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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest bubblysunnie


I've been a silent lurker like forever!  But I ADORE AND LOVE GHS from the first time I saw her!  She is truly a sight to behold! 

I loved her during BOF, loving her in TM, and I will surely love her at Please Captain!biggrin.gif

Have a great day Sunnies!!  Hope that PCAP trailer makes your day high!!  It did for me!! biggrin.gif

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Just want to say hello to all dear Sunnies. :wub:  

 I have been following all news about our GHS. She must be very busy with all her projects. It has been a while since she last twitted.

Her drama, The Musical, is nearing an end. :(  whaaa...I love this drama too with Daniel Choi.

Looking forward to her coming drama, PCAP....my consolation. lols  :D

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Hello Sunnies ;)

@Iheartchoidaniel welcome to the thread sweetie this is your Tita Dahlia its nice to see you here :)

@eunhye your welcome dear did you watch it yet episode 13 with english sub is sooooooo good :)

@meow,prettywiz,sue thanks for all the updates, pictures, yt link for PCAP I really appreciate it :)

@bubblysunnie please post anytime we love spazz here regarding our GHS :)

Have a great day Sunnies :)

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Could it be possible that something is not quite correct with your SBS Night of TV Entertainment clip? I can see it up to GHS filming for the poster shot and then it shuts down. I am not sure if it is my computer or not. But would you mind looking into it as well??

Thanks so much.

I have checked and the video works fine with me. Anyways, I put it on YT for your easy viewing

PCAP interview

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I have checked and the video works fine with me. Anyways, I put it on YT for your easy viewing

PCAP interview


Thanks again. Sorry to make you go through the trouble.

Sorry but I will summarize the clip.

I was expecting more ---I thought they asked GHS for her ideal and she said something about JJH and then he refused--maybe that part got cut??

JJH is supposedly playful person on the set---while doing the poster filming, he started to take pix of the people around him. He likes to tell people what to do. When GHS was doing her poster shots, he would be commenting that she is not wearing her hat properly as it is too above her head. He says it has to be a bit pushed down. It is hard to tell if JJH is joking or being serious as he is poker-faced when he says things. keke

At the start of the interview, the interviewer tells the stars to eat and noticed that JJH had 2 drinks in front of him. JJH was poker faced and said that he hardly ate due to the poster filming. When the reporter says that JJH looks as if he lost weight, JJH says that he did. When the interviewer asks JJH if he is working out and he says he consistently does do that too. But then GHS chimes in to say that JJH was photographed before for eating. then JJH smiles. They show JJH eating a lot...keke...I am telling you JJH is a joker with a poker face.

After JJH introduced his character as the legendary pilot (keke), the interviewer comments that JJH has lots of luck for having very young female partners. JJH becomes poker faced and says he did not know that. The interviewer says that he and GHS are over 10 years in age difference and JJH says "really"? GHS says I did not know and laughed. JJh says to GHS, it looks strange if you say that laughing. GHS says that JJH is so young looking that she thought they would be just few years apart. Then she looked at his profile and said, "Ahh, woo.." JJh says, what, what!!

They are 13 years apart.

Yoo Sun says that many people commented that she really looks like her character--crew member. Lee ChunHee is a air traffic controller but not part of the airline but part of the government. He is up at the tower a lot and has not come down from there yet in the filming. He was asked how he fetl about working in PCAP. He talked about feeling good that he will work with JJH. He has seen JJH in historical drama. He liked it. He was not JJH's fan but,,,(laughter) Commentators are saying they are honest and the atmostphere is turning sour....Lee ChunHee says that it feels strange to say he is a fan but he has always admired JJH and felt that JJH really fits the role of captain/pilot. The interviewer asks what he consideres JJH's charm as an actor. But Lee could not think of anything....but hmmmmm-----on the screen are words, Lee never thought about that question...then,Lee finally says JJH's voice.

.Yoo Sun was asked about working with GHS. She says she feels envious because GHS is so pretty, so cute and so young. She says that GHS is positive and very polite. She finds GHS to be a good person and she feels that GHS gives the same impression that she gives off in the media. Yoo sun also says that GHS is a director so she feels that she has to relate well with GHS. (laughter)

Reproter asks for GHS one word to describe JJH...she says he has an "honest" image, In terms of Yoo Sun, GHS was stuttering the phrase, "like a mother. (GHS was stuttering because she knew that Yoo may not like it.) Yoo yells, "what are you saying!"

Asked about practicing for the pilot role. JJH says that he actually had a chance to fly the plane, The real pilot in Australia asked him to try flying and he did. He says that real plane is easier than the simulator. He says that simulator is actually more sensitive. GHS also says that she actually had the chance to fly the plane as well. She says being up in the air made her feel courageous for life. (laughter) Lee and Yoo married this year. Interveiwer asks about what changed after marrigae. Lee says that he gets to eat breakfast everyday. Interviewer says that he is married but he does not get bfast.

JJH says that he also gets fed well as a married man. He gets to eat all three meals, Interviewer says your wife may not like that. GHS cracked up. JJH says that actually he feels burdened because his wife wants to do that for him and he feels he has to eat everything even though he has to watch his weight.

Interviewer asks GHS about working with married people. She says she is very very envious of them and thinks that they are grand. Time for them to talk their mind in front of camera: Lee says that many people think that he is a "thief" because he married someone so very young. But he says he is not a thief but that he married because he really loves his wife.

Yoo says that usu directors cast her for strong woman or a woman with a secret but she would love to do romantic comedy and some CF's.

GHS says..."married man...(they cut some parts that she said)" Then, JJH says to GHS, "What are you saying" and looks like he is about to throw something at GHS...(keke--they look like they get along.) GHS says that she is working with married people and she also wants to get married. Then she comes back to camera to say that she does not have a boyfriend. She waves her hands wildly to say that she does not have one. (There is an article that says that GHS's vehement denial that she does not have a bf makes many suspect that she may have one...keke)

JJh says that he feels that he can really do a good action acting, (lots of laugher from the rest of the PCAP members, Yoo Sun laughed out aloud and GHS silently laughed.) JJH says that he can hang from a big cliff. He just feels confident that he can really do well in action movies.

Interviewer asks why they laughed so much at JJH--YOO says JJH looks like he can really do well in action acting,,,but GHS says that JJH gets cold easily. Everybody crracks up and JJH tells GHS that he can film such a movie in the summer. But everybody laughs...(it seems like they can tease each other well and seems to be really in sync with each other...Good Omen!!!)

They ar asked what their schedule is afterwards,,,,Yoo says she feels as if JJH-oppa will buy something tasty for them all....JJH says while eating that they they should stop eating....

(Thanks again,,,meow13!!)

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2011.12.14 부탁해요 캡틴 촬영

오늘은 원래 오후 OFF였다.

친구 녀석이 미국으로 가서 오랫동안 돌아오지 않을 계획이라,

오후에 인천 공항으로 함께 가려고 했는데

그 녀석..여권 만료 일자를 잘못 알고 있는 바람에 갑작스럽게 비행 시간이 변경되었다.

전화 통화로 안부 인사를 전하고 오후OFF를 취소했다.

한창 업무를 보는데,

교육원 비행기로 "부탁해요 캡틴"이라는 항공 드라마 촬영을 온단다.

구혜선 씨도!?

항공기에 손상이 가지 않게 촬영하는 동안 잘 보고 오라는 막중한 임부를 부여받고,

(내귀에는 구혜선씨를 잘 보고 오라고)

촬영팀에서 헤드셋 두 개가 필요하다는 말에 내 헤드셋을 포함해서 두 개를 가지고 나갔다.

촬영 준비가 한창이다.

몇 분도 채 되지 않는 영상을 찍기 위해서 수많은 사람들이 분주하게 움직인다.

촬영 준비가 완료되고, 배우들이 나타났다.

구혜선씨와 손현주씨, 그리고 아역배우.

같이 갔던 형님이 손현주씨의 안전벨트를 매드렸고,

반대쪽의 구혜선씨의 벨트를 매는데 좀 도와주라는 형님의 말에 축지법을 써서 반대편으로 가는데

눈치없는 스태프분께서 그새 매어버리셨네.ㅠ

그런데, 자세히 보니 구혜선씨가 쓰고 있는 헤드셋이 뭔가 낯이 익다.

아! 내 헤드셋이다!!

X11을 구입하기 위해 조만간 팔 예정이었는데, 안되겠다.

평생 써야 겠네.


혜선씨 헤드셋에 사인 좀 하고 가시지.

잠깐 자리 비운 사이에 흔적도 없이 사라지셨네들..


항공 드라마가 방영한다는 소식을 일전에 듣고서 반갑기도 했지만,

한편으로는 사람들에게 항공의 밝은 면만 크게 부각시켜서 붐을 일으키는 것은 아닌가 걱정이 되기도 한다.

TV를 잘 보지 않는, 특히 드라마는 "네 멋대로 해라" 이후 한번도 제대로 찾아서 본 적이 없는 나지만,

"부탁해요 캡틴"이 잘 만들어져서(허무맹랑한 막장드라마가 아닌) 매주 방영하는 날이 기다려졌으면 한다.


Cre http://blog.naver.com/pilot_lee?Redirect=Log&logNo=30126261033

Thanks sue for the translation on the interview. :) It  didn't make any trouble to me. it was becoz YT blocks SBS vid in Malaysia, Singapore & indonesia, that's why I uploaded to DM in the first place

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


THANK YOU FOR ALL THE UPDATES..Thank You meow13 for all the videos and pics..cheerkoo for all the updates and translations :)  

구혜선 지금 우리집에있음

2011.12.13 00:15:38

겁나 구혜선 예쁘긴하다......

그리고 겁나착해...

우리집이 카페해서 좀 예쁘게꾸며놔서 드라마를 종종찍는데

저번에 '드림' 이란 드라마 찍을때는 연기자들이 사진 찍어달라할때 엄청 난감해하면서 안찍어줬는데

구혜선은 선뜻 찍어주더라. 그리고 감사합니다~ 요러니깐 웃으면서 '네^^' 그럼 아 정말 마음씨도착해

사진조절 못하겠다 미안

암튼 구혜선 짱


@cheerkoo..did the guy said GHS was in their house or near their house for shooting ..he seem so excited  :) there's a pic of it with him and GHS.. :wub:

Hi prettywiz!

The poster seems to be the owner of the cafe where PCAP filmiing took place. He says that his cafe is so prettily decorated that many dramas come there to film. He describes GHS as, "she is scary pretty..and she is scary kind." Before PCAP, there was a filmng by crew from DREAM. When he would ask for pix with DREAM stars, they acted as if it is unbearable. But when he asked GHS for pix, she was quicly willing to do so.He says GHS is the best.

(I know that GHS also has refused pix in the past like at the airpots...I wonder if she has changed her mo???)



yushinkoo posted this :most likely a staff person of PCAP

12월 초, 뉴스에서 한파를 예보하느라 분주하다.

정말로 추운 날. Early December, News is forecasting cold wave and it is busy. It is truly a cold day.

하필 장소가 어디였나

인천공항을 좀 더 지나 - 그러니까 공항보다 멀다 - 항공기 격납고.

즉 비행기 창고에서 촬영이다.

한겨울 신새벽 거대한 비행기 격납고는 냉동고 비스름 한 것이다.

But the film location is past the InChun Airport...farther away than the airport..Airport hangar/ a shed.

Basically we are filming at the air plane storage shed.

A cold winter day, break of dawn, this plane storage shed is similar to a refrigerator.


낮 12시가 되어도 촬영이 시작되지 않고......filming did not start even though it is 12 in the afternoon.

모든 스텝들이 지쳐버렸다. All the staff if tired.

기운을 차리려고 안간힘을 쓰며 대기했으나 모두 그로키 상태가 되었단다.We did our best to stay energetic but we are all groggy.

이유는 그렇다. 주인공 여배우가 오열하는 명장면 The reason is this. The very important female lead's sobbing scene.

- 즉 엄청 중요한 대목이라 펑펑 울어야 한다. 인생의 턴이 시작되는 슬픔이기에 -It is so important that she really weeps hard as it is the start of the turning point of her life.--

에서 혼신을 다 해 우느라고 기력이 소진되어 회복이 불가. She put all her whole body into that scene to cry that her energy has been wiped out and recovery seems impossible.

오오~ 그 연약해 보이는 주인공 여배우가.ㅠㅠ Oh~~The female lead who looks so delicate.

이 딱한 사정에 누가 어찌 무슨 불만을 터트릴 수 있겠는가. In such a sad situation, who would dare make a complaint.

참으로 어찌할 수 없는

There is nothing that can be done....


오늘 공개된 부캡 새로운 예고편에서 쿠가 오열하는 장면을 보니

이 후기가 급생각이 나서..

잠깐 본 예고영상에서도 쿠의 우는 장면이 잊혀지질 않네..ㅠㅠ

(yushinko posted this part----I saw the new PCAP trailer and saw GHS's weeping scene.. After reading this staff post, even thought her weeping scene was very brief, I cannot forget Koo's scene...)


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Hello Sunnies :)

Thanks a lot to all Sunnies especially to meow, cheerkoo, prettywiz, natali, minjee and GHSForever as always you really did a GREAT JOB! to other Sunnies who are always waiting for your updates and translations.. Thumbs Up!! :D

WOW !!! Lots of updates and still coming more news from our dearest Hye Sun. B)

Really can't wait for the PCAP and January 2012 is now fast approaching.. Did you know when will be their press conference??

Have a nice day to all Sunnies :wub:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

2011.12.14 부탁해요 캡틴 촬영

오늘은 원래 오후 OFF였다.

친구 녀석이 미국으로 가서 오랫동안 돌아오지 않을 계획이라,

오후에 인천 공항으로 함께 가려고 했는데

그 녀석..여권 만료 일자를 잘못 알고 있는 바람에 갑작스럽게 비행 시간이 변경되었다.

전화 통화로 안부 인사를 전하고 오후OFF를 취소했다.

한창 업무를 보는데,

교육원 비행기로 "부탁해요 캡틴"이라는 항공 드라마 촬영을 온단다.

구혜선 씨도!?

항공기에 손상이 가지 않게 촬영하는 동안 잘 보고 오라는 막중한 임부를 부여받고,

(내귀에는 구혜선씨를 잘 보고 오라고)

촬영팀에서 헤드셋 두 개가 필요하다는 말에 내 헤드셋을 포함해서 두 개를 가지고 나갔다.

촬영 준비가 한창이다.

몇 분도 채 되지 않는 영상을 찍기 위해서 수많은 사람들이 분주하게 움직인다.

촬영 준비가 완료되고, 배우들이 나타났다.

구혜선씨와 손현주씨, 그리고 아역배우.

같이 갔던 형님이 손현주씨의 안전벨트를 매드렸고,

반대쪽의 구혜선씨의 벨트를 매는데 좀 도와주라는 형님의 말에 축지법을 써서 반대편으로 가는데

눈치없는 스태프분께서 그새 매어버리셨네.ㅠ

그런데, 자세히 보니 구혜선씨가 쓰고 있는 헤드셋이 뭔가 낯이 익다.

아! 내 헤드셋이다!!

X11을 구입하기 위해 조만간 팔 예정이었는데, 안되겠다.

평생 써야 겠네.


혜선씨 헤드셋에 사인 좀 하고 가시지.

잠깐 자리 비운 사이에 흔적도 없이 사라지셨네들..


항공 드라마가 방영한다는 소식을 일전에 듣고서 반갑기도 했지만,

한편으로는 사람들에게 항공의 밝은 면만 크게 부각시켜서 붐을 일으키는 것은 아닌가 걱정이 되기도 한다.

TV를 잘 보지 않는, 특히 드라마는 "네 멋대로 해라" 이후 한번도 제대로 찾아서 본 적이 없는 나지만,

"부탁해요 캡틴"이 잘 만들어져서(허무맹랑한 막장드라마가 아닌) 매주 방영하는 날이 기다려졌으면 한다.

*quoted image*

Cre http://blog.naver.co...gNo=30126261033

Thanks sue for the translation on the interview. :) It  didn't make any trouble to me. it was becoz YT blocks SBS vid in Malaysia, Singapore & indonesia, that's why I uploaded to DM in the first place

Thank you all the same meow13!!

And thanks for the post above.

It is written by someone who seems to work at the InChun airport...

He was actually going to be off from work that day but fortunately for him, he was able to go to work.

He heard that PCAP crew was coming to film and only thing he thought of was that GHS is coming. (keke)

He also was taksed to work near the set and to give any assistance to the PCAP people. All he got from that instruction was to look carefully at GHS-ssi. (keke) 

Then he heard that the PCAP people need two headphones. So he took two and one them was his. He saw Son HyunJoo, GHS and a child actor. Somebody put seat belt for Sone and he was about to do it for GHS but another person got to it first. He was not happy. But then he saw GHS wearing his headphone and was happy. He was going to sell that headphone but now he does not think so. (keke)

He also says that he does not watch drama consistently as he loses interest. But he hopes that PCAP is not like that and he hopes that it will be a kind of drama where he would look forward to it every week. He also hopes that PCAP does not ony emphasize the positive aspect of airline work but everything else as well.

(Wow, the best and the worst critique of this drama would be the people who work at the airline!!!)

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To : meow, cheerkoo, prettywiz, natali, minjee and GHSForever Thanx in a million sista for always keep up dating news from Hye SUn, and i really excited to see this drama. the trailler were so damn good and it makes me can not waiting that long anymore,heheheh. but i do feel sad that THEMU will end-up soon :tears:

i really like the POSTER it so WOW, all the aura of the cast were so undeniable , hope the best for this drama.

wow, can't stop smilling when watching the interview that our dear Hye SUn want to get married, so you better grab your man to propose you soon dear ,lol

thanx to all sunniez for the up date. and always hope the best for our PRINCESS GOO :wub:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I hear in DC that THEMU will end on Dec 23rd---meaning that it will end with only15 episodes or maybe by miracle it will show 2 episodes in one day?????

The 30th is SBS award night or something like that.

Since SBS did nothing to promote THEMU, I have a sad feeling that it will end with 15th episodes.

The director must have had to shorten and shorten and edit and edit....I hope that neverthless, it will end very nicelly....I pray...


Have a good day!!

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I hear in DC that THEMU will end on Dec 23rd---meaning that it will end with only15 episodes or maybe by miracle it will show 2 episodes in one day?????

The 30th is SBS award night or something like that.

Since SBS did nothing to promote THEMU, I have a sad feeling that it will end with 15th episodes.

The director must have had to shorten and shorten and edit and edit....I hope that neverthless, it will end very nicelly....I pray...


Have a good day!!

:rolleyes:  Thanks for sharing this news. I feel sad that TheMu is ending soon. I felt that the actors in this drama have been robbed the oppurtunity to showcase their talents & SBS don't give a d___  about it. The network used The Musical as filler only for friday night.:w00t:  Thumbs down to SBS on this!  :angry:

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Guest stephaniexue

December 11 at 10:52am near Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.

[This is the info of the time when Ku Hye Sun official Facebook is updated last Sunday. Did she tell us her location? in Suwon? :D]

She posted her pic with Gamja. The same pic she has uploaded on Twitter last month.


One of the comments on Facebook :

beautiful photo. your guardian angel and very best friend... ♥ cutie! I dream of a golden puppy! ^^ And remember: your fans also love you a lot!! and you know... you have fans here in south America, too! it was released quite recently in June "Boys Over Flowers" and you won so many hearts, you know? :) I mean how could you not? you have a kind heart, beautiful soul, gorgeous...you are everything.! ^^I am just your fan but what I say is true. :) and you deserve the best, in your career and personal life too, Hye Sun (구혜선)♥

[YES!! YES!! YES!! I agree with her. She won our hearts] :)

I want to share a quote here :)

"...KNOWING yourself and being COMFORTABLE with people seeing YOU the way YOU are. Being CONFIDENT in your beliefs, with no hesitations about BEING YOU..."

(Colbie Caillat- All of You album)

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Guest vanessa123




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the Nylon photoshoot is soooooo beautiful. I think I have to screencap it every second! :w00t: I Love that she bring all her sons for the shoot

here's the synopsis for the video

Welcome To The Dollhouse

9개월 된 골든 리트리버 감자는 몇 시간 동안 스튜디오가 제 집이었다.  힘차게 꼬리를 흔들며 바람을 일으키고 다녔지만 사진 찍을 땐 나름 늠름한 모습을 보여주었다. 나머지 아이들도 얌전히 제 역할을  수행 했다. 구혜선의 아이들. 이 풍요로운 가족 나들이는 시종일관 밝고 유쾌했다. 조금 정신없었던 것만 빼고.

fetured music 라이너스의 담요(Linus's Blanket) - Don't Call It Puppy Love

music sponsored by Happy Robot Records




Some screencaps








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Guest vanessa123

Hello sunniez here the video of GHS NYLON KOREA


SHE ANHER SONS AR SO CUTEEE!! :wub:w00t.gifw00t.gif













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