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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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OMG they look so good together :D

Thanks a lot to smdrma, sue, meow, natali, first_snow for the updates^^.

Sooo happy finally the news is here and the news that first_snow has brought just make me more certain that i've pick the right idol, hyesun eonni is a great actor as well as a great person, can't ask more here :)

Best wishes to AD team, hope everything is going well and please airing soon...please :lol:

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cheerkoo...actually i am not really sure about acting...now that i think about it i kind of wish Nicholas Teo was still in it, because i have watched his acting in various dramas and he is good...i guess we will see about penny xie (i shall go see what dramas he was in)...but anyways excited because it seems we will see Hye Sun on small screen, hopefully this year...natali thanks for the pictures hye sun looks so pretty

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Thank you natali and first_snow for bringing the pics and translation of articles regarding Absolute Darling. Hyesun looks beautiful and fits "so comfortably" with Jiro. He seems like such a likable guy, smiles a lot, and as I've said before, his acting is also amazing, especially in comedic roles. I think he'll be awesome in this role, and all of this maybe was just meant to be. I've seen dramas loaded with top notch actors that didn't quite hit the mark, while other smaller scale dramas with lesser known actors that knocked my socks off. You never know what the end product will be. For me, I'm such a fan of Hyesun and her work that I don't really care who her co-stars are. She has never disappointed me. I'm not too familiar with Penny Xie so I went to google him and one thing is for sure - he's very handsome - 2 years older than Hyesun, is in a group called Energy and has quite a few dramas under his belt. Looks like he is quite a talent in his own right and I think he'll be great in the role as her boss. Like most of you, I'm soooo looking forward to Absolute Darling. Being that her two male leads are both actors and into music just as she is, I think Hyesun will definitely enjoy herself with this cast. Thanks again Sunnies for all your hard work in bringing us the news from Taiwan!!! ;)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

To ALL Sunnies!

Thank you and Thank you and Thank you!!!!

We ALL pray for Absolute Darling's  DAE BOK and hoping that it will air DEFINITELY this year!!!!

Thanks again!!! :D

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My translation may be not good, meow correct me if I got it wrong or I missed out some important points :)

Jiro replaced WuZun as the main cast in Absolute Darling

WuZun dropped out from Absolute Darling, Jiro replaced WuZun, representative from GTV said that Jiro accepted the offer with the heart of gratitude (I guess GTV gave a lot of chances to Jiro to act in drama before this?) and criticizes WuZun lack of morality because he just pull off himself without concerning the others.

Last year September, WuZun and Ku Hyesun attended the press con of Absolute Darling. However, WuZun revealed that he is not suitable to act in a drama remake from manga anymore. He said that the script and the character as a robot do not suit him, he wanted to act in movies for the second half of the year, thus he pull off himself from the cast.

I think that's a BALONEY excuse!!! shouldn't he think of it ahead of time instead of waiting until the last minute?

I see people changing their minds all the time which is fine if that's how you are...but dont be throwing that kind of excuses out there... we might be born at night but not last night. hello!!! just my 2 cents

anyway, his lost..hehehe...thanks for the pictures guys!!!! Jiro and GHS are sooooooooo cute!!!!!

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So happy to hear AD news lately :wub: ...But seems that Koo will have the same short hair again in this drama..

Their pics..looked a little bit awkward lol

Hope they will closer after some episodes ^^

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When GHS was asked to compare between JIRO and WU ZHUN she didn't have any bad things to say about WZ that proved to us what a really beautiful person she is in and out!!! LET US ALL PRAY THAT THIS DRAMA WOULD BE ANOTHER BIG HIT DRAMA FOR HER!


Subject: Jiro will star in absolute darling Yesterday at 6:48 pm

Please change the title if necessary.


This roughly says that Jiro Wang has replaced Wu Chun in the drama "Absolute Darling". Goo-Hye-Sun says "Wu Chun is so quiet while on the other side, Da Dong is so lively, they are completely different types". She also reveals that Jiro, who is playing the robot will have a large number of nude shots, and the media should take the benefit of good ratings. When asked who would be better in playing those shots, she replied that she cannot compare as she has not seen both of them in that scene yet.

I hope somebody can translate this properly.

Source: http://t.sina.com.cn/jizirong

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When GHS was asked to compare between JIRO and WU ZHUN she didn't have any bad things to say about WZ that proved to us what a really beautiful person she is in and out!!! LET US ALL PRAY THAT THIS DRAMA WOULD BE ANOTHER BIG HIT DRAMA FOR HER!



Subject: Jiro will star in absolute darling   Yesterday at 6:48 pm   

Please change the title if necessary.


This roughly says that Jiro Wang has replaced Wu Chun in the drama "Absolute Darling". Goo-Hye-Sun says "Wu Chun is so quiet while on the other side, Da Dong is so lively, they are completely different types". She also reveals that Jiro, who is playing the robot will have a large number of nude shots, and the media should take the benefit of good ratings. When asked who would be better in playing those shots, she replied that she cannot compare as she has not seen both of them in that scene yet.

I hope somebody can translate this properly.

Source: http://t.sina.com.cn/jizirong

Thanks prettywiz, :) True that Hyesun is a beautiful person inside out~

[2011/05/03UDN] When Ku Hye Sun firs accepted AD, the male lead was Wu Chun. And now it becomes Jiro Wang, she responded, "Wu Chun is a quiet person and talk a little, while Jiro is very cheerful & energetic. They are two different kind of persons" The male lead of AD is a robot, who would have lots of nude scenes, Ku was asked to comment about WC's & Jiro's bodies. She said, " Since I have seen that, I can't compare that at all"

note: Da Dong is acually the nickname of Jiro ;)

the original source of the above article: UDN

I won't translate the rest of the article since it all  talks about the rumor and previous translation by first_snow has covered HS's response aleady

Jiro has just updated his weibo too


Jiro Wang: In next few months,I will be seeing you all in this style. I am Robot No.1 Nate

May 4, 2011 01:29

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It was such a delight to know that AD is in progress now. I'm glad that Jiro willingly accept the role and I admire Hye-sun even more for her loyalty on the project. I can only wish all the best for this drama. I hope it becomes a hit throughout Asia.

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Guest minjee

Ah Finally some updates on AD especially they release pics of jiro and Hyesun together! It sure will be interesting to see their on screen chemistry...I was :( Nicholas Tse is not casted anymore but it's ok as long as we get to watch her back on our tv screens it's all good!! :D I know it's not really related but FINALLY! Hyesun's sunbae/mentor "Jo In Sung" was discharged from the army today! :D Even if Hyesun is in Taiwan right now I would love to see her work with him again and not just on CF. :P thanks to all SUNNIES for the updates!~!! :D :D :D. @jazz thanks hahaha I accidentally wrote Wuzun instead of jiro ehehehe oops >_<

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Ah Finally some updates on AD especially they release pics of Wu Zun and Hyesun together! It sure will be interesting to see their on screen chemistry...I was  Nicholas Tse is not casted anymore but it's ok as long as we get to watch her back on our tv screens it's all good!!  I know it's not really related but FINALLY! Hyesun's sunbae/mentor "Jo In Sung" was discharged from the army today!  Even if Hyesun is in Taiwan right now I would love to see her work with him again and not just on CF.  thanks to all SUNNIES for the updates!~!!  

Hello Sunnies .. :)

@ minjee ~  sorry to cut your post.. You're right, we're all happy that AD is now in progress but it's Jiro Wang and Hye Sun's pics. Sorry to correct you :)  Since JIS is  now discharged I'm also hoping like you to see them in a drama or CF again coz we've allready seen their chemistry. :)

Sorry to my MinSun sisters, kekeke.:) 

Thanks to all Sunnies for the update :)

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It was such a delight to know that AD is in progress now. I'm glad that Jiro willingly accept the role and I admire Hye-sun even more for her loyalty on the project. I can only wish all the best for this drama. I hope it becomes a hit throughout Asia.

Yes...hope it will be a hit and Wu Zhun regret it lol...kidding.... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

It seems that the rumor about GHS being the cause of Suh TaeJi and LeeJiah's divorce seem to be increasing in Kroea. Even though YG has denied the rumor, it does not seem to be dwindling . DC is talking about their anger and frustration as to how to deal with it.

Go figure,!!!??!! As GHS said in her interview in Taiwan,,,,it is absurd...

In the meantime, I had been searching for a good drama to watch since BOF ended. I am so weird. haha..Nothing held my short attention span for long. .But, I am so glad that I found 49Days . I only decided to watch it because of the male lead Jo HYunJae as he once worked with GHS in Ballad of Suh Dong long ago. When Jo enlisted, GHS and the other cast members, Lee BoYoung and RYu Jin went to visit Jo in the army possibly more than one time, according to the news articles from that time. They must all been close---GHS was only a supporting character of that drama but she still must have been close to the main cast members because she went with them to visit JoHyunJae.  And, what is more, GHS and LeeBoYoung  have maintained friendship until now as they were seen together at CafeManolin once along with Nam SangMi on the same day.

Anway, if any of you are watching 49 Days, I am just thoroughly hooked on the story itself....so well written---kind of fantasy story that GHS, I think, would love as well......haha.......just sharing.

Also, I saw this clip of GHS being interviewed when she was making that soju CF most likely around 2006 or 2007. ..All thanks to Thuhang!!  GHS became even a bigger star through her role in Pure Heart of 19, as we all know. I don't have the time to translate now but I am rediscovering GHS and why she was meant to be an artistic director and writer and etc. When I translated this interview long time ago,  I was her new fan and did not know GHS that much. I did not really think that much of her in that interview. But knowing as much as we do now of her and re-viewing her old clip. I find her to be just as shy, but so down to earth and so honest,,,being just herself no matter what. I laughed a lot and enjoyed it double. 

Just to point out why I enjoyed it,,

@2:19, the reporter asks her about her interest. GHS says:  I like to just be still. (I could see one of many reasons why GHS is considered 4-D in the Korean entertainment industry--haha).

Then, GHS continues to say: I like to just sit and think, like what will I do tomorrow,,,who am I today. 

(You can hear the laughter in the background from all the other mc's and reporters listening into the interview.   Would you have taken GHS seriously when she said that at that time, not knowing anything about her today?  I did not.  Why would a pretty and popular actress in her early 20's think or say such a thing? That's what I thought before...I thought she must be joking or being just cutesy.....)

@3:20 GHS says that she enjoys drinking alone. It is not that I drink a lot, but it is a time that I may have for myself to think about things. Then the reporter Yoo asked her what does she think about at that time.

GHS says, ..like who am I today...

(laughter again breaks out loud in the background) They are commenting that GHS is unique/philosophically inclined. This is where GHS is also asked to have drinks with the famous mc/comedian/philosopher/collge lecturer, Kim JaeDong who was also an mc in that show.  GHS also thought Kim to be such an intellectual...(When GHS said KIm JaeDong is a highly intellectual person...it reminded me of her comment about WuZon. She also thought of WZ as very intellectual...I don't know why but it did not give me a good feeling..an indigestion... dry.gif ...haha


PS: ,minjee, thanks for the news that Jo InSung has been discharged from the air force. :D

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Also, I saw this clip of GHS being interviewed when she was making that soju CF most likely around 2006 or 2007. ..All thanks to Thuhang!!  GHS became even a bigger star through her role in Pure Heart of 19, as we all know. I don't have the time to translate now but I am rediscovering GHS and why she was meant to be an artistic director and writer and etc. When I translated this interview long time ago,  I was her new fan and did not know GHS that much. I did not really think that much of her in that interview. But knowing as much as we do now of her and re-viewing her old clip. I find her to be just as shy, but so down to earth and so honest,,,being just herself no matter what. I laughed a lot and enjoyed it double. 

Just to point out why I enjoyed it,,

@2:19, the reporter asks her about her interest. GHS says:  I like to just be still. (I could see one of many reasons why GHS is considered 4-D in the Korean entertainment industry--haha).

Then, GHS continues to say: I like to just sit and think, like what will I do tomorrow,,,who am I today. 

(You can hear the laughter in the background from all the other mc's and reporters listening into the interview.   Would you have taken GHS seriously when she said that at that time, not knowing anything about her today?  I did not.  Why would a pretty and popular actress in her early 20's think or say such a thing? That's what I thought before...I thought she must be joking or being just cutesy.....)

@3:20 GHS says that she enjoys drinking alone. It is not that I drink a lot, but it is a time that I may have for myself to think about things. Then the reporter Yoo asked her what does she think about at that time.

GHS says, ..like who am I today...

(laughter again breaks out loud in the background) They are commenting that GHS is unique/philosophically inclined. This is where GHS is also asked to have drinks with the famous mc/comedian/philosopher/collge lecturer, Kim JaeDong who was also an mc in that show.  GHS also thought Kim to be such an intellectual...(When GHS said KIm JaeDong is a highly intellectual person...it reminded me of her comment about WuZon. She also thought of WZ as very intellectual...I don't know why but it did not give me a good feeling..an indigestion... *quoted image* ...haha


PS: ,minjee, thanks for the news that Jo InSung has been discharged from the air force. :D

Sue Thanks for your GSH Interview' trans ! I posted your trans into my clip hihi



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Hi There Again Sunnies! Just wanted to comment on Sue's latest post. I agree! While waiting for any one of Hyesun's dramas to air, I've been watching some other ones and WOW, I fell in love with 49 Days. For those of you who have yet to experience this drama, it's really worth watching!! The plot in riveting, has lots of twists and turns, has the unrequited love story, and an amazing cast. Once I started, I couldn't stop watching! What's interesting is from the 49 days cast, Hyesun has acted with Jo Hyun Jae (Ballad of Suh Dong), Jung Il Woo (CF for skin care - forgot the brand, and of course best friend of Lee Minho), and I believe she is friends with Jung Yup from Brown Eyed Soul who sings the main song There Was Nothing from the 49 days OST. This song is just beautiful! I also loved his song Nothing Better, and if you remember, Hyesun was a guest on his radio show recently. Although she's said she doesn't have many close friends in the industry, I think in reality she does, maybe just is not able to see them very often with her busy schedule. After AD, I'd love to see her in a real "meaty" role like Lee Yo Won's in 49 Days. Have a great weekend everyone! B)

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Guest smdrma










구혜선 필름 장소 협찬 '복숭아 나무' 촬영 스케치


구혜선 필름 장소 협찬 촬영스케치 2탄


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Guest minjee

no problem sue~~~ ;) I know u also like Jo In Sung too and many SUNNIES would love to see him work with her in the future again! :D Like you, I've also been watching "49 days" at the start because it was Jung IL Woo's comeback drama but as I watch it I've become more interested in it more because of the storyline! :D it's fascinating :D Anyway since Absolute Darling is in progress I found a great fanvid of Goo Hye Sun and Jiro Wang! It is like a trailer for "Absolute Darling" made by april/twinkleapril~~ dongseng~ you've done great job!!! so all SUNNIES must check out the video! thanks smdrama for new pics of Hyesun! ;)

"Absolute Darling "GHS and Jiro Wang"


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Ah Finally some updates on AD especially they release pics of jiro and Hyesun together! It sure will be interesting to see their on screen chemistry...I was :( Nicholas Tse is not casted anymore but it's ok as long as we get to watch her back on our tv screens it's all good!! :D I know it's not really related but FINALLY! Hyesun's sunbae/mentor "Jo In Sung" was discharged from the army today! :D Even if Hyesun is in Taiwan right now I would love to see her work with him again and not just on CF. :P thanks to all SUNNIES for the updates!~!! :D :D :D. @jazz thanks hahaha I accidentally wrote Wuzun instead of jiro ehehehe oops >_<

wow me too, am one of those fan who love and dying to see to have a project not only on cf but most esp in drama.. they have this strong chemistry in screen..

really miss jo in seong....

cant wait.... lets cross our fingers


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@hello sunnies :)

@sue yes 49 days is awesome :)

@minjee same here i was watching it because of Jung Il Woo such a cutie :w00t: and thanks for the youtube link twinkleapril did a really great job :)

Thanks sunnies for all the pictures, translation and youtube link I really appreciate them :)

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