tower the staff are talking about the english proficiency test.

DJ calls on the tower for landing. Hmm.. He's got the thinking face on.

DJ is now in the mailroom. For some reason she hears KYs/CK's voice. sHe just keeps thinking of him everywhere and in everything she does. (THis is the part of the kdrama where the lead female realizes she loves the lead male)

DJ is back at Fluffy's side. I wonder if she sleeps like that every night. YangMal takes over for a bit. 

I think DJ is also slowly seeing that she has so many people willing and ready to be there for her and fluffy if she just lets them. 

DS is missing loose change to put in the vending machine. CK arrives and gets his coffee. They have a quick moment.

DJ is now with CJW again, this time outside. CJW is reaching out to her. From what i observe I think she wants to help DJ and CK as well. 

DS  is walking down the streets. He sees nice colorful kicks. 

DJ is now at a signing. Im not sure what DJ signs but she signs something. Hehe.

DJ is in the university campus she went to with CK. SHe's infront of the fountain making a sincere wish. 

Fluffy is watching cartoons at the hospital ward with the boy who's also a patient. PA arrives to cheer them up! He teaches them how to make airplanes with colored paper and how to fly them. Planes flying all over the place. FLuffy's head is hurting. he makes her lie down and rest. Little boy says something about PA and i think that affect Fluffy? PA explains something to little boy and he says sorry to Fluffy.

PA is still with fluffy and he's talking to a sleeping Fluffy! (This kid can learn so much about whats going on around her if she just listens to their conversations) CK notices that she's not waking or breathing properly? He panics and calls the doctors! OH NO!!! 

DJ is in the waiting area of the airport and is looking a cute keychain that reminds her of fluffy. Some passenger causes her to drop this and it breaks. I wonder if she thinks this is a sign for something. 

We see the medical team rushing fluffy to the ER along with CK in a frenzy of panic.

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