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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614



DJ-Choi-CK: CK stops DJ and tells her that she is creating a scene and that if she should not be wearing her professional uniform and that he is going to make her take off the uniform. DJ says sorry by pushing him away and leaves. CK also scolds Choi saying that it is not like her to do that and he warns her that Cap Han is very emotional person. He tells her that hundreds of lives of passengers are in Choi and DJ hands. She also just apologizes and says that she was shortsighted.

Coming out of bathroom, DJ hears attendants gossiping about her..that she lost her assist seat in the cockpit to the auditor due to her plane operating procedure error. I think the attendants are saying how DJ graduated first in class but that her pilot skill must be very poor.

The auditor says that CK will be penalized a bit for what happened(??) but that his pilot skill was superb. DJ apologizes to auditor but the auditor says not to be discouraged. DJ again apologizes to CK but CK says that she should resign first and then apologize. He strongly suggests to her to quit. DJ tells him that she has nothing to say even if she has 10 mouths but she just cannot resign and says goodbye.

DJ running and has flashback of what Choi told her—that if she cannot control her emotions from what happened in the past, she has no right to be a pilot. Today, Han DJ had luck but she did not have luck 7 years ago.

Mechanic ajjussi and his Control Tower friend at a bar: Mechanic wonders what he did with his life that he does not have any children even now…The other friend says he envies his freedom without responsibility of family. But mechanic feels good that his house now has sound of people as Han children are there. The other friend also misses the noise of family and he thinks it is just awful having family live apart for kids’ education sake. At first he denies but says that he misses his family like crazy. Mechanic says that he misses someone too. Friend asks who? Mechanic says there is someone like that. (hmmm?? Maybe DJ’s aunt?)

DS tells PS how to give ham signal for Hello. Then she asks about how to signal for Penguin and then she coaxes him for Ajjussi. He feels a little bothered by her asking since he is working on his project…he seems mechanically inclined. PS starts to cough and medicates herself. She tells DS not to tell her sister that she coughed because she hates seeing her sister worry. She just wants to take her meds and then go to sleep and she will be fine. (boy!! Did you see her medicine chest??)

PS wants to play? With DJ and mechanic ajjussi offers her ramyun but DJ has no energy and DS is upset that she did not even acknowledge him and he sees that she looks down. DJ feels bombarded by CK and Choi who tell her she does not qualify as a pilot. DJ’s aunt called through mechanic ajjussi phone. She refused to take call but ajjussi insists. DJ tells her aunt that she and PS also do not have a place of their own. She threatens her aunt that if she comes here, she will report her to the police. She looks at herself in the mirror…

DJ is being evaluated for the Osaka flight incident. They read off CK’s report which is said to be objective. Dj says that she was not in good condtion due to personal reasons. The evaluator screams at her that she knows that basic rule is that pilot must be in control over personal things at cockpit. He says personal problems can cause big accicents. He asks her if she wants to stop being a pilot.

CK and DJ: Ck asks DJ if she is now aware and alert. He says that he saw her correctly and saying that she is the worst. But DJ thanks him by saying that because of CK’s clear and objective report about her mistake, now she is aware what she did wrong. She says even so, she does not resent him. So she tells him not to feel bad. He tells her that he doesnot feel bad/sorry. I am sorry for showing you my inadequacies.

With her friends: her friends ask her is she got scolded a lot and why she made such a mistake that everybody is gossiping aobut her. DJ gets angry at them and they also. Female friend looks up which cabin manager will be in charge of her flight. She looks up DJ’s and her manager is Kang somebody (not Choi). DJ seems interested in finding out who the manager is in her flight.

DJ and DS’s father meet. DJ gives him coin of 500won when he asks for 300 won for coffee. He says she is pretty and kind and asks her name and compliments that her name is pretty too. Then DJ has the balls to ask DS father to give back her change. Since she gave him 500won she wants the change and she asked nicely. He pocketed the change initially---keke. He thinks she is perfect…I think he really likes her as she passed his test of finding a kind woman who is willing to spare 300won and who is also cheap like him that she wants the change back!!!   Hahahaha

Hong and CK: She asks him for some time. He tells her to speak but she wants to meet elsewhere. She says this place is her favorite and that is why she just brought him here without asking. He wants to get to the point but she proposes that they eat first since she is very hungry. She first asks about the teaching position and he says he does not qualify. She says he is too modest. She says that he has top notch skills, he is quick with excellent judgments and he is fair and just and he also is a type of person who would be willing to give up his life for someone very willingly. She says that his qualifications are sufficient. He retorts that she is not correct. He says he is not that kind of person. Then Hong asks if he remembers her.

Hong shows him her scar. She says she caused fire in the kitchen as a child and that she was deadly scared and someone saved her. That person also got similar type of scar like her. It had to have been very hot and very painful for him as well. She gets emotional and calls him Yoon Sung oppa. She apologizes for not recognizing him at first. He says time was very short and they were very young. Like a good gentleman he goes over and put back her shawl. But she holds his hand and says sorry. She is sorry for lying and thinking only about herself. She lied that it is CK who started the fire by wanting to make “ppookki”—Korean candy that you make over the fire with sugar and baking soda?? She asks why he did not defend himself back then. He just stayed quiet. CK just says that it happened too long ago and that it is all in the past. She tells him that her mother will like it a lot because he became such a cool man. She feels it is fate that they now live across from each other and wants to see him everyday now. She hugs him very naturally. He tells her to go on in.

Hong’s father VP yells at her never to see him again. She asks him why he did not tell her when he knew all along about CK. VP says there is no value in saying it. She says she knows what heis worried about. But CK told her that he has no resentment about dissolution of adoption. So they were once adopted siblings! VP tells his daughter that he should not believe CK and to not go too close to him. She asks if it is because of mother. VP says if it was not for CK, she (wife) would not have gone that fast. (Is she dead? The way Hong talked about her mother before at the restaurant , I thought her mother is still alive!!) She tells her dad that he is being unreasonable. VP tells her that she does not know the whole story. Hong asks her father to be kind to CK because he must have had hard life so far feeing asif he was treated unfairly. But, VP becomes very angry at her and says that he hates CK. Hong refers to CK as oppa but he says he is not her oppa.

DJ thought she was going to ?? with another captain but due to medical emergency, CK is the captain. Also there has been a swap of attendant team and Choi’s team will accompany CK and DJ’s flight. But suddenly DJ become furious and says that the team cannot take flight together. Choi asks is DJ has prob with her staff team and DJ tell her she knows very well what the problem is. Flight attendants are very angry for being rejected for job. They are wondering what is wrong with HDJ. They are getting mad!

In front of the manager Hong, Choi provides report that in their last flight together, her attendant team provided excellent and safe service to the passengers. Hong praises Choi for receiving excellent feedback about her service that day. Hong looks at DJ with irritation. Hong asks CK for any problem bet cockpit and attendant team that day…He denies any problem. DJ says that she learned that it is important to provide and prepare for the times when pilot’s mental condition may be affected by an obstruction. Choi protests that attendant team cannot be an obstruction. Hong makes a decision that the company upholds the priority of safety above all else and so she asks DJ what is her reason that she feels she would not be fine to drive a plane with the attendant team. DJ says that she cannot speak about it. DJ bows and says sorry. CK is frustrated and asks DJ if her reason is personal.

Choi states that she cannot tolerate HDJ who, due to personal reasons, would suspect attendant’s professionalism and to hurt their self-respect. DJ asks is Choi wants to put the safety in danger just for the sake of her team’s pride and self-respect. Choi returns the question with whether HDJ is trying to protect her own pride. The human resource manger stops their argument by yelling at them, what are they doing. Hong asks for CK’s feedback. He says passenger’s safety is the highest priority so he wants to arrange  flight with a different team. DJ is surprised?? Maybe because he took her side?? HR manager yells at DJ saying he does not understand her behavior and that she is causing embarrassment for him. DJ again is sorry. (But then, in a way, DJ did the what she can think to do to protect herself from causing another terrible accident!)

CK tells Choi that he is  sorry and asks if HDJ’s rejection of her team has anything to do with Choi alone.  But Choi very calmly says that she and DJ are not that close for her to know what DJ feels personally.

At the bathroom, I think Choi asks HDJ to be distinguished as a learned person especially if she wants to follow in the footsteps of HanGyuPil (HDJ’s father). But DJ is angered by Choi talking about her father’s name. Choi says, if DJ does not think that she can ignore Choi and overcome the situation, DJ should give up her uniform. DJ asks if everything is that easy for her.—that even if a person dies because of her she can make the situation go away just like that? Choi says that not being able to forget that day is same for DJ as well as for her. Choi walks away.

Everybody is busy trying to get a new team together for the flight to Chungdoo. DJ bows sorry to CK twice. He tells her quietly why she is not qualified. He tells her to look at the office people working hard. They are having a hard time getting a new team together when there is little time left before the flight. CK tells Dj that she is doing what is only good for her. He tells her that she is selfish. Suddenly an army of flight attendants come into the office. The flight attendants say that the entire group is boycotting any flight that involves Cap Han. They says they have pride too and to be rejected without knowing the reason is unfair and so they are rejecting any flights with her. Team leader or the hr manager yells at DJ about making a bigger problem. DJ says it makes no sense and that she will solve the problem. He tells her to forget it. Team leader tells CK to prepare for the flight and team leader orders for another assistant captain for the flight. CK agrees. (Poor Han DJ—she is creating more problems for herself –she is on her way to self-destruction and being fired!!)

DJ begs the flight attendants to release the flight refusal with her. But they walk away from her. DJ tries to say there was a situation but they are not interested in listening to her. At this time, DS becomes aware of the situation. DS confronts DJ with string of DJ’s flight mistakes and now refusals for flights. DJ does not want to hear. But he again confronts her with the bottomline: Are you trying to be fired? She asks DS to let her arm go as she has no strength to ??fight with him??

Live Octopus dinner table prepared by DS: DS gets angry that DJ is still not here. PS says that she wants to wait for her sister to come before she eats. PS tells her sister that DS prepared everything. DJ says Really? DS says that he is very handy with his hands and that there is nothing that he cannot do. She asks why he prepared octopus. He says octopus helps raise even the fallen cows..he says that he wants her to eat it and get strength. Then he says that that person is him who wants to eat and get strong. So he tells DJ not to misunderstand. Mechanic ajjussi tells DJ to eat a lot and she tells him to eat a lot as well…..(very sweet…DS must spend more time at the mechanic’s home now than with his own father!!) Dj hugs her sister, places her head against her sister’s and says: :”recharging” (she needs her sister to feel energized and recharged to go on…keke…reminds me of what dok gojin said…it almost seems like DJ needs her sister more for support than the other way around….??)

No other pilots are looking at DJ with kindness anymore. She still sits as a standby with her book. Manger Hong comes over and tells DJ that if the boycott by the attendants continues, she will not be able to ??fly?? Hong also adds that it is not studying about flying that she needs right now but that she needs to deal with the reality that she created.  (She is a good manager!!)

CK closes DJ’s book about flying and says that the book contains all kinds of solutions but that it does not contain solutions that she needs. He tells her that because of her alone, all pilots are having a hard time. He tells her that if she cannot solve the problem, she should immediately disappear. DJ cries and yells: What do you want from me! I cannot do it if my life depended on it. I don’t want to do it if my life depended on it! What do you expect me to do!!! (very touching scene!!)

PS’s cute drawing of her sister as a pilot!! She is coughing and perspiring…

Manager Hong is waiting for CK and invites him for tea. But he says that he has a flight tomorrow. She then asks him to eat dinner with her. He tells her to go home as the VP may worry. She asks him if he is avoiding her on purpose because of her father.  He says he is not..he is just tired.

“Where is our PS??!!” PS looks ghastly!! But PS keeps on saying to her sister that she is not sick. She cannot get a cab. Then CK stops nearby. He asks her what is wrong. She cannot even say…just that “My PS is,,,,” He yells at her how she could have let her come to this state—where was her mind….”

At the hospital bed, DJ tells PS that she is sorry. (these days, HDJ is only feeling bad…and sorry…poor kid,,,) PS wakes up. DJ asks if she is OK and PS says she is not sick at all. (This little PS is perfect….) DJ says she is sorry that she did not even know that she is sick.. But PS interrupts her sister and says that she is OK and asks if her sister is OK. DJ breaks down crying and says that unniya is not OK. (I just love this scene!! Cannot help but be moved. DJ really needed some gentle support even from her 7 yo sister…PS getting up to give her crying sister a hug with a pat is just heart wrenching…even Ck is moved for sure…

Mechanic asks DJ to hand over PS but she says that she does not want to let her sister go. DS comes to pick her up from the hospital. He says it bought it but he borrowed from a friend. Mechanic ajjussi says that he called DS for help with the car. It looks like DJ is looking for CK, who is looking on from across the street.

Mechanic ajjussi says sorry for not being here earlier. DJ says he has nothing to be sorry about. Her attention was somewhere else that she did not even see that PS was sick. I am so foolish. DS also says sorry because he promised PS that he would not tell DJ about her getting sick. (Oh yeah, PS told DS not to tell DJ that she is coughing because she does not like to see her sister worry.) Mechanic ajjussi says that PS cannot just have a simple cold all because of that,,,he looks at DJ and stops for fear of bringing past and not to breach her confidentiality to DS. But DS wants to know what. But DJ chages topic and tells DS thanks. Mechanic tells Ds to go and return to car.

DJ and PS are talking…DJ asks PS that there are things in this world that they must not hold back and wait. What is it? PS says is it when you need to poo? Laughter. DJ tells PS that is PS holds back that she is sick, DJ unniya will get really mad. PS nods. PS says: my teacher also told me not to hold back to say thank you, sorry and I love you. PS says: Unniya, I am sorry that I am sick and I love you very much. (these two are so good!!) DJ also tells PS that she loves her. PS wants to hear lullaby and go to sleep.

What is that song that she sings often with PS?? “If you live long, someday good days will come….?? Cloudy days,,,,” DS wonders if that song is a sad song?

DJ says: “PS, unniya somehow got lost along the way. I am sorry. Thank you and I love you a lot.

Attendant is still very mad and calls all the coworkers to get together. While the high level attendant is still thinking about how to get back at HDJ, the new attendant says that she feels sorry for cap Han who looked very listless today. But the high level attendant says that Han is trying to act that way to get their sympathy and she encourages the rest of the team not to fall for it. Choi is quiet.

DJ came to CK’s door. She thanks him for today. CK asks about her sister and she says that her fever went down a lot and she is better. Then, DJ has a special request to make to CK. DJ says that she knows that she has no right to ask for such a thing but wants CK to help her. She tells him that she does not know what and how to do it. She wants to do well. She wants to be the best but she keeps on falling. She says she is bleeding heavily but she cannot seem to get up by herself. She feels stuck as to what she has to do, how she has to do it..She feels like she is in complete dark. (I love this speech!!) She says she has to be the best in front of her sister PS. She has to pretend to be even better than the president but she feels she is keep on losing her confidence. And, that just cannot be. Then, something bad will happen. So do you think you can try to help me? Please, Captain. Please, Captain.  (love the speech until the end.)

DS’s car appears. He is surprised to see DJ there and realize that CK lives there. (I wonder who is his friend from whom he borrowed the car??) DJ apologizes for coming to see him so late at night and says good bye. DJ tells DS to go home safely. DS says to CK that he will meet CK often and invites him to drink later on. He agrees.

Woah!! Do you see the house that DS lives in?? His family is rich!! That must be his own car!! And he and his father go around asking for 300won!! It is their scheme to find the kindest bride for DS!! Kekeke

I love that DS’s room is full of toy figures!! He wonders what DJ asked from CK. Then his father walks in and says that he found the lady for him—a lady who does not look at money lightly even if it is 200won. He feels confident that he can leave his inheritance to her without problem. DS asks who that is. He says it is Wings Air Assist Cap HDJ. What??!! His father wants to know if DS knows her. DS says that DJ is totally a fighting chicken/richard simmons. His father says that love grows from fighting. DS cannot believe it. DS says that DJ has no parents, has no money and even raises a 7 yo sister by herself. DS’s father does not mind. He feels terrible for HDJ and wants to speedily bring her over to his house. He says he is InChun’s ??wealthiest man?? DS thinks that his father has fallen deeply for DJ. But DS is kind of tickled pink about it…keke

Choi comes in prepared for flight. Attendants are surprised because they all agreed at the restaurant that they will boycott all flights. But Choi says that she never agreed to that. High-level attendant says that they all agreed to boycott as a group especially for Choi manager. But if Choi refuses, they are willing to boycott on their own. Choi says that she considers all of them pro. Someone shouted that Han DaJin does not treat them like pro. Choi then says that she used to get excited about her flight work. But now, she has more fear. She wonders if passenger may experience discomfort due to her own exhaustion and stress. What If I ruin their joyful trip due to my own mistake. It could be someone’s very first or their very last trip and what if I ruin their day due to my mistake and become afraid. What if a passenger gets hurt because of my mistake. What if the passenger dies due to my mistake? Then what do I do about their surviving family members who must live in perpetual agony due to my mistake….To her speech, the attendant says that such a thing never happened so far…But Choi says that it could happen to anyone. High-level attendant retorts that if they give in now, they many never recover their pride. In response, Choi says that if you cannot maintain your own place at work, there is no one to support any passengers and then no one is there to support their pride either.

The high-level says that she still cannot back off at this time even if she may have to tighten her income. But Choi says that she will go to work to support her income. Another one asks Choi about feeling anger at HanDJ and she admits to feeling that. She says that even if she has anger to HDJ, she works to live as she has to also prepare for insagokgah?? Now Choi got all of them to worry with her….(she is a good leader….)

CK gives DJ a list of passengers from her Osaka flight and tells her to read each name clearly and with full heart.  He says there is a method to his assignment to her. As she reads, she is getting emotional and understanding it. CK tells her that she forgot the most important fact in her last flight. It is those names. Even if there is a murderer of my parents in front of me, a pilot must not lose that “feel” ever. He adds that even if there is a dying family in front of me, a pilot must not lose the “feel”.  Do you understand now what you have been forgetting? From now on, do not ever forget. Those names are people whom you must protect.

DJ goes to flight attendants and apologizes to them saying that she never wanted to hurt their professional pride and that is her sincerity. She acknowledges that she was lacking. She asks for their forgiveness and feels sorry for hurting their feelings due to her own personal issues.  She says that passengers are waiting for their return  and that she is too. The attendants are moved by her apology and the DJ turns to Choi and apologizes for her rudeness and asks for forgiveness. (But DJ still had that mix of feeling sorry and some left over cockiness—GHS is really good at expressing double emotions at once…even in THEMU.) Attendants agreed to release the boycott and DJ thanks them.

DJ asks where CK is and find out that he just left on his flight. She must feel unburdened. She runs to the runway and shouts her thanks and salute to CK.

DJ is preparing food for the “gil” or the death anniversary of her  mother?? But DS ate one piece of it and DJ is irritated. DJ asks why DS comes to her house like it is his house. DS says that he came to help out since tomorrow is her mother’s gil. She says they are even close and he knows too much. He says that he does not even know his mother’s face as she died when he was born. (DJ looks sympathetic) He tells her that if she tells him to, he can drive her to the cemetery. She says that is OK and that she does not want him to borrow car from others because it would make him look lacking. But he insists that the car belongs to him. DJ does not believe him---since he begged for 3oo won, she has pegged him as a poor boy who collects junks. Keke  She jokingly asks if he is not getting a private airplane for himself. He says that he is planning to do that.  So he tells her that he will come and pick her up after taking care of morning business. He is off tomorrow. She says thanks. Then he says Go Cham Si Ae. He says each sound represent a part of the word from different countries for thank you. (I don’t get it—so cannot explain it..)DJ says do you know that you are a bit weird? He says that is part of his charm. He makes her try his word for thank you. She does….I guess he is getting to her?? It appears that DJ does not get it either?? Keke


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Guest eunhye05

Sue thanks for your translation of Ep4. I can't wait to read the complete recap. :D

Chyne22 I think we're still ok with the ratings. We can't beat the sageuk drama since it's supposedly like a Sageuk BOF. Hehe. But as long as we maintain two figures and not go below second place I'll be a happy camper. Either way, we do know that this is a good drama so hopefully it flies high with better reviews. I think the story is really getting better and better as we go along. Hopefully that' enough to get more Koreans tuned in on SBS on W-THs nights. :)

Vanessa -- lets hope she maintains that till the end! Woohooo! GHS Fighting! If PSH goes back to number one in a short span of time I'll be annoyed. There's definitely something fishy sometimes when voting. Like some of the numbers jump to +10000 in a short time. hehe

By the way....

Just sharing from the DramaFever Blog. See... there aint just haters out there. Many people love our girl. :)


Koo Hye Sun : Many Women in One Great Actress

    From the Queen’s Vantage Point:

   Many people fell in love with Jan Di, the long suffering, misunderstood, and often denied girlfriend of Jon Pyo of Boys Over Flowers.  However, Koo Hye Sun is no longer Jan Di.  As she so wonderfully displayed in The Musical,  this young woman has range.  What a solid performance she gave as Go  Eun Bi, the admirer of her nemesis Bae Kang Hee, played by Ok Joo Hyun.   Hye Sun’s performance is highlighted by the way that she can change  from simpering school girl to talented starlet in the two pictures.  Jan  Di had no real voice in matters.  Eun Bi had mad skills as an actress  and singer.  It was almost like watching sisters.


   Two of the most obvious  characteristics of Koo are her laugh, which does not change or the way  she fluffs her hair when frustrated.  No one really cares, however, as  these are two of her most endearing qualities.  Go Eun Bi’s outlook is  basically a very Pollyanna-ish as she expects everything to work out in  the end.  Jan Di’s is mostly a sad sack for whom nothing is working out  no matter how hard she tries!  It is hard to believe that this  pixie-faced actress is almost 30 years old because she looks so much  like a little girl. She is really a baby-faced beauty but she has some  very big acting chops.  There is a definite future here that will see  her change from nymph to dramatic actress.  Her range is larger than she  is tall.  When she acts, she embodies every emotion of her character.

Credit: Drama Fever

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Hello Sunnies :)

"Take Care of Us, Captain" Koo Hye-seon devastated at reality


Da-jin (Koo Hye-seon) fell in despair at the rocks surrounding her.

Da-jin burst into tears on the episode of SBS "Take Care of Us, Captain" on the 12th. Mental agitation from the reunion with Ji-won (Yoo Seon) whom she didn't resolve grudges with, the risk of being fired from her job, her sick sister and everything else in reality that was tightening her breath made her break down.

As Ji-won who caused her mother's death appeared in front of her as cabin manager, Da-jin couldn't help but shake in fury grudge and caused a mistake in the air.

Yoon-seong (Ji Jin-hee) scolded her for causing panic in the passengers for not being able to control her minor emotions and she was called up to the review committee and was questioned her qualification.

To make things worse, Da-jin had refused to get on board the same plane with Ji-won's team out of hatred but the entire team had turned against her instead and boycotted.

If the boycott continued, she would have to resign.

This wasn't all for Da-jin's devastating situation. Back home from work, she saw her blood poisoned sister lying in bed with a high fever and took her to the hospital right away, later bursting into tears.

While sympathy rises for Da-jin who's got everything in a mess, she later on holds out a hand to Yoon-seong for help.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean )

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Hello Sunnies :)

Han Da Jin rejects to board a plane with Choi Ji Won, causing turbulences


In the episode of Take Care of Us, Captian that aired on January 12, Han Da Jin (Ku Hye Sun)rejects to board the same plane with Choi Ji Won(Yoo Sun), causing conflicts.

Da Jin happens to get on the same plane with Ji Won, who is responsible for her mom’s accidental death 7 years ago. Da Jin loses her inner poise and makes a series of blunders. The airline takes disciplinary action to her. Later, when she receives a schedule to go on a flight with Ji Won again, Da Jin declares, “I can’t fly with this team.”

Ji Won asks, “Is there any problem with my team?” Da Jin replies, “You know what the problem is better than me.”

Ji Won blames Da Jin for disrespecting flight attendance, and Da Jin criticizes Ji Won, saying, “How could a respectable flight attendance put passengers in danger?” Da Jin is so determined to not to fly with Ji Won, that captain Kim Yoon Sung (Ji Jin Hee)decides to change the schedule so separate the teams.

However, Da Jin’s team crews are so angry that they stage a boycott. In the end, Da Jin is banned from boarding planes temporarily. Da Jin, who is in trouble because of the conflict with Ji Won, asks Yoon Sung for a help.

Source: TV Report

Tags: Ku Hye Sun, Take Care of Us Captain, TV Report

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Sorry Sunnies,

Somehow I could not post the last paragraph of Epi 4 summary along with the rest of the summary so I am putting it here.

At the cemetery…PS greets her parents and says that today is her bday. Unniya bought her pretty boots and ajjussi bought her pretty doll. She says that she is excited. Ajjussi says that PS does not know that her bday is the day that her mother died. It appears that CK also came to pay his respect. Ajjussi tells DJ to pourdrinks for her parents. As she said Mom and Dad, drink up. CK realizes who Han DJ really is. Shock makes him lose his balance. Now, next week, he has to work with lots of emotional stress----and next week is 5th episode when the new writer will be editing the original writer’s PCAP script.

I pray for continued DAEBOK for PCAP!! Fighitng!



GHS in Feb issue of CeCi--very pretty in bell boy suit--ke

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I love ep4, I watched the whole episode with teary eyes. the Han sisters are so touching :tears: For me I dun care much about rating as long as the drama attracts me. It might be hard for PCAP to win over but I hope the rating would keep steady and may be some growth as the story progress.

some more stills to share











HOTTIES! :w00t: Hyesun will be the covergirl for Ceci Feb issue


Cre book.interpark.com

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Hello Sunnies :)

@sue thank you so much for your translation episode 3 and 4 I really appreciate it :)

@meow same here as long as drama attracks me i dont care about the ratings :)

@jjsweeter2011 thanks for all your post and pictures I really like LCH in episode 3 and 4 :)

btw viki has episode 3 english sub 99 % so enjoy


Thank you Team Captain @ viki

To all the sunnies have a great day/night and weekend ahead :)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


I cannot find the page again from the dc--haha--it happens a lot with me..keke

it was an old magazine article about GHS when she was just being recognized as an ulzzang. She was a radio mc for mnet at that time?--I think--The reporter tried to talk with her and out of shyness she hid behind her manager....keke...So it seems like GHS was working already in the field and already had 2 CF's under her belt when she was picked as one of 5 ulzzangs.I am talking from my memory of reading that article..the reporter commented that he has never seen someone with such big eyes.

The reporter was also asking if she wears "circle lens' as she was always accused of wearing them...But she told the reporter that they are just her natural eyes. GHS said to the reporter that she is preparing for a singing career. No mentiont of acting at all. She loves a band called JaWooRim and wants to have a band as well. (I know from other articles that she herself had an all-girls band in junior high school. She said she sang songs by Roller Coaster or something??)

I only recently found out about Korea's JaWooRim band--it is composed of 3 male instrument players and one female vocalist. They are amazing. I happen to see them perform in "I am a singer" program  where many old-time famous Korean singers come out and be judged and ranked by the audience. Even OkJooHyun from THEMU came out in that prog once or twice.  It seems many old timers revitalized their careers through that prog. and JaWooRim came in first place a great deal. But JaWooRim has been around a long time and they are still very popular. They write many of their own songs and are really creative with their music. The female vocalist is amazing. Now they are in their 30's and 40's and still doing what they love....envy and totally admire those type of people--like GHS herself....keke

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Guest YooRiLuvSunniez

Hye Sun on CeCi Magz cover on Feb issue is GEORGEOUS, OMH her killer legs will kill many namja outhere,LOL

Her face remind me of Kim Hyun Joong doesn't she,hehehe

@ari_oppa , agree with you Hye Sun still suit become a SNSD member ^^

PCAP is one of my favourite drama in early 2012 even for me TMETS is also good and no wonder had a HUGE RATING becoz it's historical drama & most Korean people love about historic but for me PCAP not only a drama but it also build a many kind of emotional esp when the caractere of HDJ is against the Ji Won the Chief of FA , if i in DJ position maybe i'll do the same thing but it make me adore DJ more when she had to appologize to Ji Won in front of the other employee of Wings Air and it was a Brave heart (sorry i can not mention a correct sentence),hehehe

and hye sun make a great job potrayed Da Jin's caractere . I love DA Jin & Dong Sun coz when this two people in the same place there must be A FUNNY thing happen between this two people,hehehe

and the HAN sister , i always cry when this two sister talking about their life, forgive each other and felt a misery about their lost.

PCAP in 2 digit rating its stabil but i hope with the new WRITER on episode 5 PCAP will be more develop in their storyline and had a FANTASTIC RATING . :wub:

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Hello Sunnies :)

Thank you for all the updates !!!  :)

GHS on Ceci Mag, whoa for sure all men's jaw will drop once they see it, kekeke.... She's so LOVELY  :) Hope we can see more of her pix on Ceci Mag this coming Feb. Please pose it here. Thanks in advance :)

PCAP is really one of the greatest drama of 2012 because of its different story line. GHS acting were SUPERB that even me can't hold on my tears :tears:.  Remember the ratings of  THEMU didn't even reach 2 digits but in the Poll it came out on Top 9. About the ratings the ratings of PCAP, I don't mind if it is not on top as long as we all Sunnies support her till the end of her drama coz we believe that is ONE of the BEST. 

Happy weekend to everyone !!!  B)

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Guest ari_oppa

Thanks Cheerko for info about Vote on Japan Web....Yeahhhh let us support Hye Sun Noona every where, I dont know how much we can vote every day....But After Vote for the first time I close the web, then I re open the web in next couple hours....I Vote twice already today...Hye Sun in 22th rank Now. She Even Topping off the big groups such SNSD, Super Junior, 2PM,..... Sunniez really amazing and loyal !...Come on Let know JAPAN that our Noona really have amazing fans.

Rhis link for vote : http://worldtv.main.jp/kstar.html

Go Go Go Hwaiting !

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Thanks Cheerko for info about Vote on Japan Web....Yeahhhh let us support Hye Sun Noona every where, I dont know how much we can vote every day....But After Vote for the first time I close the web, then I re open the web in next couple hours....I Vote twice already today...Hye Sun in 22th rank Now. She Even Topping off the big groups such SNSD, Super Junior, 2PM,..... Sunniez really amazing and loyal !...Come on Let know JAPAN that our Noona really have amazing fans.

Rhis link for vote : http://worldtv.main.jp/kstar.html

Go Go Go Hwaiting !

Yes, like you, I vote as much as the site will let me. I ask my family & friends to vote too. kekeke..

I love GHS & I will do everything whatever it takes for her to be in top 5. OK Sunnies, that's our goal.

I hope with TheMu being shown in Japan now, our girl will have an edge. Hye Sun fighting!!!!!  

:wub: :wub: :wub:

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