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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Actress Ku Hye Sun recently selected as the No. 1 Korean natural beauty by Spanish fans.

On January 25, an online community posted a note with the caption, “Ku Hye Sun was selected as No. 1 Korean natural beauty by Spanish website.”

A Spanish website did a survey asking who is the most beautiful girl in Korea and Ku ranked first with 32.08 percent of the votes.

Song Hye Kyo ranked second with 27.09 percent of the votes and Shin Min Ah ranked third with 12.13 percent of the votes. Both Lee Min Jung and Son Ye Jin ranked fourth with 10.24 percent of the votes.

It seems like people chose Ku because of her clean skin and easy-going personality.

People responded: “Ku is really pretty.” “She was a queen of her high school.” “I’m enjoying your TV series.” “Foreign fans know how attractive Ku is too.”

Ku is currently appearing on SBS’s series Please Captain as Han Da Jin.

Source: Korea.com

When it comes to natural beauty, no one can beat GHS...w00t.gif

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

A tiny after-thought after epi 7~~

What other reasons did CapK have to help DJ~~

1. When he realized that DJ is his late Cap Han GyuPil's daughter and that he suffers from trauma for feeling responsible for her mother's death. Even though he may consider her and her life a total mess and would rather she quit being a pilot and disappear from his life, he is going to help her become the best captain possible because that is what she wants for her life.

2. DJ is stubborn as hell once she makes up her mind. "I am Han DaJin who does what I say I will do and even my name says it. Han Da means I am doing. As Yang Mal means socks---keke. So, he may have learned that instead of fighting her (although he may do that up front), he is going to join her and help her from her perspective and her world. ~~like he fought off the loan sharks and paid them off without telling her.

3. He knows that telling DJ the truth about him would be only detrimental and not at all helpful as seen by how DJ acted towards Choi JiWon.

4. CapK is a very logical person so it is understandable how he decided to help her without telling her the truth. It is not cowardly at all.

5. He may have helped DJ more outwardly with JongSu case maybe because of his own past, but also because, in the beginning of the epi 7, Han DaJin stood up for CapK when the VPHong slapped CapK and accused him of trying to get close to his daughter. VPHOng is DJ's employer too and again she put her job on the line! Even though she loves her job, she hates it more when people are suffering unfairly or needlessly. DJ spoke up for CapK by saying that it is MiJoo who called for CapK's help and not the other way around. But CapK held DJ down and made her stop. CapK also knows that DJ is driven to help those in need (meddlesome) and that desire is as "wide as the Pacific Ocean" as it was initially advertised about Han DaJin character.

Any other reason??

Perhaps the romance will bloom and that will be the ultimate reason?? But I would guess CapK will do everything possible to not to fall in love with DJ as I am not sure if he can fall in love with someone whom he feels so guilty towards. ~~and he may feel totally unlovable due to his past as well.....

See you later!!

Fighting to epi 8!!

ps Oh, thanks to meow13's recap or bts pix, i just saw that CapK did indeed give something to drink to HanDJ when she was in need of drink from her burger..keke I did not see that in the drama at all....what is this...did the director decide to leave that pix out or did I miss it??!! Either way, it was kind of funny. CapK is somehow going to make DJ suffer a bit no matter what....

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I saw the ending part but the clip was really bad!

Cannot wait for the downloaded viki.com!!

I read a bit of DC...they are all saying how so engrossingly intersting the epi was,

Was it??

There was no preview...did I miss it or something??

I also read this article posted by yushinku of DC and it is very positive about PCAP!


Even if I love GHS and PCAP,,,,I get so emotionally worked up by other people's opinion....I have lot of work to do....:crazy:


[TV리포트 송승은 기자] SBS TV 수목극 '부탁해요 캡틴'에서 구혜선이 맡은 한다진이 해피바이러스를 전파하는 희망캐릭터로 등극했다.'부탁해요 캡틴'(정나명 이재연 극본, 주동민 연출)에서 한다진은 열정과 패기를 지닌 여성 부기장으로, 평소에도 배려심 많고 긍정적인 마인드를 내비치면서 희망캐릭터로 등극한 것.

항공학교를 수석으로 졸업한 한다진은 현재 윙스에어 부기장으로 활약 중이다. 그런데 그는 비행기 사고로 어머니 양미혜(이휘향)와 차사고로 기장인 아버지 한규필(김창완)을 잃고 말았다. 이 때문에 동생 뽀송이 다연(갈소원)과 함께 어렵게 생활을 꾸려가고 있을 뿐만 아니라 심지어 이모 말자(이아현)의 빚더미까지 떠안으며 절망에 놓였다.

하지만 한다진은 이에 굴하지 않았고, 자신의 어려움을 극복하며 주위사람들에게 해피바이러스를 전파하면서 눈길을 모으고 있는 것.

지난 19일 방송된 6회에서 그는 파일럿에 대한 꿈을 지닌 왕따 여고생 희망(하승리)에게 자신이 꼼꼼히 적은 노트를 선물하며 꿈을 키우게 했고, 기내방송을 통해 학생들에게도 꿈과 희망에 대해 얘기했다.

특히 25일 방송된 7회에서는 복순(서승현)이 35년 전 영국으로 입양된 아들 종수(안재모)를 찾으러 가자 마치 자신의 일처럼 종수를 찾아다니기도 했다.

이를 보다 못한 기장 김윤성(지진희)은 그만둘 것을 종용했지만, 다진은 "비행기에 대한 따뜻한 기억을 드리고 싶다. 비행기가 단지 교통수단, 한낱 쇳덩어리로 기억되는 건 싫다"며 자신의 소신을 굽히지 않았다.

누리꾼들은 "다진 덕분에 제 마음도 따뜻해지고 긍정적으로 만들어지는 것 같다" "구혜선씨의 밝고 씩씩한 모습이 참으로 좋다" "정 많은 다진이 어릴 적 아픔을 지닌 윤성의 마음도 녹일 것 같다"며 응원을 보내고 있다.

제작진은 "'부탁해요 캡틴'은 항공드라마이면서도 휴머니즘 드라마인데 구혜선씨가 연기하는 씩씩한 다진 덕분에 인간미가 더욱 살아나고 있다. 앞으로도 다진이 비행하면서 전하는 기분 좋은 해피바이러스를 지켜봐 달라"고 부탁했다.


송승은 기자 sse@tvreport.co.kr

brief summary: It summarizes the general outline of PCAP--good thing to draw in possibly new viewers.

It also gives some brief descriptions of episodes so far.

It also lists some comments by netizens: Thanks to DaJin, I feel warm inside and feel myself becoming more positive (that is exact goal of GHS when she chooses her drama projects!); I really love GHS's bright and energetic attitude; I think her outlook and attitude will most likely melt even Captain Kim....

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Guest vanessa123



"국화랑 잔디는 오른손으로 밥먹구요. 은비랑 다진이는 왼손으로 먹습니다. 젓가락질이요.^^"


" Kook Hwa and Jan Di eats with their right hand. Eun Bi and Da Jin eats with their left hand. Using chopsticks.^^ "


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*quoted image*

"국화랑 잔디는 오른손으로 밥먹구요. 은비랑 다진이는 왼손으로 먹습니다. 젓가락질이요.^^"


" Kook Hwa and Jan Di eats with their right hand. Eun Bi and Da Jin eats with their left hand. Using chopsticks.^^ "


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So, in addition to all of her other talents, does this mean that she's made herself ambidextrous, as well? :blink:

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Guest vanessa123

"PLEASE CAPTAIN" Ji Jin-hee beat molesters once! Support as well, captain!


SBS Drama Special "I'm

asking Captain" (a play: jeongnamyeong, Director: judongmin, production: State of the story 365) in the eighth captain gimyunseong (Ji Jin-hee minutes) Sexual scenes that overwhelmed me at once hwajeda beomeul.

Yunseong in the toilet cabin manager choejiwon (wired in minutes) to sexual harassment unscrupulous actions of a man holding the collar threw all excited, do not tolerate the threat of suing a man 'super force' seems to be an audience to Invigorating.

After the hustle and disturbance yunseong holding the cabin intercom "Customer safety is important enough to know that safety of the crew vary ', branded the words have the courtesy to apologize to the passengers told him what manners do not forget, the crew were always calm and blood tears to the unexpected appearance of cold, without yunseong sugungeoryeotda surprised.

Netizens, "Oh, no passengers, the concept got a kick two nwabwaya", "jikaeptin too! So hot, "" sexual harassment on board as a social problem, the problem is to purge the "toughest of the various reactions to preach like Ji Jin-hee said in the appeal.

On the other hand, handajin (Hye minutes) was up to the parents abandoned deda yunseong They gave heart to know the history of the beginning of stream 1:26-33 ahpahamyeo pink, yunseong die overthrow of the house with your own sushi and bought a Managing Director hongmiju ( Clara) warred with the line about getting heralded an exciting love.

Under one body of every woman in love at the end of eight times the molestation yunseong beomege want to get down on your knees and grasp the wrist of the Americas conference break out and go to the abrupt action has left questions about the following times:

"I'm asking Captain> Love Line is the viewers' eye-catching at the same time, covering a wide range of social issues and human relations as well" human aviation drama "Cruising is a reputation for listening.

SBS Broadcasting / Entertainment News


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks Sunnies for all the pix, recaps, etc.

Even in her busy schedule, I love that GHS is posting in her tweeter...She is also promoting PCAP!!


I also happen to read one DC page---just for fun


Many DC members are talking about wishing for GHS to have a wonderful boyfriend.

오늘 트윗보고~~~

넘 예뻐서~~~~I saw her tweet today

정많고~~~So affectionate

사랑많은 ~~~~So full of love

우리 예쁜 쿠~~~Our dear pretty Koo

넘 착하고~~So kind

넘 예뻐서~~~So pretty

넘 똑똑하고~~So smart

넘 잘하는게  많아서~~~She is so good at so many things

유난히 힘든 삶을 사는 것 같아 안타까운데~~~~  늘~~~I feel worried that she seems to lead an unusually hard life~~always

꼭 쿠같은 맘 가짐~~Someone who has the same heart and mind as Koo 

쿠 말데로 의리있고~~As Koo said, someone who has loyalty and faith


이해심많고~~~full of understanding

힘든 일 있을 때마다 옆에서  안아주고 보듬어줄~~someone who would hug and pat her whenever she has a hard time

든든한 남자친구 있음 바란다는~~~ ^^I definitely wish for you such a dependable boyfriend


Another person wrote in the follow-up that Koo usually said that she does not want a younger person as her boyfriend or partner.

ㄴ 최근기사 보니까 이제 연하도 상관없데 근데 현실은 시궁창 

But this member says that he read an article recently which says that now Koo does not mind a younger person~~keke

I wonder where such an article exists?? maybe the previous magazine aritcle, not CeCi but she was on another magazine..right?

Anyway, Koo seems to be loosening up?? keke


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Hello Sunnies :)

@minjee thanks for screen cap The Han sisters so cute :)

@vanessa and meow thanks for alway giving us update :)

@sue for always translating for us non korean I really appreciate it :)

regarding GHS boyfriend and ladies/gents i really dont care who it is as long as GHS is happy :)

Have a great day/evening :)

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Guest vanessa123



"감자를 목욕시켰습니다.그동안 녀석이 더 많이 자랐나본데요.다 끝내니 네시입니다...화장실 정리도해야하는데...밀린 감자수건 빨래도..."


"Potato has a bath In the meantime, he jaratnabondeyo more: it is kkeutnaeni Nessie ... I only want to clean the toilet ... catch up on laundry towels potatoes ..."



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Guest vanessa123

"PLEASE CAPTAIN": Han Da Jin says “I’m hot, aren’t I?”


Han Da Jin (Goo Hye Sun) pays back a passenger who tries to commit sexual harassment during flight.

In the episode of SBS’s Take Care of Us, Captain that aired on January 26, distress flight attendants get is portrayed.

A male passenger tries grasping a flight attendant on her hand and peeping at her legs. Choi Ji Won (Yoo Sun) gives a warning to him and the man in turn tries to commit sexual harassment. At the moment, Kim Yoon Sung (Ji Jin Hee) shows up and saves her from the troubled situation.

Witnessing the situation, Han Da Jin, a co-pilot, does not just pass by. She comes up to the passenger who caused the turbulence, and says, “What do you think of me? I’m hot, aren’t I?” She fastens up his seatbelt so tightly that he can hardly breathe, gasping.

She adds, “Do you think flight attendants are your toys? I’d like to drop you off from the plane, but I won’t, because you would pollute the air,” making the pervert feel ashamed.

In the episode, Yoon Sung is portrayed losing his temper by the troubled situation of Ji Won, and giving her a hug. So, will the romantic relationship of the two take shape?

Source: TV Report

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I see that Viki.com is nearly 100% translated.

Pretty good.

It is so interesting that everybody is trying to find out everybody's past.

VPHong trying to find out why CapK worked in the storage for 2 years in Australia and trying to get dirt on him.

Flight attendants trying to find out what is between CapK and ChoiJiWon, after the sexual assault incident.

DongSoo trying to find out why DJ is so worked up when she faces ChoiJiWon. In fact, he confronts her while waiting to run into DJ near the coffee machine. He wonders why DJ and Choi are so tense as if they are kids. But, at that exact moment, speaking of the devil, CapK appears. Both CapK and DongSoo also have kid-like tension whenever they see each other....keke...love the way director put those two scenes next to each other.

DJ found out more about CapK and feel much identification and empathy with CapK. That is why she uses her cute sister to visit CapK since she cannot just visit him alone. Ppysong just does what her sister asks her to do and is glad to go and see Penguin Ajussi. She practices her line about abalone being ocean's ? "bear gall"? and how it is so good for health. DJ praises Ppysong by saying that PS should skip kindergarten and go straight to college. Also PPyosong is staying at home from school because of the cold epidemic in school and her immune system is not so good. Poor kid!

DJ also sees that Choi is really a wonderful woman and a great professional. DJ's feeling are more controlled about Choi as she get to know more about her??

The man with the wig is a plane auditor. He takes pix of skies of the different countries that he visits. Because CapK's plane took off late (even though they arrived 20 min early) and because there was violence against a custormer on place (even though the guy was a perpetrator), VP is really worried about Wings Air's 5 star rating slipping and makes Choi aplogize to the perpetrator. To the great dismay and protest of CapK and HanDJ.

I think VPHong is overreacting because he really wantsot ruin CapK. Even though Han says that she wants to receive equal punishment for the lateness,,,VPHong holds CapK responsible only.

So, the relationship bet CapK and ChoiJiwon seems unfinished...perhpas it will heal? How it will end is a mystery. I wonder how CapK's relationship with his formally adopted sister MiJoo end up?? DJ is having different perspective about CapK and considers cool...but it is not yet anything serious. I wonder how that will pan out as well....

Come to think of it...lots of healing is needed by so many people in the drama and it definitely is NOT a simple boy-meets-girl love story what so ever....it is so much more than that...they are healing by getting involved in other people's lives and reflecting on themselves and each other....wow...I love it...

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


*quoted image*

"감자를 목욕시켰습니다.그동안 녀석이 더 많이 자랐나본데요.다 끝내니 네시입니다...화장실 정리도해야하는데...밀린 감자수건 빨래도..."


"Potato has a bath In the meantime, he jaratnabondeyo more: it is kkeutnaeni Nessie ... I only want to clean the toilet ... catch up on laundry towels potatoes ..."



Thanks vanessa for bringing over GHS's tweet!!

GHS says: "I gave Gamja a bath. He must have gotten bigger since last time because it was already 4 O'clock when I finished...Oh No..I have to clean up and organize the bathroom and I also need to wash Gamja's towels that I have not washed for a while...."

(I love that, on the one hand, GHS is an author and painter and actress and director and etc. and, yet, she still seems to do all the housework and take care of Gamja by herself. Very down to earth....Gamja is a big dog to wash up!! :wub:

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Hye Sun , you are so happy huh, the vidi with little Da yeon THE BLOWFISH SISTER are so cute, both of you are really love & carying each other on & off screen... and hye sun u really have a flawless skin and a red lips that i'll bet every man want to taste it,LOL

i just wondering who's the man on the backgorund with that special laugh , i know someone have it and maybe he's the one that taking that vidi for the han sister..

in the erarly morning you bathing potato, hye sun-ssi, it's cold huh please don't take too over fatigue , u need a rest princess.. u love potato so much huh so u want bath him with yourself.

Hye Sun-ssi, i love the PCAP more and more & this one is the GREAT drama of profession set that trully involved so many emotion here. i love your acting here and mostly the chemistry between you and da yeon is so touching . love u both.

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