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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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To all Sunnies who made all these possible for us to read, thank you so much! I've been a fan of Hye Sun for a long time too..since Pure Hearts, then BOF & now TheMu. I know her by her acting only....not to mention her paintings & beautiful art works. However, I always know that this woman will come a long way.  Now, I'm beginning to know her more through her filmsbecause this comes from her true feelings & real emotions. I have read somewhere that she choses to use GHS films in Peach Tree not asking financial help from YG because she feels that if something goes wrong with the film it is only her to blame. Such a considerate person. Also she mention about sending the scripts through the actors' agency instead of handing it to the actors instead. Very professional too. You could see that she's serious with her work & does it the right way. Such a righteous woman. That's how i see her now..hardworking, honest, very professional ...a lot of integrity, dependable, very responsible & love for her work..HUGE. The only downside?... men will see her as "very accomplished woman":sweatingbullets:...no time for LOVE? HuHuHu ..I will pray very hard that she will meet someone that will love her for what she is..:wub: because she deserves the man that will make her very happy.:rolleyes: :wub:I'm pretty sure his prince will come to sweep her off her feet. Lots of LOVE & pure happiness for our Hye Sun!

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Thanks webby for the pics, Hyesun is so cute since she's little :)

regarding the part about handing the script, I think HS means she didn't use her personal relationship as an adv. to cast actors. Instead she did it in a formal way by sending the script to the corresponding mgt agency to see if the actors were interested to act in her movie. So the actors must be attracted by the script/ story to be willing to join her film, and not becoz they are close friends of HS to help her out. That's how I interpreted that,  I'm not sure if I am correct


The Musical OST Part 3: Soulstar - Happy


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks webby for the pics, Hyesun is so cute since she's little :)

regarding the part about handing the script, I think HS means she didn't use her personal relationship as an adv. to cast actors. Instead she did it in a formal way by sending the script to the corresponding mgt agency to see if the actors were interested to act in her movie. So the actors must be attracted by the script/ story to be willing to join her film, and not becoz they are close friends of HS to help her out. That's how I interpreted that, I'm not sure if I am correct

*quoted image*

The Musical OST Part 3: Soulstar - Happy


Hello Sunnies~

Loved all your posts..

Meow13, Yes, That is how I understood her interview about the scripts...She did not want to use any type of pressure, even the pressure of friendship, to cast actors....She believes in FREE will...

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

From what I gather at DC, it appears that many people think of Peach Tree better than they expected.

How much better and to what extent the movie can open and how well it can open still remains to be seen.

With YoSool, very few theatres opend the movie and not many fans could even find the theatres.

What is fact is that GHS seems to have a lot riding on Peach Tree and wants it to make money. I really hope so. Very much!!

There are people who also do not talk about the movie but talk about GHS only in ther reviews----when I read those type of posts, I am thinking they have nothing good to say about the movie?? So I am worried for GHS too....

Anyway, I sincerely hope for the best.

Many people left posts that OST about Peach Tree sung by Jo SeungWoo is very moving and few have requested ost of the movie. They say that many songs were composed by GHS in the movie. However, Choi In YOung still was the music director of Peach Tree as he was in YoSool and he must have arranged the music.

Anyway, THEMU epi 7 looks like fun--it seems like all THEMU workshop participants went on an amusement park outing??

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Guest hyesun4lyf

@meow...thank you for posting all those wonderful pics and the original articles.

@sue...so very grateful for doing all the translations.  You have sacrificed a lot of your time and energy to make us all here happy and enlightened and INSPIRED.  Thank you much.wub.gif

I think somewhere back in 2009 in one of GHS' in-depth interviews, she mentioned something about making decisions or choices based on "what if she died" or something.  I tried back-reading to look for it but couldn't find it anymore.  Anyways, my point is that the late Steve Jobs also was quoted for saying almost the same thing. GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE indeed.  


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I heard a lot about Steve Jobs and that he really was more than his company.


Thanks hyesun4lyf for brining his quote. It is very inspiring.

I am bad at computer and have hard time finding things~~but the interview that you are referring to about GHS is from 2009's Cosmo magazine interview. After BOF, that interview made me think that GHS is very diferent from any other entertainer that I have liked....Although many Korean articles say she is 27, actually she will be 27 on Nov 9th. So, technically, she is still 26 yo.  

Remember, her mentor the late Rep Jung Seung Hye also talked about GHS as someone as wise as a 100 yo person. Some DC members are taking what GHS said in that late interview somehwhat personally....they are saying that she still should try to look feminine as an actress and grow hair ,etc.....Some find her thoughts to be very positive and strong and good--one called her stubborn as a bull....keke

But I don't thnk they will stop being her fan----well I hope not.

While reading that interview, I also felt that steam from a fighting bull coming out of GHS....keke

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Guest hyesun4lyf

@sue...thank you once again for coming through with your great memory.  With that reference, now I can backtrack one more time...smile.gif

I really want to re-read that post because I do remember my reaction was to sit back in surprise and awe about this girl who at that age could be so deep and wise already.  I think that was the first time I truly appreciated my being a fan of someone who is more than a pretty face.  And I do remember that you also included your insights(?) and it was inspiring as well.  Are you sure you are not related to GHS...?biggrin.giftongue.gif

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Love all your posts Sunnies, it's really such an honor to discovered this wonderful young lady, how i wish meet her as a person isn't only on my dream :wub:

I think this is the pics from her last GV? :unsure:





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Sue, I understand why her fans will still want her to grow her hair and dress more feminine, we know she looks beautiful but sometimes we just want her to dress up and WOW everybody! LOL. I totally understand wanting to be comfortable and dress as she like, but because she is in entertainment there is a certain level of dress code expectations when she is at events. Every once in a while, I do want to see the gorgeous long hair Hye sun in a beautiful dress....the rest of the year she can dress however she likes! :lol:

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Hello Sunnies :)

@sue as always thanks for all the translations I really appreciate it :)

@meow thanks for the musical OST part 3 I really like this song, I think i love every song in this drama LOL :)

@hyesun4lyf thanks for the bringing Steve Jobs qoute here, what an amazing person just like GHS :)

@webby and Dewimoar thanks for the pictures I really appreciate it :)

To all the Sunnies good night for me, and when I wake up its THE Musical yeahhhhhhhhhhh so excited

BTW Saturday I'm going to The Musical call " The Wicked" anybody heard of it, I'm really excited its going to be a great weekend for me, I wish you Sunnies the same :)

Have a great day and Happy Friday and have a good weekend :)

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Guest francia1980

Hello Sunnies:)

Thank you so much for all the updates. Our thread is moving so fast.  I'm so happy for anything good happening to our BEAUTIFUL FAIRY.

Happy musical day to everyone.:)

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Guest eunhye05

@sue...thank you once again for coming through with your great memory.  With that reference, now I can backtrack one more time...*quoted image*

I really want to re-read that post because I do remember my reaction was to sit back in surprise and awe about this girl who at that age could be so deep and wise already.  I think that was the first time I truly appreciated my being a fan of someone who is more than a pretty face.  And I do remember that you also included your insights(?) and it was inspiring as well.  Are you sure you are not related to GHS...?*quoted image**quoted image*

hi hyesunlyf :D I hope you can bring the link over once you've found it. :) It would be nice to reread that amazing interview again as well. XD

We have like 837 pages worth of GHS greatness so it'll be a challenge backreading. :S goodluck! :D

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hello sunnies!! I'm back again to share my latest recap for THE MUSICAL! hope you'll enjoy reading ^_^


anyhow, through sis meow's blog and sis sue's translations, I was able to read Hye Sun's latest interview.. and I gotta say I was again captured by Hye Sun's beautiful soul.. I especially love this line: In the past, I used to think that it is fundamental and natural to have everything. But I realized that is not true. Instead I realized that those are things to be grateful for. After that realization, I became comfortable. Even if I don’t have it, I am grateful. Such a realization also made me understand that it is a way to love myself. :wub:

Hye Sun is truly an inspiration in my life.. through her words I feel like I want to strive harder doing what I love the most and be content with it.. this woman makes the world a much better place to live in.. happiness can be felt just by loving one self, and not asking for too much but instead remain grateful ^_^

good day everyone!!

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10Asia has actually run an article (in English!) on the excerpts of PT's last GV at BIFF :w00t:

BIFF 2011│Ku Hye-sun: The appeal to being a director is that you get to do everything together

Reporter : Lee Ji-Hye. 매거진팀

Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk. 사진팀

Editor : Jessica Kim. 영문뉴스팀


Director-actor Ku Hye-sun takes part in a guest  visit for her film "The Peach Tree" in Busan, South Korea on October 13,  2011. [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]     

Film festivals are about those who made movies  communicating directly with those who enjoy films -- the audience. And  many directors and actors had heated discussions with the audience at  the 16th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF). On Thursday, a day  ahead of BIFF's closing ceremony, director Ku Hye-sun met with the  audiences of her second feature "The Peach Tree." Many members of the  audience asked meaningful questions of Ku's story on the love between a  girl and Siamese twin brothers. Below are excerpts from the event.

q.gif Are any of the characters in your movie a reflection of you?

Ku Hye-sun: All of the characters in the movie are actually  reflections of me. I'm sure there are mean sides to me and warm sides to  me. Yet the personality you think I have is one that I've created for  myself while I think there are numerous sides to me within that. And I  believe I have all those sides to me. I think the dad, mom, twins and  Seung-ah are all different parts of who I am.

q.gif  You do all sorts of things including acting, writing, music composition  and drawing. But what do you think is the appeal to directing movies?

Ku: I think the largest appeal to directing films is that you get  to do everything altogether. I was never someone who was very good at a  single thing. And even when I was in school, I thought long and hard  about the career I should lead. But I think movies are a comprehensive  form of art through which I can combine all of those thoughts. And  that's why I started to direct.

q.gif  Your movie contained a lot of pretty scenes. Were there moments you  couldn't decide which scenes to go with? And had you ever considered  going with an ending that's different from what we see in the movie?

Ku: "The Peach Tree" is actually the first movie I've shot  according to its script. (laugh) And it was tough to come up with a  different conclusion because the actors did great at showing their  characters' emotions. We were also working on a very tight schedule  because this is a low-budget film which had to be shot in 23 sessions so  I didn't have choices to make. The scenes had to come out the way I  shoot them so I had to think long and hard ahead of shooting the scenes.

q.gif I think you must've paid extra attention to the casting because you're an actor yourself.

Ku: I was very lucky in terms of the casting because I got to  work with all of the actors that I wanted to. I started writing the  movie's script with the names of the actors I had in mind written on the  side, writing 'Nam Sang-mi as Park Seung-ah.' (laugh) And Cho Seung-woo  and Ryoo Duk-hwan are the first actors I had thought of as well because  they fit the image of their characters well.


Director-actor Ku Hye-sun takes part in a guest  visit for her film "The Peach Tree" in Busan, South Korea on October 13,  2011. [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]   

q.gif  The title of your movie is "The Peach Tree" and there's a line that  says the Siamese twin brothers are like peaches. What does 'peach'  signify?

Ku: The main character's name Park Seung-ah came from peach  [pronounced 'pok-soong-ah' in Korean]. I'm very simple-minded. (laugh)  And I found out that peach is the fruit that contains the most meanings.  They're supposed to chase away ghosts and signify the bonding of blood  brothers in "The Three Kingdoms." That's why I felt it would be suitable  for expressing several meanings. And they're like babies bottoms, as  well as people's faces. (laugh)

q.gif Your previous movie "Magic" and this movie as well both had two main male characters and one of them got killed.

Ku: It's not like I'm greatly curious about or interested in  death but the impact it has on the audience is big. So I wanted to share  the emotion of what it would feel like, as the one left behind, when  someone no longer exists because he dies. The emotion that is felt when  something precious to you disappears probably delivers a greater message  than 'We'll live happily ever after.' Although I'm not sure I'll have  the main male character to my next movie die. (laugh)

q.gif Your works have been like fairytales and fantasies rather than realistic. Do you plan to continue to make fantasy films?

Ku: I think fantasy is the direction I'm going for. I've even  also imagined that it would be impossible to make a film that doesn't  contain fantasy. I think that's what I'm best at doing. I'd like to  continue to make fantasy films.

Cre http://10.asiae.co.k...101319040779186

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

The Musical OST Part 3: Soulstar - Happy


Thanks for the ost.

I saw  it briefly at DC along with the words. Very pretty song. Didn't GHS act for the MV of SoulStar long ago? I think Soul Star used to be part of YG and then left....I cannot remember the mv that GHS made with Soul Star---it was another sad song back then. But his new one for THE MU is very nice.

Woah few more hours to epi 7!!

Oh~and Thank you for the GV session post from BIFF!

Love it!!

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Thanks for the ost.

I saw  it briefly at DC along with the words. Very pretty song. Didn't GHS act for the MV of SoulStar long ago? I think Soul Star used to be part of YG and then left....I cannot remember the mv that GHS made with Soul Star---it was another sad song back then. But his new one for THE MU is very nice.

Woah few more hours to epi 7!!

Oh~and Thank you for the GV session post from BIFF!

Love it!!

@Sue now don't you mention it, I remember your right GHS did MV with SoulStar and I had to search it in youtube :)

I love this MV she's so good in this MV, THANKS sue for the info

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

goddessku posted following article about Fly Again: I will just summarize certain parts.


[단독] 이하늬, '플라이 어게인' 출연 확정 '항공사 상무로 변신'==Actress Lee Hani has been confirmed for a role in Fly Again.

[티브이데일리 이예지 기자] 배우 이하늬가 SBS 새 수목드라마 ‘플라이 어게인’(극본 정나명, 연출 주동민)에 출연을 확정지었다.

14일 오후 SBS의 한 관계자는 티브이데일리에 “이하늬씨를 포함한 주연배우들이 오는 19일부터 ‘플라이 어게인’의 첫 촬영을 시작할 예정이다”라고 알렸다. Lee Hani's AGency confirmed her casting on the 14th and first filming will start on the 19th.

이에 ‘플라이 어게인’의 제작사 측은 티브이데일리와의 전화통화에서 “이하늬씨가 최근 캐스팅을 확정지었다”고 전했다.

이어 “아무래도 파일럿 이야기를 다루다보니 해외 로케이션 촬영부터 시작할 것 같다”며 “아직 정확한 촬영 스케줄은 정해지지 않았다”고 덧붙였다. There will be lots of overseas filming in the beginning, But exact dates for filming is not yet certain.

이하늬는 극중 5살 때 아빠와 나들이를 나갔다가 길을 잃어 고아가 되는 역할로 사사건건 김윤성 기장과 마찰을 빚는 항공사 상무 홍미주를 연기한다. Lee Hani's role is about a girl who grew up orphan as she lost her ways at age 5 when she went out for a walk with her father. She plays a business operation person in the drama and will have conflictual relationship with another person Kim Yoon Sung who is also a ??in the drama.

한편 ‘플라이 어게인’은 열정과 패기로 똘똘 뭉친 부조종사가 파일럿으로 성장하는 내용을 그린 작품으로 배우 구혜선, 유선, 이준 등이 출연한다. 내년 1월 4일 첫방송 될 예정. Fly Again stars GHS, Yoo Sun and Lee Jun and will air on Jan 4th at SBS.

[티브이데일리 이예지 기자 news@tvdaily.co.kr/사진=티브이데일리 DB]

No mention of any other male stars!

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Guest hyesun4lyf

Good day to all Sunnies!

The Musical Ep7 RAW is up in Dramacrazy.net. Just click here.

Here's a link (click here) to an article regarding the awards given out at the BIFF during the closing.  Spoiler alert: there's nothing regarding our lovely GHS but I bet you she had a great time there despite that technical difficulty on the first showing.

Looking forward to her new drama Fly Again.

Thanks to all who spent precious time to update this thread and to those who faithfully read all the posts.wub.gif

@eunhye05 biggrin.gifsweatingbullets.gif I'm still backtracking for that Cosmo article, my dear, but will definitely share it with you all. Yay! on to page#200...yeah.

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