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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest eunhye05

I missed the first few minutes so I have no idea what happened after the kiss. I couldn't get the screen to work until now. I did this whole reaction post on the go so most of it doesn't really make sense. I apologize!

Love this episode! I can't wait for next week. It's bound to be epic with everyone out to get everyone and revelations for sure! :D Thanks sue in advance for your translations and for helping translate episode 9 as well. :D

- I think VP hong dismissed both DJ and CK. There's your wrist grab and this time CapK kicked DJ out. I think he volunteered to leave in HDJ's place. MJ is crying is she pleading with him not to leave?

- MJ is now negotiating with her dad. Who's pissed.. 

- Look at how MJ is buying the entire store. Haha. Spoilt brat she is. :) She spots CJW buying aviator shades...obviously for CapK

MISSED 5 minutes ARGH

- CK and DJ are talking to each other. She's smirking. Hmm. She's happy? What went on during those minutes I missed.

- VP Hong receives Flowers. He's happy. 

- President really loves his airplanes. Capk and him have a talk. They're both happy. I love JJH's smile. He's adorable.

- DJ and CK are now at Mechanic Ajusshi's turf....admiring an engine...

- I have a soft heart for CJW. She's a really nice person and I love how she handles her staff. Now if only she wasn't part of the love triangle...and erm....there's the accident from long long ago. tsktsk.

- Why on earth is mr.president travelling in economy?

- It's CapK's turn to give a very nice message on through the intercom. hahaha. He's changed... DJ has definitely rubbed off on him. Awww! Now President is crying. Why does he have to leave? :S I bet DJ is teasing CK now for getting all soft.

- The crew are now having some sorta bonding session behind the curtains.They're gossiping and teasing the newbie. 

- DJ is again cold to CJW when she arrives in the Cockpit with snacks. Of cors DJ will behave like that...she's jealous... Oh of course CJW will mark her turf by offering  the sunglasses to CK in front of DJ. DJ snaps at CJW (dude you're a bit obvious. hihi) and she returns the shades CK gave her i think. Hmmm... tension in the cockpit. haha

-   Why is president cleaning up after everyone. This can't be his last flight can it? Oh i hope not. :S But you really see how much he loves this

-  So there are crew headquarters. Wonder what the stewardess is babbling about. There's the funny music. President walks in by mistake. some sorta misunderstanding

- President takes his own sweet time leaving the plane. He walks out and is given flowers and everyone bows in respect. He's really saying good bye? WHY? CapK is getting all teary eyed. I think President was the closest to the father figure he has.

- DJ and CK are back at the hangar admiring the plane again

- DJ gets a call from DS. She picks it up enthusiastically in front of CK and leaves. He just looks on..hmm..jealous? curious?

- DJ and DS are having dinner... and I think what i pick up from "chingu" is that she's saying she wants them to stay friends? or just be friends? DS is cute with the new hair and reserved attitude.

- CapK goes to the same resto with CJW. I wonder if he did that on purpose to watch DS and DJ. haha. DJ is jealous again. hahaha

- Oh now they've decided to couple date. What tension. How Awkward! hahaha. I'm happy though that despite the fact that DS tried to kiss her it didn't ruin their friendship. Kocham Chie...ouch DJ if you only knew how much you've broken his heart. Poor poor DS. DJ knows this but aigooo... her heart's not in it. awww.

- Yey Ppsong and DJ! :) But she's sad again. Bet she's still sorting out her feelings. 

- While both sisters are out they encounter penguin ajussi.... he's much warmer these days! Just then DS arrives.... and we have tension again....and and.... before saying goodbye ppopsong does the cutest thing....she kisses CK's lips leaving everyone speechless and shocked! hahaha. This kid has definitely chosen her man already. hahaha. Now CK and DJ! You guys sort out who you want now. haha. DJ to stop the awkwardess hurries to get her baby sister into the car. This is so funny.

- The funny continues as DS and CK talk to each other via the ATC. Haha. They're both stuck up and playing it cool! lol.

- DJ falls asleep at the waiting area of the WingsAir office. CK is just staring at her...and puts his coat on her as she sleeps. CJW's turn to witness this moment and be jealous. Oh dear me. But YEY! Thank you CK. DJ eventually wakes up and is carrying CK's jacket out. She's smiling :) 

- CJW is waiting for her outside. They both go to a bar and chat. I wonder if she's telling her to back off from CapK or that she loves CapK with all her heart.

- DJ was on her way back to deliver CapK's jacket when she of course gets beaten to it by CJW. 

- Aiggoooo CapK...3 girls all pinning for you. You lucky lucky man!

OK now I missed the ending *BOOOOO*

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Guest vanessa123









Actress Goo Hye Sun and pianist Choi In Young have teamed up for the OST of her drama, ‘Take Care of Us, Captain‘!

Goo Hye Sun personally participated in the production of “Fly Again“; the result between this collaboration between herself and the pianist was a song that exuded the feel of a soft night under the moonlight.

Her relationship with Choi In Young dates way back, as she’s produced for Goo Hye Sun’s new age album as well as acted as the music director for her two films, ‘Magic‘ and ‘Peach Tree‘.

Check out the teaser below! The song drops on February 3rd, so be sure to check back!




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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thank you vanessa...for bringing over Documentary's Fly Again.

It could be my computer but the song is not coming out clearly at the end.

I hope that I can get the words to the song without listening to the song over and over,,,,takes too much time.:sweatingbullets:

But the words seem very nice.

Like Brown Hair, I love this one too...Fly Again.

Thanks again.

I have to say I did not particularly enjoy this epi---somehow the actors seem to move and speak too slowly..the story seems to move very slowly..I got to say it-- sorrry,,I love GHS but I feel bad for PCAP for this epi---I don't know if many of you know,,,,there are many changes happening in the administration of the drama--they supposedly added a new writer or two, but they also added or changed PD's. etc...it must be confusing and bad while the rating is low...they really have to get their act together. I felt that they took really too long about the change of post with President Suh leaving and VP taking over, the ghost story in the plane, DS changing his outer appearance for what??---VP's acting is beginning to be boring and most of the actors like CJW and CapK seem too rigid, etc...I felt many scenes and stories were somewhat cheesy and unsophisticated. I hope that many of you saw something different and can disagree with me.... I did like that the group of flight attendants marched into the pervert's office to humiliate him with kindness--that group always remind me of the children's story of Frech boarding school girls all wearing yellow uniform to go anywhere as a group together and they also had one male member as in PCAP...keke--are the writers trying very hard to please the airport workers instead of coming up with really good story?? Sometimes I feel like the story is too disjointed. I prefer the earlier episodes with so much more drama and emotion and really good story----:wacko: :wacko:

An aritlce came out in portal that Please Captain had 7.5 % rating while the sun story has over 40%...I pray PCAP does not go further down..Come on PCAP!! Put your heads together and really make it shine!!!

Sorry Sunnies....just my opinion...

I am sure Viki team will translate very soon.

If not, I will try to answer with help of eunhye recap.

Thanks all for all your posts and hard work.

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Me too felt that way in the some part, Sue. But I think they just wanna be focus on the love line this time, too much dramatic & emotion scene can make people boring and stress too i guess :sweatingbullets:. I really enjoyed the rest of this eps, the jealousy with the stares :lol: I just feel like it. DJ and CapK really have a good chemistry. Hope the next episode can be much much better. PCAP Fighting! ^^

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Eunhye, thanks again...I am going to summarize where Viki may not have translated yet....but not so much in detail...Viki really works fast and well!

I missed the first few minutes so I have no idea what happened after the kiss. I couldn't get the screen to work until now. I did this whole reaction post on the go so most of it doesn't really make sense. I apologize!

Love this episode! I can't wait for next week. It's bound to be epic with everyone out to get everyone and revelations for sure! :D Thanks sue in advance for your translations and for helping translate episode 9 as well. :D

DS's dad gives him advice not to chase so much after the girl. When DS asks what if he loses the girl to someone else while waiting..his Dad says, nothing is fun without the ordeal/tests. DJ went to mechanic ajjussi to maybe talk about how it feels weird in her heart...but he only talks about DS--looking at DJ's expression, she was not talking about DS...DS is over-dressed when he has to change into a uniform!! kind of silly in my opinion..but it is kind of funny that he has flocks of women following after hiim...even if he loses DJ, he won't have problem with women...keke.DJ went to mechanic ajjussi to talk about something private---she has no one else to talk about it?? poor girl...don't you think that is a bit weird that a 27 or 28 yo going to an ajjussi and saying something feels weird in her heart??? Who is writing this script?! That is something a teenager may say!! :wacko:

Also, at the coffee vending machine when DJ finds that she has no coin, I wish that the director made sure that DS realizes that fast and get the coffee for DJ instead of making her just stand there with no coins. At the last epi when CJW, DJ and CapK were standing in front of VP and his daughter and getting scolded, again the timing for the team leader to come in with the pervert was so late that there was an uncomfortable silence in the drama where nobody was doing anything...Why didn't the director cut make the timing better and make the drama move faster??!!! (sorry guys~~)

- I think VP hong dismissed both DJ and CK.  Although the disciplinary panel did not think it necessary to penalize CapK as they got 5 stars, But at that moment, they find out that the pervert customer filed a complaint to WW. And it appears that pervert is at a high level in a company that brings business to WW.

One thing I did love in this epi is how DJ deals with her feeling of amour--she is as impulsive and expressive with all her emotions as she is with everything else...keke...if she is not a Tomboy character, she would be called a drama queen! keke...DJ sees CapK after having witnesses him hugging CJW. She is mad but is she mad because she does not want him to be in CJW whom  she considers her enemy? or is it because she is jealous?? Maybe even if she is 27 or 29, she is immature with her emotions...I do love her lines..When she is noisily flipping magazine pages and CapK tells her she is too noisy, she tells him straight out that her "inside is even noisier". I still love DJ's immature spunk---very refreshing.If she gets all her feelings sorted out and she knows what she wants, DJ is a type to confess her love first...right?? keke

There's your wrist grab and this time CapK kicked DJ out. I think he volunteered to leave in HDJ's place. MJ is crying is she pleading with him not to leave? VP is really mean...to her each and every earnest plea to let her fly because she cannot be a full captain without flying, VP comes back with insulting and sarcastic comments to DJ..DJ makes a plea that she has to work to support her family (she could be a drama queen!! keke) VP tells her that everyone has family. When she says that flying gives hope to her family and that it is her dream,,VP tells her that she should go home and dream. CapK sees the fruitless effort and insults bet DJ and VP, he pulls her out. Again,,I do not understand the director lose the timing by having a nothing moment when CapK came back to the office after kicking out DJ from there!! Do you see that?? Yes Eun hye! CapK does tell VP that VP wants him out so put DJ back,,,VP also tells CapK to not to stir up feelings in his daughter. CapK says he will oblige.

- MJ is now negotiating with her dad. Who's pissed.. This makes MJ upset at CapK. She asks Cap why he gives up on her so easily and why he cannot stand by her like he used to do as children. But CapK says he is sorry. MK tells her Dad that she was happiest when CapK was living as her family and she again brings out that he saved her life. She also tells her Dad that her Dad is not doing the best for the company. She begs him to bring CapK back.

- Look at how MJ is buying the entire store. Haha. Spilt brat she is. :) She spots CJW buying aviator shades...obviously for CapK  You are right! She deals with stress and hurt by shopping....she just had been ditched by CapK whom she loves. She cannot stand that someone else cares for CapK. Both say to each other that CapK is special to her...MJ says that she likes to have what no one else has in anything. CJW does not back down with CapK--MJ says if she cannot have something, no one else can either. For a saavy business woman, she is also very childish when it comes to love....and the Flight Attendant Marching to humilate the pervert in front of his subordinates.....he is embarrassed..flight attendants are very well organized!.Love the background music Woo Ahh to go along with the marching flight attendants...keke They say to him that they will return tomorrow...I guess they will come back untiil he withdraws the complaint??

President Suh got a promotion to head the international something and he will be leaving for Canada. He tells VP that he wants VP to take over his role on the condition that he allows CapK and DJ to return in full duty. At first VP is not interested in doing that. But, Presi talks to him as a buddy and say there there is no two employees who would do so much for WW than CapK and HDJ. He also tells him that nobody knows what treasure may lie behind. So, unwillingly he agrees. VP is not a likable character...money hungry, fame hungry, power hungry, etc...you all know...and he is scary!!! But VP also respects the Pres Suh. Pres Suh tells him to visit him in Canada with MJ..he is a likable guy...So, DJ and CapK are on board and VP tells them that this is their last chance.

MISSED 5 minutes ARGH

- CK and DJ are talking to each other. She's smirking. Hmm. She's happy? What went on during those minutes I missed. She is so happy that she can fly again. CapK says that he can only think about being nervous and stressed out thinking about flying with DJ. But DJ says that to her as long as she can fly, it does not matter whom she flies with no matter what type of private life the pilot may lead...

- VP Hong receives Flowers. He's happy. on his promotion as the president but vp tells him that it is too early.

- President really loves his airplanes. he talks to them like chilred. Just like the mechanis ajjussi. Capk and him have a talk. They're both happy. I love JJH's smile. He's adorable. Mentor-mentee like relationship. CapK is very sad about saying goodbye to Suh.. I guess in a way this is the turning point? The reign by the good dynasty of Suh will be replaced by the evil dynasty of Hong!!! More and more of the past conflicts and secrets will surfact?? Suh tells CapK that he will be using the capK flights and to visit him in Canada...

- DJ and CK are now at Mechanic Ajusshi's turf....admiring an engine...Why so many sentimental stories in this episode?? Mechanis ajjussi also relates to plane as his child...the plane will no longer be owned by WW but will go to Panama after its last flight to Canada. Ajjussi even named it GoDeungUh--a particular fish...ajjussi says that this plane had some problems but with lots of care and attention, it flew better so it neede lot more tlc.

- I have a soft heart for CJW. She's a really nice person and I love how she handles her staff. Now if only she wasn't part of the love triangle...and erm....there's the accident from long long ago. tsktsk.

- Why on earth is mr.president travelling in economy? He is a down to earth guy who just love what he is doing...he loves the people and the planes...I wonder what is the significance of this part to the rest of the story....would he have a role later on in the story??? In a way it is like a protective parent no longer being around to take care of the situaton---now CapK and DJ and everybody else have to really be independent and take care of themselves to survive in the evil empire!! keke. Is this a symbolic way of showing the need to grow up and become mature about things???

- It's CapK's turn to give a very nice message on through the intercom. hahaha. He's changed... DJ has definitely rubbed off on him. Awww! Now President is crying. Why does he have to leave? :S I bet DJ is teasing CK nt sow for getting all soft. Yep!! DJ is very good at teasing the CapK..I am glad about that part in this drama. GHS played Gookhwa and Eunbi who were teased by the men..now she as DJ gets to tease her boss---that is how much of a blunt and spunky DJ character is!! DJ also uses what CapK used to criticize her and use it against him....When Capk got all emotional and personal about GoDeungUh plane that is finishing up one job to move on to another, as someone he respects is also finishing up one job and going on to something more challenging and different, ther is not such thing as ending or being the last..DJ tells hims that cokpit mike is not for personal thing...remember CapK scolded her for that?? After letting CapK eat his own words, DJ tells him that it was good thing that he said.In a way, even though they have age difference in the drama, they relate to each other very equally---and respectfully of each other...

- The crew are now having some sorta bonding session behind the curtains.They're gossiping and teasing the newbie. 

YES! They are telling her to go and rest and then they tell her that this particular plane has a ghost flight attendant who tends to come and put blankets on the attendant who is sleeping---especially a red blanket....keke Also, flight attendants are funny...they practice smiling by saying words like frogs' backlegs over and over again....keke CJW offers her staff seasoned ramyun noodle crackers. Then they tease the rookie.

- DJ is again cold to CJW when she arrives in the Cockpit with snacks. Of cors DJ will behave like that...she's jealous... Oh of  course CJW will mark her turf by offering  the sunglasses to CK in front of DJ. DJ snaps at CJW (dude you're a bit obvious. hihi) and she returns the shades CK gave her i think. Hmmm... tension in the cockpit. haha

CJW gives CapK new set of sunglasses saying that his is too old now. Thils most likely got DJ more mad as she was very happy that CapK and she had "couple glasses" until that minute. CJW seems to be bent on making sure there is no relationship developing bet DJ and CapK...So, when CJW offers DJ that when she feels like eating, she should call her. But DJ yells at her saying that I told you I am not hungry...when CJW leaves the cockit, captain tells her that it is her right not to eat but not to speak with too much emotion. But DJ comes right back and tell him to not say anything when he does not know anything. As far as DJ is concerned, CapK was not part of his mother's death. Then. bluntly, DJ asks CapK what is his relationship with CJW. CapK says that the question has nothing to do with flight. Then DJ says that CJW is not the sort of person that CapK may really know. CapK tells her not to judge people too quickly and lightly like that. DJ says that CJW could be a type of person who seriously hurt people. CapK says that nobody wants to make mistake. DJ says that mistake is also wrong and she is again spitting out what CapK told her once. DJ has not released the past hurt or the blame yet...if they are to become a couple, that will be really tought to live with...

-   Why is president cleaning up after everyone. This can't be his last flight can it? Oh i hope not. :S But you really see how much he loves this

-  So there are crew headquarters. Wonder what the stewardess is babbling about. There's the funny music. President walks in by mistake. some sorta misunderstanding

- President takes his own sweet time leaving the plane. He walks out and is given flowers and everyone bows in respect. He's really saying good bye? WHY? CapK is getting all teary eyed. I think President was the closest to the father figure he has.

- DJ and CK are back at the hangar admiring the plane again It is cute, DJ also talks to the plane---everybody who loves flying thinks of plane as a living thing---I guess it comes with the job...DJ says to GoDeungUh that you were great today...from now on continue to work hard and to live well. Capk seems pleased.

- DJ gets a call from DS. She picks it up enthusiastically in front of CK and leaves. He just looks on..hmm..jealous? curious?

- DJ and DS are having dinner... and I think what i pick up from "chingu" is that she's saying she wants them to stay friends? or just be friends? DS is cute with the new hair and reserved attitude.

- CapK goes to the same resto with CJW. I wonder if he did that on purpose to watch DS and DJ. haha. DJ is jealous again. hahaha

- Oh now they've decided to couple date. What tension. How Awkward! hahaha. I'm happy though that despite the fact that DS tried to kiss her it didn't ruin their friendship. Kocham Chie...ouch DJ if you only knew how much you've broken his heart. Poor poor DS. DJ knows this but aigooo... her heart's not in it. awww. DS responds to DJ's wish to remain good friends: he can be friend to many people but not to DJ.

- Yey Ppsong and DJ! :) But she's sad again. Bet she's still sorting out her feelings. 

- While both sisters are out they encounter penguin ajussi.... he's much warmer these days! Just then DS arrives.... and we have tension again....and and.... before saying goodbye ppopsong does the cutest thing....she kisses CK's lips leaving everyone speechless and shocked! hahaha. This kid has definitely chosen her man already. hahaha. Now CK and DJ! You guys sort out who you want now. haha. DJ to stop the awkwardess hurries to get her baby sister into the car. This is so funny. PS was telling penguin ajjussi that DS kissed her sister and she demonstrated to penguin ajjussi. CapK looks surprised and keeps on looking at PS and DJ??  When they run into each other at the restaurant, DS asks them to join, to the protest of DJ. But Cjw wants to join in. CapK asks DS if he cut hair because he is going to the army? DS says it is to have new mindset for the new day. But he also makes a gesture of shooting at CapK with his fingers...he is mad at CapK because he thinks DJ likes CapK--but are we sure about that at this time?? Capk tells DS to make a good aim, even though it can be hard..(they are cutting each other down!!keke) DS sees CJW being like a flight attendant with utensils and comments that CapK and Cjw seem polite and civil to each other. CJW also makes same comment about them DJ interjects to say that Ds and she are friends. But DS juts in and say that they are not friends. CJW says they look good together. Then she asks capK to go and see a movie together. DJ also asks DS to go and see a movie. DS looks sad---???

- The funny continues as DS and CK talk to each other via the ATC. Haha. They're both stuck up and playing it cool! lol.

Yes! Lots of tension among DS, DJ and CapK. CapK tells DJ that DS has bad drinking habits. DJ tells him that it has nothing to do with flying. But CapK continues to say DS mixes alcohol and falls asleep.Again DJ protests. CapK says that it is good to know because it can affect her ability to fly. But DJ says that she knows more about DS than he does. CaPK sarcastically say, I would guess so since you kissed. keke---

- DJ falls asleep at the waiting area of the WingsAir office. CK is just staring at her...and puts his coat on her as she sleeps. CJW's turn to witness this moment and be jealous. Oh dear me. But YEY! Thank you CK. DJ eventually wakes up and is carrying CK's jacket out. She's smiling :) 

- CJW is waiting for her outside. They both go to a bar and chat. I wonder if she's telling her to back off from CapK or that she loves CapK with all her heart. CJW asks DJ if she has capK's clothes. Then she asks DJ if she likes CapK. CJW says that it would be a relief if DJ does not like capK. Then DJ asks about CJW and CapK. She tells her that they used to be in love. Then they did not see each other for a long time and only recently they decided to restart their relationship. DJ asks why she is telling her all this infor. CJW says that she just felt that DJ should know. Then DJ says that she does not like CapK at all. Then she walks away from the bar. CJW says to herself that she felt so anxious that she decided to confess first. I wonder who is saying that to?? Then DJ goes to capK's home to return the jacket?? But Cjw beats her to it as you say. So  But DJ is not the type to sit on her feelings...she is the type to blurt her feelings out..she runs to CapK's home and sees ChoiJW wearing CapK's shirt inside his house...how did that happen? When CJW tells CapK that she has no one to drink wine with,,,he doesnot drink but tells her that it is getting late and that he will drive her home. But she is seen in the bathroom and she is taking off her buttons...Very confusing...I think the pd or director seems to want to usually confuse the viewers and make us get frustrated and confused and then answer the questions in the next episode??? What really is the motive behind CJW??? It is not yet obvious what is the nature of relatioship bet CJW and CapK now. Are they starting over or are they just friends?? CJW may also be adamant towards MJ because she knows about CapK's childhood as well??? and she is trying to protect him from jeopardizing his career?? Confusing...

Another funny conversation with DJ and CapK after they land--CapK tells DJ to go home early and not to spread scandal. DJ protests that she does not make scandals. She also tells CapK that he shoud not be worrying about her..Then he tells DJ that isn't scandal made so that others are get stressed over it?? then DJ gets all confused: she says to herself: what is he saying...is he saying that he is concerned about me?

DJ asks her aunt Yangmal what is it mean when old couple get back together: it may be because they still have flame for each other or that there is an old debt to pay...DJ runs towards capK's home with the jacket again when she finds CJW wearing capK's sihirt....but capK does not seem like he wanted to have drinks with CJW because he wanted to drive her home saying that it is late.

- DJ was on her way back to deliver CapK's jacket when she of course gets beaten to it by CJW. 

- Aiggoooo CapK...3 girls all pinning for you. You lucky lucky man!

OK now I missed the ending *BOOOOO*

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Good Morning Sunnies :)

@sue viki is 100 % episode 9 but episode 10 62 % so its getting there :)

I dont know but since loving the Soo Da couple not liking Dajin in this weeks episode Dong soo proposing his love to her was ignored thats why I hate having the second lead syndrome because the second lead in kdrama never gets the girl, Usually in the drama when i love the 2nd lead i stopped watching it for but since this is GHS drama I will stay to the end :) The change fo Dong So wasnt necessary but I think because he loved her so much he wants to be a mature man just like the captain but I love the old Dong Soo so we just have to see :)

Have a great weekend :)

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Guest vanessa123



"음악감독 최인영씨와 함께 팀 결성을 했는데요.팀 이름이 '다큐멘터리'입니다. 어제 Fly again 이라는 첫곡을 '부탁해요 캡틴'ost로 발표했습니다. 드라마의 원래 제목이기도했지요. 그때의 시놉시스를 읽고 만든곡이였지요."


"Music director with Mr. Choi went to a team formed a team named 'documentary' is Fly again yesterday for the first track "I'm asking Captain 'ost as announced. The original title of the drama is decided. Then read the synopsis of the song of the show was made​​."




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Guest vanessa123



Fly Again - I became love

My sweet love

After you met me, you became my purpose

Encountering a higher mountain

I once doubted you

And the loneliness that reaches the ends of the earth under the sunset

It finds me again

Hold my hand

Everything about you will fly up and fly up again

Your life with me will rise up without knowing

Just as the sunlight becomes yours

Just as my life becomes yours

Encountering a higher mountain

I once doubted you

And the loneliness that reaches the ends of the earth under the sunset

It finds me again

Hold my hand

Everything about you will fly up and fly up again

Your life with me will rise up without knowing

Just as the sunlight becomes yours

Just as my life becomes yours

Fly Again - I became love

My sweet love

After you met me, you became my purpose

Please don't hurt, I will give you my breath

I will do everything, please trust me

On days you have many worries, if you get annoyed

Always come and find me

Hold my hand

Everything about you will fly up and fly up again

Your life with me will rise up without knowing

On the day the sunlight becomes yours

Hold my hand

Everything about you will fly up and fly up again

Your life with me will rise up without knowing

Just as the sunlight becomes yours

Just as my life becomes yours

CR: http://www.popgasa.com/2012/02/documentary-goo-hye-sun-choi-in-young.html



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Sources say, "Since she is an actress with many talents, she has many thoughts. Even on the set of 'Take Care of Us, Captain,' she is called 'Director Goo' since she has so much interest in the production process."

just read the sentences... the sentences is hurt, I think.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thank you vanessa for the lyrics to Fly Again...it is beautiful. Many DC members are feeling addicted to the song and one person felt uplifted by the song as well. I feel that way too. Very addictive--in Korean, it is very poetic and even deeper in meaning and sentiment.


The DC member fksl also found out that Documentary has come up with another song called Marry Me. They do not know when it will available for listening but I am also looking forward to it....

어제 기사에..according to yesterday's article,,,

다큐멘터리 정식 첫 타이틀로 최인영이 프로듀서를 맡고 구혜선이 작곡과 작사를 참여한 marry

Me는 조만간 공개 될 예정이다....Marry Me will soon be published..

조만간 언제~very soon

이 노래도 기대된다.... looking forward to this song

쿠노래 아침에 들으니 상쾌하다..I heard Koo's song this morning...very refreshing

아침에 마시는 물한잔 같다....feels like drinking water in the morning.

하루종일 흥얼흥얼~~~I am humming all day long

생각만으로도 좋다~^^~ thinking about it feels good.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Please click on this article to show the reporter that many people are reading his article and that we support it.

And I will translate it.


[마이데일리 = 최두선 기자] ==MyDaily's Reporter Choi Doo Sun

구혜선에게 누가 돌을 던지나 [최두선의 나비효과]=

Who throws stones at GHS. (choi doo sun's butterfly effect)

마이데일리 기사전송 2012-02-03 11:04 최종수정 2012-02-03 11:24

배우 구혜선에 대한 연기력 논란이 제기됐다. Criticism of GHS's acting has become an issue.

구혜선은 SBS 수목드라마 '부탁해요 캡틴'(극본 이재연 배창직, 연출 주동민)에서 부기장 한다진 역을 맡았다. 지난 1월 첫 방송된 '부탁해요 캡틴'은 항공관련 직업인 기장과 승무원의 생활을 현실적으로 그리며 휴머니즘을 표방했지만 정작 사람들의 시선은 구혜선의 연기력에 쏠렸다. GHS currently plays an Assistant Pilot Han DaJin in SBS's PCAP. Script is by Lee JaeYun and Bae Chang Jik (Are they the same as the original writer??) and directed by Joo DongMin (Director is the same but I hear it is also changed. In the name of rating, people in entertainment industry must go crazy and frentic!) The drama portrays the realistic and humanistic story of the professionals working in the airline field. However, people are mainly focused on GHS's acting ability.

논란의 주된 근거는 전작과 다를 바 없는 구혜선의 표정연기, 행동 등이다. 특히 KBS 2TV '꽃보다 남자'속 금잔디와 한다진의 차이를 모르겠다는 것이다. The criticism is that GHS's expressions and behavior are the same as from her previous acting work. They especially point out that there is no difference between BOF's Geum Jandi and Han DaJin.

전작과 큰 차이가 없으니 연기력에 문제가 있다는 주장은 '부탁해요 캡틴' 속에서 금잔디를 찾는 시각에 문제가 있다. 특히 구혜선의 연기력 논란은 드라마 스토리 전개와 맞물려 나왔다. '부탁해요 캡틴'은 비현실적인 사건 전개와 우연이라 하기에는 너무 신기한 인물간의 관계구성으로 비판받았다. 이 과정에서 구혜선의 연기력 논란이 점화된 것이다. People who insist that lack of difference between old and new roles prove an actor's poor acting skill may have vision problems in that they are searching for Geum Jandi in PCAP. (keke) Berating GHS's acting ability came about along the same time with the development of the drama story. PCAP itself received criticism for unrealistic story line and for its too amazing-to-be-accidental story characters and their relationships. Under this circumstance, criticism of GHS's acting ability ignited.

이 시점에서 구혜선 연기력 논란에 대한 의문이 제기된다. 극중 한다진은 부모님을 잃은 슬픔을 간직하고 있지만, 특유의 긍정적인 사고방식과 일에 대한 열정으로 세상을 살아가는 인물이다. 한다진은 매번 기장 김윤성(지진희 분)에게 혼이 나지만 굴하지 않고 희망적인 메세지를 전하고 있다. At this time, I raise question about the criticism of GHS's acting ability. In the drama, Han DaJin grieves the tragic loss of both her parents. Even so, she maintains the uniquely positive attitude and lives her life with passion for her work. Han DaJin is countlessly criticized by Captain Kim YoonSung (Ji Jin Hee), however, she does lose her spirit and stays strong and hopeful. She sends out message of hope to the audience through her character.

구혜선은 자신만의 연기스타일을 구축해 나가고 있다. 그녀는 친구들끼리 왕따시키는 무리에게 기내방송으로 타이르고, 냉정한 김윤성에게 반발하는 등 드라마에서만 가능한 인간적인 모습을 보여주고 있다. 때로는 소주를 마시며 눈물을 흘리는 아픔을 연기하고 있다.

GHS is working and building her own style of acting. As Han DaJin, she steps forward against a group who bullies another, inside the plane. She stands firm and talks back at the harsh Captain Kim. GHS is showing the humanistic behaviors that are usually only possible in dramas. At times, she shows  the character's pain while drinking soju.

연기자도 한 사람의 주체다. 구혜선의 말투와 얼굴, 표정관리, 행동, 걸음걸이 등이 전작과 같다고 해서 연기를 못한다고 하기에는 오류가 있다. 같은 논리로 자타공인 연기력을 인정받고 있는 김윤석, 하정우, 박신양 등의 특유의 말투, 습관 등이 작품마다 매번 달라야 하는 것은 아니다. 그들도 그들만의 방식으로 극중 캐릭터를 표현해내듯이 구혜선의 밝고 명랑한 연기도 그러하다. An actor is also an individual. It is a mistake to think that she cannot act just because her way of talking, expressing, behaving, walking, etc are similar to her old drama roles. In the same vein and logic, there are actors like Kim Yoonsuk, Ha JungWoo and Park ShinYang who are acknowledged for acting. (<-- I am not sure if I translated this sentence correctly! I think these actors play similar roles in many of their movies...is that correct??) Their special way of talking and behaving and acting do not need to be different every time they act in different movies. Just the way they use their own methods to portray their characters, GHS is using her own method to acting out her bright and positive drama character.

연기는 작품 속에서 평가받는다. 전작과 비교하는 것이 아니라 현재 작품 속에서 얼마나 그 캐릭터를 표현해 내고 있는가가 중요하다. Acting must receive evaluation from withing the drama. It is not about comparing the acting of one actor with the actor's previous acting. It is about how well the actor expresses the essence of the character they are portraying at the present time.

'부탁해요 캡틴'은 시청률 7%(시청률조사회사 AGB닐슨미디어리서치 기준) 대를 꾸준히 유지하고 있다. 이는 경이로운 시청률을 기록하고 있는 MBC '해를 품은 달'과 소녀시대 제시카의 키스신 등 초강수를 둔 KBS 2TV '난폭한 로맨스'의 부진과 비교할 때 고정시청층을 가지고 있다는 증거다. PCAP is pretty much consistently maintaining the rating of 7% (according to the rating company AGB Nielsen Media). Compared to the amazing ratings received by the MBC drama (Suns Embracing the Moon) and the ??lower rating?? of KBS drama Wild Romance even with Jessica of SNSD's kiss scene, it is a proof that PCAP has a steady and fixed viewership and following.

구혜선의 연기력 논란이 선입견에 의한 것은 아닌지 의문이 든다. I question whether the criticism of GHS's acting is related to the issue of bias and prejudice.

['부탁해요 캡틴' 구혜선. 사진 = SBS 방송캡처]==PCAP's GHS pix captures from SBS

(최두선 기자 sun@mydaily.co.kr) ==Reporter Choi Doo Sun

Thank you Reporter Choi Doo Sun of My Daily for such an analytic and intelligent commentary reporting. I agree with you. I am sorry that I may not have translated your exact meaning 100%. Love it ! Love it!! PCAP team Fighting!! I pray for the wonderful creative cooperation of writers and producers and directors and entire crew!! Only Victory remains!!!!

Sunnies!! Pleas click on the link of his article to show our support for such reporters---I read in DC by Yushinkoo that it helps the reporters to get clicks on their writing!!! :wub:

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Guest stephaniexue

I always love Hye Sun's songs, love the music, love the lyric. Can't wait for another song 'Marry Me'.

@cheerkoo Thanks for the article. I also thank to Reporter Choi Doo Sun.

Hye Sun fighting!! PCAP fighting!!

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